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GW3 is long overdue

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8 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

They could do a Diablo and make "player characters" from this era the Big Bads of the future. It would ironically prove Joko was right about us all along:

Maybe one from each of this era's player profession took the place of the Six Gods and the task would be to take them out. Probably wouldn't happen, but it would be an easy storyline.


8 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Yeah, the whole Joko arc was too short lived.  I thought that it was a great opportunity to expose the Commander to the repercussions of their actions.

I agree with both of these sentiments. I'd love to see more development on this sort of morality behind Commander's actions over the years.

I just... I'm a good noodle! 😞 But I'd still love to see it play out.

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Given that there's easily years of potential story content left (the next two years of expacs are already being worked on) and the game is doing well financially and in terms of player numbers, there is no logical reason for Anet to even start making GW3 at this point, because as others have mentioned, it would only kill GW2 in the process. Maybe after 3 or 4 more expacs, but that's probably 5+ years away anyways so no point wondering about it.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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On 12/22/2023 at 12:59 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I wish we could go back in time when number of pixels and fps wasnt the only thing people care about.

Oh no.... 2 fps less then my magic made up number i need... UNPLAYABLE!

This Tree over there has 2 pixel missing. Can you believe that?


Lets invest millions of dollars to created the extact same game just a bit prettier for people who have the money to buy good PC parts.

A absolute GENIUS businessplan.

NO risk involved. NO alienating your core audience.  🙃


Also, whos Alt account is this? Its one of you guys. 🤨



I 100% agree with you. Also I will add; I also have absolutely no interest buying expansions and games from Game Company/ies who has History of Mistreating  their Community concerns and Resenting them and Punishing them whenever they would raise concerns.

We are ending the year with 11 Years Of Pile Of Trash Mess and will began the New Year with Another Year of Trash Mess

Merry Christmas!! But Wait, Here Is Your Present. Open Present. Again, Surprise!! What Do You Expect? Be Happy!! It Is The Same Old Kitten I've Given You For The Past 11 Years

Just to feel the spirit of the Holiday, I walked into WvW and PvP.

I was instantly Perma-Stun, Damages Perma-Reflected,  One Shot

By the way,, we had 5 players trying to kill a Profession Herald player while in downstate. The Profession Herald player was able to fully resurrect to 100% health. Now Revenant Profession has joined the Resurrection Club. 

Before I logged out, we encounterd a Profession Elementalist player, teleporting and zipping 3x speed into a keep. I almost forgot, we encounterd a Profession Soulbeast player, with Perma-Immunity with having Perma-Reflects while evading all of our attacks...

Who Is The Audience Again?

For What Reasons Would We Want To Buy Guild Wars 3?

What Are We Supporting?

Is This A Bad Joke??

I rather open my wallet to a start up Game Developement Studio  

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 12/22/2023 at 10:54 AM, Lucy.3728 said:

Didn't they say, that there won't be a GW3?

The quote was something along the lines of "there are currently no plans for a GW3".  And, that was a few years ago.  But, based on stats alone, the game is NOT on life support.  It is doing great.  Hopefully, they will keep on for a while, because honestly, the few mmo's that are left other than GW2 are crap.

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Performance wise he isnt wrong guys. 

most of you guys will be playing with the 2 most important setting(model limit, model quality) to increase performance down to low. 

im not saying this is a bad thing. but in Wvw its pretty f**in stupid just seeing name tags intead of player models in a big fight. its almost off putting for new players.

i run pretty good hardware aswell and these setting are a must for 60+ fps during big wvw and big pve events.

i dont want a gw3 personally. but i do want new tech in the game to make it stand the test of time. FSR/DLSS would be a nice start. improvements and new graphical options for the DX11. New UI update aswell would be nice.

the people commenting that the performance is fine in wvw are mental.

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i wont migrate into any GW3 anymore. Im with arenanet since Prophecies. In summer 2025 that will be 20 years supporting them.  

Im not getting younger and grinding a new account up is nowhere in my sight. Also all my unlocked stuff would be gone.... Im not willing to unlock any gemstore items in a new GW3 again.

I would anytime be happy if they upgrade the GW2 engine so it finally support multi threading instead of only using once core of our cpu, etc.

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4 hours ago, jonesy.1470 said:

most of you guys will be playing with the 2 most important setting(model limit, model quality) to increase performance down to low. 

Wow how true.

But I don't do that because of performance but because I want to see less ppl spam my jumping puzzle or wvw zerg. And because I don't want to get distracted by other ppl's blinky-blink flashy-flash styles (for same reason I deactivated their visual casting/skill effects). And I deactivated post-processing because of the look (game looks better).

