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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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The intent is to get your feet wet on the crafting process, not give you a free legendary weapon. Afterall if you don't learn the process, how can you hope to craft a legendary item.

Gifts of Might/Magic are not equal value on the tp. Currently there is about 135 gold difference. Quite a lot to a newer player (0-500 hours), but not that much when it comes to legendary crafting.  Based on the statistics on gw2 efficiency, only 1% of newer players (0-500 hours) have a legendary item.


Edited by Pinkeh.4207
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I doubt this will be changed.  There are simply tons of players who categorically hate the look of infusions in the game to begin with, and do not want to see more ways made available for players to manipulate their effects.   

Hiding Ally Effects is also categorically not a solution for this since that toggle brings other problems when playing and those have still not been resolved.

Infusion use may indeed be an avenue for creating a "unique look" but if you are using: "8 Chaks, 8 Imperial Everblooms, 1 Peerless and 1 Mystic" I can guarantee you nobody is seeing anything about your look other than the effects of the infusions you equipped.   If that is what you want them to see, great, but bear in mind that what you see onscreen is also not necessarily what everyone else may see.  Subjectivity aside, everyone's system and game settings are different, so your intended look may be nothing more than graphical tearing for someone else looking at you. 

Saying that players not having a lot of gold is one of the reasons why they may not use cosmetic infusions is inaccurate at best.  The reason they are even on the TP in the first place is because once you consistently play content where they drop, they are easy to acquire and easy to sell to make money.    Plenty of us sell them since we can min max without using cosmetic infusions.   So your statement that players who "aren't at that stage where stats from cosmetic infusions are all that's left to min/max their characters power," is also inaccurate.  Cosmetic infusions aren't the only infusions that give + 5/+9 agony stats.  Lots of people simply use the non cosmetic type by choice, not due to lack of gold or interest in maxing out their build.

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Suggestion: Interchanging Gifts from Legendary Starter Kit
10 hours ago, Royal Grand Majesty.9852 said:

I understand your dilemma, 

If you don't already know, there's a simple solution to your problem which A-net already implemented in-game. You can turn on 'hide ally effects' in the settings to remove infusions.

I for one use 8 Chaks, 8 Imperial Everblooms, 1 Peerless and 1 Mystic for my 18 Infusion slots, it's not overbearing but very beautiful as was mentioned by many.

If A-net implement no stacking as you suggest then people would just resort to 1 stack of every infusion they can get their hands on, so rather than light bulbs, you'll just get walking fireworks all over the place.

Then there's the matter of sales and if A-net would risk jeopardizing the Infusion market on the trading post and also themselves via 'Whales' who just swipe for gems to gold to acquire said infusions.

Good luck though.

Hi, yes, the solution is currently bugged and hiding important effects from dungeon, fractal, raid, strike, and some open world encounters.
If Anet implemented my solution and persons just stacked various infusions, they weren't concerned about fashion and which infusions would look good to complete their character's appearance.
ANet isn't so starved for money that they'll miss the ten or so people who spend their paychecks every month on this game to buy yet another infusion.

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5 hours ago, Royal Grand Majesty.9852 said:

That's completely subjective. I'm sure 8 stacks of certain infusions look great on certain fashion.

Perhaps some are. On the other hand, practically no fashion looks good under 8 stacks of most infusions (and i say "most" not all just in case there's one mild effect infusion i overlooked)

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29 max Shared Inventory Slots is not only dumb; it's mathematically indivisible, annoying and insulting. Just give us one more so we can arrange our inventory window without having a blank space constantly at the top no matter how you resize the window.

Note: This post isn't for people who don't care and just come on to shout down what other players would like to see that has no effect on their own game-play.

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Spoiler alert: new shared slots come with new expansions.

So... maybe 3 more expansions to get to 32 and we're done! It was about shared inventory slots matching the max bags all along.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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24 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Spoiler alert: new shared slots come with new expansions.

So... maybe 3 more expansions to get to 32 and we're done! It was about shared inventory slots matching the max bags all along.

I think thats kitten. They should let us buy the slots if we want. For the expansions they can give away a free mount select license instead. or nothing at all. 

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17 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I'm not against it, but if I had that many, I'd like an option to relocate the section so they weren't always pinned to the top

You can already move shared slots to the bottom (grab the sharedslot "bag" and move it down).

Edited by Sobx.1758
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But I like prime numbers.  Next time someone gives you 28 cookies instead of 29, let's see how you feel about it.  

I have no issue with increasing the number, but it was such a hostile request that I find myself wanting it to remain 29 just to be petty.  

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4 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

..23 slots

23 slots was never a limit, though. The maximum you could have at any time progressed like this: 5, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 24, 28, 29

I don't get why we can't buy like 100 of them if we want to. I understand the psychology of FOMO and artificial scarcity, especially for virtual goods, but I don't think it applies here. The people for whom ArenaNet stands to make the most money from shared inventory slots, they all just instantly buy them up to the new cap whenever it's raised. And, you know, having money now is always better than having that same amount of money later, so unless they raise the real-money-to-gems prices in the future to account for inflation rates, they should want to sell as many shared inventory slots now as they can.

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46 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yea instead of giving us more vomit on the screen Im in the remove the stacking entierly camp.

Try the 'Hide Ally Effects' option, any issues or bugs with it will be resolved in due time. That's A-Nets solution to those who dislike infusion effects altogether.

What you're asking for [Removal of Infusion Stacking] will literally crash the infusion market on the TP, in turn upset a-lot of the player-base that contribute the most, if you know what I mean.

Feel free to make a thread to portray your views, I'm just asking for the ability to use any stats while being the 'Vomit' on the screen. 

I guess the issue that me and my friends are having are limited to a small slice of the community, I was blinded in thinking that the majority of the GW2 player base would face similar issues, guess I was secluded in a very niche community, glad to know.

Maybe the people who would be having this issue probably only stay in places such as 'Overflow' or the likes. Maybe the forums isn't the ideal location.

Guess this request is going out to A-Net directly.

Edited by Royal Grand Majesty.9852
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1) Having effects stack at all may be an unintended side effect of infusions with different stat bonuses technically being different items or in some way has to do with the spaghetti code around that matter. I actually wouldn't mind if they changed it. Although I have to say, I don't really care for infusion stacking, I use it on maybe two characters, for comedic purposes. For fashion, running around in 50k worth of infusions you have convinced yourself and the people you play with that it looks good, I think it's garish and pompous, lacking nuance and finesse but that is, of course, only a mattre of personal taste. And I am not going to argue about that.
2) I think the game has more pressing matters.
3) The whole "What color's you Lambo?" tone of the thread matches issue just too perfectly. It's garish and pompous, lacking nuance and finesse, but that is, of course, only a matter of taste. And I am not going to argue about that.

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1 hour ago, Shaman.2034 said:

23 slots was never a limit, though. The maximum you could have at any time progressed like this: 5, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 24, 28, 29

You kinda missed the joke there

23 is a prime number (mathematically indivisable). It's the last prime number. You can work out the rest from there 😉

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1 hour ago, Randulf.7614 said:

You kinda missed the joke there

23 is a prime number (mathematically indivisable). It's the last prime number. You can work out the rest from there 😉

I understand that 23 is a prime number, I know what prime numbers are, and that 23 is the prime number directly before 29, but I don't get the joke. 23 wasn't a slap in the face because 23 wasn't a cap

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