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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Could we get the ascended version of the Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew? Would love to have it for WvW for classes that heavily rely on dodges.

edit* the ascended version of holographic super cake would also be great.


Edited by Dhonti.5162
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4 hours ago, Nightbringer.9845 said:

plz allow infusion stacking of the same stats so we can min-max without the cost of could be looking better.

Please explain. I can equip all Mighty infusions if desired. I know of no limits to slotting infusions.

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22 minutes ago, eriniy.8607 said:

It would be great to have open world events where we could get the same rewards from raid and strike missions.

No thanks. You want the rewards from raids and strike missions? Play raids and strike missions. 

Edited by vares.8457
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1. If you want the rewards from those game modes you should play those game modes.
2. No. Many such threads have been made in the past if you want to find out why I don't like the idea feel free to use the forums search function. Your suggestion adds nothing to the discusion so I will add nothing to it either.
3. No. Many such threads have been made in the past if you want to find out why I don't like the idea feel free to use the forums search function. Your suggestion adds nothing to the discusion so I will add nothing to it either.
4. Sure. More ads. Why not.
5. Such events would require those "game masters" to exist. They don't and ANet has nver shown any interest in establishing anything like it. Also, people weren't really positive about events that happened only once in the past. People felt left out or felt forced to play so I doubt this is a good idea.

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3 minutes ago, eriniy.8607 said:

There are multiple different ways to get a reward in the game. For example, we can reach ascended weapons and armor in many different ways such as crafting, PvP, WvW, strike. I just wanted these ways to be increased, but to give priority to the open world while increasing them. I have always found it more fun to play in the open world in the game. Players who are new to the game always play there. This will also enable players who play the game for free to connect with old players who have purchased the game and pave the way for the company to earn more money.

If the company earns more money, the game will become better. We will have new friends and have more fun. I do not need to engage in strike missions, but many new players have difficulty in these missions and cannot do them because they do not understand many in-game terms or do not know enough game mechanics.

How do you think veteran players learned all this stuff about strikes? Terminologies and mechanics and strategies and such? New players can do the same thing: research on the Wiki, ask here or on Reddit, or find a guild or some friends and sort it out with them.

Then, they'll be able to get strike/raid rewards and the pool of players doing this content increases. Yay!

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I appreciate your thoughts and creativity in some of this, OP.  

1.  I love open world ...it's my favorite.  They've made many things much easier to access for open world players, i.e. legendary armor.  However, raids and strikes, for the most part, require more coordination, actually knowing the mechanics for many, and less people than a world boss.  The rewards reflect this.  

2.  Many, many, many posts about this.  I'm not interested in housing.  

3.  Many, many, many more posts on this.  Anet has been clear that they aren't interested at this time in introducing another race.  Those are interesting suggestions, perhaps for a future game?  

4.  Advertising budget is what it is....most people in my country don't know it exists either lol.   But sure, more exposure is always nice.  

5.  I don't see the appeal.

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1. Absolutely not. You want the special shiny of a raid/strike, play a raid/strike. Seriously there is the same functionality/stats of (soon to be) literally every item that can be somewhat easily obtained in every game mode (easy does not mean quick, people), there HAS to be some form of incentive to play each different game mode or else the game will die

2. Again, absolutely not. This would eliminate the purpose of cities completely. While I do wish there was more customization options for the home instance, this is not the way to do it

3. I wouldn’t theoretically MIND a new race, but it’s never going to happen, give the amount of time/effort would be required to do it. This has been discussed a million times before, it’s just not in ANets interest to do so. Additionally- we’ve got a bunch of non-playable races already, use one of those before breaking the lore and introducing something completely new that magically has never been seen before

4. Yeah, sure

5. Again- while I wouldn’t theoretically be opposed to such, it’s just not feasible from a financial perspective. The amount of coding that would need to be involved in this is just impractical 

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2 hours ago, eriniy.8607 said:

5-Non-automatic surprise events organized by Game Masters should be added to the game.For example, a boss can be dropped from the middle of the city by the Game master.Game developers can also participate in WvW wars and an overwhelming superiority can be established, which means all players will unite against them and a lot of fun.In short, game makers should come and beat us a little. Every hamster needs a cat so it can run faster.