Edited by Lucy.3728
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5 hours ago, jonesy.1470 said:

Performance wise he isnt wrong guys. 

most of you guys will be playing with the 2 most important setting(model limit, model quality) to increase performance down to low. 

im not saying this is a bad thing. but in Wvw its pretty f**in stupid just seeing name tags intead of player models in a big fight. its almost off putting for new players.

i run pretty good hardware aswell and these setting are a must for 60+ fps during big wvw and big pve events.

i dont want a gw3 personally. but i do want new tech in the game to make it stand the test of time. FSR/DLSS would be a nice start. improvements and new graphical options for the DX11. New UI update aswell would be nice.

the people commenting that the performance is fine in wvw are mental.

I play the game on the lowest graphics possible. Also for Wvw reasons. 

All i need to know is where I am, where the enemy is and where the AoEs/dmg is. 

Nothing else matters. 

They game could look like real life and run 60 fps , I would still lower the settings down to the bare minimum. To much useless information on screen. 

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It doesn't make sense to make a GW3 for several reasons:
- The amount of content that GW2 has and the game modes it would not have in GW3 at its launch.
- A company must create several different games to grow.
- If they release GW3, I and many players will stop investing time and money in GW2 because everyone knows that they will not develop more content if GW3 is released.
- Launching GW3 would have to be very different from GW2 because otherwise it would be an OverWatch 2 and they should not develop a game just for better graphics and performance.
- When IceBroodSaga was going there was an "unannounced project" being developed at U4 (Unreal 4). Are you saying that the Dragons plot wasn't going to be finished with GW2 and we would have to kill the dragons in GW3? Has no sense

Maybe in 10 years we will have GW3 as has been done with T&L

Edited by Krajtin.8956
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My FPS drops when I'm in big zergs but turning off other peoples effects helps with that. I haven't noticed much in the way of latency. Sometimes a little slow loading into a crowded map.  If it's just an engine issue why would they completely scrap GW2 instead of just convert it to a new engine? Sure it would take some work but I'd think it would be less work than making a new game from scratch.  

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19 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

I've posted elsewhere: the degree of talent retention and mismanagement at ANet indicates that they really have only ever had the resources to develop *one* game. Every time they have tried to pivot to other projects or GW3, they end up splitting their resources, the new project is delayed or cancelled, GW2 suffers, and then their funding/resources take a hit and they are back to leaning on GW2. Point being: Yes I mentioned "other project", but either way it would only be a single big project, and only a desperate effort to find the next thing before GW2 dies out. The reason I am leaning toward GW3 and not "other project" is that, per the above observation about limited resources, anything that isn't GW3 would be effectively surrendering the GW IP and ANet's only real source of independent profit--any other project has a substantial threat of either killing the company or allowing it to be absorbed as a subsidiary.

As for "casual", it has been clearly demonstrated by FFXIV and other MMOs and online games that "accessibility" is what pulls in a much wider audience and creates profit growth. There has been a substantial trend across all MMOs (and most newer action games) to lean away from traditional RPG systems because they are too time- or thought-intensive. The reality is that there is not a very large market for complicated or skilled play (there never really was, gaming just became more mainstream), and while I suppose in theory a game can maintain high complexity/skill at top play while still being accessible, I don't believe any of the major MMOs have really managed to do this; FFXIV, GW2, and WoW class fantasies and playstyles are far more homogenized and narrower in concept than they used to be, and content increasingly asks less and less of players to clear. They are all becoming "choose your color" button mashers, which to my mind indicates that the older RPG systems are inherently dated and would be better abandoned for a new generation of purer, self-reliant "action" games rather than decimating their own very strong, distinct systems.

In general, the computer and console gaming market is transitioning heavily toward gamepad play. The effect of this is twofold:

1. As long as GW2 is keyboard-based, it will never tap into PS or Xbox markets. The interface simply doesn't work.

2. The ready-made computer-gaming market created by the likes of CoD, Destiny, Overwatch, etc. is increasingly just ignoring keyboard-based games. Several of my friends won't even touch GW2 because they need to use a keyboard.

You can see other games adapting, like FFXIV totally simplifying and overhauling class design to fit onto gamepad hotcrosses. GW2's interfaces is much more heavily keyboard-based, with the 0-9 key-based combat. It is fundamentally designed around keyboards to an extent that nothing short of a massive ground-up redesign would make it compatible, and that will increasingly limit its market.

Also, I need to be clear: I love the graphics, I don't care much that they are dated. But again, many "gamers" don't care about art design: they care about graphics. I've had friends turn down GW2 because they think it "looks like kitten". I find it disappointing that so many people prioritize things this way, but when a game like GW2 clearly looks like PS2-era graphics, it is only ever going to trend toward a nostalgic/retro niche as the industry evolves.

