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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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When we are entering a fractal i would like to see a concept art of the fractal and the name of the fractal, its kinda confusing when your constantly going in and out, and u just see "fractals of the mist". While in any other area of the game, PvE maps, PvP etc you see a concept art of the concrete place and the name in their loading screens.



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If you own Path of Fire expansion, you can get the Raptor mount at level 10 without starting The Path of Fire story.

But what about adding in PERMANENT basic Raptor mount, basic gliding (worse gliding then HOT basic gliding, make it only viable too survive fall damage) and basic fishing to Vanilla Guild Wars 2, giving new players incentives to buy the expansions?

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Err the incentive to buy a bicycle irl is because you don't want to travel on foot.  That incentive seems to work irl.  

The most persuasive incentive I found to get a glider was bloodstone fen in living world season 3.  You can't survive jumping off of the airship without a glider.  This actually is the reason I started playing HoT.  

A glider may be convenient in the core game but it isn't nessassary until season 3.  No need to rush things.

Adding fishing to the core game is probably a bad idea.  New players are already drowning in a sea of unfamiliar game mechanics. 

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48 minutes ago, Esparado.9305 said:

If you own Path of Fire expansion, you can get the Raptor mount at level 10 without starting The Path of Fire story.

Accounts with any of the Elder Dragon Saga expansions: Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire or End of Dragons unlocked will be granted permanent access to the basic raptor mount after they reach level 10 on a single character.

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1 hour ago, Esparado.9305 said:

But what about adding in PERMANENT basic Raptor mount, basic gliding (worse gliding then HOT basic gliding, make it only viable too survive fall damage) and basic fishing to Vanilla Guild Wars 2, giving new players incentives to buy the expansions?

If you add permanent expansion unlocks to base game, it's not exactly an incentive to buy those expansions. What NOT PERMANENT raptor unlock does is: "see? This is a raptor. You like it? Cool, you can play with it for 10h but then buy expansion if you still want to have it".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Esparado.9305 said:

If you own Path of Fire expansion, you can get the Raptor mount at level 10 without starting The Path of Fire story.

But what about adding in PERMANENT basic Raptor mount, basic gliding (worse gliding then HOT basic gliding, make it only viable too survive fall damage) and basic fishing to Vanilla Guild Wars 2, giving new players incentives to buy the expansions?

Giving basic expansion features to vanilla players does not incentivize them to buy the expansions. It might advertise the expac features but could create an impression that just waiting will give expac features over time.

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33 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Giving basic expansion features to vanilla players does not incentivize them to buy the expansions. It might advertise the expac features but could create an impression that just waiting will give expac features over time.

I agree with this...if you give a mouse a cookie, it wants a glass of milk.  I think rentals, festivals, the mount at 10, are all adequate advertising for why you might want the expansions.  Heck I'd even say why not a free fishing weelend or at a festival so you can try it out, but nothing more than greens and blues maybe caught.  

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36 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Giving basic expansion features to vanilla players does not incentivize them to buy the expansions. It might advertise the expac features but could create an impression that just waiting will give expac features over time.

Like a free skyscale ... 🙄

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Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but there are so many resets.  It would be nice if everything reset at noon (Pacific) on Tuesday, when patches and content updates. Map rewards reset on Thursday at 4 Pacific, IIRC.  Levias's inventory resets on Monday morning sometime.  There's a daily reset at 8 p.m. And I know there's another weekly reset I'm totally forgetting.  How possible would it be to have some of the weekly resets sync up a bit better?

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while it is a little annoying, it is a better practice to stagger these resets.
if everything were to reset at the same time, and issues occur with multiple  systems, the entire dev team would be split trying to fix all of them at once; with a staggered schedule, if an issue occurs, the devs can focus on fixing just one system.

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According to the Wiki the only weekly resets which aren't on Monday morning are WvW and the map bonuses. I'm not sure why map bonuses are different and agree that could probably be moved to Monday but I think it makes sense for WvW to reset on a Friday because most people have more time to play over the weekend and if the outcome was pretty much decided by then it might put people off playing.

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2 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

while it is a little annoying, it is a better practice to stagger these resets.
if everything were to reset at the same time, and issues occur with multiple  systems, the entire dev team would be split trying to fix all of them at once; with a staggered schedule, if an issue occurs, the devs can focus on fixing just one system.

True. I realized after I'd posted that it would mean chasing down what went wrong to one thing, instead of everything.

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On 7/20/2023 at 7:23 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

No.  The expansions and their contents should be enough incentive.  It's not like they cost a fortune.  Let's stop asking for free stuff and start paying for things like expansion content so that Anet can keep the servers running.

Man I'd hope people buy expansions for the content and not for mounts, boats and bots and other conveniences.

Otherwise ANet is doing something wrong.

