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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Not what I initially understood, but I would love to see it as well.

Additionally, I'd like to see in the weapon tab all the weapon-like skills (i.e., 1-5 on default keyboard) you get from profession-specific bundles, like Grenade Kit (engineer), Ice Bow (elementalist) or Lich Form (necromancer).

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Your only recourse is to ask for a refund of your previous purchase and then purchase the Ultimate Edition.


They will never add an upgrade for the Ultimate Edition on the site because of Gems.  It's possible, but unlikely, they would add an upgrade for Deluxe. 

Why would they never ? From my perspective it looks like a "One time deal", not a permanent upheaval of gem value.

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@Fire Attunement.9835

5-person Party UI/UX:

  • In 5-man parties (which has less nameplate screen-clutter), it'd help micromanagement & coordination in raids/events/bosses if there's an toggle option for profession icons to appear above or beside party member names or characters (similar to GW1)
  • Enable squad-marker functions for parties
  • Reference concept


Looking for Group UI/UX:

  • Instead of tabs/accordion where a player has to unhide each to view, a filter/search/sort list would help greatly, 1-button or 1-click view/scan of current events/groups in-game
  • Example Reference


Mentor Badge:

  • Mini-map icon & Player icon can maybe stay consistent? (currently 2 different icons)
  • Auto-numbering on the badges (minimap+player) when more than 1 mentor badges up on the same map (easier for players to decipher & shoutout in chat which one needs more help - very useful in multi-teamed events near the 4-corners of Gilded Hollow)
  • Custom selectable (icon/color/shapes) Mentor Badge, currently all mentor badges are red with the same icon (mouse-hover-over details of its purpose needed, currently only the mentors' name displays)
  • Enable squad-marker functions for mentor tags


10-person Raid squad:

  • Enable Mentor Tag (within the squad), or even an option to toggle it on/off for scenarios where a commander need two 5-man sub-groups to cover 2 corners of a large mission map, the two sub-groups would both respond to the commander while at the same time have autonomy
  • This scenario would also help commanders on EOTM where 2 sub-groups (not Zergs) within the same squad can attack 2 corners of the same map (rarely would 2 separate tags work together - unlike subgroups, the 2-tags are always seen as 2 separate entities/competitors)


50-person Squad:

  • In big fights (PvE + Competitive modes), certain colored commander tags are very hard to see, possibly add a black/white border to the tags - Reference Concepts
  • In large fights, blue nameplates overlap from players' perspective, squad sub-groups need a unique nameplate/character outline color (pink maybe) so that sub-groups can decipher where their colleagues are in the blob - Reference
  • Allow sub-group tags or even mentor badges with numbers inside the large Squads, commanders will be able to micro-manage sub-groups for large maps, sub-groups will have autonomy & coordinate with their lead/captains while listening to commanders' main orders (advanced tactical gameplay - not just Zergs)
  • When a commander/tag dies, players become confused, if there's a sub-group leader (captain) with a (mentor) tag assigned or around (inside the squad & visible only to squad members), it would prevent such scenarios


 Legacy forum post (compiled suggestions from players over time), thanks! 😄
Link: Commander/Mentor/Squad/Mechanics in need of improvements? PvE+WvW [Comments/Feedback/Suggestions]


Edited by Woop S.7851
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While people are talking about LFG, I was thinking maybe a few adjustments to party kicking. Like if the one who starts the party cannot be kicked and their vote is needed to finalise a kick. I'd keep the majority needed to kick, so the party owner can't  get to the final boss and kick everyone. You still need the 3/5. But there would be no option to kick the party owner.

The way I'm looking at it, mainly dungeon/fractal runs. If it is your own party, if they don't want you in the group then they can start their own run. If the owner wishes to watch the stories or whatever, that should be fine. Anyone can start a party, if you don't want to run with the person who started one that's fine, join another or start your own. But I don't think the option to kick the owner should exist.

The reason I said the owner's vote should be needed to kick another player is that it could be their friend. You could start a PUG for you and your friend to do a run, you have immunity from being kicked and your friend cannot be kicked unless you vote to. If the owner leaves, I'd say the group should just go back to the way it is now, nobody owns the party, nobody has immunity, they can advertise, a new person can join, a majority vote to kick a player gets them out.


Unrelated improvement, Armory for your unbreakable mining/lumbering/foraging tools. Like legendary weapons it would be convenient if every character on the account can equip at the same time rather than unequipping and banking every time you change character.

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I was thinking about how I always seem to miss the window when gem store items are available. It’d be great to be able to add items to a wish list, and have the BLTC send me an in game mail when they appear in the gem store.

I’d also love to wishlist items that are always offered, but get an in game mail  or email when they go on sale. 

What do you think? Would you use such a feature?

[EDIT] Added email as an option to receive notices of wishlist items.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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45 minutes ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

Add more action that doesnt requires you to desmount. For instance when talking to a NPC. This is a minor thing but still something that would be nice.

Requiring dismount helps NPCs not be lost in a cloud of raptors, though.

I did very much appreciate the other day that if you are mounted the game auto-submits fish to the Kodan during the ice-fishing events in Bjora Marches. I’d definitely like if all fetch events didn’t require dismount to turn in quest items.