Other have commented sufficiently. This one, though, is similar to the initial vision for the game. One time events that would alter the world. Ie, Season 1. Turns out it wasn't so much fun for the people who weren't logged in at the time and missed it. Anet rather quickly changed their philosophy, and Season 2 was repeatable content. The WvW aspect though - I do believe WvWers want less PvE in their world, not more. And making some GM "a monster/world boss" would essentially be that, a pve encounter.

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What if ,  the Story Mode at some point give you a "corupted stone" that has an RNG element when activated in the next EXPANSION,  creates a portal behind a mob and spear throught it , killing and resummon a corrupted version with 1-2 more attacked that has as a reward offer some OW legendary mats ? We could apply to next expanion world bosses , where the system rolls based of how many players have activated the stone , or a after the Boss have been killed a Portal will pop up as an extra event 

You can activate the t2 "corupted stone" , where you can sell the OW mats for other T6mats (and even better ones if you have the OW armor)



(brb 1-2 months , hiding from the daily mod :P)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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We  could lower each Legendary requirements from each area to 3 months and create mini-events , where:

 "play for 10 days casually ,

colect the WvWSkismish , then wait till the net WvW event or transform half of them into the PvP currecly.

You  get +50 Vault cap + a special RNG spot in the vault that might or not , have  3 items of your choice.

Essentially it will be like the current Magic Find , where the 850 cap is the Legendaries from 3 modes



Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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9 hours ago, WizRobe.8657 said:

Can we please get an option to get off of Magnus's and Zafirah's spam list? The ability to just delete their letters without taking the scrolls that also need to be deleted would be nice too.

I expect you mean the mails you get about the (now far more common) 'Rush' events? Since Magnus is WvW and Zafirah is PvP, it would be great to be able to opt-out of those notices if you have no desire or interest in WvW or PvP content. However, I am not certain if you would be able to opt out of just those and not also opt out of the PvE rush mailings, which are all sent by other NPCs. It kind of all depends on how the messages are actually sent, and if the back end system actually identifies them as separate (likely generated by separate scripts) or if the back end system sees them all as "from Anet", triggered by the same script, in which case it would not be possible to opt out without also opting out of all automated Anet notification mails.

For the "just delete outright" request, I'm guessing that would actually work out to be a bad idea..... as much as I personally do like it. Similar to the note above, I doubt they would be able to just apply "delete message and attachment" to those specific mails, which means people would start deleting their daily Expedition Contract mailings (loot) as well as possibly mailings from friends / guildies who sent them gear or gold.  I can only imagine how many support requests Anet would get daily for "I deleted a mail by mistake that had ______ item or gold attached, please give it back", which would be a nightmare to address as they would need to validate each and every one to prevent false claims.


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I made a separate post about my suggestion and was alerted to this thread and advised to post it here. It’s about an easy fix for colour blind people by changing one letter.

Summary: Say/Local chat and Squad chat have the same channel Tag and the colours are indistinguishable for some players. Changing one of the tags would fix the problem, eg squad chat to [d] or say/local chat to [L]

My original post:

On 1/21/2024 at 3:15 PM, humfrid.2615 said:

I have a type of colour-blindness that makes the  colours for squad chat and say chat indistinguishable from one another. Thus I never can tell if a message was typed in say or squad chat (unless I can deduct it from the context).

I use the option to show channel tagss in addition to colours to distinguish between chats - unfortunately this does not help, because both chats have the same letter as their tag i.e. "[S]".

My request: Would it be possilbe to change the channel tag letters of one of the chats, like e.g. have squad chat be "[Sq]" or maybe "[q]" (in accordance with "/q" for the chat code to switch to squad chat)? => EDIT: Sorry for the confusion - the chat code for squad chat is actually /d, so I guess [d] would be a more appropriate tag 🙃

Additionally it could also help to change one of the colours, so they are no longer so similar, but that I consider the letter change the more important and also safer option, as it will help everyone regarding of their type of colour blindness, while changing the colour might make it better for me but worse for other people.