If ANet needs the money so badly, remove the gems and make it all mico-payments. Been working for EA for years.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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Hi, I would like to suggest having character-specific keybindings.

It's a huge convenience for those who associate certain buttons with certain types of skills, for instance, my CC-break (stun break), is always on C, in any MMORPG.

I try to ensure my "defiance break" is on E and on R if I have two active.

The OPTION of having keybindings per character allows players flexibility, and once again, I am not suggesting to remove universal keybindings.

You could simply have an option like:

Use global keybindings or use keybindings per character

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No replies necessary. 

Enjoy your reading. 

Have a basic 10 person commander tag with a lower price cost that can be upgraded so the entry to having a tag is not so steep.

Have an checkbox option to auto relist LFG when party/group is not full.

Have a dps/healing/boon/condi gauge for players in groups in game so players can easily see what the levels are and they can adjust as needed for content.

Make pvp 3v3 player maps larger so it is not so congested.

Pvp, be able to continue matches with a matched teams for at least a few matches.

Pvp, lower wait times before matches start to reduce overall match time lengths.  A checkbox could be available for each player to add 5-10 seconds of wait time per player if more time is needed with a max limit of added time.  Only one wait time window is needed.

Have an easy mode for raids/strike-missions etc that have timers and location indicators for the important mechanics of each raid/strike.

Have a completion tracker UI for raids/strike-missions/fractals/dungeons/pvp/wvw etc for completed dailies and weekly achievements to help players easily keep track of their progress.

Have a in-game notepad that has many auto-saved pages that any player can easily display and share with other players in groups and can easily be copied and pasted for things like discord info or web links or anything players may need.

Have one unique profession skill slot for each mount that player characters can use while mounted. This skill could be used to assist/buff other mounts or add and extra combat skill while mounted.

A map that expands outwards without a loading screen with updates.  The also expands downwards and upwards also with layers of maps; those may need loading screen.  New layers may start small in different locations and expand with time.

Be able to join or add a party to a squad.

Add a quick button bar in the main game screen that can be associated with with any action to help reduce hotkeys needed to perform actions.

A full map zoom out and a quadrant area zoom out.

New ways to get specific materials like trophies, currencies and other needed things.  Instead of completing events for chests or defeating things for drops players could do mini activities kind of like fishing.  Cooking mini activities could get certain foods.  Hunting activities could get certain trophies and materials.  New mining techniques could yield specific or new minerals in certain places.  Refining materials could create specific materials when done in certain ways like to make paper or to make fire wood instead.  Each acquisition method would have a specific mechanic and gameplay of it's own like fishing does.  These would be like enhanced and more involved ways of some existing things and some news perhaps.  Jade bots could used in the same way too with some mini-game type of activity too.  

A new universal type elite specialization that can be used by all professions.  This elite spec. can be gained through the mastery system so only one character needs to unlock it.  This elite spec can help bring skills or abilities that professions are lacking.

Map condition quality level.  5 levels.  Levels -2, -1, 0, 1, 2.  Negative levels are more difficult with less resources available.  Positive levels are the opposite.

Wvw, have continental map areas with key battle areas like fields, cities, forts, castles, bases etc that can be claimed and ruled by alliances abd guilds within that alliance.  Each continent can have countries within that continent that may come under rule of an alliance and sub ruling of  guilds.  Taxes or other resources could be benefited from conquering different territories by guilds.  Alliance could gain smaller benefits as a whole from having more lands.  A system of gameplay gains could be made from this.  Map could be reused for different cities and areas to accommodate a large map area.  The length of time a game could run for could last for a course of a year before it is reset.  Limits on claimable land could be placed on alliances and or guilds per day and or per week to help set a pace for balance of gameplay.  Expansion of territory could be limited to adjacent lands to provide more of a strategic gameplay based on positions of each tile type of claimable land area.  Much more can be expanded from this.

A combat block ability for all professions.  It's similar to dodging with it's own blocking stamina gauge.  This ability blocks damage in the front 180 degree angle area of the player.  There can be three types of blocks to choose from of which one can be slotted before combat. The first block could block an area covering 90 degrees in front of the player blocking 100% damage, the second could block 180 degrees and less damage blocked and a third block could block 360 degrees with less damage blocked.  Blocks would be only active while the block key is being pressed.  Movement may be slowed while blocking.  Blocks when not moving could improve the block in some possible way.  A block option could prevent movement while blocking.  More block types could be added as needed.  This ability would add more parrying gameplay to the game. 

A robotic/cyborg race.  Dragon race?

A mount based content expansion. 

Legendary profession slot.  Allows a character to change to another profession.

A skill that creates an icy platform underneath a target that recharges all of the targets skills for a few seconds from loss of control and if the target moves or is moving, the target will slip and fall down and receive fall damage.

A knock back attack that causes target to roll back with a further knock back than usual.