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I'd definitely use it if it was available, but I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make for me. When I'm at home I log in at least briefly each day to get the login reward, check mail and guild announcements and quick things like that even if I'm not intending to play that day, and I almost always check the gem store when I'm doing that just in case there's something I really want which is currently available or discounted. If I don't do that it's almost certainly because I'm not at home and couldn't log in even if I wanted to, so knowing an item I want is available doesn't help me.

But there might be times when it would help. For example the gem store usually updates around 4-5pm my time and there might be days when I get home just before that and don't log in until the evening, but if I knew an item I wanted was being removed today I'd make an effort to log in as soon as I got home to get it.

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Isn't, or wasn't, there a player-made site that offered such a service? 


Also, if the suggestion is an in-game mail, you'd need to log-in every day to check the mail, and since you are logging in, anyway, it's easy to check the Gem Store.  Or, there's a convenient thread here on the forum that's updated daily with the Gem Store offerings. 

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Isn't, or wasn't, there a player-made site that offered such a service? 


Also, if the suggestion is an in-game mail, you'd need to log-in every day to check the mail, and since you are logging in, anyway, it's easy to check the Gem Store.  Or, there's a convenient thread here on the forum that's updated daily with the Gem Store offerings. 

The problem with the player made one is that it required players to do the updating when things were added or removed


I would expect the wishlist to send notification through email although that should probably be an option.

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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

This goes against marketing design (artificial scarcity).  Anet wants/needs players to log in every day to at least check what's in the gem shop.  I cannot see them implementing such a feature.

Really?  Someone marked this with the confused emote?  What's so confusing about using a marketing strategy that is well known and used in many industries to pull in a sizable profit for a company's shareholders? 

I'm more confused that people can't understand this concept and why companies use it.

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3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

This goes against marketing design (artificial scarcity).  Anet wants/needs players to log in every day to at least check what's in the gem shop.  I cannot see them implementing such a feature.

I understand what you’re saying, but I question how big an impact “gotta log in to see what’s available” really is. I do log in some times just to do dailies and fuse crystal, but I never log in to check the BLTC. If I am looking for sales, I’ll check the forum thread. 

Far more often I’ve experienced finding out something was offered last month and say to myself, “hm, that’s something I actually would have bought”. 

Perhaps I’m an outlier.


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4 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Isn't, or wasn't, there a player-made site that offered such a service? 


Also, if the suggestion is an in-game mail, you'd need to log-in every day to check the mail, and since you are logging in, anyway, it's easy to check the Gem Store.  Or, there's a convenient thread here on the forum that's updated daily with the Gem Store offerings. 

Not every day, since things don’t tend to be offered for only one day.

The reason I thought in game was that, for security, I don’t have my regular email attached to my GW2 account, so I don’t check my GW2 specific email daily.

I also don’t tend to look through the gem store when I log in. Too many things I’m really not interested in to waste time paging through most days.

You have a good point, though. Maybe have the option to get a as an email when wish list items appear or go on sale?

Edited by Gibson.4036
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17 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I understand what you’re saying, but I question how big an impact “gotta log in to see what’s available” really is. I do log in some times just to do dailies and fuse crystal, but I never log in to check the BLTC. If I am looking for sales, I’ll check the forum thread. 

Far more often I’ve experienced finding out something was offered last month and say to myself, “hm, that’s something I actually would have bought”. 

Perhaps I’m an outlier.


Agreed.  We don't know how big of an impact such marketing has, but if it weren't significant I'd imagine companies would abandon such practice for things that would draw more income.  At the end of the day, it is all about the most profit possible.

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Agreed.  We don't know how big of an impact such marketing has, but if it weren't significant I'd imagine companies would abandon such practice for things that would draw more income.  At the end of the day, it is all about the most profit possible.

So, I didn't put any confused emojis, but perhaps you could explain more about how this would undermine artificial scarcity.

In my understanding, artificial scarcity, doesn't, of course, mean the company wants fewer people to buy the thing. If ArenaNet puts Shiny Ascalonian Disco Pants on the store, they hope as many people will buy them as possible. They'd be delighted if 100% of the players all dished out 1800 gems for the SADPants skin.

Artificial scarcity, in the sense of a limited time offer, is supposed to trigger our lizard brains to get scared that the SADPants are going to disappear soon, and it may be months or years before we can once again buy those SADPants that are the epitome of winning FashionWars. If we do miss it, then we wait eagerly over the months, and snap them up the next time ArenaNet decides to put SADPants back on the BLTC, because we feel the desperation of all that time without them.

I don't know how a wishlist that makes sure you know they are available undermines that.

I do know that the wishlist seems to function really well for Steam. I'm not an early adopter, and as a single income earner for a family of four working for a non-profit arts organizaiton, I don't have room in my budget to shell out new-game prices regularly. I wander through the Steam catalog adding all sorts of interesting things to my wishlist, and over the years I've funded Steam $3 to $6 dollars a pop to the tune of several hundred dollars at this point. The vast majority of which never would have ended up in Steam's pockets without little emails saying "Hey, this game is on sale for the next three days!"

Edited by Gibson.4036
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If I want something I buy it when it comes out.  If I don't care for it enough to buy it the first time (and give it inventory space until I do use it, ANet take note, I would have bought a fair number of "maybe I'll use it" items if you just let me convert unlocked account bound skins to a transmute charge) I'm unlikely to change my mind later, but if I do I can just use my daily viewing of the wonderful stickied gemstore items thread to notice that it's returned.

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