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Guild Wars 2 Expansion Reveal: June 4

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I hope this is not a janky overhaul of the weapon equipment system blending everything, but a "now you can equip this weapon in land" option (I'm curious to see how this works with the legendary armory though). Make it simple, please.

I like it, it is an excellent opportunity; we have the skins, we have the weapons, we just have to equip them. I'm already excited about this expansion 🙂 I think we can all agree that a simple but deep story that builds on existing systems and characters is just fantastic. Now give us something that will keep us playing for a long period, and gives you the resources to keep investing in the game.

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The map teaser looks GORGEOUS. So much more grounded. The waterfalls, the rivers, the pine trees, the wooden architecture - I am obsessed. I know we're going to Janthir, but could this be part of the Woodland Cascades?

Clearly land spear - not something I was personally wanting, but it definitely increases the possibility of changes to water combat, (finally) new legendary aquatic weapons, and water content in general. The new skimmer skin in the Wizard's Vault was eyebrow raising as well 🤔
We've got the delta (via "Delta Wild Bog" teaser), Janthir Bay, Isles of Janthir, and I guess Woodland Cascades. A lot of water going on here. Super hyped to learn more on June 4th!

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51 minutes ago, Toraseishin.1932 said:

The map teaser looks GORGEOUS. So much more grounded. The waterfalls, the rivers, the pine trees, the wooden architecture - I am obsessed. I know we're going to Janthir, but could this be part of the Woodland Cascades?

Clearly land spear - not something I was personally wanting, but it definitely increases the possibility of changes to water combat, (finally) new legendary aquatic weapons, and water content in general. The new skimmer skin in the Wizard's Vault was eyebrow raising as well 🤔
We've got the delta (via "Delta Wild Bog" teaser), Janthir Bay, Isles of Janthir, and I guess Woodland Cascades. A lot of water going on here. Super hyped to learn more on June 4th!

perhaps both,

yeah i liked the ambiece too, i was exausthed of so much deserts(Ls2, Pof, LS4) in expansions.

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Not a huge fan of the story continuing with the Astral Ward. Their lore and background wasn't exactly compelling to me. 

They refused to help Tyria through all the other expansion because the elder dragons were our problem, even in SotO they refused to fully help until right at the end. You can even talk to Isgarren about him showing up late at the end and you get a kinda crap response of "you rather we didn't show up at all". Literally if they just put in maximum effort in SotO update 2 of 4.....we would of been over and done with.

So its not really exciting me to have to continue "working" with the Astral Ward, especially if the next expansion is in either the mists or Tyria, both areas that the Astral Ward have previous refused to help in, but for some reason are now willing to help. 

If it gets adequately explained in the next expansion story it won't be so bad, but from what we got from SotO story telling, I am not expecting much.

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The blog post mentions something else the players have been asking for for five years besides the land spear.

Five years ago must have been around the end of LW s4. What were players asking for back then that they only begun asking for in that period?

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1 hour ago, Toraseishin.1932 said:

Clearly land spear - not something I was personally wanting, but it definitely increases the possibility of changes to water combat, (finally) new legendary aquatic weapons, and water content in general. The new skimmer skin in the Wizard's Vault was eyebrow raising as well 🤔

Or, it could be that nothing water-related changes at all, and spear (and possibly other weapons) are just added as new land weapons. Which would be my preference, not a fan of the under water stuff.

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7 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

The blog post mentions something else the players have been asking for for five years besides the land spear.

Five years ago must have been around the end of LW s4. What were players asking for back then that they only begun asking for in that period?

Return of raids? (they ended in 2019)


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6 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Return of raids? (they ended in 2019)


That could be. It would be nice if it was two strikes, raid wing, and then CMs for the Strikes coming later down the line.

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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

The blog post mentions something else the players have been asking for for five years besides the land spear.

Five years ago must have been around the end of LW s4. What were players asking for back then that they only begun asking for in that period?

That comment ("but rest assured, that first quarterly release will include something really exciting that players have been requesting for over 5 years") is in a section titled Map Design. There'a also sections in the article for Story and Features, so I assume it's something map design related, that's not story related or classed as a feature. So not land spears, or anything else combat related.

I'm not sure what though, I can't think of anything which only started being requested around 5 years ago.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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17 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I'm not sure what though, I can't think of anything which only started being requested around 5 years ago.

