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Remove the special success for the new legendary armor from Wizard's Vault.

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13 hours ago, Khaos.6479 said:

Yes but what exaclty do you want me to do with ONE PIECE of an armor that, I personnally find it ugly? I don't want to do the full set AND it will use ressources that MAYBE I want to put somewhere else, like to do legendary weapons ! Everyone is not playing 10 hours a day. Seriously... It shouldn't be in the special success of WV. 

My average is just under 2 hours per day, and the reality is that some days I'll play 3 hours, other days I won't log in at all. I've never done all the special activities in the Wizard's Vault, I've also skipped some of the dailies and weeklies, either because I wasn't online to do them or because I didn't feel like it. In spite of that I've always reached a point where I had to choose between getting 1g from the WV or getting something I didn't want (or never claiming the AA). If I'd gotten the things I didn't want I suspect I could have bought everything.

So I know for a fact you don't need to play '10 hours a day' or anything close to that to get items from the wizard's vault. No you probably won't be able to complete all the special activities (or all the dailies and weeklies) but it doesn't matter because the only reward is AA and you can get more than enough from the ones you are able to do.

It sounds like you are expecting to complete all of them, and if that's the case you'll definitely be down to only getting gold (or the material sacks) from the WV, which makes this an especially silly one to complain about because it costs more gold to complete than you'd get from it. Even if you could do it you'd be better off not completing it. It's a small bit of compensation for people who do make the armour (and likely a way to advertise it's existence to people who don't read patch notes) but if your objective is to maximise the rewards from the wizard's vault you're actually in a very good position because you're not going to waste gold on an activity which will get you less gold than you put in.

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The 800 points are just a few gold in the end. (800/35 now - 22.xx not even 23 fully.) Not a big deal. And we had other stuff not everyone likes to do. (Challenge mote for strikes.) A veteran player that has other legendaries - can just ignore this. If they don't want the skins. (If they want them ... maybe to one and get the 800 AA. And do the other ones later.)

New players probably are happy about every AA they can get - and should not worry too much about maxing everything from the vault tasks.

Personally I did most stuff. 5/4 on dailies and 8/6 on weeklies except the weekly strike every now and then when no Shiverpeaks Pass was on lfg (did not want to make an own one) - and the challenge motes for the strikes or the Temple strike. (Only did normal mode Dagda strike since this was needed for another achievement for the skin I think. Jotun Skypiercer.)

I still get a lot of AA. (Even in the season that now is shorter again it should be possible to get most interesting rewards. Just a bit less goldt at 35 AA at th end.) The season will run through SAB and I bet we will have more annoyed people when they decide to add tribulation mode for an additonal special task. 😄

For the legendary I yesterday bought the 2 pre-sets (Astral Ward and the Oneirus-Spun.) Now slowly completing the events for the last step to unlock the buy option for the precursor thing. And then ... just getting 1 (slowly working on this in the next 11 weeks as well as emptying the inventory of essences - where later I started to keep only the unopened chests from weekly convergences and from daily rifts. Only doing convergences now for the x/100 convergences achievement.) For the later ones: Much later ... maybe a mix of game modes. (Since this one offers the title and unique skins and my other main option would be PvP - not playing WvW and raids - I might as well stay with the PvE open world set though. Not getting the 2nd tier that probably is cosmetic upgrdae only going to be insanely expensive to add more "replayability" the SotO content.)

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I think you forget that they've been adding additional special objectives in the wizards vault between releases. You'll have additional chances to get the extra astral acclaim via other special objectives between now and the next wizards vault reset.

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18 hours ago, Khaos.6479 said:

Yes but what exaclty do you want me to do with ONE PIECE of an armor that, I personnally find it ugly? I don't want to do the full set AND it will use ressources that MAYBE I want to put somewhere else, like to do legendary weapons ! Everyone is not playing 10 hours a day. Seriously... It shouldn't be in the special success of WV. 

Then don't make the armor, it's that simple. People have been telling you that the AA reward for doing the armor is nowhere near the cost of it, so.. you're here complaining about optional tasks that turns something that costs ~500 gold into something that costs ~480 gold.

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21 hours ago, Khaos.6479 said:

Yes but what exaclty do you want me to do with ONE PIECE of an armor that, I personnally find it ugly? I don't want to do the full set AND it will use ressources that MAYBE I want to put somewhere else, like to do legendary weapons ! Everyone is not playing 10 hours a day. Seriously... It shouldn't be in the special success of WV. 

The special section is exactly wherer it should be. Along with CM strikes and raids. They are purely optional rewards for those who do the associated content task. 

The mistake you are making is in believeing you must have every single special beaten. You do not. Not every task for going to be for everyone and that is why it is in the special tab and why the absoultey must continue to reward all types of players

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8 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I've never done all the special activities in the Wizard's Vault, I've also skipped some of the dailies and weeklies, either because I wasn't online to do them or because I didn't feel like it.

