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I think we are way overdue for new playable races [Merged]

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the game is nearing its 11th anniversary and in that time, 1 new profession has been introduced along with 27 elite specs but no new races to play as. Tyria is going to need new allies to stand up to the dragons Kryptis and whatever else the Mists has to offer

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12 minutes ago, Yitsul.8342 said:

the game is nearing its 11th anniversary and in that time, 1 new profession has been introduced along with 27 elite specs but no new races to play as. Tyria is going to need new allies to stand up to the dragons Kryptis and whatever else the Mists has to offer

Yes and those allies can be npcs it dont have to be playable characters.

They already said, that a new race add very little to the game play wise compared the time and cost there is to implement.

If you want lore your norn, charr, asura, sylvari or human can experience it.

What to look different ask for combat tonics that work with mounts.

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I've always suspected they intended the kodan and tengu to be potential future playable races. Both can use the same armour and weapons as playable characters, have homelands adjacent to core game maps but inaccessible - enough space for a city and a level 1-15 map and both have a lot more lore written about their society than we see in the game. It's always looked to me like they were laying the ground work to add them later on.

I suspect that didn't happen because they'd need their own level 1-30 storyline, leading up to joining an Order, but that's a lot of work to create and Anet chose to prioritise things players could do on their existing characters. Also it would mean adding 2 more voice actors for each race in each language, and adding more voice work is expensive.

I still think it could happen one day, but I'm not expecting it any time soon.

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I'm gonna give that a hard no given the fact their 'newest' race within the franchise of Guild Wars got retconned so badly, they still haven't pieced together whether the Pale Tree ever recovered properly from Mordremoth and still have yet to reveal two of the Firstborn. On top of that, any fashion that is not on a human is an absolute nightmare and just causes nothing but issues. 

When they can actually treat the playable races that they made playable right, then maybe we can entertain the idea of more races. Until then, it's a waste of breath and time.

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21 minutes ago, Xperiment.6923 said:

I don't like rerolling and race can make you play or not play a class.

Then create 5 different engineers. Or 5 different warriors. Or 5 different guardians. Etc and so on. There's no such thing as "rerolling" in GW2.

You know that's why Anet monetize character slots.

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Seeing as they are clearly trying to decrease resource expenditures for the future content, i wouldn;t hold my breath. I mean, they considered it too resource-intensive even at the time where they clearly had much more resources to allocate, so they are even less likely to be able to pull it off now.

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Skrit Skrit... I want to play Skrit.

I would love to play Skrit, Tengu, Kodan... They could do this, but it would be a LARGE addition to the game. I would prefer they upgrade the graphics. Older models of characters and armor are clunky and blurred... and the world needs some upgrades too... 

What they could do is create small stories where you play the part of a Skrit, Tengu, Kodan, or Quaggin, etc.  That would be fun to be one of the other races for the duration of a story/storyline.

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22 hours ago, Mic.1897 said:

What's the point of more races that are inferior to sylvari

Agreed. No other race tastes as good as a sylvari....especially with a nice raspberry vinaigrette and garlic parmesan croutons.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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