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Balance Poll

Do you think there is any point in asking for balance fixes from Anet?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think there is any point in asking for balance fixes from Anet?

    • Yes, Anet listens to the players and I have hope that they will implement balance changes eventually
    • No, Anet won't fix the balance issues plaguing pvp ever and this poll is a joke for even asking

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Without Anet aligning Profession to their respectful roles and to their identities...

Giving certain Profession equal access to each other roles and identities like Guardian Profession and Elementalist Profession

Professions like Guardian Profession having an Elite Specialization that completely goes against their core roots and to their identities...

Professions like Thief Profession having an Elite Specialization designs by Stealing and Hijacking Necromancer Profession roles and their identify including Memser Profession portal

Professions like Elementalist Profession and Mesmer Profession Guild Wars 2 version, completely going against their core primary roles and identities in Guild Wars...

One Shot, Stealth, Gimmick Gameplay; pulls, perma-everything, immunity to everything, zero counterplay design, unlimited stackings of skills on top of skills like conditions and traps, unlimited durations of skills and conditions like traps, absolute zero consequences to unlimited exploits and abuse of skills like stealth

Allowing and Tolerating Power Creep, Bunker Creep and Condition Creep to continue for 11 years+

Allowing, Promoting and Justifying Thief Profession to remain the most Toxic Profession to the players experiences and to the health of the game environment for 11 years+

what else are missing...…

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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Neither. Anet doesn’t listen to players and they are fixing balance issues.  Just not at the level of depth or urgency that we are asking. 

We have condi builds in the meta for the first time in forever and tempest is finally seeing counter play. There are a ton of viable builds for the average solo queue gold player to enjoy that people don’t even know about. There are a ton of builds right on the border to becoming either meta or playable in high level ranked. Take your horse blinders off and start looking at the good things anet is doing.

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I’m okay with most broken builds.   They usually have a hard counter, however, can’t expect yours to counter everything so play wisely.   If you know there is a build/spec that you know is going to merk you use the build template option and switch it up!   Use the broken build on your spec and simple switch back to the one you enjoy.   I like the ideal of build diversity and would like to see it opened up even more.   Knowing is half the battle.   🌈

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They do listen sometimes. The latest case I can remember of is when that mesmer main (forgot the name) asked for vindi dodge to be prevent by immob. Anet implement it a month later in the next patch.

I myself made a post about ranger GS block that led to its nerf 2 weeks later.

Now both of these cases might be coincidences but I sincerely doubt it.

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They are definitely listening to feedback and are making frequent adjustments to PvP balance. Check the patch notes if you don't believe me. 

That doesn't mean that they are listening to YOUR feedback or that you agree with the changes they are making, but Anet definitely IS modifying PvP balance.

Personally, while I think there are still plenty of annoying/toxic things that I hope will get addressed some day, I think this is easily the most diverse meta I've seen since I started playing 3 years ago.

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They listen to feedback. The balance now has improved noticeably since the megapatch, and the patches up to this point have been for the most part targeted. 

Sometimes they seem to ignore obvious problems or appear to go out of their way to make something too strong, but I'm not so blinded by frustration that I can't see the effort being made. 

They don't make it clear from where they -source- the feedback, though, so it constantly seems like nothing is really...yknow getting through, but on several occasions issues have been pointed out that have been fixed next patch.

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My only real gripe is the inconsistency among classes. Cata was left alone for ~4months IIRC, just absolutely dominating. Meanwhile Vindi got nerfed super fast, Mirage has been abandoned with one dodge for years, and isn't even talked about. etc etc. There's so many examples of what appear to be class favoritism and I just don't like that. It sucks feeling like your class won't ever get looked at because the devs don't play it.

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The huge problem with this game (at least since Ive played it) is that dps are like demi-gods. They have so much sustain via mobility and some mitigation/healing skills while 95% of the dps specs are also very simple to play. What makes pvp hard in this game is nothing to do with complex ability systems.. and everything to do with dodging the kitten level burst in this game. Thats all PVP is.. see who can out dodge the other persons stun/burst while applying theres.  


It is no coincidence then, that Tempest has been the only main support. The only reason for that, is becuase of the auras that can mitigate the insane burst (and most of that comes down to the -40% power dmg reduction that comes with the auras). Take away that and tempest sucks. Healing means very little given its low amounts + poison. 


WOW in it's prime simply got it right. Most classes were complicated enough to open up more room for mechanical error (only real error for most specs in this game is not dodging at the right time). Most of the dmg and healing in wow was SINGLE TARGET, and lower dmg overall. This meant teams had to coordinate burst together, rather than 1 single class being able to nuke down another class in 2 seconds by pressing 5 buttons (Gw2). Further more, WOW had deminished CC.. first stun full duration, second stun half, third was like 1/4? and then you were completely immune for like 10 seconds. That was a very good system, since many abilities across classes shared the internal CD. In Gw2.. you can be stunned/slowed indefinately, since stability is few and far between, and stun breaks/clenses have far higher cds and less accesibility. Necro for example has 3 to 4? fears, and 2 stuns. SB, can in theory stun lock you for what, 20 seconds?.


Condi is also an issue. In wow clenses actually meant something. In GW2, even when setup as Tempest with MAX clense, you still cannot out clense condi spam unless LOS abusing. Furthermore, to setup for max condi clense then also leaves you wide open to power dmg.


