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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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They have the ability to blend animations with seated characters, so I'm not sure why they don't do it. We aren't even allowed to see the chat log text for the emotes! The emotes are straight up disabled while mounted, just like how we can't emote while moving. They should probably adjust the emote restrictions to broaden to what extent these things work.

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Dailies and weeklies were implemented in the way they were, because the devs couldn't figure out how to let players choose what they wanted to do on any given day without limiting how much acclaim they can get. They wanted to reward players per daily rather than just a bulk reward for completing the set.

For this they only cut off PvE players from having any reason to ever step into PvP and WvW ever again.

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2 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

They have the ability to blend animations with seated characters, so I'm not sure why they don't do it. We aren't even allowed to see the chat log text for the emotes! The emotes are straight up disabled while mounted, just like how we can't emote while moving. They should probably adjust the emote restrictions to broaden to what extent these things work.

Look at how a charr sits in the club chair, then in the volcanic throne. It's two different poses, and emotes while seated would have to work with both. I'm sure other races also have chairs where they sit differently.

It gets worse when you add in the bed-chairs, like the one where you sleep on a huge stuffed toy. They'd need to find a way to block those animations entirely on chairs like that.

We do have a couple of chairs with built in emotes. It might be better to ask for more of those?

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17 hours ago, Palador.2170 said:

Look at how a charr sits in the club chair, then in the volcanic throne. It's two different poses, and emotes while seated would have to work with both. I'm sure other races also have chairs where they sit differently.

It gets worse when you add in the bed-chairs, like the one where you sleep on a huge stuffed toy. They'd need to find a way to block those animations entirely on chairs like that.

We do have a couple of chairs with built in emotes. It might be better to ask for more of those?

Going from the characters core or higher for the blending should be fine for most sitting animations, but I do see the issue with the bed chairs.

The chairs serve an RP function, along with emotes, so these things shouldn't be oil and water. Since chairs are mounts, they could also solve the issue with things like players not being allowed to /laugh while riding. It is very annoying to need to dismount for stuff like that, even though we see animation blending being used for things like "Scan For Rift" on mounts.

Edited by Quench.7091
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Option to constrain UI elements to 16:9 aspect ratio or 21:9 aspect ratio, regardless of actual aspect ratio.



While playing at an aspect ratio higher then 16:9, such as 21:9 and 32:9, the UI elements are on the very far edges of the screen.



Current: https://i.imgur.com/fWgAp8y.jpeg

Suggested: https://i.imgur.com/ZpqNzBV.jpeg

Edited by Naso.7620
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Isn't anyone annoyed by the daily/weekly quests and how specific they are? You can complete 2-3 by playing casually, but for the 3rd and/or 4th one you have to go above and beyond to play some content that is not even borderline rewarding or relevant or even enjoyable in some cases. What if I only wanted to play normally on some maps and do some metas and then log out, because that's how much time I had available? Losing daily rewards, despite the fact that I played the game and did stuff and events is like a punishment for playing the game.  
The same applies to weekly quests. They are too specific in my opinion. Why not just say to complete 3 bounties on any map, instead of a specific map? Why complete a certain map meta instead of one of the regional meta - instead of Kaineng blackout, Canthan meta. It would also be in line with the strike quest too, which is pretty great, and you wouldn't have to check the time for that specific meta in order to do it (flexibility helps). Also, defeating 100 something each week can be very time consuming... because it takes a lot of time of spamming events on a couple of maps to do it, of course depending on luck, because some monster types are way more common than others (would be "fun" to get 100 pirates and have to spam the 2-3 maps until you manage to beat 100 of them).

After reading the part above, if you think something like "you have a whole day/week to complete only 3/6 quests, so all that is just being lazy", please take into consideration that this is a game, not real life. During the week, after work, you just want to relax and do some fun and rewarding stuff, not be stressed that "I have to go to that minidungeon I have no idea where it is and do it, even though I just wanted to chill doing some events" (having to check details about some random things that are very intricate and honestly not even that interesting just to get a daily is a huge turn off and after a day of work, I can assure you "it is the only thing I want to do" and I bet there are a lot more people in the same situation) or even better "To participate in an Activity" (Annoying mini events that can be triggered only in some specific places that have rewards worse than a champion on a normal map and guess what, they take just as much time as a full event...). Yeah, sometimes things may align with what you wanted to do, but this is rarely the case in my experience. As for the weekend, in the scenario mentioned above, let's say you managed to complete some of the basic/easy weekly events during the week, besides the daily quests and providing the fact that not everyone is dedicated enough to sit in front of the pc for 4+ hours (because they may also have a life) and that they may also want to do raids/strikes/metas or progress some achievements, it is barely doable. 

