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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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For the love of puppies, FIX THE CAMERA ZOOM.

While this has been an issue for a decade, it is becoming far more noticeable with convergences. 

You have your graphics settings to allow the widest angle of view and the largest zoom out possible, which in 4K is glorious. Lets say you are on foot, and zoom out as far as you can to see everything around you. You can see all the action and avoid mobs and meteors behind you. You kill a lieutenant or general, then jump on a mount to get to the next baddie.... the freaking camera zooms you in. This one could be excusable, as it moves your zoom from the limit of instanced or boss combat to the (closer) limit of zoom while mounted. You then get to the next baddie, and dismount, and the kitten thing zooms you in again, way way close like the camera is mounted on a jade bot buzzing round your toon's head. You now can't see squat and have to take a moment, while in heavy combat to zoom back out. Super super annoying! 

fixing that would make a major quality of life improvement!

Semi-related.... for some reason, about 15% to 20% of the time that second zoom in freezes the camera facing that direction (north/south/east/west) so that when your toon is trying to maneuver around the cacophony of  carnage, the camera does not rotate around behind the character as it should. You have to right click and drag the camera to get it unstuck.

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can you check if either the drop rate of charms and symbols is working as intended, or whether the amount used for the motes/aspects is working as expected?

The different colors have hugely different frequencies in how many exist (and how many are available/how expensive they are on TP), yet 75 is needed of each for the mystic motes/aspects. Is that what was expected?

It kind of seems like it was expected we would be able to make runes and sigils starting at a low level, and in reality due to the rarity of symbols and charms, this would be a poor use of resources. 

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4 hours ago, kitemay.1327 said:

taunt skills for tanks please?

There could be a gimmick like Taunting relic, so no matter your build you can have a relic which taunts enemies you attack, and also your healing skill gives extra barrier. There is nuanse if we want defensive skill to be a tank, or we want it to defend against that one mob which agro us. Sometimes attracting too much attencion is not good.

Other idea: With each new expansion add some meta event to core tyria, as it is so cool to return to old ground, and makes low tier maps more alive, and that is preatty nice.

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There are some geniuses among us, who dwarf everyone in terms of intellect.
Colossi in face of whom even the brightest can do nothing but simply exist in their massive shadow.
Titans that have long answered the questions you didn't even yet think to ask and the answer was... four.
Most of them however are in a different game and usually in bot lane.
Back to GW2...  it's time for perfection.


Legendaries of old have some issues. Major issues. Even a-net admits it given the changes to legendary functionality in the upcoming relic.
So how about a different kind of a legendary weapon, one that..

  • has much lower entry point
  • is legendary from the very start (no precursors)
  • grows with you, not gatekeeping it's functionality until the very end
  • can not only swap it's stat, but also it's form, becoming a different type of weapon, suited to your needs.
  • is more personalized

No more soul-rending grind.

Your new evolutionary weapon needs to become legendary through gameplay. 
Which means there's no longer a need to gatekeep it behind a massive advanced grindwall with next to no rewards until the final weapon is crafted.
Instead you get it rather easy and from there progressively unlock it's features, which are many.
Attribute combos, visual unlocks, and weapon type morphs.

Four weapons - four paths.

If they can change their form into any weapon, you need only 4 at most - one for each weapon slot.
And not everyone will need all four. So how about another layer of player choice?
Instead of forcing one to go through all game modes like currently, let's have each of these weapons grow in it's own way.
One would be trained in Open World, one in sPvP, one in WvW and last one in instanced content (raids and/or strikes).
Whichever strikes your fancy best - one of these will be fully trainable in that content.

Customizable engagement.

Want a legendary weapon without too much hassle? Pick your path and train up your evolutionary weapon in the aspects you really care about.
Don't bother with stuff you don't need. You'll be having a weapon that suits your needs far faster and cheaper than any other previous gen legendary.

Or go for the full package, unlock everything, which will be a greater grind than any previous legendary ever was.
But at the end of that path you'll have the most powerful legendary weapon of all - capable of taking on any stat set, becoming any weapon type and with far more customizable visuals to suit your needs.

