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Shouldn't we have another set of legendary armor available?

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Raids are player vs environment. That's, by its very definition, PVE. If you want the armor bad enough, you'll suck it up, find a way, and do the content required. Even if it's just pugging Escort weekly for 1 LI at a time until you have enough. If you aren't willing to do any of that, then I'm afraid to say legendary armor is probably not for you in the first place. I wasn't much of a raider at all until I learned how, my sole motivator at the time being legendary armor. I'm still pretty casual but apparently casual enough to have farmed out LI for all 3 sets lol.

I am not a WVW-er, but not having a second legendary ring was bothering me. You know what I did? I didn't run to the forums and whine that we didn't have a full set of pve legendary trinkets and demand Anet make a ring to cater to me. Instead, I got over my dislike of WVW long enough to grind out Conflux. I dare say that I even had some fun during that grind, too.

If Anet were to implement, say, a fractal or dungeon based set of legendary armor tomorrow, we'll see threads the same day about Openworld players whining they have to do instanced content. Someone will inevitably complain they are being 'forced' to play some game mode they don't like or aren't willing to try to get legendary armor, and it'll never end.

Do the content for the reward, or don't. Simple as that.

Edited by Caitmonster.9036
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17 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Absolutely it all comes down to a low effort open world legendary armor. 

Yep...too bad OW has literally 0 places where having legendary armor is relevant.. well unless anet one day completely revamps open world where each map is upscaled to strike/raid cm difficulty, but thats never gonna happen xd

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3 hours ago, Radnor.4185 said:

So, since I'm not in a decent WvW server, nor do I like to play PvP or want to get into the mess called Raids, why can't solo players like me (that don't have absolutely no problem with going into LFG stuff, like fractals) have a legendary armor that doesn't depend on other people?

The demands of the people who want another way to acquire PvE Legendary armor are way to splintered. Some like you are fine with lfg friendly group content for armor acquisition, while others who want PvE armor are not. A couple of people also don't grasp the time and effort it takes to get them in the modes right now. They wouldn't like any equivalent way to acquire PvE armor neither. Any implementation will keep a lot of people still unhappy. At least it does look that way looking at the discussions here.

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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50 minutes ago, Caitmonster.9036 said:

Raids are player vs environment. That's, by its very definition, PVE. If you want the armor bad enough, you'll suck it up, find a way, and do the content required.

51 minutes ago, Caitmonster.9036 said:

You know what I did? I didn't run to the forums and whine that we didn't have a full set of pve legendary trinkets and demand Anet make a ring to cater to me. Instead, I got over my dislike of WVW long enough to grind out Conflux

Dude touch some grass. If they want a 200 hour low effort low gold PvE grind to acquire Leggy let them have it. I mean that is what WvW Leggy armor is right now. They probably won't want that either, but jesus christ don't take that so serious it is a game after all.


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4 hours ago, Radnor.4185 said:

I want to make a legendary armor for some time now, but when I went to look how to do it, I got really disappointed. First, we have the WvW legendary armor, tailored for those who have enough cash or luck to be in a server with a big WvW guild (my free server change was used a long time ago); then, we have Raid armor, tailored for players that actually play with other people and do not get annoyed; and third, we have PvP armor, the one type that depends ONLY on the player himself on his willingness to play PvP.

This quick examination, showed me that there isn't an legendary armor for PVE, since a decent amount of players don't have the time nor the inclination to keep track of other players irl (my case). Even then, I still tried to get into Raids, but the two times I actually entered a guild and went to the so called "raid training", the players just keep talking about meaningless kitten for several minutes even after the group is full instead of actually starting the Raid, which got me very angry and made me quit since I abhorre wasting time.

So, since I'm not in a decent WvW server, nor do I like to play PvP or want to get into the mess called Raids, why can't solo players like me (that don't have absolutely no problem with going into LFG stuff, like fractals) have a legendary armor that doesn't depend on other people?

Your server and guild are meaningless to acquiring WvW legendary armor. The only requirements are time and occasionally taking a camp.

As to the rest....there is legendary armor available in PvE. The fact that you don't want to get it does not change that fact.

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We shouldn't spread misinformation about the kind raiders  and scare the casuals from them  :PPP

Next time that Raiders ask for Raids in the Reddit , the casuals should tell them "you can have more content if we can have OW armor":P



(OLd gg we don't need to sacrifice our best "auto-best-shot" for them)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

Absolutely, it all comes down to a low effort open world legendary armor. Instead of doing what is required like everyone else. 

