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Double mace now?...Can we have some goddamn defense on this class for a change?


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It doesn't matter what weapon we get, knowing anet even if the weapon is call "amazballs weapon" it will end up being garbage. 

I am so disappointed on this dev team there are no words. For me at least there is no need to buy any expansion if you main ranger, that i can tell you  now. 


Edited by anduriell.6280
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I’m curious how it will be, double mace. 

Also, I’d like sword offhand to wield dual sword and shield offhand. I think it would fit the Ranger well thematically. 

Still on the fence about rifle and pistol. I can see reasons why not and why people do like it. Reasons which are mentioned a lot before. 

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I would have loved off-hand shield to go with sword, but after the sword changes ....

One of the reasons I rolled a dragonhunter when it came out was to have a toon with long bow and sword/shield, like I wanted for my ranger.  Now, dual mace?  Who even asked for this?

1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

it's like "go play GS/LB and kitten, if not go and uninstall"....thank you got the message loud and clear

Yeah, I hear you.  Seems like that's the only combination of weapons that interest the devs for ranger.  Such a disappointment.

31 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

I am so disappointed on this dev team there are no words. For me at least there is no need to buy any expansion if you main ranger, that i can tell you  now.

Fortunately, I do enjoy playing other professions, but I have always mained a ranger in pretty much any game all of the way back to D&D in the 70s.  It is my favorite class, hands down.  Like you, I am very disappointed.

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20 minutes ago, Bast Bow.2958 said:

Still on the fence about rifle and pistol. I can see reasons why not and why people do like it. Reasons which are mentioned a lot before. 

I would like to see pistol and/or rifle.  To me it fits the "hunter/trapper in the woods with my pet" archetype.  Pistol for sure since I can easily carry that on my side with little encumbrance impact.  Rifle to keep up with modern (Tyrian) technology.

Mace is disappointing.

Edited by Wizler.8192
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3 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Just brilliant...next weapon set is supposed to be double mace...no defence, another crap PvE melee weapon...it's like "go play GS/LB and kitten, if not go and uninstall"....thank you got the message loud and clear

Feel blessed.

If they don't plan on nerfing the amount of anti-projectile in the game, Ranger will need to be double melee anyway.

Even I'm saying this.

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3 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Just brilliant...next weapon set is supposed to be double mace...no defence, another crap PvE melee weapon

So mace can't have defense. (guardian Protector's Strike, warrior Counterblow)
well of course, great swords are melee weapons, like the mesmer's or a staff is caster weapon, like daredevil's....

You don't even know the skills but you say it will be crap, that's the classic ranger spirit! 😄 

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Pretty sure this was the least desired and generally worst possible choice of a ranger weapon for this expansion.  What exactly are we going to do with a mace on a mobility/position-themed class?  🤦‍♂️  Unfortunately, I can't say I'm surprised.

Edited by Mazinger.1084
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Not very brilliant to make any assumptions at this point. Also, what are you talking about with "defence"? You are acting like the class doesn't have any "defence" ability or skills. 

Tip... Perhaps pondering what you want to communicate, before you actually start typing, would be a better idea. Unless your goal was to complain for the sake of complaining, then you missed your mark. 

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45 minutes ago, Swagger.1459 said:



Not very brilliant to make any assumptions at this point. Also, what are you talking about with "defence"? You are acting like the class doesn't have any "defence" ability or skills. 

Tip... Perhaps pondering what you want to communicate, before you actually start typing, would be a better idea. Unless your goal was to complain for the sake of complaining, then you missed your mark. 

It's a mace on a ranger, there really isn't much more that needs to be said here.  The only way they get worse is a rifle or a pistol on the ranger because it clashes so hard thematically it isn't even funny.

EDIT: And yes, I realize that park rangers shoot people who start forest fires and Walker Texas Ranger also uses guns, but GW2 rangers are not park rangers nor throw roundhouse kicks, they are essentially shaman who don't use firearms.

The sane options were scepter and shield, that's not hard.  Possibly focus but that's a little too magical IMO. 

They really, really shouldn't be aiming to put every weapon on every spec as some choices are just outlandishly stupid.   Greatsword on ranger has always been sus, and Hammer on untamed was even iffy but at least had some shadow of 'bunny thumper' meme to sell it---but mace? 

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

It's a mace on a ranger, there really isn't much more that needs to be said here.  The only way they get worse is a rifle or a pistol on the ranger because it clashes so hard thematically it isn't even funny.

EDIT: And yes, I realize that park rangers shoot people who start forest fires and Walker Texas Ranger also uses guns, but GW2 rangers are not park rangers nor throw roundhouse kicks, they are essentially shaman who don't use firearms.

The sane options were scepter and shield, that's not hard.  Possibly focus but that's a little too magical IMO. 

They really, really shouldn't be aiming to put every weapon on every spec as some choices are just outlandishly stupid.   Greatsword on ranger has always been sus, and Hammer on untamed was even iffy but at least had some shadow of 'bunny thumper' meme to sell it---but mace? 

So you must know what the skills are? Or are you just assuming and complaining about your own assumptions without any actual information to back it up? 

Almost as if gw2 doesn’t have weapons and skills that break traditional roles right? Not like there isn’t a ranged hammer, ranged daggers, ranged great sword, and such. There are a plethora of weapon and utility skills that break the reality mold… right? It’s a make believe fantasy game last I checked… 

Right. So the logical thing to do is bash and complain needlessly while being uninformed. 

Edited by Swagger.1459
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Idk how mace and defensive are mutually exclusive though.

Mace is often a defensive/bruisery weapon. The only mace that is purely offensive is Revs.

I can definetly see that we will get a mid range AoE Hybrid weapon on mainhand with a defensive weapon as offhand.


Edited by InsaneQR.7412
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Not my first choice, but there are a lot of mace skins that are basically clubs that I think would fit the nature theme of the Ranger. 

I imagine it as a weapon with a lot of pounces and stuns. Maybe a big charge with say, a boar spirit animation to represent the ferocity of the weapon set.

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