Same apply to me i won't touch any fps game who don't use a mouse , having two sticks to target on a fps while game is helping you be slightly "aim help" is feeling very akward to me , it's all about having some training i guess , but while you can play any game with mouse/keyboard combo , try playing games like wow with a controller , gl ....

it's all bout a matter of taste , the most played game is fortnite (even if many of us don't liek this kind of game , the data prove its one of the most played) and game who has given the most revenue to his creator is minecraft , see : two games who are not peculiarly up to date , even on release , with graphics standarts .

I will say your friends aren't the definition of what a game should be , nobody is , there is a variety of game , and this is good (controller friendly like Elden ring or Tekken and keyboard/mouse friendly like gw2 or wow), saying that we should get rid off keyboard (you stated that the standarts suggest that !) because it is niche , well a lot of us are niche gamers then ... all wow players are niche too i guess , your argument doesn't make any sense, it's not because you don't like the way the game plays that anet should change it , nor because 3-4 off your friends don't like keyboard , i don't like fps with controller , should we get rid off battlefileds and all call of duty who are on playstation or xbox ? no ofc not. 

And last point , how you gonna play some classe heavely played on aoe target , allies or enemy , move precisely , be right on spot using skill with a controller ... yeah show me footage about some dude wandering in queensdale ripping of lvl8 moas i can do that too by rolling my face on the keyboard or trying play with my noose or feets ... Nah , show me someone who is efficient and end up the hardest content of the game with an xbox controller ... gl finding.... gw2 is not controller friendly , you can play , i do on a steamdeck , but hell it is ankward !

No more market place for hard games you say : me looking at Elden Ring and Baldur gate 3 complexity and pondering .... there will always be a marketplace for hard content or skilled games , just look at how many ppl looked at elden rings speed runs or whatsoever , i think your own preference is tuneling vision yourself into thinking what is good for a game company... Ncsoft are the people who want arenanet to focus onbly on gw 2 , why do you think ? you think the game is a finacial disaster , not it's not , not the most played mmo , but is competing in the 10th finalist , thats not nothing.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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On 12/22/2023 at 8:09 PM, pabloedvardo.3058 said:


I know the people left on here are mostly GW2 die hards with computers that probably run the game at 1080p and they don't mind the performance issues.


Just for the record a GTX 1080 that is 7 years old by now is able to run this game on 4k UHD and does not get bottlenecked. Tested on the Amnytas Meta where everyone is sobbing it's a fps killer. What they don't know is that it's the culling broken in game so they think game engine is bad when it's not.

So take my advice and stop posting nonsense facts. As a game engine GW2 is doing perfectly fine for an MMO while running actual micro services. There is no mmo engine out there which can get higher fps than GW2 with 100 players on screen doing fast action combat with same level of details included. 

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On 12/22/2023 at 6:54 PM, Lucy.3728 said:

Didn't they say, that there won't be a GW3?

Well, what the devs say isn't pure gold.
According to the devs WvW is the cornerstone of this game...
Imo does't look like it.

Nowadays in the gaming industry I see the majority of devs (obviously there are some exceptions) as politicians: they tell you exactly what you want to hear to keep "customers".
As for optimization in video games, it's something I've never been able to understand. I don't know if the devs are careless so they aren't able to optimize or if they're stingy so they use mediocre technologies to save money. I don't know, but it seems to me that 10-15 years ago games ran much better with the technology they had available then compared to the more advanced technology today?

It's a bit like when a videogame comes out and on day one there are server, login and 8.9 hour queue problems... It's true that these are problems that have always existed, but is it possible that there isn't any technology today that solves these problems?
Nowdays there are AIs that can sample your voice, create images from a written input, invent, build, learn on their own....

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48 minutes ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

Well, what the devs say isn't pure gold.
According to the devs WvW is the cornerstone of this game...
Imo does't look like it.

Nowadays in the gaming industry I see the majority of devs (obviously there are some exceptions) as politicians: they tell you exactly what you want to hear to keep "customers".
As for optimization in video games, it's something I've never been able to understand. I don't know if the devs are careless so they aren't able to optimize or if they're stingy so they use mediocre technologies to save money. I don't know, but it seems to me that 10-15 years ago games ran much better with the technology they had available then compared to the more advanced technology today?

It's a bit like when a videogame comes out and on day one there are server, login and 8.9 hour queue problems... It's true that these are problems that have always existed, but is it possible that there isn't any technology today that solves these problems?
Nowdays there are AIs that can sample your voice, create images from a written input, invent, build, learn on their own....

