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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I enjoy the thought of an open world obtainable set of armor. But the cost/struggle would have to be obscene in order to keep it legendary. Think Season of Dragons on roids, plus a set achievement number amount to attain, plus a mastery number to obtain, a special item from every expansion needed, entire story masteries from base to latest expac completed all on one character. And thats just to unlock the collection 😄

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Casual roleplayer / pve-er / mediocre raider here to toss in my vote regarding your proposal:




If you want the convenience of legendary armor, earn it. If you're not willing to stomach wvw/pvp, or learn how to raid to do the PvE, (yes, it's pve. Pretty sure Deimos isn't being controlled by another player. That's literally pve.), then you obviously don't want the convenience of legendary armor that badly.


And just so OP doesn't come in crying about 'elitists' who disagree with their opinion, this is coming from a casual who actually got into raids to earn the armor like everyone else. It's really not that hard if you're willing to invest the time and effort and find the right community to learn with.

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If raids are not pve, then what are they then?

I mean just because people want to argue in them doesn't make them PvP, or else this forum would count for dailies. Maybe it should.

I feel like the quest for shinies has disconnected some from reality. Stop. Don't be like this guy.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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They have been asked to address this for years. It has fallen on deaf ears. And,btw, as has been mentioned in many other topics and threads.  Anets history regarding lack of communication and interaction with the community has been evident with this topic as well.

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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well do remember that the ones doing story are most likely ftp so not that much power creep.

Take further into consideration that they might have mix match armor pieces from leveling up.

And lastly please edit op copy and paste it the press put it as plain text pop up so dark mode can read it.

The game does a horrible Job at teaching new players how to pick gear, craft, and use runes sigil and all that. Hopefully they fix this but if not I guess just tone down the difficulty. Would still like to see them add phases to the Zhaitan fight and make it more interesting. Can be made easier so that the avarage joe with mixed gear can enjoy it, but keep the action consistent for the theatrics. It's so anti climatic just shooting away with a few puddles under your feet. Sometimes you never even see the animation for summoning the tendrils or the tendrils themselves. 

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15 hours ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

They move the level 10 blc key to level 15 and I spend no more money on the game ever. Yes I do buy stuff with real money. But I do like getting my level 10 key every week as well. 

How is an extra 5 levels any different i mean 10-15 is such a tiny change.


10 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

If raids are not pve, then what are they then?

I mean just because people want to argue in them doesn't make them PvP, or else this forum would count for dailies. Maybe it should.

I feel like the quest for shinies has disconnected some from reality. Stop. Don't be like this guy.


Players vs Devs or PvD (secretly the devs are playing the bosses to kill you all.)

Edited by Dante.1508
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5 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

How is an extra 5 levels any different i mean 10-15 is such a tiny change.


Other than burning more experience tomes, I don't think the level change would make a big difference.

The fact that the proposed scheme moves chapter 1 of story to level 5, chapter 2 to level 15, and puts the key there, however,  would very much lengthen the weekly key run. Now, instead of just doing chapter 1 (Krytan Politics  for example) you'd also have to do chapter 2 (Shadows of the Past story for humans for example).

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5 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

Partially, because I'm not swimming in tomes of knowledge. I get to level 7 and use tomes. Trust me I would prefer to skip leveling. But still, imagine doing it to 15!

Ah. That makes sense. I’m constantly swimming in the things, and still have the birthday scrolls I’m using on my key character.

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  • - Add zoom in/out in the preview weapon/armorpanel
  • - Add lock zoom in the damned minimap
  • - Transform Nightfury into an infusion
  • - Transform Winter's Presence into an infusion.
  • - Remove "Snap Ground Target to Current Target" for Druid Staff skill 3.

    PRetTy PlEase :c
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Still need "Hide Other Player Effects" and ability to label your role in party UI since this game has a Holy Trinity now. Disappointed in no mention of it in recent news. Just adding the Echo from FFXIV only for raids?

Cursor becoming more noticable is helpful but the whole reason my cursor is lost forever is I can't hide effects.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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I REALLY like the abyssal dye set, and it's the only set I made an effort to complete. Particularly, I love how well it goes with the Armageddon armor. For reference:



I love that it gives the armor a sort of 'worn' look with the gold-like trim (this is abyssal sun dye), but I would love it if you guys could add an abyssal dye that gives a light gray hue where you see the gold, like, abyssal silver or something along those lines. I don't know if it's even possible to pull off, but if you can that would be totally awesome. The gold looks nice, but I think silver would be much nicer.

Thanks for your consideration in this matter.

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Can we get an "undo / redo" button for scribbing?

I'm getting tired of having to build a million mile pier out into the middle of nowhere just above the waters surface outside the invisible wall boundary in order to collect a piece that was misclicked from high above that sent this decoration down into the depths below.

I first get to mount on my skimmer and go find it. I then get to mark its location on the map and back track to the closest land area to start building a pier to get out to that location because we also can't use the scribbing tools underwater just to delete it.

It would be so much simplier if there was an undo button for misclicks!!!

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Can we somehow fix character`s deadstate after "Invitation to Lily of Elon" used? Character just moved to a premium area,and you cannot do anything rather than open your map,use random waypoint, and then use Invitation again.This procedure pretty annoying.

1)Let NPCs auto revive players on spawn spot.


2)Disable Item usage when character in dead state

or best one

3)Make "arrival" to Lily in alive state.

Thanks you!


The "problem"




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