All of this requires so much planning and searching that it is no longer fun or enjoyable. You want something simple, that is both challenging and fun, not, for example, some jumping puzzle that drains the life out of you (Chalice of Tears says hi...(we are really lucky that we have some passionate mesmers for this, but if they are not available when you are, well, good luck)), some mini dungeon located in a place unknown to everyone that requires 1000 steps to complete, and which gives almost nothing in return (Spirit Vestibule says hi too) or random activities that reward the player with just a fun (not) time (rewards are just as important as having fun, so spending an equal amount of time on an actual fun and rewarding event is much more appealing (no, not dungeons either, unless they are buffed to include something relevant to buy with the currency, which would also make finding a group take less than 15-30 mins. Right now, it is just rune of the monk, gifts for leggies and some armor/weapon skins (not that relevant, unless you want all the skins and even if that's the case, afterwards, dungeon rewards become irrelevant))). Those quests are perfect achievements, but doing them daily, it is more like a chore and in my opinion, too much for the average player. 

This may seem like a tantrum, but I wrote this as pure feedback (some irony here and there, but I am quite frustrated at the moment by this, especially because it was changed recently and nothing was done about it, so I'm not changing it), so whether you take it into consideration or not, it is up to you. I know it has been like this since quite a bit, but it has always annoyed me to no end that I was playing for 8+ hours a day completing all sorts of achievements, doing metas, struggling to complete some jumping puzzles, raids, strikes etc., and wasn't able to complete the daily quests purely because those quests involved some specific random areas that I had to first check what is up with them and then try to complete them somehow (jumping puzzles are pretty awful if you have a low end pc or bad internet by the way).

I know the dailies were recently reworked, but still include type of quests (mentioned above) that you have to seriously go out of your way to complete, which I believe frustrates players rather than make them feel rewarded for playing the game, hence why I wrote this.

Anyway, it's late and already wrote too much (sorry for the essay). Wish everyone a good day/night!

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Personally, I think making the metas and bounties specific helps concentrate the player base.  You know where the bulk of the people doing the dailies/weeklies are this way.  So far I have only done one story play-through on my main and zero on my alt down in Cantha/EOD.  Now I have been "forced" down there for some metas I had never played and it was fun.  I don't like dungeons, so I don't do those or any other choice I don't feel like doing and still get all the rewards I'm after.  Granted when activity rolls around I beam into LA, slog through it and move on.  Max is seven minutes on Sanctum Sprint so it's not like I'm doing Dragonstorm or anything.

As you mentioned this is a game and the dailies/weeklies are designed to get us to play the game.  Granted some of the choices are easier/better/more fun than others, however, we can't always get the easiest/fastest/most fun choices.  

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Just now, Kiof.5710 said:

Personally, I think making the metas and bounties specific helps concentrate the player base.  You know where the bulk of the people doing the dailies/weeklies are this way.  So far I have only done one story play-through on my main and zero on my alt down in Cantha/EOD.  Now I have been "forced" down there for some metas I had never played and it was fun.  I don't like dungeons, so I don't do those or any other choice I don't feel like doing and still get all the rewards I'm after.  Granted when activity rolls around I beam into LA, slog through it and move on.  Max is seven minutes on Sanctum Sprint so it's not like I'm doing Dragonstorm or anything.

As you mentioned this is a game and the dailies/weeklies are designed to get us to play the game.  Granted some of the choices are easier/better/more fun than others, however, we can't always get the easiest/fastest/most fun choices.  

I was pretty much typing this and you beat me to it.

Especially when it comes to the bounties, it is a great help to concentrate it on a map so you have a high chance to find someone doing them ant time of day or night that week. Especially if you still need some for achievements on that particular map.

One thing I do wish they would change (other than the insane frequency at which certain minidungeons or jps repeat) is that if someone buys all the expansions, but has only played up to, say, Heart of Thorns on the account, the objectives provided to that account also only go to Heart of Thorns. We know those sets of objectives exist because that is what you'd get if you owned none of the other expansions. So do something like making it a requirement that at least one character on the account has played the expansion's intro before that expansion gets added to the list.

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17 hours ago, xCristo.2063 said:

Isn't anyone annoyed by the daily/weekly quests and how specific they are? .......