When you consider there's a whole industry of 3rd party programs sellers making a living on botting low effort contents, you'll soon realise why it is so essential for a certain community to attempt dumbing down premium rewards.

The lists of demand are usually in similar terms: "Solo", "Anonymous or Open World" and "Mindless"

It's not a phenomenon exclusive to this game, and there's no point to convince them as gameplay was never what they are after.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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3 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

PvE legendary armor IS NOT RAID ARMOR!

raiding take up about a 3rd of the overall collections, most of your time spend getting the armor will be participating in the HoT metas and Fractals
heres a lisst of things you need exclusivly from raids:

  • 150 Legendary insight

heres a list of things you need from other content:

  • 150 Provisionerss tokens,
  • 6 Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy,
  • 30 Auric ingots,
  • 30 Reclaimed Metal plates,
  • 30 Chak Eggs,
  • 6 Gifts of the Pact(of which requires 1500 of the HoT map currency)

I must say your experience was very different from mine. The raid part easily took the vast majority of my time. Between pugs imploding, recruiting for groups myself and the joy of having a majority of the group refuse to volunteer to do any mechanics whatsoever. It took many hours for me as a new player to get into raids and get them done. And I only tried to do wings 1-4 each week and even then I couldn't always get them done.

I find even making a group tedious at this point because I am forgetful and remembering who does what is really hard for me, esp when people ditch the group without telling me what role they were! The game does nothing to help me organise, I wish it did. Then, I jus want people to try doing mechanics and they simply sit in silence and I am left to either kick them to find people who will or pointlessly wipe to a boss for a while till people leave. I don't mind people messing up and learning but most refuse to even attempt it, rather they hope other people will do it all and they can chill hitting the boss like it was the golem. It all makes it very annoying and time consuming. 

I want to do another raid set but I can't motivate myself to deal with that anymore for now. So taking a lil break from raiding ^^


I would love a set of fully open world pve armour and I will never understand other players dislike at the idea. It's great casual content that you can do at your own pace with less frustration and reliance on other people.


To me open world is the main attraction of this game. Certainly not the raids, I have ffxiv for that and others go to WoW for their raid fix. I think it would be a great idea to put more content into open world 🙂

I am hoping their new expansion or a future one has open world leggy armour :3

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Here I go again. With the same thing I've been saying all along. I'll get confused faces, I'll get argued with, and I don't care. I'll die on this sword as many times as I have to.

I own 2 pieces of WvW legendary armor. I own 3 pieces of PvP legendary armor. All the rest of my legendary armor is raid legendary armor.  I raid at least 2 nights a week, but at one point I was raiding 4-5 nights a week. I continue to raid 3 nights a week, working on the legendary raid ring now. I agree that we need a new set of PvE legendary armor that has nothing to do with raids. Here is why.

When I PvP, I can get legendary armor by PvPing. But I'm doing exactly what I would always do in PvP to get it. I can lose every single game forever, and still eventually get PvP legendary armor. It requires no skill. Skill will only get you that armor faster.  A PvPer who is going for legendary armor doesn't do anything differently from a PvPer who is not going for legendary armor. They are playing in the same arenas, with the same builds, using whatever skill they have and win or lose, they get legendary armor.

When I WvW which I enjoy most of the time, I get legendary armor by taking towers, taking keeps, taking camps, killing players. I don't have to do anything I don't always do when I'm playing WvW. A person who enjoys WvW can play WvW NORMALLY without any change to how they play and still eventually get legendary armor. It comes as pips every five minutes, which leads to chests.

But PvE legendary armor requires you do to one specific type of content that wasn't even in the game until 3.5 years after launch that some people really don't like or don't want to do. I'm mostly a PvE'er and raiding isn't my favorite activity. You'll note that WvW and PvP players don't have to jump through hoops. They do exactly what they do even if they're not working on armor.

Only in PvE do you have to do something you might not want to do. Now you can say sure if you want it, you have to do it, and you'd be right. That is the current situaiton. If you want it you have to do it. But, if you want it and and you have to do it, and you hate it, or don't like it, or feel you can't do it, you don't get it or you force yourself to play content you don't like for hours every week, and you feel less strongly about the game, and may even eventually leave the game.  A WvW who wants legendary armor doesn't have to leave the game, because they're not forced into content they don't like.

For a WvW, it's more like getting a legendary weapon where they have to force themselves to map complete, though even that, a legendary weapon can be bought on the trading post. There are still other options. PvE legendary armor takes the least played content and forces people into it and expects them to be happy. I wasn't happy. I got the armor, because I had a situation I could live with to get it, but I sympathize with a lot of people who aren't in that situation who find raiding not fun. 