Fishing.  Be able to catch and release the catch.  Have rewards for rare, egg bearing, endangered species.

Have meta events and smaller instanced content that can be easily completed for basic rewards but have mechanics and objectives that are added during the course to improve rewards and to change the path or chain of the event.  An event can branch to a simple tree of events or split to either of two major events that have different rewards and outcomes.

LFG - be able to mark or save favorite listings in a personal favorites group for easier, faster and less repetitive searches. 

Material gathering gameplay - improved, easy to do, not feeling repetitive, fun to do, bonus reward for skillful completion.  When gathering or harvest materials, the material area enlarges the material (a new small rectangle or pane may appear instead) and multiple amounts of the material appear and players can choose which one to start to try to gather from.  Some animation may be added.  Players would repeatedly click on each piece or item to try to obtain it.  Depending on the material, appropriate graphic or animation would suit the material.  After acquiring the materials, a sorting and selection gameplay may insue to improve the yield number and quantity of quality yields from the harvest. 

Elite specializations - fill out more trait lines, utility skills and elite skills.

Infusions and other graphical modifications - be able to disable any effects to reduce graphics clutter.

Weapon skills mastery - be able to use a second skillset per weapon. Have one two-handed weapon skillset or two one-handed weapon skillsets available for each profession at each release.

Mount skills mastery - additional sets of skills for mounts.

Hud gui - increase size modification parameters and be able to move each item to any part of the screen.

Turtle mount - have option to mount with multi-person mounting as default setting.

Maps - a mixture of maps.  Islands, cliffs, mountains, ravines, sink holes, caverns, trenches, tunnels, caves, rapid rivers, watefalls, canyons, swamps, deserts, tundras, lakes, oceans.  An event that cantains a mixture of many types. 

Personal home instances - portable home instance portal scrolls that open portals that others cans join.  Home instances that can support 100 player capacities where groups can teleport to to wait for events and other things.  Homes of other players can be placed in this instance also in designated areas.

Mount content - have content that is more proficiently completed with mounts but does not require it.  Maps may have their own mounts and mount types with their own different skills or mechanics that bypass requirements of certain mounts with a slightly less proficiency.

Balance patch cadence - 6 months large patch, next 1 month small patch, then 1 month small patch.

Group compositions - have a group composition box area that displays the composition of the group and roles that are filled and unfilled that can be seen by players of the group.  There will be a long list of different roles that the commander or lieutenant can choose from that can be placed in the composition box.  The box can list from at least 6 roles or how many player feel is needed.  The roles would have check boxes that players can check from to show that that role has been filled by that player.  If that player is not in that group after choosing the role then the box shows a darked or lightened change to show a missing role by a person.  The commander or lieutenant may have permissions control for filling specific roles.  Group compositions can be saved for quick loading into content that is appropriate.

Traits - more traits per trait lines and selectable minor traits.  Specific skill, boons and condition modifying traits that may increase/decrease cast time, duration length, cool-down time, intensity, stack capacity, range, radius, combo field effect, combo field shape and size, initial effect, end effect, speed, number of players affected, effective range(s), which players are affected, etc.  

The material economy.  More material sinks are needed.  Have skins that can be crafted that use the unused materials in the game.  More materials need a use.  Have recipes like legendary ones but with simpler with more unused materials to reduce the bloat of the many materials in the economy.  Make these recipes easy to get and show items required in-game.  Make more things craftable.  Make make lots variations of recipes to make many variations items that would in turn use more unused types materials.  Color, rarity, quality, and other properties of the items could included in the variations.  Some of these items could be used as is or combined with other items or variations to create new or better versions of items.  Have machines or complex items that require a complex recipe of items.  Make unused items that could be crafted into items that could be sold to vendors for raw gold as a simple material sink.

Multiple skills for weapon skill 1 - add number order to each skill in the skill description to show that the skills have an order of action for an improved new player experience.

First person camera height leveled at proper character head level.

Mesmers transform into animals and other things.  Elementalists use other elements.  Warriors use weapons in different ways.  Necromancers make more undead and use them in different ways.  Rangers with expanded abilities of nature.  Engineers produce more machinery.  Thieves with enhanced stealth and thievery techniques.  Guardians providing more defenses.  Revenants drawing more strengths from their legendary heroes.

Weapon skill modifiers.

Daily/weekly map bonus activity rewards.  Have an icon in the main gamescreen that opens a list of map bonus rewards icons that show the number of bonus activity rewards available and keeps track of how much has been completed.  These rewards are easy things to do throughout the map.  Rewards are completed through new special mini map activities that are added to the map.  A list of 5-10 or more bonus rewards may be available randomly each day.  These activities would add more content and easy bonuses for players to obtain.

