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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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13 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't find the text in the chat box too bad, but it could be better and I certainly wouldn't complain about having more options. It would definitely be good for accessibility.


A choice of font (doesn't have to be loads of options) and colours for each channel would be nice.


Do you mean the Open Dyslexic font?


I'm (mildly) dyslexic and weirdly I don't like it. I can see why it works for other people buy I find it too 'blobby', it changes the shape of letters and therefore words too much, which is distracting, so I don't find it any easier to read. Also for me the most important thing is having a clear distinction between 'tall' and 'short' letters and it doesn't really do that.


If I get a choice of font I usually pick Verdana, although that's partially because it's widely available and most people don't notice it's not Arial or whatever, so if I write documents for myself I don't have to re-format them for other people to use (most the documents I've created at work are in Verdana). By far the most important thing is using a sans-serif font with good spacing.


There's other things which can help too, like background colours but that seems to be very personal; there's no one colour which is good for everyone. For me black text on a pale, dull yellow is best, but that's ugly, can be a pain to set up and I'd have to change it for other people to read. So I usually settle for light grey and/or changing the monitor brightness so the screen is less bright. (Fortunately books often do have black text on off-white to pale yellow paper.)

I learned something new and will have to try that out for myself. I liked the Mangal font but I have no idea if it is easily available in all medias/platforms.

Edited by Philapa.3842
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10 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't find the text in the chat box too bad, but it could be better and I certainly wouldn't complain about having more options. It would definitely be good for accessibility.


A choice of font (doesn't have to be loads of options) and colours for each channel would be nice.


Do you mean the Open Dyslexic font?


I'm (mildly) dyslexic and weirdly I don't like it. I can see why it works for other people buy I find it too 'blobby', it changes the shape of letters and therefore words too much, which is distracting, so I don't find it any easier to read. Also for me the most important thing is having a clear distinction between 'tall' and 'short' letters and it doesn't really do that.


If I get a choice of font I usually pick Verdana, although that's partially because it's widely available and most people don't notice it's not Arial or whatever, so if I write documents for myself I don't have to re-format them for other people to use (most the documents I've created at work are in Verdana). By far the most important thing is using a sans-serif font with good spacing.


There's other things which can help too, like background colours but that seems to be very personal; there's no one colour which is good for everyone. For me black text on a pale, dull yellow is best, but that's ugly, can be a pain to set up and I'd have to change it for other people to read. So I usually settle for light grey and/or changing the monitor brightness so the screen is less bright. (Fortunately books often do have black text on off-white to pale yellow paper.)

That's interesting feedback since you actually have used it.  I don't find it visually appealing, but I can see it's usefulness...yes I'm referring to the dyslexie/open dyslexic font.  I prefer verdana or some of the others as well, just because I find them more appealing.  Again, I will restate that I do not have dyslexia nor any visual differences.  Lol basically I just like what's most comfortable to my eyes.

I also like to adjust screen brightness, and usually run on night mode to knock off some of the blue light... ick.  Gray behind letters or a less harsh color than stark white is usually welcome.

I could see both of those features as well as sizing being very helpful for many.  Thank you for sharing your personal experience 🙂

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I would love also to be able to customize the chat box better in game as well...other than what is already there.  Sometimes, when my eyes get tired, the chat does seem to run together like a blob and sometimes the chat colors that currently exist in the game do seem to just bleed together.


And the purple that they have for the whisper chat is just horrible on the eyes!  I want to be able to change it to orange or to some other color that is distinctive to let me know that I have just received a whisper from someone.  I also wish for a different noise to let me know when I get a whisper too, because the current blurp is too subtle and I don't always hear it.  I'd like something just a little more distinctive to let me know that a whisper came through on my chat.

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Minor gripe and I'm not sure if other players care much about this, but it is pretty underwhelming how hitting enemies with bladed staff weapons in melee just sounds like you're hitting them with a blunt stick on Revenant and Daredevil. With scythe skins in particular, it's more jarring because they have a massive blade.


I really wish they had their own hit sound in melee; just one sound shared by all of them that sounds like you're slashing enemies as opposed to smacking them.

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I wouldn't want to lose the skill because I do use it sometimes. I know it's not as good profession elites but it's free so it's often the first elite skill my characters use, until I can afford the hero points for something else, and sometimes when I'm doing solo open-world content and don't need the best build I can put together I like to use fun skills and some profession/race combinations don't have many fun elites.