I definitely get the frustration. However, as others have said, the bounties portion being on a specific map is actually a good thing. While I may roll my eyes at having to go back to the Desolation.... again.... with it being a weekly, I am almost guaranteed there will be either a Com on the map running bounties, or enough people so that if I throw up an apple tag that I will get a small platoon of people to help (as long as I don't put it off till like Sunday night, lol).

For the JPs, I assume they are chosen by random number generator? If so, the RNG needs fixing, cause it seems weighted. There are 42 JPs in the core game (not counting the ones in the mists) plus another 15 in the expansions. It would be really nice if they made it so that once a JP had been assigned to the Daily/Weekly system, it could not be assigned again till either all the other JPs are run, or after the rewards refresh (like every 4 months).  Even if they stick to just the core map ones, or remove the crazy long ones (Chalice of  Tears, Searing Ascent, Retrospective Runaround, etc.) they would still have enough to not repeat for a good long while.

The daily 'activity' really needs reworked.  Sanctum Sprint comes up 2-3 times a week, and you are stuck in there up to 8 minutes twittling your thumbs, cause you can't go AFK or it will kick you out, making you have to start over. They either need to make the activity daily happen only like once a week, or add a lot more activities to the rotation. We get it, some dev is REALLY proud of Sanctum. It is boring content after the umpteenth time through though.

For the weekly "kill 100" challenges, they are not so bad if you can locate the best places to kill them. For example, 'kill 100 mordrem", run the RIBA loop in Silver Wastes for like 15 or 20 minutes will get you there. For "kill 100 awakened" you can either run the Desolation from the starting way point to where the sulfer starts (will get you almost there) or jump into Domain of Istan and hit up the Mordent Crescent Great Hall or Palawadan events.  

It would be really nice if they would allow us to opt out of content we are likely never going to 'want' to play though..... like weekly Strike Missions. We get it, they are "raid lite" and the devs really want everyone to play and love raids..... that will never happen. Some people just do not like raids and the players that gravitate to those.  If we could opt out of Strikes and have that weekly replaced by  other open world challenges that would be great.

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Dear ANet,

Thank you so much for putting expansions on sale several times a year! It really helps get cash strapped friends into the game, or the ability to expand our alt accounts. 

Would it be too much to ask that gems / gem cards go on sale once in a while too? Maybe right around Winter's day? It would be super great to be able to gift friends and guild mates some gems around the holidays!

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Problem: After restarting from checkpoint,

We had to wait several minutes in Nightmare CM fractal

for everyone's downed penalty to go away.


Request: Please make the Mistlock Singularity automatically remove the downed penalty.

Edited by Sylvi.8372
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58 minutes ago, senoramor.7534 said:

I think it'd be super helpful to have a bag specifically for fishing items.  There are a lot of bait and lure options, and being able to more easily organize them would be a pretty nice QoL upgrade.  Bonus points if fish went into the same bag.



or simple give them the Consumable tag, so they'll auto sort into a https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Siegemaster's_Satchel

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Hello! I hope this is the right place for this post. I've recently in the last year have come back to Guild Wars 2 after a long hiatus and have been having a blast getting back into the game again, but a lot of my circumstances have changed in ways that have really highlighted some inaccessible features of the game. I wasn't sure where to make feature requests or suggestions, but saw that others had done similar posts in this forum! I'll try to organize things logically and neatly by clusters, and I apologize for the large amount of text to come. >.>

Left-Handed Accessibility
Since I've been away from the game, I switched to a more ergonomic split keyboard that has allowed me to rebind my hotkeys for all games to be on the right side of the keyboard, instead of the usual right-handed layout centered around WASD. This has revealed some odd things about GW2 as I've been getting back into things here.

  • Cannot Rebind the Mini-Map Ping Tool - Since I use left-handed control setups (right hand on right side of keyboard, left hand using my mouse), I have discovered that the Ping and Drawing Tools for the Minimap are hard-coded to the Left Shift button and cannot be remapped. Looking through the available hotkeys under Control Options, I don't see any ability to rebind the Ping and Drawing Tool from Left Shift. It's rather annoying to have to remove my hand from my movement controls (centered around IJKL) and crossover to the Left Shift button if I want to use these tools.
  • Cannot Rebind the Personal Waypoint Mini-Map Tool - same as the above issue with the Ping and Drawing Tools, but with the Personal Waypoint Tool being hard-coded to Left Alt.

UI / Chat Box Accessibility
There's a number of things that I've found with the GW2 chat box that would be nice improvements to have, especially after my experiences playing in FFXIV - both from a usability standpoint for activities such as Roleplaying and from an accessibility standpoint as well.

