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June 9 – June 23 World Restructuring Beta

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29 minutes ago, blp.3489 said:

While I understand your point, I really hope that anet is distributing the guilds evenly between worlds and only using individual players to even things out after all the guilds are placed.  It's hard to imagine anyone writing an algorithm that would create a world made up exclusively of individual players.

It was an extreme case to highlight the issue that numbers should not be the only variable to determine how to balance each realm.

Two guilds of 50 players each are not equal: say one guild is hardcore, comped, disciplined and experienced in WvW and another guild is a casual PvX family-friendly guild. Both cannot be considered equal for the purpose of WvW balance just because they are 50 players each.

Edited by Meva.8327
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4 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

While Anet has previously indicated they could weigh alliances/guild/individual players to make better coverage, these betas probably have exactly none of that.

So the criteria is... it's random in order to form roughly the same sized teams. 

But something that should come as a shock to absolutely no one, same size does not necessarily mean same strength. Just a few dedicated guilds can make a TON of difference. That's what the 1 up 1 down tier based matchup system is supposed to handle - which is something that take like 4 weeks to start to settle even in normal link WvW.

whilst it's easy for us players to sit here and say it's really unbalanced i absolutely do not envy anet for trying to balance it.  

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7 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Then coming to the forums to complain about queues when it's also the new players(like you) who are coming to wvw to get the wxp bonus and further clogging up the queues. Queues have been a normal thing for wvw since day one, and will always be present in wvw for as long as it continues in this four map system, get use to it, and maybe even thankful your world has enough on all the maps and not getting outnumbered. This is also why the fifth map of EOTM was created, to provide a space to play until your queue pops.

This is exactly it , seems no matter when I join wvw (time of day) during this crappy beta I have that stupid outnumbered buff on me which says everything I need to say....

Edited by JadeX.1265
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On 5/31/2023 at 1:01 AM, RedNuii.5680 said:

What updates are you talking about? The mode is finished. It's PvP, balance patches and elite specs are your content. League of legends doesn't add anything else than balance and characters to their game. They don't even add maps. What else do you want??

make pvp level actually matter?😭

i'm literally pvp level 650 something and it doesn't matter one bit.

unlike the wvw level, you actually get decent stuff linked to your level.

also ascended shard of glory...like need better rewards, other than ascended gear...

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Keep the accelerated reward and rank tracks. I've seen a few new players asking questions in squad chats and stuff. 

I think long term the best to hope for is bandaids. Find a way so that new players can keep up with a zerg until they get more comfortable. Maybe increase HP pools so if they get caught by roamers they don't get downed in 3 seconds. These are unpopular things for current WvW players so I would be careful not to overdo it but I think it's something that needs to be done.

Rewards to entice people and give them a feeling they're doing something meaningful and not routinely getting farmed by zergs and roamers. If there is any way for example to get a stat panel after death to see what killed them that might be helpful. A preview panel so they can see what that skill looks like might be helpful.

I just don't know if the resources are there to do those things though.

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On 6/9/2023 at 10:50 PM, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

My roommate and I logged in to do some WvW dailies and a bit of duo-roaming tonight. Neither of us have guilds.  We grouped up, queued up, then jumped into WvW w/in 1 min of each other... and wound up in different maps.  Come to find out we were assigned to different teams.  We were bummed we couldn't hop maps/teams and play w/ each other (unless there was something we missed, but we didn't see a way).

Wound up a sucky solo roaming experience for me, too, as everyone else seemed to be in groups/zergs.

edit: oh yeah, and while I was in the queue for WvW, I couldn't use my Home Portal Stone.  Got a weird error (InstanceCreate Failed. Error=1036; Product=9; Module=18; Line=624).  Not sure if that's a known issue, as I've never before tried using it while in queue (WvW queues aren't usually so large).


Same here, we are in the same guild, same server and we were even in a group and still ended up as 'enemies'.  Been trying to show my friend how wvw works, didn't happen today.  😞    I Don't like that random splitting at all.

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57 minutes ago, Image.8630 said:

Same here, we are in the same guild, same server and we were even in a group and still ended up as 'enemies'.  Been trying to show my friend how wvw works, didn't happen today.  😞    I Don't like that random splitting at all.

Did you both select the same guild as your “WvW guild” before Thursday?  This is not the same thing as the guild you are “representing”. 
There seems to be some confusion with some people saying they didn’t end up on the same team as their “friend, guildie, servermate, etc.”; none of which matters for the purpose of assigning a team in this beta. The only thing that matters is what guild you selected as your “WvW guild”. 

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39 minutes ago, Johje Holan.4607 said:

Did you both select the same guild as your “WvW guild” before Thursday?  This is not the same thing as the guild you are “representing”. 
There seems to be some confusion with some people saying they didn’t end up on the same team as their “friend, guildie, servermate, etc.”; none of which matters for the purpose of assigning a team in this beta. The only thing that matters is what guild you selected as your “WvW guild”. 

tks for answer but I have no clue what you are talking about.  Select what, where ?  Never heard of any of this.  Mostly I do wvw when part of daily and mainly just to get Gift of Battle.