I'm having fun when I get my WvW legendary armor by playing WvW the same way everyone else does. But people who can't for whatever reason raid, and can play the other 90% of PvE are left out, and in my opinion they're still the largest demographic in the game. It's nice that you people that like what you're doing are happy with how Legendary armor exists, but you're still not a majority. Raiders are not a majority in this game, Anet even told us that. And we know PvPers aren't a majority, but that small group of people can get legendary armor just playing the way they play, even if they never win a game, and they don't even need the higher stats or the stat change. It doesn't help them at all, but they can get it doing what they always do.

And WvW players are the same way. They love WvW, the play WvW, and they can get legendary armor. But open world PvE players, probably the most numerous demographic in the game has to change how they play to get legendary armor. There is not path without doing the least popular PvE activity. And again, 2/3s of my legendary armor is raid armor. I have enough LI for another piece if I want it, but it took me a lot longer, a lot more hours in raids than it did in any other part of the game to get it.

Make a reward....make three ways to get it.....give two ways to get it that are exactly how players of that content play anyway, make the third group jump through hoops....how is that fair. 

I am not convinced that if you add raiders, PvPers and WvWers together, there still aren't more open world players. I can see why some of them wouldn't be happy.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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26 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Here I go again. With the same thing I've been saying all along. I'll get confused faces, I'll get argued with, and I don't care. I'll die on this sword as many times as I have to.

I own 2 pieces of WvW legendary armor. I own 3 pieces of PvP legendary armor. All the rest of my legendary armor is raid legendary armor.  I raid at least 2 nights a week, but at one point I was raiding 4-5 nights a week. I continue to raid 3 nights a week, working on the legendary raid ring now. I agree that we need a new set of PvE legendary armor that has nothing to do with raids. Here is why.

When I PvP, I can get legendary armor by PvPing. But I'm doing exactly what I would always do in PvP to get it. I can lose every single game forever, and still eventually get PvP legendary armor. It requires no skill. Skill will only get you that armor faster.  A PvPer who is going for legendary armor doesn't do anything differently from a PvPer who is not going for legendary armor. They are playing in the same arenas, with the same builds, using whatever skill they have and win or lose, they get legendary armor.

When I WvW which I enjoy most of the time, I get legendary armor by taking towers, taking keeps, taking camps, killing players. I don't have to do anything I don't always do when I'm playing WvW. A person who enjoys WvW can play WvW NORMALLY without any change to how they play and still eventually get legendary armor. It comes as pips every five minutes, which leads to chests.

But PvE legendary armor requires you do to one specific type of content that wasn't even in the game until 3.5 years after launch that some people really don't like or don't want to do. I'm mostly a PvE'er and raiding isn't my favorite activity. You'll note that WvW and PvP players don't have to jump through hoops. They do exactly what they do even if they're not working on armor.

Only in PvE do you have to do something you might not want to do. Now you can say sure if you want it, you have to do it, and you'd be right. That is the current situaiton. If you want it you have to do it. But, if you want it and and you have to do it, and you hate it, or don't like it, or feel you can't do it, you don't get it or you force yourself to play content you don't like for hours every week, and you feel less strongly about the game, and may even eventually leave the game.  A WvW who wants legendary armor doesn't have to leave the game, because they're not forced into content they don't like.

For a WvW, it's more like getting a legendary weapon where they have to force themselves to map complete, though even that, a legendary weapon can be bought on the trading post. There are still other options. PvE legendary armor takes the least played content and forces people into it and expects them to be happy. I wasn't happy. I got the armor, because I had a situation I could live with to get it, but I sympathize with a lot of people who aren't in that situation who find raiding not fun. 

I'm having fun when I get my WvW legendary armor by playing WvW the same way everyone else does. But people who can't for whatever reason raid, and can play the other 90% of PvE are left out, and in my opinion they're still the largest demographic in the game. It's nice that you people that like what you're doing are happy with how Legendary armor exists, but you're still not a majority. Raiders are not a majority in this game, Anet even told us that. And we know PvPers aren't a majority, but that small group of people can get legendary armor just playing the way they play, even if they never win a game, and they don't even need the higher stats or the stat change. It doesn't help them at all, but they can get it doing what they always do.

And WvW players are the same way. They love WvW, the play WvW, and they can get legendary armor. But open world PvE players, probably the most numerous demographic in the game has to change how they play to get legendary armor. There is not path without doing the least popular PvE activity. And again, 2/3s of my legendary armor is raid armor. I have enough LI for another piece if I want it, but it took me a lot longer, a lot more hours in raids than it did in any other part of the game to get it.