In an ideal world, there would be settings to customize this, but I can imagine that would be a lot of effort to implement. But changing one of the letters should (hopefully) be relatively easy to do...? 🤓




Edited by humfrid.2615
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6 hours ago, humfrid.2615 said:

I made a separate post about my suggestion and was alerted to this thread and advised to post it here. It’s about an easy fix for colour blind people by changing one letter.

Summary: Say/Local chat and Squad chat have the same channel Tag and the colours are indistinguishable for some players. Changing one of the tags would fix the problem, eg squad chat to [d] or say/local chat to [L]

My original post:



Two suggestions....

First, you can have multiple tabs in the chat window, and you can set which 'channels' each tab uses. You could create a new tab that is 'squad only' and one that is 'say only' so that if you are not sure which channel a message is in, you can simply change tabs to see.

Second, I have a color blind co-worker who was not aware there was such a thing.... did you know they actually make glasses that help with color blindness?  They are not cheap, but they could be a game changer for you, not just for gaming reasons. There is a company called Enchroma that makes them. They have a color blind test on their site to determine which type of blindness you have and which glasses could help. Their glasses are also available on Amazon (at cheaper prices than on their site)

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There are 2 activities and 1 arena in Arborstone, but I never see anyone doing them.  When I enter the Arena, there is a notification that "Character has entered Arena", but no one ever comes in to fight, watch, accidentally stumble in, etc.  Instead of just announcing to the Arena that "Character has entered" why not announce to Arborstone that "Character has entered".  This would apply to the 2 activities as well (maybe just 1 of the activities).  In Club Canach, you have the Mini Moa Race (maybe no announce for this) and the Canach Coin Collection.  I, again, never see anyone doing this except myself.  If the announcement covered all of Arborstone instead of just Club Canach, I believe that more peeps would realize there are other things to do and you would have a more active area.


Thank you for your attention.

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9 hours ago, DemonAtTheWheel.1804 said:

Two suggestions....

First, you can have multiple tabs in the chat window, and you can set which 'channels' each tab uses. You could create a new tab that is 'squad only' and one that is 'say only' so that if you are not sure which channel a message is in, you can simply change tabs to see.

Second, I have a color blind co-worker who was not aware there was such a thing.... did you know they actually make glasses that help with color blindness?  They are not cheap, but they could be a game changer for you, not just for gaming reasons. There is a company called Enchroma that makes them. They have a color blind test on their site to determine which type of blindness you have and which glasses could help. Their glasses are also available on Amazon (at cheaper prices than on their site)

Thanks for the suggestions.

I do have a squad only tab set up. That helps, but it would still be nice to have say there as well and being able to tell the difference 🤓

As for the colour blind glasses - it would be awesome if those did what they advertised. Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, none of them actually do. I have become very cautious and sceptical when it comes to incredible promises like that. For anyone curious - here’s a video of a non affiliated colour blind person looking into the matter and trying different glasses: 

But nevertheless: thank you very much for trying to help! 🌈🙂

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Could we please get a border highlighting the current item we are previewing in the wardrobe, so we don't lose our place when looking through all the skins one by one. Could we also please be able to cycle through the skins with the arrow keys so we don't need to click potentially thousands of times on each separate skin.

We're also getting so many weapon skins that the wardrobe section for weapons is getting a little crazy in terms of length. A way to filter weapons further than two-handed/off-hand etc would be welcome. Examples could include containing a certain colour/material/effect (eg. all fire weapons). Even just the method of obtaining the weapon, eg. black lion weapon collections, dungeon weapons, cultural weapons etc.

As it stands, just trying to peruse the wardrobe gives me the genuine concern of developing a repetitive strain injury.

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● A metal detector for buried treasure all across tyria.

A one do-it-all device that can find any treasures, or rare resources (map currency. Eg. Bloostone) anywhere... from kryta to cantha.


● Please improve the location recall teleporter device thingy.

Right now, it disappears after 30 seconds, making jumping puzzles, sometimes, even more frustrating than if you don't use it at all.


● A grapple gun for jumping puzzles and areas.

● The abilities to climb, grab ledges, shimmy, etc in jumping puzzles, or jumping areas in fractals.


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