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Game ripped me off 7 lion statuettes

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After buying 25 keys a few days ago for the new dragon jade bot skin, I didn't have a single uncommon. I figure I might just have to save 60 statuettes for this one. Today, I spent the day getting 3 more keys via level 40 story from my characters I had available. Opened them up 3 more chests...no uncommon. I had the 3 gnashblade boxes "affected by magic find" Since I had 32 statuettes I was thinking to spend 7 on the communal boost bonfire....I thought this was a freaken novelty item! That I would always have! Little did I know...its a friggin one time buff for 60 minutes. A black lion boost is 1 statuette...this is such a disgusting rip off at 7 for a one time buff. Unfriggin Real! 

Edited by Xperiment.6923
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  • Xperiment.6923 changed the title to Game ripped me off 7 lion statuettes
1 hour ago, Xperiment.6923 said:

After buying 25 keys a few days ago for the new dragon jade bot skin, I didn't have a single uncommon. I figure I might just have to save 60 statuettes for this one. Today, I spent the day getting 3 more keys via level 40 story from my characters I had available. Opened them up 3 more chests...no uncommon. I had the 3 gnashblade boxes "affected by magic find" Since I had 32 statuettes I was thinking to spend 7 on the communal boost bonfire....I thought this was a freaken novelty item! That I would always have! Little did I know...its a friggin one time buff for 60 minutes. A black lion boost is 1 statuette...this is such a disgusting rip off at 7 for a one time buff. Unfriggin Real! 

1) Do not use the Communal Boost Bonfire. 
2) send a support ticket saying you have made a mistake.
3) wait for the good news
4) talk nicely : Dear Support, I have made a mistake, can i please get a refund. with picture of the communal Boost bonfire 
5) Follow instruction if they decide to give you a refund.

My condolences if you have already used the communal boost, 




Edited by babana.7521
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9 minutes ago, Xperiment.6923 said:

Yep I used, thought item would add to my novelty menu..wrote a ticket...use lots of capital letters...I can still hope I guess.

It is more expensive because it is meant to be used to apply the buff to many players. Sounds like you were probably a bit rude in your response to them, over a situation that is 100% your own fault. 

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We were all new players once.  

I did a similar thing with the *community service tips* you can buy in end of dragons maps.  I didn't realize that it was a buff that was applied to me by the merchant.  I thought that it was a consumable that I could stock up on and use when I needed one.  So I "bought" twenty of them and when I went to use one I couldn't find them and I finally noticed the boon icon at the bottom of my screen. Of course it didn't stack, so I had 1 hour of benefit not 20 hours.

I was bummed out and just didn't play for a few weeks. I just didn't feel like it. I wasn't mad, but if I logged in to work on a goal, I lost interest immediately. 

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Double-click to consume.
Double-click to construct a bonfire. Fully stoked bonfires grant 60-minute boosts in karma, experience, or magic find. Bonfires last for 15 minutes.
"In harsh times, we must all band together...and succeed together!"

— In-game description


Not sure that you can claim that the game ripped you off.  The item clearly states that it is consumed.

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Just now, Tiamat.8254 said:

PEBKAC - problem exists between keyboard and chair https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/PEBKAChttps://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/PEBKAC

As well as the above I've heard it called a 'wetwear error' or an 'ID10-T problem'.

But yeah, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Generally if you ask politely Support will fix it for you. They usually say they'll only do it once per account, but I assume that's once per account per problem type because I've had to ask for multiple things over the years and they haven't cut me off yet.

The only ones I remember being refused were when I asked to swap 1 black lion chest exclusive for another and when I asked about a refund on an infinite mining pick I'd had for years when shared inventory slots came out, both of which I knew were unlikely.

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I would never assume that something is re-usable ... unless stated otherwise. From the wiki it seems like the text does display that the bonfire gives 60-minute boosts and stays for 15 minutes. No further info as to whether it is 1-time or re-usable. So we have to assume it is 1-time. Especially since it is a consumable. If you know about novelty items: You should know that they have a seperate text mentioning that they are novelty. usually. In the tooltip.

The bonfire are known to be pretty popular during seasonal events. Especially wintersday. Since other sources for karma boosts have been made limited. (At the release of the game I think there also have been karma boosters that did not get incorporated in the newer boost items where you can select a boost.) People that regularly play ... know about this. Also sometimes they had the bonfire in the gemstore - one for free.

I think they really want to make it more limited and harder to obtain/more expensive. (Maybe cause of the karma boost they might want to limite even more.) Less ones for free in the story - and people already made threads I think at last wintersday. The 7 statuettes also seem expensive as compared to the 300 gems (listed as price in the wiki ... must have been at that price at the gem store some time in the past). (If you only get 1 statuette each time it would neeed 7 keys - also you have to use the statuettes where other stuff is competing for you to buy it ... instead of the bonfire.They really seem not that easy to get. Best not to calculate with them or hope for them. Though still a lot of people place them at Wintersday.)