Make a reward....make three ways to get it.....give two ways to get it that are exactly how players of that content play anyway, make the third group jump through hoops....how is that fair. 

I am not convinced that if you add raiders, PvPers and WvWers together, there still aren't more open world players. I can see why some of them wouldn't be happy.

Yes and we know why wvw and spvpers get it the way they do.

It was never their intention to award legendary armors to those modes, they got implemented because people complained.

Since neither wvw or spvp get updated content wise at all,  it was implemented without collections just straight up grind.

Not sure people would be happy with a legendary armor that took 1-1.5 years to complete per set time wise just because its press 1 in the open world.

Just look at how many people come and complain about skyscale or aurora wayfarer henge collections as an example.

Or they could go the other way and gate it behind a meta like dragons end as another example and boy do we know about the complaints on the turtle egg how that would go aswell.


With the raid trainings and straight up embolended mode how much easier do ppl need it to be?

You could do escort, spirit woods and twisted castle each week for a 50 weeks per armor if that is to your liking those 3 are open world equivelent.

+ you could cut it down to 37.5 weeks  by doing 4 eod strikes -harvest templer or old lions court what ever you feel is easier.

You would have to pay openers for the raids but since your a open world player you earn more coin then any mode without limitation by daily/weekly timegates.

Edited by Linken.6345
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I love how people always want a "PvE" legendary armor, despite one existing, but literally no one has any actual suggestion of how to implement it, without making any other option immediately redundant. 

And I think a lot of people seem to forget the cost of making 6 pieces of legendary armor in the first place.

The people who are not willing to invest any time into losing their way through PvP, flipping camps every 5 min or doing entry level raids (which are easier than most strikes) don't just casually have 2k+ gold laying around and if they did, they'd just craft some ascended pieces instead and call it a day. 

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28 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes and we know why wvw and spvpers get it the way they do.

It was never their intention to award legendary armors to those modes, they got implemented because people complained.

Since neither wvw or spvp get updated content wise at all,  it was implemented without collections just straight up grind.

Not sure people would be happy with a legendary armor that took 1-1.5 years to complete per set time wise just because its press 1 in the open world.

Just look at how many people come and complain about skyscale or aurora wayfarer henge collections as an example.

Or they could go the other way and gate it behind a meta like dragons end as another example and boy do we know about the complaints on the turtle egg how that would go aswell.


With the raid trainings and straight up embolended mode how much easier do ppl need it to be?

You could do escort, spirit woods and twisted castle each week for a 50 weeks per armor if that is to your liking those 3 are open world equivelent.

+ you could cut it down to 37.5 weeks  by doing 4 eod strikes -harvest templer or old lions court what ever you feel is easier.

You would have to pay openers for the raids but since your a open world player you earn more coin then any mode without limitation by daily/weekly timegates.

There are a lot of people who don't want to pug, who can't get into a static and you're forcing them to group to get it. I never have to group to get PvP or WvW legendary armor, and I have all three. Raids were the fastest to get for me. But I have a good situation and I'm in a static. I wouldn't have pugged it and for years didn't.

You're asking people to get out of their comfort mode in ONE of the three ways to get it. You're right. People complained and ANet changed the game so that WvWers and PvPers could get legendary armor. And now people are complaining so that they don't have to raid. It's the same situation. There's already precedent to change it.


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9 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

You're asking people to get out of their comfort mode in ONE of the three ways to get it. You're right. People complained and ANet changed the game so that WvWers and PvPers could get legendary armor. And now people are complaining so that they don't have to raid. It's the same situation. There's already precedent to change it.

Nope its not the same wvw and spvp dident have a way to get it at all pve already do.

If people dont want to pug then earn gold in open world and buy it from raid/strike sellers is another option.

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11 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Nope its not the same wvw and spvp dident have a way to get it at all pve already do.

If people dont want to pug then earn gold in open world and buy it from raid/strike sellers is another option.


We should remember those kind raiders words , when they beg the casuals to support them in Reddit  :PPP

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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2 hours ago, Vilin.8056 said:

It's not a phenomenon exclusive to this game, and there's no point to convince them as gameplay was never what they are after.

I have some news for you: the gameplay you like is not the only one around. The fact that vast majority of players prefer different ones than you do does not make the gameplay styles they like invalid or nonexistent. And yes, there's no point convincing those players, because they are as likely to change the gameplay they prefer as you are.

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5 minutes ago, SnowdropFox.2456 said:

Yes, the world boss option is probably the most common suggestion, but unless you make it prohibitively expensive, it would in fact make any other option redundant. 