Chat Box Specific:

  • A quirk I've noticed in general - If the "Larger" size for the entire User Interface is chosen (under Graphics Options > Interface Size), all of the text in the entire user interface seems to get blurry / fuzzy - not just the chat box? Unsure if this is just specific to my computer and monitor or not.
  • Larger Text Sizes - I struggle to be able to read the text in the chat box, even when set to the largest available size. Additions of larger sizes for the chat box would be really helpful!
    • I've played other games that allow the player to change the text size according to the standard font sizes used for applications like Microsoft Word (aka 12pt, 14pt, etc.) - this would be the most helpful way to add in larger font sizes? Fully realizing that while it sounds like a simple change on paper, it's likely to be more difficult to change in the game's code and back end.
    • I've also noticed that the chat box text size also scales with the Interface Size, so if I want a smaller interface I have to accept a smaller font size - since "Large" Interface Size and "Large" chat box Text Size is larger than "Normal" Interface Size and "Large" Text Size. Perhaps making the scaling of the chat text independent of the Interface Size?
  • Ability to change the font used in the chat box - I am slightly dyslexic, and while the font that Guild Wars 2 uses isn't the worst about it there are still times where it is hard for me to distinguish between certain letters and characters. The option to change the font in the chat box to something else of my choosing friendly would be greatly appreciated! Verdana in particular is great for me personally, but may not work for everyone else - so ability to change to a variety of fonts would be awesome.
  • Longer post length / character limit in chat - Guild Wars 2 has a pretty low character limit in its chat box. While not necessarily a problem for most use cases, it is particularly noticeable when roleplaying in game and causes posts to need to be split up into multiple posts if you tend to write more descriptively or wordily. Having a larger character limit would alleviate that greatly!
  • Ability to highlight and copy text from the chat box - I realize upfront that this might be a security concern because it could enable posting and easier clicking of malicious hyperlinks - so totally understand if this feature won't be added for that reason. However - it would be nice to be able to highlight and copy text from the chat box. I like to have logs and records of stories and roleplays that I write in game with others, usually in the form of just capturing a text log of the scene that I can re-read at a later time. But since Guild Wars 2 does not allow highlighting and copying text from its chat box, it is rather difficult to capture logs of in-game interactions and conversations. There are workarounds like taking screenshots, but those can be cumbersome and quickly take up space on a hard drive.
    • Perhaps a compromise would be the option to enable automatic logging of the chat box? Aka, the game dumps all of the messages from the chat box during a game session into a .txt file that the player could then open and copy from.
  • Ability to disable Automatic Post Erasing - This relates to the above feature of not being able to copy from the chat box (in a way). The Guild Wars 2 chat box automatically erases messages in your chat box after a certain amount of time or certain number of individual messages (I haven't figure out which), which can make capturing logs of in game conversations or roleplays frustrating. Because if you don't remember to take screenshots within that limited time frame, previous posts in the scene are deleted and unrecoverable. Could also be addressed with the above side-note of allowing the chat box to dump to a .txt file?
  • Chat Box Transparency Slider - Currently the chat box can be displayed or hidden with the "Show / Hide Chat" keybinding, and while helpful and a welcome feature, it would be nice if players could independently change the transparency of the chat box when is shown using the mentioned keybinding? I have my chat box take up a larger amount of screen for a variety of reasons, so being able to have it be see through without hiding most of the messages would be appreciated!
  • [NEW] Ability to toggle display of Yellow Alert Text - GW2's chatbox lets you customize and filter the types of messages you can see in a tab - which is great! However I've noticed that in certain maps (looking at you, Silverwastes) there's yellow text alert text that is posted to the chatbox that does not seem to have a toggle in the tab filters. I'm talking about the messages that pop up on your screen to give you information about the map's status with that same alert also getting posted into the chatbox - aka "Amber Sandfall has been lost to the Mordrem.". It's a minor thing, but I love using maps like the Silverwastes for roleplaying because it has some really great set pieces for scenes, but having yellow text messages pop up in the chatbox every 5 seconds that you cannot hide is a bit annoying for both active RPing and for trying to get logs of the scene for later. So, adding the ability to toggle on / off the yellow alert text like pretty much every single other text type in the game would be appreciated!
  • [NEW] Ability to change the Text Colors of chatbox categories - It's a small thing, but after playing FFXIV for a while, the ability to change the color of message categories is a really nice feature to have. For example, in GW2 party chat is blue. Currently if you want to change that to a different color, there is no option to do so, whereas in FFXIV I could change the color of party chat to a wide variety of different colors (and funnily enough when I first started playing FFXIV, I used this feature to change my chat colors to align with GW2's to help my brain adapt).
  • [NEW] Have posting a message into chat reset the game's idle timer - This is another feature that would be nice to have from the perspective of roleplaying. Currently, GW2 has a roughly 1 hour AFK timer, where if you aren't interacting with the game in that 1 hour it automatically logs you out - which makes sense given how Megaservers / map shards function. However, typing into the chatbox currently doesn't reset that 1 hour AFK timer - so if you've been roleplaying for an hour and you've only been using the chatbox, you'll get a "move or use a skill or be logged out" message. You can obviously just wiggle around your character a bit, but it's still kinda strange that chatting doesn't count as interacting with the game enough for the timer.