Just relog in game and found under WvW World Restructuring Beta that I was assigned to 1 of the 3 'team'.   I will check with my friends and guildy to pass on the info.  Tks again.    An email should have been sent to all players for such a change.

Edited by Image.8630
added info
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55 minutes ago, Johje Holan.4607 said:

Did you both select the same guild as your “WvW guild” before Thursday?  This is not the same thing as the guild you are “representing”.

Unfortunately, that "select your guild for WvW beta" feature did not work at all the whole week prior to beta.

Every time I pressed B to open the WvW menu, selected a guild, closed menu and reopened it my selection disappeared.

Every log on my selection disappeared.

Even 5 minutes before the beta started, my selection disappeared.

Therefore, we cannot blame the guild splitting to people not aware of how to do the WvW beta guild selection. It was a buggy beta even before it started, as it has been a perfect pattern of bugs for years.

EDIT: Not that the buggy beta got better after it started. I have been disconnected 3 times a day minimum since Friday.

Edited by Meva.8327
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I gave the restructuring another chance tonight. Pure bedlam! Chickens running around chasing their own heads. Others (like me) trying to work out a new map cos of the load, cos I usually play just the two, EBG and Alpine. No cohesion, no identity, nothing to fight for. The beta blurb talks about forthcoming guild alliances. But for who? JUst strong guilds who specialize in wvw? I am really not enjoying this much. Just a lone voice in the darkness but I am sitting out wvw until after the dust has settled

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My experience this weekend wasn't too bad overall.

The start of the weekend was a mess though. I'm assuming there were a lot of newer players. Which is a good thing. But seeing basic catapults get dropped at gates and actually get built and used to try and break in...I had to shake my head.
But by Saturday night the hiccups like that seemed to pass. It's been a mostly decent to good experience.

I don't particularly like not knowing anyone I'm grouped with. But being a mostly solo player, that's fine I suppose. The WvW guild selection did seem extremely glitchy coming up to the test so I don't think my  guild selection was used.
I'm not sure what the point of this test is overall. Very few I've talked to seem happy with WvW right now.
The reward track and WvW XP bonuses are really nice though,. So that's something.

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I almost wonder if there should be some sort of WvW tutorial.  I have no idea how it would work, but there is probably a bit that should be explained for new players.

Otherwise, there will always be the problem, that if Anet does something that brings a lot of new players in (or ideally, a constant stream of new players), those new players will do things that annoy the vets (and can actually be detrimental, like using limited supply for something of no value). 


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1 hour ago, Solvar.7953 said:

I almost wonder if there should be some sort of WvW tutorial.  I have no idea how it would work, but there is probably a bit that should be explained for new players.

I think the GW2 wiki has excellent info: link here ... but I know almost nobody reads.

The TLDR version for new players, hoping it helps: once you are in, find the coloured dorito or cat symbol in the map or minimap: that is the "commander" of the moment (they rotate and change). Either just follow the commander or ask them to join their squad: I recommend just following because, as a new player, I doubt you know the "jargon" and run "meta builds".

Actually, your dilemma is exactly why the beta alliances are a mess. The "ANet algorithm" seems to match X guilds in red vs Y guilds in green vs Z guilds in blue, then adds guildless players to get the same amount of players per WvW server: let us say 400 players in all three teams.

However, 50 players in a single WvW guild from a tier 1 server (e.g. Maguuma, BlackGate, Fort Aspenwood, etc) are definitely NOT EQUAL to 50 guildless players who have no idea how WvW works (esp. those without PvP experience).

If I was to do the matching algorithm, I would have selected tiers based on WvW prowess of guilds and personal rank, so there is a real challenge at the top of the Olympus.

On the other hand, I would have left all new players in a special match for themselves, where everyone has room to learn on the fly and mistakes are not unforgiving.

As it is, matching a PVE solo player vs a high-ranked solo player (aka roamer), or throwing a group of PVE players against a WvW guild (aka boonball) is NOT fun at all.

Edited by Meva.8327
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our "server" this week was masivelly outnumbered (had outnumbered buff) most hours so far, but maybe this was made to test relink feature. still not best experience.

But another problem - it appears my guild has over hundred players who chose it as "wvw guild", while less then 40-30 show up. "wvw guild" status did not reset since last beta, so old players who took break or could not show up in other ways count. these numbers are counted to determine server size, which bloated nominal server numbers.

I hope this will be fixed as i dont believe anet wants guilds to kick players who might want to come back to game later.

other than that was only bug not showing correct names of maps in wvw map selection menu. also, skill lag when big numbers are on map, even with good ping.

Edited by Polar.8634
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,Most of the complaining I've seen in game has been outside of prime time from players on servers who didn't represent the guilds they often followed in off hours.   Now they can't plow over everyone in the off hours as easily

The queues were rough the first couple days and EBG has seen very large queues for half the day due to the guaranteed pug squad action made worse by some guilds trying to farm easy bags.  I'm curious to see how week two will play out as novelty wears off

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Had good fun playing this evening, bonus to rewards is nice though it really should just be kept this way. It's not as if the game mode really shits rewards on you, and the current bonus isn't so crazy that people would join purely to farm like Edge of the Mists. By the way, was Warclaw always this easy to obtain? I thought the gold sink used to be higher. Not that I am complaining.