It is your friend.

Up till now legendaries were exclusive, luxury items that offered great power for a great price.
And felt greatly unpersonal. You ponied up huge time investment/cash to get it. There, done. Now off you go.
You got the same weapon as every other guy that got it, and if it's visual don't strike your fancy - transmute.

Evolutionary weapons are different. They start out just as you do - from the bottom.
And then they grow together with you. How much love you give them is how much love you'll get back.
And at the end they will surpass functionality of old legendaries - if you put in the work to let them.

Loose ideas.

Evolutionary weapons are living weapons but adhere to laws of mass still.
All of them are can only take 1h weapon forms.
To form a 2h weapon two of them must combine into one and have that morph unlocked.
Ofc they can be separated into two 1h forms again.
Since they are fusions, you could decide which forms the handle and which the "business end" dictating their visuals.

Skin themes for them - aurene weapons are a good base, but they took too much from dragons.

leafy/jungle theme - similar to Nightmare fractal weapons, with strong verdant theme, though their shaft can be made of dark metal or stone.
Death/cementary themed - think Dark granite gravestone theme, very rectangular (flat blades) with dark runes etched on'em and wrapped in frayed rags/bandages on handles and guards.
Dripping dark sand as particle effect.|
Magma themed - cutting edges of pure searing white heat, while the blunt side of weapon's head envelopes them with molten rock formed elements.
Guard and hilt created from granite or other extremely heat resistant rock highly polished and well formed.



Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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I think we are very well supported with weapons to be honest, although more underwater options are welcome. I want to see less focus on legendaries for a bit, although I'm fundamentally not against the principle of the idea - which would be fine if we were talking about a new game. Messy if introducing yet a nother new system to the game

Signed "a genius among you, who dwarfs everyone in terms of intellect".

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WoW: Legion, is that you? 

I dunno, there's potential I suppose. Depends on how it's implemented exactly. It needs to be fun and engaging of course. It was fun in WoW (after they hammered out a bunch of kinks) so, what could Anet do to make the idea better and fit into GW2?

Edit: Know what? Maybe let's not brand it as a legendary exactly. I gave it some more thought and I'm under the impression this is a sort of weapon version of things like Mawdry or the backpack from LWS4E2. A weapon with a story, of sorts. I think that is the concept that I like. I'm less a fan of "easy-mode legendaries" though. And now that I think even more, isn't that not too far off from creating a precursor weapon and "growing" that into a legendary weapon?

Edited by Kiki.9450
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It slices, it dices, folds up nice and compact for storage, it even comes with a melon baller attachment!

But wait, there's more!

ACT NOW and we'll throw in this beautiful handmade moa leather sheath, FREE!

Only 29.99, plus shipping and handling. Hurry, supplies are limited!

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1 minute ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

It slices, it dices, folds up nice and compact for storage, it even comes with a melon baller attachment!

But wait, there's more!

ACT NOW and we'll throw in this beautiful handmade moa leather sheath, FREE!

Only 29.99, plus shipping and handling. Hurry, supplies are limited!

Does it have the stag horn finish? And does it come with a Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubeman as well?

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30 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Does it have the stag horn finish? And does it come with a Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubeman as well?

Well sir, you drive a hard bargain but it's clear that you're someone of discernment and taste, so here's what we'll do. For only a small additional shipping fee, we will include a desktop version of the Wacky Waving Windsock Guy! Brighten your cubicle with flapping, wildy-gesticulating fun!

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Lost me at surpass functionality of old legendaries. Nope.
Also sounds a lot like "I want a legendary but I really don't like to put in the work/gold that it takes so I invented this new way to craft a legendary which is much easier and a lot cheaper."

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22 minutes ago, Omega.6801 said:

Lost me at surpass functionality of old legendaries. Nope.
Also sounds a lot like "I want a legendary but I really don't like to put in the work/gold that it takes so I invented this new way to craft a legendary which is much easier and a lot cheaper."

