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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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One of those slooooow ways is to set your reward track to Gift of Battle., and then watch for the "Big Spender" daily achievement, which show up maybe 2-3 times a week.  This will reward you with 250 pts towards the track.  Note it will cost you, I think, 15 Badges of Honor (25 to buy, 10 returned with the chest reward) as well, so you'll need to spend a little time in WvW to accumulate some of those.  Needing 20,000 points, that means 80 daily achievements... so not something that you'll likely rely on exclusively, but it does help to collect passively when you're not actively in WvW... if you're adverse to the play-mode every bit helps to reduce the time you're there!   

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Nah, keep gift of battle WvW only. I see no valid reason to make it obtainable in PvE. Seems that the open world crowd wants everything obtainable through OW. I’ve seen people suggest that the raid legendary armor be made available in OW too. Lmao.

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2 hours ago, Kimppari.9427 said:

Hello! Here is my suggestion regarding Gift of Battle.


Gift of Battle: QoL Suggestion
- Keep the Gift of Battle Reward track in WvW
- Add Repeatable achievement (like Drizzlewood Coast) for Gift of Battle, where the currency is gathered from PvE METAs: including:

  1. All World Bosses (lower level World bosses would give less currency)
  2. Big META Events across all core + expansion maps: HoT, PoF, EoD METAs: such as Nightbosses, Octovine, Dragon's Stand, Dragon's End.
  3. I wouldn't include the LWS maps, as they are required for the trinkets and not the weapons.


That is all.

Its only req. on certain leg (not all) its one the big reasons people try wvw in the 1st place other than warclaw and maybe curiosity. I think it should stay wvw only.

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You know you don't need to actually WvW right? There are dailies that give a boost to the reward track , all you need is 80 potions.

Some examples: Badge Spender, Guard Killer, Land Claimer, Caravan Disrupter, Monument Capturer, Objective Defender (repairs count), Camp Capturer to an extent depending on your matchup, Veteran Creature Slayer (I don't know why this hasn't been replaced with Yak Defender)

Edited by Infusion.7149
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8 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

The thing is, I think there are a lot like myself who are kitten in PvP situations and probably ruin wvw for other players. 

I had the same thinking, but upon sharing was told that being fodder means easy bags, and that so long as our participation was balanced across the field, it was a good thing!  Not so good for me, but... (shrug).  lol.

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3 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You know you don't need to actually WvW right? There are dailies that give a boost to the reward track , all you need is 80 potions.

Some examples: Badge Spender, Land Claimer, Objective Defender (repairs count), Camp Capturer to an extent depending on your matchup, Veteran Creature Slayer (I don't know why this hasn't been replaced with Yak Defender)

I have tried this approach, but Big Spender aside, find it generally difficult to maintain the Tier level while trying to avoid combat?  I could be missing something.

When I want to actively move the needle on that reward track, I queue in the evening and follow the tag... I die - often - but easy to maintain the participation level and maximize efficiency, ensuring as well that as many relevant boosters as possible are active.   

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4 minutes ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

I had the same thinking, but upon sharing was told that being fodder means easy bags, and that so long as our participation was balanced across the field, it was a good thing!  Not so good for me, but... (shrug).  lol.

Hey, you guys keep my participation timer up on slow days, don't think it goes unappreciated 😄.

If GoB is made available in PvE then GoE would need to be made available in WvW.

That said there are easy WvW dailies to do, just hop in and do them. Max out your reward track boosters while you are there and stay for a few ticks before you leave each time.

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2 minutes ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

I have tried this approach, but Big Spender aside, find it generally difficult to maintain the Tier level while trying to avoid combat?  I could be missing something.

When I want to actively move the needle on that reward track, I queue in the evening and follow the tag... I die - often - but easy to maintain the participation level and maximize efficiency, ensuring as well that as many relevant boosters as possible are active.   

Go to an Alpine BL that is not your home BL. Stay in your corner and flip camps/kill vets every 10 minutes. There really is not much effort that you need to put into it. Following the Tag is the most active way to keep participation up, and if you are dying alot, then swap to tankier gear for the GoB adventure.

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Dear OP (and other PvE players who are just in WvW for the GoB),

I understand, that you don't like zerg fights, follow a commander's tag and hunt other players to force them into PvP situations, but have you ever tried to ask one of those roamers and people communicating in map chat for help, while waiting at spawn for a Veteran?
Those people might actually be helpful in getting your participation up to T3 quickly, earn you some Badges so you can buy those Big Spender dailies and get you to the small events quickly and safe. Most of the time, you just need to follow them around and run or attack what they attack. It is not that much different than following a commander on HoT hero point trains or PoF bounties.

