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How does Guild Wars 2 not even make top 100 games of all time?!?!

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Game Journos are trash. Their opinion do not matter, and I am shock why so many people hold their opinion in high regards with they constantly get it wrong.

A gw2 example, the journos hated HOT, but loved POF. Now tell me which expac has had more legs. Generally, game journos have bad opinions, and when you look into them, they tend to be garbage people behind the scenes.

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17 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Game Journos are trash. Their opinion do not matter, and I am shock why so many people hold their opinion in high regards with they constantly get it wrong.

A gw2 example, the journos hated HOT, but loved POF. Now tell me which expac has had more legs. Generally, game journos have bad opinions, and when you look into them, they tend to be garbage people behind the scenes.

When those expansions were first released a lot of fans had the same opinion. I suspect a lot still do and have just gotten quieter about how much they dislike HoT since it became apparent (when PoF was released) that harder and more complicated maps focused mainly around 1 big meta event weren't the entire future of the game.

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I mean, SWG wasn't on the list so I doubt another niche MMO like GW2 was going to be on the list.

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Edited by entrailsgalore.4150
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I think lists like these are only good as one way to find new games you might want to play. Of course no one will like all of them, but if one seems interesting the fact that it made it onto someone's best of all time list means it might be worth a look.

For example I've heard of Journey before but dismissed it as something too small and minimalist to be something I'd enjoy, but seeing it on lists like this makes me think I should reconsider. I'm not going to buy a game just because it's on a list like this, but it's another piece of information to consider.

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I think the list is biased but here jut the most sold https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_video_games

MMO aren't this successful the reason is their forever game concept and their tendency to focus on hardcore content.


What I also can say to this while Gw2 was extremely hyped at the start after HoT it ended up out of the public picture(no big youtube channel talked about after it)


What I also noticed a lot of MMO which started as a failure made their way back and up like ESO, FF14 even Fallout 76 because they know their weakness and worked on it

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Guild Wars 2

With a storyline that reacts to the player’s actions, Guild Wars 2’s narrative is unique by MMORPG standards. Instead of traditional quests, players encounter dynamic events that pop up around the game world. Likewise, there are multiple paths to completion for each of these encounters, and intentional or not, your actions in Guild Wars 2 will have consequences.

For example, defending a town from a group of rampaging ogres might cause them to return with deadlier weapons or seek out refuge in a nearby cave – you will have to deal with the fallout of these events, whether that means repelling a stronger attack or hunting down and killing the remaining ogres. The result is a free MMO with the questing diversity of one of the best RPGs of all time: what’s not to love?

Personally, I don't need some gamer "gentleman's" magazine to validate my choice of games but there is plenty of praise for GW2 out there, if you need to hear it.

Edited by Chichimec.9364
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Guild Wars 2 has always sat firmly in the shadow of World of Warcraft, but now, after a decade of expansion and evolution, it's easy to see why ArenaNet's MMORPG has remained so popular. There's a depth and scale to its design that remains impressive to this day, regardless of whether you're coming in for the dynamic living world which reflects your actions or the diverse story campaigns that'll keep you busy for hours on end. Guild Wars 2 is an MMO built around discovery and exploration, and what's impressive is that ArenaNet hasn't allowed it to crumble beneath a bloat of content – this is a refined RPG that respects your time, energy, and attention. 


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On 5/10/2023 at 5:03 PM, Solomon Darkfury.3729 said:

roflmao - the site the OP linked also has an article on the best male kitten toys. I ain't gonna say more than that, nor am I gonna link that particular article, since I don't wanna get kicked from the forum. I do gotta say though, I'm not about to take GQ's gaming advice at all seriously now.  🤣

Edited by Chichimec.9364
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On 5/10/2023 at 7:16 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

List is... weird indeed. Just offhand, Fallout: NV and Fallout 3, but no Fallout 1 and 2, for a most extreme example? WoW as the only blizzard game mentioned (with Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo titles seemingly left out or forgotten)? A number of games that probably should not be there, but several veeery iconic games missing too. And the qualifications of being on the list are heavily inconsistent, with some  games being there for being iconic, some for being controversial, some for truly being masterpieces that (re)defined a genre, but some just for being recent and having some decent press.


I also think this list is very off. Why are random games in a series chosen when others are left off? (e.g., Why are Morrowind and Skyrim listed but Oblivion isn't, even though it was extremely popular and is getting a remake?) How are giant MMOs like Runescape or Everquest not anywhere on this list even though they are pretty much everyone's first MMOs and pretty much every gamer in the world has at least heard of them, while niche games like Chrono Trigger rank in the 30s or 40s? (I love the game, but no way is that in the top 30s or 40s for the majority of gamers). Tetris as #3, seriously? (I forgot that's even a video game) Why not put games like Candy Crush or Farmville on the list, they're just as popular in modern times and have a ton of spinoffs?