I'd love to have it as a jackal skin as well however. I've tried a few times to find one which could dye to look like the mistfire wolf but I've never managed to get one which is quite right.


(I'd also like a mini pet version, but at this point I doubt that's going to happen.)

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Please add ability to Wishlist/Watchlist items in the Gem Store. Also should be ability to view the list. So player can add items and see the list (in 1-2 clicks) where it will show price and discount (if any). Maybe even more: ability to checkbox "Notify if item from the list is on sale/has discount".


Thank you!

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9th year Birthday Cake Feast

I would like it if the Birthday Cake Feast was changed so that our low level alts could activate it in PvE. They can already use the Birthday Cake Feast if some other player puts theirs down so there’s no real reason why they can’t activate it themselves. After 9 years our low level alts could use a bit of love and a slice of our Birthday Cake. 


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I don't know if this has been requested before. But I think it would be interesting if we could change the option by default on the TP. I lose a lot of time changing it every time I make an order as I almost always end up listing instead of instant selling. Could we have this option, please?

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Could we have an option just to change the default behaviour of the TP when buying/selling?


I don't know if this has been requested before. But I think it would be interesting if we could change the option by default on the TP. I lose a lot of time changing it every time I make an order as I almost 
always end up listing instead of instant selling.


Could we have this option, please?

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This may have been asked multiple times already, but legendary trinket effects are just too much. Have you played the game after legendary armory? It totally ruins the immersion and even people who have them would like to disable the effect. 

Not to mention that in big zergs it really tanks performance.


I humbly request an option to disable those effect on every player and on self (but even just everyone would be much appreciated).


Nowdays most active players have floating balls around them, and they're also bugged (they're supposed to be visible just with weapons out, but instead they're visible with weapon off sometimes) 

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I know this has been posted a trillion times over but here it is again;


  1. ability in settings menu to toggle other people's visual effects (legendaries, infusions, not abilities)
  2. toggle button on legendary gear to show/hide the visual effect
  3. related to this, have transmuted legendary gear retain the ability to have the visual effects


this one is a bit more of a stretch but if you allow for a visual toggle it might just be easier to make it a 3 way toggle;

  1. ability to toggle legendary visuals to be always active/active based on stow/always inactive (tentacles on legendary chest pvp armour, wield effects on weapons, the trinket balls, all being active even when stowed, or default behaviour, or never shown)



Further this could be expanded to all things with a visual effect, not just legendaries, such as ascended/exotic special items (Saga's end draconic core, Rime rimmed Aquabreather, visual Infusions), and it wouldnt be a lot more effort since the list of non legendary items with visuals is very short.

Edited by Zyga.2580
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With the return of LS4 I decided to start doing all the achievements I was missing things I just ignored for a long time.

Soon after I ran into my eternal problem - No space in the inventory because of collectible items that have no place to be stored except on a character or in a bank.


@Anet Stop giving us collections with collectibles if you do not add a place where those collectibles go to. Either a storage space made for them or bookshelves somewhere so we can store them.

@ all Pls tell me what should I do with these items:


[Ancient Istani Coin][Primeval Tome][Folded Silk Tapestry][Ancient Sunspear Regalia][Chunk of Apocrypha][Cracked Fang Necklace][Damaged Jokanur Diggings Shovel]

Do I need them for anything else?


And these:

[The Battle of Sorrow's Furnace][Koss on Koss (Extended Edition)][The Great Joko, Hero of Tyria][Everyone's a Corsair: A Guidebook][Awakening of the Heart][Mysteries of the Night Sky]

Is there any place where I can store them on a shelve or something? I like collecting these specially when they are part of GW 1 universe.

If I want to keep them am I forced to carry them in my inventory or fill bank storage?


I already have 3 bank tabs with gizmos that go nowhere but I like knowing I can get them back.

If I delete them can I get them back?


Why is this so complicated?

Why are we collecting stuff that are just becoming inconveniences? 


TY all for reading and if you have some tips pls share.

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The lack of customization options for the UI in general strikes me as one of the weaker points of the game. I often find it quite difficult to see the numbers on boons and other such stacking items, with the worst being Kalla's Fervor - small white text on a light blue icon - but this is surely just another in the long list of things unlikely to ever be changed.