Right, the last round with those horrid Saryx weapons? I totally ignored that one, those things are awful.

I saw no reason to waste any time or effort on anything related to weapons which looked like a BBQ that went horribly wrong. 🤣 

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none forces you to do it, you will get plenty of AA to get everything even without doing this special achiev. At the end of the day you will miss only few AA, not like they give you skin or something for it.

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18 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Right, the last round with those horrid Saryx weapons? I totally ignored that one, those things are awful.

I saw no reason to waste any time or effort on anything related to weapons which looked like a BBQ that went horribly wrong. 🤣 

Funny thing is, I didn't even have to TRY to get those. I got them all just by playing the game and salvaging all my drops for materials.

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If this becomes too much of an issue, in regards to difficult, costly or lengthy objectives within the 'Special' tab.

I could see A-Net implementing a reward track progress system like the ones within the 'Daily' and 'Weekly' tabs.

While also restricting each individual objective reward within the 'Special' tab to 100 AA each.

While the bulk of the AA would come from completing the 'Special' reward track and upon completion it would give you a bulk amount of AA.

They would need to increase the AA cap if they implemented this, but I don't see anything wrong in it.

Those who want to grind out however many extra 'Special' objectives that remain past the reward track, can do so, but will only receive 100 AA for each.

Further down the line, if A-Net decides to increase the amount of objectives within each category, they could also implement a pip system within the reward track.

For example every 25% you get some rewards, one at 25%, 50%, 75% then 100%.

This way people aren't forced to complete all the objectives to receive all the rewards at the end, but are consistently rewarded as the reward track progresses.

Edited by Royal Grand Majesty.9852
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On 2/28/2024 at 7:50 PM, Khaos.6479 said:

It's completely insane to force people to do 3 success for the new legendary armor into the Wizard's Vault, or at least 2 of them.

There is one tiny little detail you miss. It's really not much, but it changes everything:
People are not forced to do these objectives.

Mindblowing, I know!
Objectives in the special tab are purely optional. You don't need them to get all stuff from the vault, you get nothing special.
In the end it's literally just a few gold you get. Or the "bonus" to buy 1-2 WV items you get anyways a bit earlier.

So yeah, calm down. Nobody forces you to anything. And you won't really loose anything if you don't do these objectives.

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ok, they remove it but do not add anything instead of it, would you be happy then? You will miss AA either way.
kitten it, let people who make the armor enjoy those few extra AA, they will not have anything to spend it on anyway at the end of the season, let them have those extra 15 golds.

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8 hours ago, Royal Grand Majesty.9852 said:

This way people aren't forced to complete all the objectives to receive all the rewards at the end, but are consistently rewarded as the reward track progresses.

Did you, like, check the numbers of how much aa you "need" and how much you can get before you decided to base your whole "rework idea" on this sentence?

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On 2/29/2024 at 1:23 PM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Right, the last round with those horrid Saryx weapons? I totally ignored that one, those things are awful.

I saw no reason to waste any time or effort on anything related to weapons which looked like a BBQ that went horribly wrong. 🤣 

Hehe.  I gotta admit that I feel the same about those.  Even on my Necros, I can not bring myself to equip them 😬

But I have seen plenty of people in game happily sporting them into their look, so you gotta love this game and the imagination of people who make these things work for them ♥️

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On 2/28/2024 at 7:50 PM, Khaos.6479 said:

It's completely insane to force people to do 3 success for the new legendary armor into the Wizard's Vault, or at least 2 of them. Create one piece of the legendary armor took a lot of time and ressources that people like me, who already have legendaries armors or maybe who just don't want to do your new legary armor, that we could put somewhere else. Such a lost of time and especially such of lost of points for the Vault, we lost 800 points if we don't do those success... ☠️  


And BTW  it would be so great to add an arrow to choose the right amount of point we want to spend in the vault, and not 5 by 5 or 1 by 1. 

It's just a way to guide people into creating legendary armor. I don't see whats wrong with that. You don't have to do it if you don't like it.

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Every special objective since the release of SotO has been solely for PvE. Why?

I would love to see the next 6 months of special objectives be solely WvW and PvP based. Not that I would necessarily do them, I just think it would be... interesting.


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1 hour ago, revolucion.7518 said:

Every special objective since the release of SotO has been solely for PvE. Why?

I would love to see the next 6 months of special objectives be solely WvW and PvP based. Not that I would necessarily do them, I just think it would be... interesting.

Because special objectivces are rather clearly aimed at fresh (or returning, like festivals) content. If warclaw was added within soto, getting warclaw could probably get its "special" too.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, revolucion.7518 said:

Every special objective since the release of SotO has been solely for PvE. Why?

A solid majority of the playerbase is PvE/PvE-only. So much so that some think that WvW for a GoB for legendary weapons is a travesty beyond measure.

That said, it'd be great to have some PvP/WvW specials, yes, if only for the memes. We'd get some really good threads here on the forums + on Reddit if Anet did so.

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