I am a programmer and I can tell you that yes, before performance was much more taken care of because the hardware was more expensive and few could access it. Companies now focus more on quantity rather than quality of code.

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1 hour ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

Well, what the devs say isn't pure gold.
According to the devs WvW is the cornerstone of this game...
Imo does't look like it.

Nowadays in the gaming industry I see the majority of devs (obviously there are some exceptions) as politicians: they tell you exactly what you want to hear to keep "customers".
As for optimization in video games, it's something I've never been able to understand. I don't know if the devs are careless so they aren't able to optimize or if they're stingy so they use mediocre technologies to save money. I don't know, but it seems to me that 10-15 years ago games ran much better with the technology they had available then compared to the more advanced technology today?

It's a bit like when a videogame comes out and on day one there are server, login and 8.9 hour queue problems... It's true that these are problems that have always existed, but is it possible that there isn't any technology today that solves these problems?
Nowdays there are AIs that can sample your voice, create images from a written input, invent, build, learn on their own....

I thought WvW was one of three cornerstones of the game. And PvE just naturally became the most popular gameplay mode over time, as players tend to prefer non-competitive gameplay. (I do hope for some positive developments for the competitive modes in 2024.) Like many things, what gets said or intended at first may not always stick, and things either fail or pivot and adjust and continue to live. I remember GW2 wanting to do more with underwater combat when I was first hearing about the game (beta days), but there's been little done with it since release. I don't think that means they lied about wanting to do more with underwater combat, rather the players didn't love it as much as was hoped. Is it better to double-down on underwater combat then, or just drop it or reduce development there and focus on things players are proving to enjoy? (For the record, I'd like more underwater stuff. I love deep sea levels and such in video games. I'm that person. But I know I'm not the majority.)

I remember fifteen years ago, people calling Dalaran "Lagaran." I remember ten years ago pulling Oondasta on the Isle of Giants and people going "LAGGGGG" in chat. Some things are better (variety of hardware), some things are worse (quality of hardware), and other things remain the same (perpetual lag it seems). And I do believe things like server queues and such are being handled better by many games these days. One thing that helps is better technology, and another is the fact that player bases are much more spread out these days. Back in WoW's heyday, it was the MMO. These days, there's several of 'em. Heck, there's several WoWs lol... The same can be seen with several other online game genres.

Sorry about the lack of GW2 anecdote up there, I was still leveling and exploring back then. Big-scale events weren't something that I was involved with yet. 🙂 I will say, I've always been impressed with this game's stability. This game doesn't go down for nothin'. I don't remember being in a login queue ever. 

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24 minutes ago, Beowulf.5739 said:

Anyone noticed that pabloedvardo.3058 disappeared after his FIRST and ONLY post? Looks like troll post.

Don'tt like the game then just (rage)quit and play another game.

Fine by me if someone is going to make a troll thread, only for some actual interesting discussion to happen within said thread. I've been having fun anyway.

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On 12/22/2023 at 7:09 PM, pabloedvardo.3058 said:

I know the people left on here are mostly GW2 die hards with computers that probably run the game at 1080p and they don't mind the performance issues.

but GW2 was far and away my favorite MMO-ish game I ever played (especially back in beta before they ruined the Thief class), the integration of some of the best art direction / ux along with modernizing many old MMO problems resulted in one of the most exciting and immersive gaming experiences I've ever had

However, it wasn't long lived, as I recall struggling with performance issues even back when it came out.

Now, years later, I finally decided to give it a try again. Maybe they had improved things?

Unfortunately, nope, in the era of 4080s, 16 core processors, and 4K resolution, GW2 runs abysmally slow, with hitching and latency even around relatively low population areas.

It's painfully clear that GW2's engine was not only never great in the first place, but that now it's completely unplayable save for those who are still addicted somehow.

If ArenaNet can somehow turn out a similar quality game, with the same feedback loop between players and designers, but with a modern multi-threaded engine capable of utilizing modern hardware, I would play it in an instant.

I loved this game/team so much that I bought multiple copies of the game back when it came out just so friends of mine could try it.

Please make Guild Wars 3!

"Remastered" GW2 would be more than enough. But who knows, maybe remastering the engine and the whole systems would be more work than actually creating GW3. But if i had to choose i'd vote for remastered gw2. So the community wont be split and we all get to continue on same accounts. Plus there's still tons of in-game issues that need to be looked at, there's still alot of things that could be improved to really reach the full potential of gw2. I'd prefer if they would focus on that rather than gw3.

Edited by Carnifex.3275
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