Dont forget that it is 4 in one so atleast 25% of current legendaries for each weapon if not even less

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3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Dont forget that it is 4 in one so atleast 25% of current legendaries for each weapon if not even less

True. It should also come with legendary sigils pre-equipped and do 10% more damage, just for good measure. Know what, I'm feeling generous, make that 25% more damage and it gives the player a free T-shirt on top.

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I like the concept. But whatever you do, never share your creative ideas with anyone on here again. All they will do is shoot it down. That's just what people like to do here unfortunately. 

2 hours ago, genjonah.1253 said:

Entitlement really is running absolutely rampant these days…

Oh and look, you even got a little character assassination in there too. Nice.

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48 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Dont forget that it is 4 in one so atleast 25% of current legendaries for each weapon if not even less

You clearly failed to understand my post. Assuming you actually read it.
Each of the four can take form of any weapon type, so more like 19 in one if anything.
But much like with stat combos each weapon type would be an unlock you would have to earn via gameplay.

Completing a single evolutionary weapon (all stats combos, all weapon type morphs) would be far greater task than crafting any regular legendary.
But unlike regular legendary that weapon would never be useless. What good is a legendary greatsword if your new build does not use a greatsword at all?
Here you can undertake a quest to unlock a new weapon form that will suit your new needs.

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I just do not think we need ANY more legendaries at this point, it is not grindy, I do not think it ever was even if you play only a bit. We have so many ways how to get it now, both weapons and armors. Legendaries are no longer luxury and exclusive items, price of it did not change much while players are getting more and more golds for much less of work, what else do you want? Even if you have to buy legendary on tp. 

But sure, if this one weapon costs atleast 4k golds. 

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Idea: make legendary gear retain their last-used stats while in the armory. So you could like, swap your mainhand from Dagger to Scepter on the fly. Or if you misclick and equip a wrong weapon by mistake, you don't have to spend the (admittedly few) seconds required to set up the original weapon again.

Certainly not a big deal but it's a QoL change.

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Let's see...

Buy precursor 

Craft legendary weapon 

Yep, that's all the grind I've ever done. Of course, I waited years before I started, so already had most everything I needed. 

The problem with your idea is that it invalidates all the previous legendary weapons. Not good.

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In Pinata event and coins rewards there could be an option to exchange coins for unidentified rare item or 100 trade contracts currency, as so far there is not much use of them (the coins). That would make people more encourage to maybe play the game, and collect the coin, and whole event process quicker and easier for everyone.

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I have a Wizard Vault QoL suggestion.

I would like to select my dailies/weeklies category for that week when I open up the wizard vault for the first time in a week, rather than setting it ahead of time the week before. E.g. a choice dialog when I log in, or when I open the vault, asking me to choose for that week, like when it first started and we had to choose week 1's category during week 1.

For example, I didn't know about the WvW beta events until I logged in the other week. I was excited to take part and intended to play WvW for the few hours I played that week.
I try and keep up to date with GW2 news, as I don't play that often, so if there any special events coming up I can make the most of them. However I managed to not hear about the recent PvP and WvW beta/rush events. So, I was annoyed that my weeklies were stuck being PvE for a good part of the play time I had for them.
It would have been nice if I could have selected WvW Wizard Vault that week and not be stuck with PvE.  I could also see myself happily paying some wizard bucks to swap my category for that day/week, or a free swap if I haven't made any progress towards the rewards yet.

Not game breaking, or game ruining, but it would be a sweet QoL adjustment that would help me enjoy these short events (when they catch me by surprise). 

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1. Can we please have our own room somewhere? Isgarren must have at least one spare room in the tower at least. I'd like to go and have my little space arranged. Dagda, Lhyr and everyone else have those cool rooms! It feels unfair after a decade we don't get one:P

2. PAJAMA OUTFIT pretty please!  with a robe if possible ..and slippers. Commander needs to sleep sometimes in an actual pajamas. Would work so well with already available bed shaped "chairs"!

3. Flying bed glider  🐦🛏️🐦

4. Flying bathtub glider🐦🛀🐦

5. Food made of pocket raptors, I hate them but I know they're tasty🍲


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