Also I would not go crazy because of one skin. Buy stiff directly available for gems - if you really like it. Try to get most ingame stuff for gold and from achievements. And open a chest every now and then (when new stuff gets released and they change the chest content) ... slowly accumulating stauettes. I whink I have about 100-200 now. Played mainly since mid 2019. Never really used them. Never bought a lot of keys. Mainly still using keys I have from playing (have world completion on 2 chars ... some from map completion) only 1 when they change chest content.

If you have char slots - try to make them occupied and keep the chars. (Though personally I stay with my 9 - one for each profession ... not planning ot make permanent chars on the other 3 slots and too lazy for chest running.) Later character birthday presents also give statuettes. (I really should made 2 more chars only keeping 1 slot free ...)

Good luck with the support request - if you have not used the bonfire yet.

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Prices on many of the items makes zero sense (at the statuette vendor)

This can be a waste of a lot of statuette's for a new player who don't know item value, if the person doesn't do research first

Don't understand why they don't tweak it to reflect their value

Same thing for some black lion store items

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Got a hard NO this morning...so now I'm done. Game stole $8.75 from me the equivalent of 7 lion keys how my math works. If I ever do come back it will be through steam. I rather give them a 30% cut for doing nothing then put my money directly into ANET hand. Customer service could have thrown me something. What would it have cost them?...but now cost them a regular customer who probably spent an average of 30 bucks a month for last 8 months. They told me I should share my findings on the forum...so there you go! ArenaNet stole 8 dollars and 75 cents worth of digital pixels from me and wont give it back!

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16 minutes ago, Xperiment.6923 said:

Got a hard NO this morning...so now I'm done. Game stole $8.75 from me the equivalent of 7 lion keys how my math works. If I ever do come back it will be through steam. I rather give them a 30% cut for doing nothing then put my money directly into ANET hand. Customer service could have thrown me something. What would it have cost them?...but now cost them a regular customer who probably spent an average of 30 bucks a month for last 8 months. They told me I should share my findings on the forum...so there you go! ArenaNet stole 8 dollars and 75 cents worth of digital pixels from me and wont give it back!

They did not you refused to read the ingame description mate.

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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

They did not you refused to read the ingame description mate.

Don't see it that way. If you went to a store to buy a can of Coffee and you bought Decaf by accident, you'd return it!  The store would take it back even if opened! Same scenario for every brick and mortar store. 

Customer support has refunded me in the past for buying an item that went on sale a week later.

They let me down this time. And now I don't want to play their game anymore over 8 dollars and 75 cents worth of digital currency. Their lack of action created complete distaste for their entire company. 

Its all ready killed any urge to login to a game I have played almost everyday for last 8 months. Even if they did a 180 now and threw me a bone my experience is already tainted from their lack of support. 

Very simple business logic here...provide positive support>>>customer feels positive about company>>>customer continues to spend money.

They refused to refund the Statuettes and didn't bother to compensate me in any other way. It would have been at no expense for them to generate digital currency. Obviously it was a mistake purchase or else I would have not contacted support. Their are several traps in the game like this, they serve no one and I fell for this one! I'd live with the mistake if it was $3. But nearly 10 bucks!!! Thats my rage quit limit. 

As someone who works for clients creating art. If I ever had a customer who wasn't happy, I'd do what I can to remedy that! Because their my customer and they chose to give me money for my service above anyone else's. 

In the end I win, because their lack of support has motivated me to turn it into something positive for myself. Its a good time to quit and spend my time on something more productive in real life!

Edited by Xperiment.6923
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3 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

You get those communal bonfires sometimes free..

You drop one..

People watch you pick up all the wood yourself..

Then they take your buff and don't even say thank you..


Such is the life of Tyria! Hard work and no thanks you for it... 😉

There is one NPC in PoF map that also have a feast (bonfire) which you can use on only that map, but it is not really worth to hunt down as it takes some time to collect all those woods (you have to kill mobs to see where those woods will be spawning) and that buff is both rather time limited and only for that map which means if you go outside of that map, you will loose it.

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16 minutes ago, Xperiment.6923 said:

If you went to a store to buy a can of Coffee and you bought Decaf by accident, you'd return it!  The store would take it back even if opened! Same scenario for every brick and mortar store.

These ain't groceries, mate.  Not even physical objects!  You don't even "buy to own" these items.  You're only leasing them.  And you already consumed the items even.  Not even do you have an open decaf coffee canister to return.  It's like trying to return an EMPTY decaf coffee.  What store would take that back?

"As long as you have not used, unlocked, or consumed the item, you can submit a support ticket asking for a refund or replacement item."


