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Is it ok to use the commander tag when not commanding?

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Usually using a commander tag means that you're doing a bigger group activity, so if you want to play solo, then I'd recommend turning it off, else you might confuse people and some might even have a negative reaction to it.

If you're doing a group activity/train/Hero Points run/jumping puzzle/etc. then you can use the commander tag since it's fine if other people would join you and the tag will have a purpose.

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Yes it's ok, other commander usualy change color in that cause

Most ppl are in squad of commander that taking leading of map, so it's not as much confusing as you think


Also you can make your commander tag not public (will only be showed to ppl that are in your squad)

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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Well no one can stop you, but it would be pointless if there's no one else in your squad. If you want to use it to direct friends while doing map completion or something like that you could set the squad to private, then no one except squad members will see the tag. If you have it public you will probably find random people show up and follow you around for a bit to see what you're doing, or ask you about it, because the point of a commander tag is to attract other players to a group activity and organise them while they're doing it, so people who see one will assume there's a group activity going on.

If you're on a map with real commanders who are leading groups they might also ask you to turn the tag off or at least change the colour to avoid confusing people who are trying to join the event.

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If you want to see the tag on you and avoid confusing people, just tag up, go to the squad options and tick private squad, that will hide the tag from anyone outside of your squad, which if you are alone means everyone but you. 

If for some reason you want the tag to be seen from others, you will just have to deal with people occasionally following you until they realize nothing is going on. Although there's no rule about it, honestly no one benefits from that, so there's no reason to do it. 

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4 hours ago, Amberrr.5982 said:

Like, is it ok to wear it while I'm doing my map completion? I would like your thoughts on the matter.

First question is "Why are you using a commander tag when you do map  completion ?". What is your goal ?

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I mean, you can but you shouldn't.. Not only it will confuse players that will be in the same map (because as people said before, tags are usually seen when theres like group events or something major going on), but you may also get some aggression from players that may join and realize that nothing big is actually going on.. People usually expect commanders to lead them and to know how to do things. There's the mentors tag that is "free", people don't expect much from it since it can be used by any player, any time for any reason.

Edited by leila.7962
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You could but should you?  Probably not.  The tag is for forming a group, summoning a squad to help with an event or boss, or to mark something specific, i.e. jumping puzzle portal.  Why would you want to have people following you about, joining your tag, or grouching at you for having a tag up when it serves no purpose?  

How about just having a catmander mini out instead?  

Edited by Farohna.6247
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I think it's like calling the 112 or 911 without reason.Tags are a signal that there's an event or someone needs help with something.

There are people who help the ones with tags on be it comm or mentor or kitty,like I do between 2 boss wait times or when I am bored and when I reach the comm and see idling without any event or pre and does that for a longer period of time its just trust breaking.

I put several curses on his PC and electricity a quick report and move on but as I said there are people who love to help others in  need and false tags are just disappointing

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On 7/24/2023 at 7:53 AM, Amberrr.5982 said:

Like, is it ok to wear it while I'm doing my map completion? I would like your thoughts on the matter.

Can you use it? Sure, it's yours and there's no rule against it. But the question is why would you want to randomly use it? All it will do is make other players think you're organizing a squad or need help with something. If you want to use commie marks, use private squad option to hide the tag from other players.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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