I do agree that GW1/2 should be on the list for their longstanding MMO statuses (How many other MMOs last 10+years?), but probably aren't due to marketing. Whenever I mention I play them to people irl, they've never heard of them. Definitely blame poor marketing on that one, which GW is notorious about, with poor decisions like releasing trailers the week or day before seasons or expacs launch and partnering with rando companies like Kung Fu Tea and Quiznos that most people have never been to or heard of.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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Yeah, i agree that the list is rubbish... i hate that "popularity" is the definition of "greatness" for a lot of these lists. (while the Honda Accord might be the most bought car in the USA, it's by far NOT the greatest car in the USA._ games should be ranked by how good (including whether or not they are complete, polished, fun, interesting, has pleasant surprises that make sense, etc) they are, not by how many people have heard of them.

1) as much as i liked Ocarina of Time, it wasn't complete, and the second half suffered because of the cut content due to lack of space on the cartridge. that doesn't DQ it form being on the list though.

2) Skyrim also suffered from cut content... such as the watered down Civil War, a lot of voiced dialogue, and sidequests. Also not DQ'd

3) Super Metroid should be a lot higher on any list because of how complete a game it was. and that you had to make the choice of finding everything or finding fewer items to make the game harder. plus the ability to combine weapons, and the hidden abilities (such as detonating a power bomb to replenish "health", or the famous bomb jump chaining to reach massive heights.) it's system of new unlocked abilities allowing additional exploration in both new and already visited areas has influenced many games since then. Including GW2's own mastery system, starting in HoT (like gliding, bouncing mushrooms, poison masteries all allowing further exploration into previously unreachable areas.) PoF (mounts allowing further / easier exploration), and EoD (jade bot ziplines offering shortcuts)

4) i certainly won't comment on every game on that list... to mis/quote Forest Gump. "I'm pretty tired... Think i'll go home home, now."

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The only omission that I find incredibly hard to believe is EverQuest - especially when FFXIV is on that list.


Beyond that, any "All Times" game list is going to factor in games from every platform across decades of time.


I don't think there was any Unreal Tournament titles on the list either, which I find odd.


Greatest of all time lists are best done by genre... but honestly I still think Guild Wars two would struggle to crack the top 5 in an MMO Genre list with EQ, WoW, DAoC, FFXIV and some of the classics that basically defined the genre in contention.


Regardless of what game you prefer today, it's really impossible to argue that GW2 has had a bigger impact in gaming than any of those titles.  That's really what GOAT listings are about.  Impact on the industry and within genre segments, not how popular a game may or may not have been in a single small slice of history.

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I think any game that has enough content that players will happily sink thousands of hours into it is clearly a good candidate for a top X of all time list - there is actually a fraction of 1% of games in this category..  GW2 impact is also significant but very subtle, it was arguably the first AAA Fantasy MMORPG that has evolved past the gear treadmill style MMORP and no pay to win and thrived.


GW2 also

- Created the first AAA quality mmorpg that had no sub and no pay to win to substitute.  At the time many doubted this model would even sustain the game.

- Really cracked the toxicity issues by building on the GW1 approach of being horizontal and collection /skin based that is not open world PVP based.  This was massive, people forget at the time of GW2 release we had WOW, RIFT and a few others all where you had to schedule time to simply keep up with the power curve.

- In addition to the above, over time skills and weapons have grown horizontally.  Compare to games like WOW where every year there is a major reset as the game attempts repeatedly to workaround the power curve issues that vertical games have.

- Shared nodes in world, dynamic events.  There are still events running today that people were playing 10 years ago and still play today.  Other games have this, but generally they have a short lifecycvle because of the power curve issues not present in GW2.

- No performance issues, no server down time, everything just works.  Checkout ESO if you want to see how other MMORPG struggle with performance,


Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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On 5/12/2023 at 5:30 PM, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

I think any game that has enough content that players will happily sink thousands of hours into it is clearly a good candidate for a top X of all time list - there is actually a fraction of 1% of games in this category..  GW2 impact is also significant but very subtle, it was arguably the first AAA Fantasy MMORPG that has evolved past the gear treadmill style MMORP and no pay to win and thrived.


I agree that time can be an indicator for how much someone likes a game, but I don't think you can use the same measurements for all games.

I 'only' played Lost Words: Beyond the Page for about 10 hours, but in that time I completed the game 4 times and 2 of those were 100% completions. I love the game but I'm never going to come close to the time I've spent on other games because it's - by design - very short and normally I like huge games. (I've spent more than 10 hours on Tears of the Kingdom and barely started.)

Also time can be a complicated measure. I've spent more time than I care to think about grinding levels in Pokemon games and it certainly increased the time I spent playing them but I wouldn't say it made me like the games more. I suppose it shows I liked the rest of the game enough to put up with doing that but given the choice I'd still have skipped the grinding and finished more quickly.

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Active but casual player here.

Why would GW2 be there if GW1 isn't? What did GW2 contribute to the general gaming community that most other games of the same genre have adapted?

I am not saying the list is fine or perfect, but GW2, no matter how much fun it is, will not cut it here. Best games of ALL TIME.

Tetris, Flappy Bird, Angry Birds are harder and more challenging than meta bosses. lol.

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Creating a a top 100 list is highly subjetive, specially when you don't use objetive criteria. Anyone can make its own list and put whatever game on it.


That said, GW2 is not that popular. Outside the mmorpg niche, hardly anyone knows this game. Doesn't help that  GW2 is also not very good at marketing...

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