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23 minutes ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

The thing is, I think there are a lot like myself who are kitten in PvP situations

WvW is actually a hybrid mode.
I'm also rubbish at PvP. WvW credits me with nearly 10,000 player kills, but very, very few of those came from outskilling an opponent. Running with zergs rarely involves any real PvP. One side or the other pushes and effects some kills or dies trying.
I can at least solo camps; that's actually easier than a lot of OW content. Sure, I might get ganked on occasion, but I get a free respawn and I'm ready to go again 🙂

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19 minutes ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

I have tried this approach, but Big Spender aside, find it generally difficult to maintain the Tier level while trying to avoid combat?  I could be missing something.

When I want to actively move the needle on that reward track, I queue in the evening and follow the tag... I die - often - but easy to maintain the participation level and maximize efficiency, ensuring as well that as many relevant boosters as possible are active.   

The potions don't require any participation in the sense of ticks.

Gift of Battle has also been simplified massively since you used to need to map the entirety of all the Alpine Borderlands and EBG. That is on top of not needing to pay for repairs anymore.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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22 minutes ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

I have tried this approach, but Big Spender aside, find it generally difficult to maintain the Tier level while trying to avoid combat?  I could be missing something.

When I want to actively move the needle on that reward track, I queue in the evening and follow the tag... I die - often - but easy to maintain the participation level and maximize efficiency, ensuring as well that as many relevant boosters as possible are active.   

WvW participation tiers are irrelevant to that method. The idea is to complete the daily achievements to get Potions of WvW Rewards, which give you a fixed amount of progress on the reward track. There are several WvW dailies which only require PvE activities like fighting NPCs with no other players around or claiming objectives that may be entirely undefended, so it's a way for people who don't want to engage in WvW at all to get it.

However if you're willing to run with a tag when one is available that's much faster than just doing dailies because then you get progress from the participation tracker as well (and an extra boost for each skirmish reward chest you open) so if you're willing to do that it's not worth focusing just on dailies because it will take you much longer. The dailies are only recommended for people who do not want to engage in any form of PvP at all.

Edit: Also everyone dies a lot in WvW, it's just how it goes.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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1 minute ago, Infusion.7149 said:

The potions don't require any participation in the sense of ticks.

I understand regarding potions; that's the reward for those dailies.  I meant that other than Big Spender, I have to roam the map looking to complete those dailies; guards, land claiming, etc.  Not difficult but depending on map population, it can be time consuming if you want to avoid roamer-combatants.

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2 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

As much as I don't like WvW and only set foot in there for the Gifts of Battle, I don't really have a problem with the way it is now. I would add, though, if the Gift of Battle is ever added to PvE, the Gift of Exploration needs to be added to WvW as well. It's either both ways or not at all.

Agreed, if this option would ever to be added, it'd have to work both ways.

Personally, while i definitely would not be against this idea, GoB is still a shallow engagement reward. Enough for people to see the mode, but not requiring so much commitment to be a drag if you find you don;t actually like it. Unless, of course, you are after massproducing legendaries, in which case it does become an issue. So, perhaps an option to obtain more GoBs that will become available only after you have obtained the first one the current way?

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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2 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

As much as I don't like WvW and only set foot in there for the Gifts of Battle, I don't really have a problem with the way it is now. I would add, though, if the Gift of Battle is ever added to PvE, the Gift of Exploration needs to be added to WvW as well. It's either both ways or not at all.

Which would for me be a more enjoyable experience to get a gift of exploration that it is now.. 

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1 minute ago, Danikat.8537 said:

WvW participation tiers are irrelevant to that method. The idea is to complete the daily achievements to get Potions of WvW Rewards, which give you a fixed amount of progress on the reward track. There are several WvW dailies which only require PvE activities like fighting NPCs with no other players around or claiming objectives that may be entirely undefended, so it's a way for people who don't want to engage in WvW at all to get it.

Yes, you are right; I understand... sorry for the confusion.  What I neglected to mention is that once I've raised my participation level after spending some time following the tag, I am reluctant to then pursue those other potions via dailies (aside from Big Spender), as I find it generally difficult to maintain the existing level of participation that persists with logoff... So Big Spender until I am ready to again follow the tag, in which case I start with my T6 participation already in effect.  A hybrid approach, I guess.