Be able assign icons to the sub groups and players in the squad ui within the ui.  Have icons that would be useful in group content available.  Icons tank, healer, dps, quickness, alac, boons, mushroom1, condi-dps, power-dps.  Being able to use multiple combined icons can be useful for having multi-roles.  This could be added to new features of any expansions.  Add more icons as needed.

Chat window - add emoticons.  Modernize the chat.  Chat features in phone text messages can be useful too like the like feature of messages.


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I already mentioned some of this, but I'm gonna put it all here again:

- Redo traits altogether - its a mess just redo it again with choices that dictate how a profession is played instead of this make more damage this make more heal it's so bland. Cool ones change what skills do. If more traits or a replacement system did something where like you choose how you apply boons and stuff it would lead to more personal choice for what feels best to you not 100% whatever is the best thing.

- Make the stats we never use actually work in at least one build/environment. Giving skills additional benefits based on/scaling off the unpopular stats would be exciting. I'm not even sure if condition damage healers exist as I don't have one (I see they might have/do at some point but never good) but it'd be cool to heal allies based on condi damage you deal for instance giving a use to the healing power and condi damage prefix's or some spec being able to critically heal so healing and precision used together would be ideal for them, "spec centered condi" damage scales with precision, etc list can go on and on and be very interesting.

- Need a lot of QoL to help the Inventory Wars. I'd love a way to say use the jade bot or bank something similar to place say Jade Runestone into it and when I activate it it pulls all my items of that name and puts them into that slot so I don't have to play dedupeotron all day when inventories get messy.

- Better tags for things we don't need or just a cleaning up button to remove all unsellable crap we can't use for anything. A library (In our customizable guild hall-like player home can house all those books we collect without taking up inventory space in bags WHICH THEY SHOULDN'T DO ALREADY!)

- Rebalance old content so it's fun with the modern creep. Events shouldn't be so uneventful now. Dragon's Stand doesn't show off the mechanics, Boneskinner is just a mess where I am pretty sure a ton of designed mechanics don't get interacted with and people still struggle to just go left when rings happen, Tequatl is interesting before you hit 75% then it's sleep mode. I wish boss events felt more like events.

- Make boons all apply in a LARGER RADIUS. We should have some benefits to playing not squeezed together clipping into one blob "The Commander" blob.

- Make players have indicators on the party that show if their builds are providing specific boons/healing spec. It'd be amazing if it could tell by build if not let players mark their characters by what they do so it shows up and we don't have to deal with the people unable to read and think someone else is giving a boon or having two boon providers because they got confused.

- Make every instanced boss fight ever (Raids and such) respawn you just before the boss. People get really annoyed walking back because someone made a dumb mistake and we had to GG.

- Mystic Forge repeat setting. Let me just say I want this to be crafted on repeat X times or until I can't refill anymore. It's annoying to keep hitting the buttons. QUALITY OF LIFE EVERYWHERE PLEASE!

- Let me favorite items in crafting menus, reorganize them, and "craft all mats" for items would be cool too if it can look at components and know how many total I can make with what I have a toggle for that would be neat so you craft all the mats you use for it too. 

- Let us reorganize guild tabs. I want to be able to sort which channel each guild is without leaving and getting reinvited to fix the order.

- Festival for Four Winds invite/invite to party during the event should open like season portals and let you pick between each of the three locations instead of moving between them all every use.

- Let players be party leaders without a tag. They don't get a lot of what the tag gives, but can ready check, get a symbol for just the people in the squad to see, etc. People go crazy when there isn't a tag they can't listen to save their own lives. Need to remove the player behavior that tags are needed and that someone coming in that has a tag because they formed and nobody else had a tag isn't the leader. I get thrown into a premade group and tag up for them and they expect me to know what they have setup already and to instantly do everything for them - it's wild. 

- Inspect wardrobe as an option for players when right clicking their target icon where it just shows the transmog on a white item frame so no other information can be shared maybe the dye channels and the item it's shown as.

- Transmutation charge vendor that lets you buy things with your charges for people that don't want to play the end game of fashion wars or have legendary everything so transmutation charges do nothing for them. Also make them automatically added like wallet currency it's weird it's an item you have to use.

- Make it so people can toggle to play Stronghold/other game modes in PvP and if enough have it toggled automatically put it on the choice for PvP. I finally played it once after all this time and it was more fun than I expected from what I heard. I wish we had more game modes like this too. Look at games like Smite and just copy some stuff they do in game modes here lol. Sad this was abandoned... Maybe even some event outside of PvP.

- Give that area in WvW nobody goes to anymore with the NPCs you have to fight have some sort of good rewards dropping in some place as it's basically impossible to do the Season 1 achievement stuff there right now.

I am sure most of this was suggested and plenty is spaghetti-code gated, but like please I need some QoL. One of them slipped my mind too as I got distracted so that's annoying, but this list is long enough anyways.

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