Edited by Chaba.5410
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Wow. Biggest whining I have ever seen. When it was OPs own fault. Even worse: Comparing it to other situations/companies. Then explaining that support gave a refund for an item that went on sale later. Where they would not have needed to refund. Might be a lot of people that bought it and did not ask for a refund. They bought it at that price and a later sale does not mean you can get greedy. Otherwise ArenaNet could have just put the items permanently on sale since someone would complain if they bought it at the wrong time lol.

Maybe they checked the support request history and noticed that there already have been a "free givaway" made by the support. Deciding not to give anymore - when something was clearly the players' fault.

If you constantly buy the wrong coffee the store also won't be happy I guess. Might be better to lose that person as a customer and instead keep others as happy customers ... while also not appearing to react to just any request. (To not make others thing they can request just anything without a good reason - by just trying to be greedy. This is not a simple "no expense for them "thing. When others will expect stuff as well.)

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11 minutes ago, Xperiment.6923 said:

Don't see it that way. If you went to a store to buy a can of Coffee and you bought Decaf by accident, you'd return it!  The store would take it back even if opened! Same scenario for every brick and mortar store. 

Customer support has refunded me in the past for buying an item that went on sale a week later.

They let me down this time. And now I don't want to play their game anymore over 8 dollars and 75 cents worth of digital currency. Their lack of action created complete distaste for their entire company. 

Its all ready killed any urge to login to a game I have played almost everyday for last 8 months. Even if they did a 180 now and threw me a bone my experience is already tainted from their lack of support. 

Very simple business logic here...provide positive support>>>customer feels positive about company>>>customer continues to spend money.

They refused to refund the Statuettes and didn't bother to compensate me in any other way. It would have been at no expense for them to generate digital currency. Obviously it was a mistake purchase or else I would have not contacted support. Their are several traps in the game like this, they serve no one and I fell for this one! I'd live with the mistake if it was $3. But nearly 10 bucks!!! Thats my rage quit limit. 

As someone who works for clients creating art. If I ever had a customer who wasn't happy, I'd do what I can to remedy that! Because their my customer and they chose to give me money for my service above anyone else's. 

In the end I win, because their lack of support has motivated me to turn it into something positive for myself. Its a good time to quit and spend my time on something more productive in real life!

I understand that you are disappointed right now, but it is a bit harsh to leave a game where you can get those BL Statuette for free.

Calm down and try to think through if you really want to take break from this game!

It is perfectly fine to take a break and play other games or find other activities and then return when you find a new interest to play and have fun! Nothing wrong with that. Just try to actually look how much there is in game that you can still do, and I will expect that we are talking about an account which you did pay some money for which will be set on hold until you return.

You can create a new character and run personal story until you get some BL keys for free (don't upgrade or invest anything in form of GS upgrades -no bag slot that is character bound- on that character that is character bound as it is meant to be deleted and restart  to farm BL keys). GS items that are account bound can be moved to your key farm character while playing to make some things easier, but you need be very careful that you remember to move all those items to Bank or SI. Move all keys and items that aren't character bound to your Bank or Shared Inventory (I recommend Bank as you will probably have less space in SI).


Check that you have moved, salvage items (and sell it on BLTP, use Mystic Forge for items that are bound or can't be salvage, but can use have a use in MF to transform it into something that can be used, (4 items reduced into 1), use Dispose to Material Storage of crafting mats and move everything else that is account bound to a Bank or email it to a trusted friend or a trusted Guild storage).

There are guide both for BL key farming and for Mystic Forge. If you do this once a week (reset for BL key farming), you will get back those BL Statuette over time and combine it with map completion outside of main hubs like Cities (as those only reward Transmutation Charge; no BL keys) you should get enough keys to get some Statuette and also might even be lucky and got GS items directly like some Home Instance nodes that you would have to use statuette to get which can be sold on BL TP or used.

So there is ways to get those items without paying for BL key (and BL statuette). Map completion is another way to get BL keys and Statuettes, so I wouldn't be that upset like you are now.

You also seem to forget that BL statuette give you option to actually pick what items you want from GS for free without making any purchase of Gems.

Before BL statuette where introduced to this game we often had items that where not worth anything when we used BL keys on BL chests, if we where unlucky we only would get something that where bound to account (but not very useful) or when lucky got something that you could get some Gold from like minis that could be sold on TP for some Gold.

The only down side with BL Statuette is that they don't go to your Wallet, so you need to collect them and store them in a central place like Bank or Shared Inventory to see how much you actually have, then keep them on each characters inventory.

Like other have already told you it is always best to check with gw2 wiki how items work and read up about currencies/token before using it.

Read in game tooltip, but don't just take it for granted that you will fully understand from that short description, as it a limit for how much can be put into that small space to explain what that items is supposed to do or how it works.

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