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3 hours ago, Kimppari.9427 said:

Hello! Here is my suggestion regarding Gift of Battle.


Gift of Battle: QoL Suggestion
- Keep the Gift of Battle Reward track in WvW
- Add Repeatable achievement (like Drizzlewood Coast) for Gift of Battle, where the currency is gathered from PvE METAs: including:

  1. All World Bosses (lower level World bosses would give less currency)
  2. Big META Events across all core + expansion maps: HoT, PoF, EoD METAs: such as Nightbosses, Octovine, Dragon's Stand, Dragon's End.
  3. I wouldn't include the LWS maps, as they are required for the trinkets and not the weapons.


That is all.

No thanks. I don’t see a reason to make gift of battle obtainable in PvE, ist should stay in WvW. 

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52 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You know you don't need to actually WvW right? There are dailies that give a boost to the reward track , all you need is 80 potions.

Some examples: Badge Spender, Guard Killer, Land Claimer, Caravan Disrupter, Monument Capturer, Objective Defender (repairs count), Camp Capturer to an extent depending on your matchup, Veteran Creature Slayer (I don't know why this hasn't been replaced with Yak Defender)

Yeah good point. In theory I think u can use the currency you get from ap chests to buy the sellable token in wvw hall for the badge daily to save up enough pots and never even enter a wvw map (technically possible). Granted a new player would need to save up from a few ap chests perhaps, not sure, but that seems ok it they are THAT bent on avoiding the maps 100%.

GH merch: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Davis_the_Survivor


It looks like you get 100 badges per 500 AP and would get 1 pot + a little wvw XP per 30 badges via GH.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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Just now, Moradorin.6217 said:

Yeah good point. In theory I think u can use the currency you get from ap chests to buy the sellable token in wvw hall for the badge daily to save up enough pots and never even enter a wvw map (technically possible). Granted a new player would need to save up from a few ap chests perhaps, not sure, but that seems ok it they are THAT bent on avoiding the maps 100%.

You get badges from the other easy WvW dailies as well (10 per chest), it isn't that difficult if people are patient and just want to avoid WvW.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transcendent_Chest_(rare)  --- one potion, 10 badges

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transcendent_Chest_(exotic) --- two potions, 20 badges

Not listing the one for keep capture as that may be unrealistic for someone not intending to WvW but that also has 20 badges and two potions.

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3 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You get badges from the other easy WvW dailies as well (10 per chest), it isn't that difficult if people are patient and just want to avoid WvW.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transcendent_Chest_(rare)  --- one potion, 10 badges

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transcendent_Chest_(exotic) --- two potions, 20 badges

Not listing the one for keep capture as that may be unrealistic for someone not intending to WvW but that also has 20 badges and two potions.

Yea I have gotten GoB on my alt accounts via dailies cause its pretty quick and easy + you get the 2 gold lol. I just meant its even possible to never set foot in wvw or kill a single guard in wvw to get a gift of battle if they have a few k ap.

IIRC they removed the wvw maps now from world explorer too right? I recall needing to actually map those out each time I wanted to do map comp too once upon a time.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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On the one hand it is already possible to get the GoB without doing WvW. This is how I got my last 5 or so GoB. Mainly through the guild vendor(Sigurlina Jonsdottir) and buying Box of WvW Supplies which requires doing guild missions and Big Spender. The Box of WvW Supplies is used for Daily WvW World Ranker. Only use the supplies for that if you have around 12-15 supplies. With less and you might not have enough for 2 ranks. The Badges for Big Spender can come from AP rewards.

On the other hand since it is already a way to get GoB without doing WvW, what is the harm in adding another way?

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1 minute ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

On the one hand it is already possible to get the GoB without doing WvW. This is how I got my last 5 or so GoB. Mainly through the guild vendor(Sigurlina Jonsdottir) and buying Box of WvW Supplies which requires doing guild missions and Big Spender. The Box of WvW Supplies is used for Daily WvW World Ranker. Only use the supplies for that if you have around 12-15 supplies. With less and you might not have enough for 2 ranks. The Badges for Big Spender can come from AP rewards.

On the other hand since it is already a way to get GoB without doing WvW, what is the harm in adding another way?

It's a waste of developer resources and it's extra code bloat if they add drops to every world boss and meta event.


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