At this point they mightaswell call this game an FPS with added utility.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Ranked is just a toxic fking mess. Can't kill the 1 decent meta burst class because the speallbreakers/power necros are spamming you with CC. Can't kill the spellbreaker/necro becuase they have such simple/forgiving sustain, the 1 decent meta burst class will kill you first. So essentially games are won depending on whos team has the better combination of burst+crutches.


Sure, replace the classes with X/Y/Z, but its all to similar effect.



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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Ranked is just a toxic fking mess. Can't kill the 1 decent meta burst class because the speallbreakers/power necros are spamming you with CC. Can't kill the spellbreaker/necro becuase they have such simple/forgiving sustain, the 1 decent meta burst class will kill you first. So essentially games are won depending on whos team has the better combination of burst+crutches.


Sure, replace the classes with X/Y/Z, but its all to similar effect.



But players wanted to make low skill floor classes as competitive as other unforgiving ones.
The risk/reward ratio is completely kittened.

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My friend group has taken to calling them ANerf for a reason. 

That is to say, I have full faith that if the community wants something nerfed, they will deliver. They've been especially on the ball as of late, as far as that goes. 

But none of that gives me hope because that's not what the game needs. 


We need competetive integrity restored to PvP. 

We need serious animation clean up in this game. Handwaving for major tells just doesn't work. I don't care how "distinct" the hand waving is. Hafl the time damage splats or particle effects cover it up. 

We need amulets/runes back. 

We need gold rewards moved to unranked. 

We need a Solo Queue mode. 

We need new maps, or ANY new content really.


Nerfing Cata, Vindi, Nades, Boons, Condis, ect. None of that will get me excited to take PvP even semi-seriously again. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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40 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

My friend group has taken to calling them ANerf for a reason. 

That is to say, I have full faith that if the community wants something nerfed, they will deliver. They've been especially on the ball as of late, as far as that goes. 

But none of that gives me hope because that's not what the game needs. 


We need competetive integrity restored to PvP. 

We need serious animation clean up in this game. Handwaving for major tells just doesn't work. I don't care how "distinct" the hand waving is. Hafl the time damage splats or particle effects cover it up. 

We need amulets/runes back. 

We need gold rewards moved to unranked. 

We need a Solo Queue mode. 

We need new maps, or ANY new content really.


Nerfing Cata, Vindi, Nades, Boons, Condis, ect. None of that will get me excited to take PvP even semi-seriously again. 

Well said. Never ending cycle of removing and nerfing things, won't solve issues sPvP has.

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6 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

WOW in it's prime simply got it right. Most classes were complicated enough to open up more room for mechanical error (only real error for most specs in this game is not dodging at the right time). Most of the dmg and healing in wow was SINGLE TARGET, and lower dmg overall. This meant teams had to coordinate burst together, rather than 1 single class being able to nuke down another class in 2 seconds by pressing 5 buttons (Gw2). Further more, WOW had deminished CC.. first stun full duration, second stun half, third was like 1/4? and then you were completely immune for like 10 seconds. That was a very good system, since many abilities across classes shared the internal CD. 

Bro if you prefer WoW PvP, then go play it. GW2 is a different game with different mechanics and that's why people play it. 

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@WhoWantsAHug.3186 yeap i personaly play this game cause of its fightmechanics since its Release. The mechanics are rly unique buuuut sad thing is anet made it so spamy (in Terms of AoE dmg/ condi Spam/ boon Spam but also invuln and Dodge Spam on some classes) its just out of control and will never get back to its old way (the to me better one).

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2 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@WhoWantsAHug.3186 yeap i personaly play this game cause of its fightmechanics since its Release. The mechanics are rly unique buuuut sad thing is anet made it so spamy (in Terms of AoE dmg/ condi Spam/ boon Spam but also invuln and Dodge Spam on some classes) its just out of control and will never get back to its old way (the to me better one).

I was actually going to talk about this next, Anet really needs to look at the survivability of some specs and reassess if its a little excessive. Some melee classes can just faceroll opponents, saw a willbender 3v1 last night. Unkillable, doing tons of aoe damage and you can't outrun them with a lot of classes because they just sword leap you. I understand maybe making a spec more survivable, but don't make a spec more survivable AND doing excessive unescapable damage.

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11 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

My friend group has taken to calling them ANerf for a reason. 

That is to say, I have full faith that if the community wants something nerfed, they will deliver. They've been especially on the ball as of late, as far as that goes. 

But none of that gives me hope because that's not what the game needs. 


We need competetive integrity restored to PvP. 

We need serious animation clean up in this game. Handwaving for major tells just doesn't work. I don't care how "distinct" the hand waving is. Hafl the time damage splats or particle effects cover it up. 

We need amulets/runes back. 

We need gold rewards moved to unranked. 

We need a Solo Queue mode. 

We need new maps, or ANY new content really.


Nerfing Cata, Vindi, Nades, Boons, Condis, ect. None of that will get me excited to take PvP even semi-seriously again. 

Very well said and your refusal to be placated is admirable beyond what words can express. 🙏

Functional and fun gamemode first

Balanced gamemode second

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22 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

I was actually going to talk about this next, Anet really needs to look at the survivability of some specs and reassess if its a little excessive. Some melee classes can just faceroll opponents, saw a willbender 3v1 last night. Unkillable, doing tons of aoe damage and you can't outrun them with a lot of classes because they just sword leap you. I understand maybe making a spec more survivable, but don't make a spec more survivable AND doing excessive unescapable damage.

Imagine using Willbender as your example of an excessively survivable class.

Ya know, the class that has been dead at tournament level for the past year due to its inability to sustain.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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