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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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35 minutes ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

Guild Wars 1 allowed customizable UI. I would like to change where things are displayed and their size to optimize my own play style. I need the elements, but I don't like where and how they are placed because it often obstructs my view. 
The developers said somewhere that they didn't include robust UI customizability because they wanted the game to look distinctly Guild Wars 2, no matter who was playing it. 
But - I think that's a little odd, because it's UI does not really look unique to me. 

Yeah I mean its 2021 going to be 2022 soon, more options are a good thing. 


2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

If I could move the condi bar to the middle of the screen. I would be so happy. 


Let me make it transparent too. 


The dream

I know /sigh I really want to move some stuff down further on my screen, and make it a bit smaller so i have those nice wide views.

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12 hours ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

I don;t need it, but it would be a nice addition.

Thats the point its just a nice QoL thing that makes the game more enjoyable if you want to use it. It dont make GW2 any less GW2 its still the same UI look just you can move some things around and make them bigger or smaller

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For me, the most annoying part of the non-customizable UI in GW2 is the target element in the top center of the screen. It makes placing damage on top of walls from below a pain in the behind - it blocks some of your view of the battlements/walls. If I could move it to the side, that would be fantastic. The same goes for the skirmish quick info, also on the top center of the screen.


I don't understand why they would make the UI in GW1 customizable, but not in GW2.

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Please add a way for my characters to track achievements unique between themselves. My WvW character doesn't need to see Living World achievements, and my lv10 character re-exploring the starting zones doesn't need to see WvW achievements. It is also such a hassle to have to untrack and retrack achievements every time I log into a character. Please add this functionality to the game so I can get the most out of all of my characters. Thank you!

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In the PvP Lobby & Raid-testing thingy please give us a 'friendly' golem that we gets damaged by an 'unfriendly' golem (as an option) or something (or takes damage as an amount), so that we can test boons such as alacrity and also test stuff like healing, etc, without having to rely on enlisting a friend.  (preferably PvP, so we can also test builds like this if on a non level 80-built character).  Can it have some useful numbers too? (maybe like, healing)




tl;dr please give us a golem where we can test healing and boon giving to other players

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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New cultural armors. At least two new tiers for each Race. Human- Charr- Asura- Norn- Sylvari


Still can't believe that no sylvari one have been added with HoT and no human one with PoF.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krewe_Leader_Ambr this one from npcs is still not made into an asura armor. Along several norn shamans sets, some sylvari and norn npcs armors too.


It is a path to follow for post-EoD or during EoD, more cultural armors. 5 tiers instead of 3.

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Please add checkpoints for Sunqua Peak boss fight. Same as Twilight Oasis. One checkpoint at the beginning of fire phase and one at the beginning of water phase. At least one checkpoint at the start of fire phase would be perfect.

The boss fight is far too difficult especially when paired with nasty instabilities. A large majority of groups fail this fight or avoid the fractal entirely. It's extremely unbalanced compared to other fractals. Fractals needed to have their difficulty increased but you went too far with this one and turned it up to 11. It needs to be toned down to the level of difficulty all the other fractals are. This isn't a raid so it shouldn't be as difficult as a raid. You say you listen to the community, but considering you haven't done anything to balanced this fractal despite the community complaints, proves otherwise.

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Implement Wardrobe Templates!

I understand that Equipment Templates can serve as Fashion Storage too, but it's primary function to store stat\rune\sigil\weapon combinations, not fashion.

Few reasons for that:

Now with Legendary Armory skins on Legendary Items are independent from each other in every Template on any character, just like Ascended Gear. If player wants to adjust Fashion, it should be done for all templates on character, one by one. Wardrobe Template will eliminate that problem. It will be one Wardrobe Template - appearance - for all Equipment Templates. There will be no need to go through all templates to adjust your fashion.


Because of the Armory there is no value in Transmutation Charges for many players, specially ones with 3 sets of legendary armor and alot of legendary weapons. Transmutation charge can be a currency to store\change skin within Wardrobe Template.


New players, who level up first character, facing a problem of constant change of character's appearance. Wardrobe Template will eliminate that.


P.s. Equipment Templates can still have it's own skins. Wardrobe Templates can be activated\deactivated via checkbox and will have priority over Equipment Template skins.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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please let us hide the commander tag in squad (commander can hide tag only)  - I'm referring to visually as a player (so no taco above the head visible to the player, but tag visibility to others is based on the checkbox of whether it's a public or private squad) - (or put it in something so that a person can play semi immersively but with chat for rp purposes.)

Edited by cloudsareyum.8120
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