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I've been enjoying this WvW beta for what it's worth.  I had some initial crashing but it seemed to clear up.  The new rewards are nice and there's been some decent action over the weekend.  Late weekdays things have died down, but that's to expected.  I don't have any complaints about the matchmaking that I've seen, but I'm sure ANet is looking at the data and seeing where issues are cropping up. 

I do wish the new WvW vendor offered more goods that didn't require Skirmish Claim tickets which are the real time-gate currency.  I have thousands of Badges of Honor but I can't spend those unless I also use up the far rarer tickets. 

On 6/12/2023 at 8:22 PM, Solvar.7953 said:

I almost wonder if there should be some sort of WvW tutorial.  I have no idea how it would work, but there is probably a bit that should be explained for new players.

Tutorials have always been lacking from ArenaNet in every aspect of the game, not just WvW.  They have been trying to fix this problem, but GW2 has historically relied far too heavily on their customers keeping the wiki updated and the game is still suffering from years without adequate in-game explanations (Which does make for amusing Youtube videos from streamers like Preach who follow the common gamer belief that a game should explain itself, not require outside reading/homework).  

New players just have to hope they have the time to figure out what is a very fun game mode and put up with the lack of explanation of mechanics.  And more experienced players have to be patient answering the same questions repeatedly (if they're actually asked).  

Edited by DoctorOverlord.8620
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12 hours ago, Saepio.7980 said:

This Beta sucks, playing in OCX time at least my old world server had some presence during my prime, now it is a wasteland with the one faction running a blob that dominates all the maps for at least 6 hours a night.


Total failure.

For some reason being on the loosing side seem to be a very common cause for calling the beta a failure despite the inevitable fact that a third of the team will loose, a third will come 2nd place and a third will win. 


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On 5/30/2023 at 2:09 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Heads up! The next beta event for WvW World Restructuring begins on Friday, June 9 at each region’s respective weekly WvW reset, and concludes on June 23. You can learn more about the system here.

To celebrate the beta, a WvW bonus experience event will be active for the duration of the event (100% bonus to World Experience, a 25% bonus to reward-track progress, and a 50% bonus to magic find). Additionally, completing the beta event achievement will allow you to unlock a War Machine weapon skin of your choice.  

To participate, you’ll need to select your preferred WvW guild through the guild menu before midnight Pacific Time (UTC-7) on June 8. 

We’ll be back on June 6 with additional information – we just wanted to give you early notice that this event is coming!

(NOTE: Here's the additional information as promised! )

To clarify how this works as we approach the start of beta: The guild you choose this Thursday, June 8, will define your team matchmaking for the two-week duration of the beta. You will be part of that team for both weeks, even when the matchup changes at the following reset. Leaving or changing your battle guild will not change your team during the beta. (This functions the same way that relinking does).

Why didn't you make a spot for players that didn't want to participate in your beta ? now i can't play with my best friend in wvw for two weeks. wtf boys your better then that ..

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Re: Event rewards. Tower capture:
I just solo capped a Tower. Start to finish. Only person building and firing a catapult. Only person attacking the Tower NPC. Only person standing in the circle when the event completed. But only BRONZE participation!
Not sure if this is because of something in the Beta because I haven't managed to do this in a while (map has to be very quiet). But wanted to mention because it just feels bad. Like wrong. Please reconsider. Thanks -Gralsh's Player

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1 hour ago, Gralsh.9458 said:

Re: Event rewards. Tower capture:
I just solo capped a Tower. Start to finish. Only person building and firing a catapult. Only person attacking the Tower NPC. Only person standing in the circle when the event completed. But only BRONZE participation!
Not sure if this is because of something in the Beta because I haven't managed to do this in a while (map has to be very quiet). But wanted to mention because it just feels bad. Like wrong. Please reconsider. Thanks -Gralsh's Player

No this isn't the beta, it's the lack of players. This issue was introduced before this test. You need some opposition to get higher rewards, NPCs by themselves do not qualify. 

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18 hours ago, xXDeathXx.3041 said:

Why didn't you make a spot for players that didn't want to participate in your beta ? now i can't play with my best friend in wvw for two weeks. wtf boys your better then that ..

Even if we had test servers or PTRs we need full world tests to get more realistic results. Are you two in different guilds or not guilded? If just not guilded form a guild together and that would resolve this issue. If different guilds the Alliance portion of the WR system can aid this but you would want your guild leads onboard on being linked. We still haven't seen the rollout of the feature but there are some guide line details posted out there.

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Found it surprising when a guildmate last night stated they just got an email about the beta. I guess happy there was notice sent but, close to a week into it? Also surprised last night when a player said they were happy to see that the test was almost over when a number of people popped up and said it's a two week beta and they were like what!? ANet I would take that as something to consider. Forum peeps knew of it and it was on the News page but as others said, an in game mail and login splash page might also help, food for thought.

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