General UI:

  • Ability to change the scaling for individual UI elements independently - There are some UI elements I would like to have larger, while others I might want to have smaller - having the ability to change the scaling for UI elements regardless of the overall UI size chosen would be appreciated! I'm aware that this feature already exists for certain elements like the Mini-Map, Chat Box, Squad Party, Inventory, etc. - but there's also certain other ones that can't be changed save for with the global Interface Size option (the Content Guide, Skill Bar, Hero Panel, etc.).
  • Match the Wallet window size to the Inventory window size - Currently, the Wallet window is set to a particular size regardless of whatever size the player has dragged their inventory to be. Not the biggest issue, but it would be nice to have the two windows match since they kind of function like two different tabs of the same window. It can be obstruct the game world if I want to say look at the wallet and move around at the same time.
  • UI Transparency Slider - The UI currently seems to be all solid without any ability to change how opaque or transparent it can be. Adding a slider that allows the player to choose their level of transparency would be lovely!
    • This would be especially nice for edge cases like needing to aim for the Skyscale Fireball mastery ability, but then an NPC dialogue box appears over your character and obstructs the aiming reticle for the fireball and the enemies being aimed at as well.
  • Ability to relocate the Party Join / Invite Box - Because I tend to set my UI to larger sizes to make it easier for me to see and parse information, I've noticed that the dialogue box for adding a member to the party will sometimes get hidden behind the chat box. This is particularly noticeable when inside squads and often I don't notice when someone is requesting to join said squad because that Accept / Decline box displays behind chat when I have chat set to Show. Being able to change where this UI element displays would be great!
  • Ability to disable the orange help tooltips that pop up automatically - I am referring to the active help boxes that appear when doing certain actions, such as shooting an airborne Kryptis Turret without charging through it with your Skyscale First. The help box was nice the first time, but it continues to pop up every time this happens (or for other things in the game too!) and closing the box while in the middle of combat can be cumbersome.
  • Ability to change how Personal Buffs and Debuffs are displayed - Guild Wars 2 has a lot of buffs that a character can have at the same time (boons, food + utility, banners, boosters, etc.), but the game only displays the beneficial effects in a straight line across the screen. Often I'll find that the buffs extend so far that they get hidden behind my Compass / Mini-Map and I can no longer tell which buffs I have after a certain point. Being able to change how buffs and debuffs are displayed would be very nice, perhaps after a certain number of buffs are reached, subsequent ones create a new line that stacks above the first line?
  • Ability to change how Party Member Buffs and Debuffs are displayed - similar to the above, but for Party Members. I play the game with standard camera controls, so to turn the camera and my character I hold down the right mouse button to drag it. However if a party member has a large number of buffs or boons, they can often extend into the middle of the screen and make it so I cannot drag my camera or even click on specific targets if I happen to click where the boons are displaying - instead the game opens the additional options box for Party Members (Kick, Add Friend, Send Mail, etc.). It's pretty annoying and can interfere with normal gameplay quite a bit.
  • Toggle for Numeric Durations for Buffs and Debuffs - I think this is pretty straightforward. As far as I know at the moment, the only way to check for how long a currently applied boon or condition is going to last is by mousing over it or guessing based on the timer bar around the icon. Being able to see a number counting down the time remaining would be really nice!
  • More controls in the Hero Panel and Equipment Preview windows - Currently the character in these windows is displayed in a static position and can be rotated around by dragging with the mouse, but that is all. Adding the ability to zoom in and out on the character, pan / translate them to a different position would be really nice - especially when it comes to seeing how particular parts of a piece of gear dye.