Other than new Raid Wings I also come up blank. People have been requesting player housing since around HoT from what I remember due to Guild Halls.

People did ask for mounts to be available prior to PoF, and that was granted in the form of the Raptor at LVL 10.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Yogurt Goblin.5934 said:

Not a huge fan of the story continuing with the Astral Ward. Their lore and background wasn't exactly compelling to me. 

They refused to help Tyria through all the other expansion because the elder dragons were our problem, even in SotO they refused to fully help until right at the end. You can even talk to Isgarren about him showing up late at the end and you get a kinda crap response of "you rather we didn't show up at all". Literally if they just put in maximum effort in SotO update 2 of 4.....we would of been over and done with.

So its not really exciting me to have to continue "working" with the Astral Ward, especially if the next expansion is in either the mists or Tyria, both areas that the Astral Ward have previous refused to help in, but for some reason are now willing to help. 

If it gets adequately explained in the next expansion story it won't be so bad, but from what we got from SotO story telling, I am not expecting much.

This 'x-pac' hasn't given me much incentive to buy the next one. The story was kinda meh, so fed up with some main character having to die, you did that with aurene and having to break off to do 'events' was tiresome. Maps looked pretty and as i have said in a previous post, wizards isn't exactly new and showed a lack of creativity to the story telling. The only plus point was getting the legendary relic so at least i got rewarded, but you still should make people do'some' work, it's insulting to spend the time and effort to made a complete set of runes , when someone can just make one and get the relic the same.. I won't say about the nerf of the Skyscale, it upsets folk. No idea about the leggie armour, i did my dues in pvp for my 3 sets. 

My husband also isn't impressed and hasn't even done the first chapter of the story, and i myself haven't finished it. It's a shame as the new x-pac looks pretty, but since the mess that EoD was i haven't got much hope for Gw2 moving forward.  sorry.

Edited by Dami.5046
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11 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

Other than new Raid Wings I also come up blank. People have been requesting player housing since around HoT from what I remember due to Guild Halls.

People did ask for mounts to be available prior to PoF, and that was granted in the form of the Raptor at LVL 10.

Player housing is one thing I thought about, but I doubt they'd do that, and I think it'd count as a feature rather than a type of map design.

Maybe new raids? Someone else said the last one was 2019 and I know some people have been asking for them since the last one came out, but I thought Strikes were Anet's new answer to raids (supposed to be as difficult but shorter).

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

That comment ("but rest assured, that first quarterly release will include something really exciting that players have been requesting for over 5 years") is in a section titled Map Design. There'a also sections in the article for Story and Features, so I assume it's something map design related, that's not story related or classed as a feature. So not land spears, or anything else combat related.

I'm not sure what though, I can't think of anything which only started being requested around 5 years ago.

It is, but it specifically refers to the first quarterly release which will have no map. They also talk about story and other stuff in that paragraph. So I don't think the heading is something to be strictly guided by when guessing

That suggests content unrelated to maps like a raid. Or housing. Or a new race. or THE RETURN OF JOKO! or a new profession or level 500 in jewellery or SAB 3 or even dungeons. What about new maps for WvW or PvP? The options are wide open for what it could be, esp as it says "over" 5 years


Edited by Randulf.7614
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One thing that has been requested a lot is the auto zoom in/out during metas and world bosses - presumably if they fixed that, it would apply everywhere and just not the new maps, but it is hard to imagine that is really going to be a selling point for anyone (especially because I don't see how they could tie that behind the purchase of an expansion)

I could see player housing (or making the home instance a bit more customizable) - adding some bookshelves and storage containers to the home instance seems like it shouldn't take a huge amount of work, but presumably people asking for player housing are wanting something a bit more than that.

One thing to keep in mind is that I think a lot of decisions by Anet are to keep existing players active/spending money.  Maybe they can grab new players, but for a game that has been out for 10+ years now, it just seems like there are not a lot of people who would buy the game who haven't played it already, and what the expansions are adding is not so much new stuff that it would seem to attract a player that decided to skip the game 5+ years ago to it.

I also wonder that if in fact land based spears (and other currently aquatic weapons) do show up, if those will also be in the next legendary starter kit.  It would sort of make sense to highlight the new/changed weapons in that.

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Posted (edited)

So does that mean Engineer will get Harpoon Gun as their new land weapon?

Jokes aside, I wonder if they are also including Harpoon Gun and Trident as well.

I am curious what kind of skills will they have on land.


Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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