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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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I'd like this too. I don't have the time or inclination to read those numbers so the only way they're useful to me is if they're all zeroes; then I know something is going wrong. If it's anything above zero then the actual number is just visual noise, so it would be helpful to make them smaller (or hide them entirely) 

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2 ideas to guilds:


first: split "admin lower ranks" and a new one for "invite". Split permissions from trove too.

second: considering that Mumble is an Open Source project - and ANet already did a integration with positional audio - Guild Wars 2 could have a internal link for Mumble servers, like /wiki. /mumble GuildName, for instance. I'm not sure what bad things could came from that, but mumble web URL links direct on mumble installed at you machine, so...

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My mouse cursor.


With the increase of visual effect in the game i lose my mouse cursor during every meta event with more than 10 people.

before anyone says use yolomouse. No thanks. The option to change the size or color of the mouse cursor should be in game already.


Please Upvote this so we can make a change. It cant be that hard right ?

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Why should anet divert resources for something a player have done for free for who ever want it?



Since someone seems confused, I will elaborate.


Why should anet spend resouces to develop something like yolomouse when someone else have already done the work for them free of charge?


Would OP be happy if Anet did this then started selling mouse cursor modification/recolours in the gem store?


Just look what happened to build templates.

Edited by Linken.6345
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[Suggestions] Please update descriptions for Daily Gatherer achievements to show all the zones that are included for the day's gathering region. For instance, today's Daily Heart of Maguuma Miner achievement says to "Gather raw materials by mining ore in the following Heart of Maguuma maps [...]" It lists all the Heart of Maguuma region's Explorable Zones except Bloodstone Fen, yet I still gain credit for the achievement by mining in Bloodstone Fen.

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So the thing is, alot of different items in this game when you get an item from a specific profession, lets take for example you get a skin for "Light" armour. Since the skin on all 3 professions is excactly the same, the game grants you all 3 skins for each profession. In short you get Light, Medium and the Heavy skin.

Question now is, why isn't that the case with Invisible boots? They are exact the same look. You can't be serious, making people buy all 3 of them (or drop them haha)... We speak about close to 9.000 gold. I don't know how many normal player have that much money to spend for feet... My suggestion is, buy either of them, activate them for your account and have all 3 unlocked. Because 9.000 gold is just stupid. That is literally equal to 4 Legendary weapons and thats insane...

Edited by Vainture.4678
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Free respawns or checkpoints on more Jumping puzzles.


Similar to how Adventures let you respawn back at the start of the if you run out of time/die, allow players to respawn at a fixed location for a selection of Jumping puzzles.

currently only Griffonrook Run, Spekk's Laboratory, and Goemm's Lab has this option, but it would be a very welcome feature for puzzles like Dark Reverie, Not So Secret, and Chalice of Tears, where the reset for the puzzle can be really long or requires doing another puzzle entirely.

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Guild hall improvements. Make ‘em alive! 95-98% of the area just feels like a massive dead zone. If there only was a way to lure the Mordrem back and get some action in there….


GH Suggestions:

1.      Add combatable creature "decorations". Why not make such decoration drops from farming a specific type of enemy (i.e. grind drakes and for a rare drake decoration, instead of buying them directly from a merchant)? 

2.      Connect the players to the guild hall. How about making offline players’ last played character sleep in their guild hall? Perhaps even with a checkbox to start playing from the guild hall when logging back into the game?

3.      Make it a gathering zone for something special! There is currently nothing in the hall that is not available elsewhere. Add something like a dungeon, raid (OK, it may require guild backpacking, but nevertheless), or just explorable multi-level caves like in Diablo II. A little Twilight Arbor under Gilded Hollow gives me goosebumps! 😄

4.      JP races with end chests! Let us make our own non-mountable puzzle races by placing start and end flags. The requirement to avoid reward abuse could be ascending to a specific height, or as in a beetle race, a certain distance. Then the race times are posted, and maybe the guild itself can deposit a grand reward for beating the record holder’s time.

5.      The never-ending “add bank and trading post” request. Sure, I honestly prefer the scribe station over a “real” bank; it feels like an easter egg. The lack of a trading post is more annoying. Some may argue that it will kill off major cities; as an addict of Obsidian Sanctum, I beg to differ. People still need major cities for mystic forge and crafting stations.


Wardrobe, Novelties, Boosters etc:

-          Birthday Blasters. Why are these not yet in the wardrobe?

-          Mini Queen Jennah. If it is important to give her to every character that turns 1, why not make it inaccessible until the character’s first birthday?

-          Boxes and Super Adventure Boxes of Fun. Is anybody out there enjoying them? I have the feeling they are mostly in the way of players’ inventories. Please add them to Novelties, so we can forget them until we have time and reason to care.

Edited by TwinFrozr.6214
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1) "Save appearance" option, so that when you feel like trying out a new look, you can still easily revert back to a previous one in one simple click.

2) Show all locked appearances, as well as how to get them. You already do that for the Mounts & Gliders tabs, why not expand the concept to armors and weapons?


One last bit of convenience I'd love to see added, although it doesn't exist in WoW, would be the ability to filter dyes, items and weapons in the Black Lion Market by "locked/unlocked", so that you can exclusively display pieces of armor that you haven't discovered yet, making it easier to add new items and dyes to your collection.



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Number 2 is already in the game - you just have to use the wardrobe tab at the bank instead of the wardrobe in the hero panel.


I agree it would be helpful if they said how the skins are obtained though, although it might need more detail than the mounts which just have to say which adoption licence or bundle they're in.


Something like equipment templates but for appearance would be useful. You can kind-of do that with the existing templates but you need different items in each one because there's no way to change the skin in just one template. (I know some people are hoping it will be possible with legendaries when the armoury comes in, but we don't know yet.)


It depends on how it's monetised too. When Elder Scrolls Online added their outfit system which does basically the same thing they priced it, well, like GW2's equipment templates. New slots have to be bought individually for each character rather than being account-wide unlocks and they're fairly expensive so for a lot of people it's just not worth doing.

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Save appearance is one of my biggest wishes that one day it will exist.  I've read people saying just use an equipment template...that really doesn't help.  I want to be able to save a look and dyes to add to future armor sets.  Just a little QoL that would be handy.  

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3 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

Save appearance is one of my biggest wishes that one day it will exist.  I've read people saying just use an equipment template...that really doesn't help.  I want to be able to save a look and dyes to add to future armor sets.  Just a little QoL that would be handy.  

A way to quickly swap between them would be nice too.


For example when Icebrood Saga started and I put together a 'Champion of Aurene' costume for my main character (before the Herald of Aurene outfit existed, and besides I prefer my version) and wanted to keep using it throughout the story but I got bored with using it all the time. I'd love to have a way to save that appearance and another one and swap between them whenever I feel like it. Like we can with outfits but with the customisation options of actual armour.

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WoW used to be a terrible example, where I would point to GW2 as an example on an acceptable wardrobe system, but it really kicked into gear. They let players save an appearance to each of the roles that players have for their class in WoW as a bonus to the appearance save feature! We are still bound to 1 appearance per gear set in GW2. They haven't worked in gliders, mounts, outfits, or dyes for those things yet. WoW on the other hand has macros that let players theme their mounts after their spec choice. GW2 depends upon fashion as a source of income, but they don't act like it. They just let us sit here with 1 set of armor we like and don't put in systems that encourage us to go beyond that. I hope they recognize that as a problem.

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