In WvW you might have to fight other players, in PvP you absolutely have to and in Raids you have a certain difficulty to overcome.

So either every other option is automatically worse in terms of reward for investment or open world armor would become so expensive, to compensate for the fact that it is literally afk gameplay, that it would become unviable for the target demographic.

Depends on the perspective.
Most topics such as this one - if taken at face value, of course - suggest their favorite game mode be a valid way to obtain the ultimate convenience of legendaries, meaning that a player should be able to choose what most interests them: pure efficiency, enjoyment, or a mix of both.
Naturally, it follows that if the OW set were to require, say, twice or even thrice the amount of time to complete, it shouldn't matter to the idea's proponents whatsoever as their whole goal is to have a reward for what they already enjoy doing.
This would also very quickly show who genuinely wanted a legendary option for their preferred game mode and who instead just looked for skipping any effort as the latter would invariably come crying again.

As for the distinction, sPvP doesn't require combat whatsoever thanks to how the mode is structured, and if camp flipping in WvW sounds too exciting, simply taking care of dolyaks for 15/30/45 (bronze/silver/gold; if memory serves) seconds will eventually get you your armor as well (granted you already have the necessary rank).
The raid sets are the only ones which do necessitate some effort, be it skill and perseverance to succeed and/or to withstand nine other people, but they are also much more fancy with all their moving parts and two (slightly) different forms.
Meaning that, from this point of view, only PvE does not have an AFK legendary armor set.

I would honestly hate to see it implemented like that because, as Linken pointed out, the PvP sets were more of a band-aid for internal bleeding than an actual reward tier, but it would be fair, if nothing else.

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While it is true you don't need to be on a good team for WvW armor, it can quicken it up considerably.

If we presume a PvEr doesn't have high WvW rank, they are getting 7-9 pips/skirmish (I'll presume they get wood each week, and have reached level 150).  That extra 2 pips/skirmish is ~30% faster.  This is a difference between max rewards taking 13.5 hours vs 17.2 hour/week - that is a considerable difference.

As the OP referenced in the other thread, I'd certainly like PvE legendary armor.  I'm not looking for a quick or easy path, I'm just looking for a way to get it playing content I enjoy.


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10 minutes ago, Solvar.7953 said:

While it is true you don't need to be on a good team for WvW armor, it can quicken it up considerably.

If we presume a PvEr doesn't have high WvW rank, they are getting 7-9 pips/skirmish (I'll presume they get wood each week, and have reached level 150).  That extra 2 pips/skirmish is ~30% faster.  This is a difference between max rewards taking 13.5 hours vs 17.2 hour/week - that is a considerable difference.

As the OP referenced in the other thread, I'd certainly like PvE legendary armor.  I'm not looking for a quick or easy path, I'm just looking for a way to get it playing content I enjoy.


I did a lot of mine solo. It was just as fast. As long as you know how to keep your participation up, it makes no difference. You never have to take a tower or a keep or stonemist. You can do it on camps and guards.

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6 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Not sure people would be happy with a legendary armor that took 1-1.5 years to complete per set time wise just because its press 1 in the open world.

Just look at how many people come and complain about skyscale or aurora wayfarer henge collections as an example.

Or they could go the other way and gate it behind a meta like dragons end as another example and boy do we know about the complaints on the turtle egg how that would go aswell.

Well the obvious plan is to claim it would be okay to take 1-1.5 years then once it gets released start complaining about. Just say it was a different group of people saying that a long grind was okay.

Edited by Khisanth.2948
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5 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

You're asking people to get out of their comfort mode in ONE of the three ways to get it. You're right. People complained and ANet changed the game so that WvWers and PvPers could get legendary armor. And now people are complaining so that they don't have to raid. It's the same situation. There's already precedent to change it.

So let's make a PVE set that involves Fractals.

"BuT i HaTe dOiNG fRacTalS!!!1"

So then let's make a set that requires doing dungeons.

"BuT I HaTe DuNgEoNs!11!"

So then let's make it require map comp/openworld metas.

"BUt I hAtE MeTaS!1!"

It will literally never stop, and by your logic it'll keep going until eventually someone can just pick up legendary gear for free. And that just cheapens / trivializes Legendary Armor over all. It's legendary for a reason. If it's too much work or you do not want to try a game mode outside your 'comfort zone', there's Ascended. Same stats, rerollable, and probably cheaper in the long run.

And if you aren't wanting to do any of the instanced content that might require ascended level stats, why the heck do you even need legendary armor in the first place? Exotics will do you just fine in openworld.

Edited by Caitmonster.9036
grammar is hard
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