  • Ability to disable automatic Camera Field of View or Zoom adjustments - this comes into play all the time with things like World Bosses and other large scale fights and meta events. But it would be really nice if I could turn this off and have my camera and zoom levels stay at a consistent place if I want to, especially since lower FoVs and the motion of the camera itself during World Bosses as it zooms out can give me some motion sickness or nausea.
    • Might need to come with the option to allow for manual adjustment of FoV and Zoom to let players reach those higher settings used during World Bosses?


  • A more complete list of the keybindings in game - I've noticed that there are some hard-coded hotkeys (besides the above mentioned ones for the Mini-Map tools) that can't be changed and can clash with hotkeys for Windows or other programs (Discord, for instance). An example I've noticed is that [Numpad -] appears to be bound to a function that enables or disables map based particle effects (the falling leaves in Inner Nayos for instance)? And looking through the Control Options windows, I have not seen any way to rebind that particular key unless I've misread or missed the option entirely, which is a very distinct possibility. - Discovered that this was something strange with my particular setup - disregard!
  • [NEW] Ability to disable auto-sheathing of weapons - As mentioned above, I love to roleplay in GW2 and there's often many times I want to have my character's weapon drawn (combat scenes primarily). However in GW2, your character automatically stows their weapon after like 15 seconds - making it really annoying to keep your weapons out to the point of not bothering that much. The ability to turn auto-sheathing off would be very welcome!
  • [NEW] Make Cosmetic Infusion effects able to be toggled without having to remove them from an infusion slot - Pretty straight forward in my opinion - currently cosmetic infusions can't be turned off once placed into a piece of gear, even if you click the checkbox to hide a piece of gear! The only way to "toggle" the effects of cosmetic infusions (and enrichments) is by removing them from your piece of gear entirely. This is problematic because infusions and enrichments have bonus stats of your choice (power, precision, etc.) and while those stat bonuses are minor in the grand scheme of things, it still doesn't feel great to have to choose between having those extra stats or having the cosmetic infusion display on your character.
  • [NEW] Add Facial Expression Emotes to the game - After coming back from FFXIV and roleplaying there, I've found that I really miss the /emotes that only affect your character's facial expression. Things like being able to make your character frown, smile, look angry, etc. are really nice to have both for roleplaying and for taking screenshots too! Would love to see GW2 add that here, especially if they make it so that facial expressions can be used in conjunction with regular emotes too, e.g. you can use /readbook and something like /angryface to make your character read a book but look angry while doing so.
  • [NEW] Add a Screenshot Tool to the game - Another feature that FFXIV has that I would love to see GW2 get their own version of is a Screenshot Tool. In FFXIV it's called GPose, and it's an awesome built-in tool the developers have added and continue to make additional features for as the game has gone on. For those unfamiliar, such a tool allows you to change camera position and angles, add additional lighting sources to your shot and even change the colors of your lighting, add filters or on screen effects, apply emotes to your character, and probably most importantly - give you the ability to freeze the animations / characters in the shot at the press of a button, letting do things like get a screenshot in the middle of an ability animation for example. GW2 is a gorgeous game with its art style and various locations, but currently taking screenshots of your character, landscapes, etc. can be a bit of a chore - so having a Screenshot Tool would be a very welcome addition to the game!


I believe that covers everything I've noticed since coming back to the game this year after a long break playing other games. Thank you so much for reading through this long, long post!

Edited by Khada.8106
Added more QoL improvements and feature requests to the post, denoted by [NEW] at the start of the bullet point.
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When activated, the Teal Branded Mist item grants the Teal Crystallization effect.

It really would make a beautiful infusion, a perfect addition to the Aurillium infusion. 🥰

So, how about it, dear devs? Been hoping for this for years. 🫠


Edit: Why has my thread been merged into the QoL thread??? :classic_huh:

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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I really like the game and I'm coming back to it again and again casually but whats always putting me off is the lack of UI addons or just even customizable hotbars.

My problem with it is that since I started playing WoW way back then I always put skills that do a specific thing on a specific button, like charges/gap closers on this, stuns on that, interrupts, instant range attacks, etc. That's not possible in GW2 because even if I'd go all the way and map the keys regardless of their position on the UI to my muscle memory and save them to a template I swap when I swap specs (which is actually the closest ghetto fix to this I have found) a weapon swap will mess me up.

I don't understand why the devs are so dead focused on hardlocking the UI, GW2 is not a tournament-level competitive game, even WoW allows it and that game already is a joke competitive-wise.

So tl;dr I hope that some day they will just add custom hotbars and a spellbook that consolidates all the skills you currently have for you to place them where you want.

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