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Bookshelves have been requested frequently or other similar book storage space.  It would be nice in a home instance.  I could see it, much like the zenith skins or radiant gear, where you could have it saved to the account and could make a copy of it to look through but destroy the original.  Just something to clear out the space effectively.  So until that happens, yes unfortunately they are stuck in our bags and banks.  I like flipping through different ones occasionally, they're fun to revisit.

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Just now, Farohna.6247 said:

Bookshelves have been requested frequently or other similar book storage space.  It would be nice in a home instance.  I could see it, much like the zenith skins or radiant gear, where you could have it saved to the account and could make a copy of it to look through but destroy the original.  Just something to clear out the space effectively.  So until that happens, yes unfortunately they are stuck in our bags and banks.  I like flipping through different ones occasionally, they're fun to revisit.

Yup...one of the things id love to have as a QOL item..got a literal bank tab filled at the moment.

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2 hours ago, Whitelust.4850 said:

With the return of LS4 I decided to start doing all the achievements I was missing things I just ignored for a long time.

Soon after I ran into my eternal problem - No space in the inventory because of collectible items that have no place to be stored except on a character or in a bank.


@Anet Stop giving us collections with collectibles if you do not add a place where those collectibles go to. Either a storage space made for them or bookshelves somewhere so we can store them.

@ all Pls tell me what should I do with these items:


[Ancient Istani Coin][Primeval Tome][Folded Silk Tapestry][Ancient Sunspear Regalia][Chunk of Apocrypha][Cracked Fang Necklace][Damaged Jokanur Diggings Shovel]

Do I need them for anything else?


And these:

[The Battle of Sorrow's Furnace][Koss on Koss (Extended Edition)][The Great Joko, Hero of Tyria][Everyone's a Corsair: A Guidebook][Awakening of the Heart][Mysteries of the Night Sky]

Is there any place where I can store them on a shelve or something? I like collecting these specially when they are part of GW 1 universe.

If I want to keep them am I forced to carry them in my inventory or fill bank storage?


I already have 3 bank tabs with gizmos that go nowhere but I like knowing I can get them back.

If I delete them can I get them back?


Why is this so complicated?

Why are we collecting stuff that are just becoming inconveniences? 


TY all for reading and if you have some tips pls share.

You can look up each one of those items in the Wiki, and decide if you want to keep them, or not.  (Wiki link above.)

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As discussed in other threads, I am extremely into the idea of being able to unlock the PvE legendary armor skins without having to craft them. It could work by having a merchant who only sells you, for example, the light legendary breastplate skin for the corresponding amout of LI and some gold, if you already have a legendary light chest piece (either PvP or WvW) bound to your account. This system already exists with awakened weapon skins in PvP.


Currently, there is a huge value disparity between crafting the Raid-Armor and the PvP/WvW armor. People who crafted the raid armor can unlock the other skins simply by purchasing the ascended gear pieces. On the other hand, people who crafted the PvP/WvW variant have to craft a whole legendary set of armor again, without receiving any benefit from doing so - else they can not get the skin.


I think it's unfair for PvP and WvW player to lock them out of this skin, unless they want to invest a huge amount of money again, despite them probably having invested a lot more time in their corresponding armor than Raid players have.

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New novelty item: chatterbox or shoutbox 

Different versions with a few cool/funny shouts. 

Unlock through various small questlines/collections. 


Race boxes: 






Festive boxes: 

Unlocked during events with shouts like MERRY WINTERSDAY!, TRICK orTREAT!, HAPPY NEWYEAR! 


A box to honor the Gods, HAIL ABADDON! Or for special moments and characters from your adventures: APPLES FOR SALE! Or PRAISE JOKO!  

Your character talks all the time why not say what you want when you want, enhance your fights, your adventures, your RP. 





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32 minutes ago, Crystal Paladin.3871 said:

I want a hostile pocket raptor novelty... It should have a longer cool down... And it should grow in size everytime it downs a player... The raptor should have 1hp


This made me wonder about a plague beetle novelty as well. Spawn swarms that can be squished by mounts, or they keep multiplying.


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QoL suggestion: 


When using one of the many lounge passes available (lily of the Elon, Mistlock Sanctuary, Armistice Bastion) and chosing a waypoint or location to go to, you are currently allowed to pick all the major cities, and the Aerodrome.


what about adding Eye of the North there?


Since its another Hub for strike missions, and DR missions, used to group up more often, it would be nice not to continuously go to the map and look for the wp to get there.

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