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Guild wars 3

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You want something to do, you want that one item you've been crafting and never finished and a reason to do it while you still can. You still enjoy playing Guild Wars 2, so you play Guild Wars 2? IDK Maybe ask why Guild Wars 1 people played Guild Wars 1 even though Guild Wars 2 announcement was a thing, its the exact same question but you change the numbers around. That Guild Wars 1 audience is still there, its not as big as it was 15 years ago... but I still see people wandering some of the districts at weird hours.

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"I maybe get a new car in 5-6 years. Why spend money on my current car?" 

Well, be that logic, why spend money on the next car when you get another car 10 years later after that? 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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GW3 is to the point where they're officially talking about the possibility internally. Assuming they go ahead with it, it'll be 5-10 years out. Probably closer to 10, considering how game development goes nowadays.

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Wasn't the talk about GW3 just one executive trying to make the franchise look more attractive to shareholders and investors?

That really is little more than a nothingburger to me.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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7 hours ago, Sarge shot Grif.6450 said:

This game isn't designed for controllers and would function horribly on a console both in terms of controls and performance.

Prob why the op didn’t ask for this game to be ported 

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5 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

Knowing that Gw3 is a thing, what's the point of farming legendary gear?

We still don't know it, really. But I understand some people's sentiment. ArenaNet should clarify if GW3 is in the making, and if so, if it will replace GW2 or be a very different game. But they can't, because then some people will stop playing GW2 for the very reason that the OP is concerned about: "What's the point?"

IMO, just relax and don't think about it too much. There is no point to it. GW3 is just a possibility in the far future, not a tangible thing.

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14 hours ago, Zerin.9834 said:

I was told to post on the official forms for guild wars 3 being for consoles. Can you please attempt to make guild wars 3 for consoles like playstation and xbox? The consoles have a larger player base slightly. Pc only has 5000 guild wars 2 players. Not everyone can buy a pc or afford one. I'd also love for monks and heros to return or the pvp styles.

GW2 has around 4-5k concurrent players on Steam alone. Understanding what concurrent players means, this number suggests that a multiple of that number of players play the game on Steam alone.

Now add in the fact that the Steam launch happened 10-11 years into the games lifespan and the player count there only represents a fraction of new players which joined the game at that time, we can safely assume the player base is far larger. 

As far as player base of console (either) versus PC, PC dwarvs PS5+Xbox combined (and I own all 3 systems).

I do agree though that a GW3, should it ever see successful development, should consider console as well, if only to be available to as many players as possible, just not for any of the reasons you mentioned.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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If there was a GW3 coming out they might also have something like a Hall of Monuments system like the original GW1 did for GW2, so you may get access to some unique skins in the next game for reaching certain milestones.
As for the case for farming it in a game that may cease to exist... it's pretty simple. While there is hundreds of hours worth of content you can enjoy that does not require legendary or even ascended, legendary gear can be an easy end-game goal to set and pursue. It doesn't have to be the end-all-be-all that you beeline and focus all your attention on, just something you gradually work towards while enjoying what the game has to offer. The accessories are nice, the armor is helpful if you want to do many different builds, but weapons are overpriced for the negligible QoL they provide.

Some of the collections are guidance on the type of content you can do but you haven't done yet, like reaching almost 100% completion in LS3, LS4, IBS, raids. The rest...? As long as you're not actively using your materials and gold you'll regularly reach a point where you put a legendary crafting recipe in gw2efficiency and notice: "Oh wow, it would cost me only 400g to buy the materials I need to finish this 1300g legendary". At that point it's more like a nice bonus that makes you feel like you're making progress, not something you're bitter about because you put so much time and effort towards it.

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6 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

Edit: Why are people so salty on this question?

Unless some posts got deleted by moderation, I do not really see much of salt in this thread, especially not within timestamps between thread posting, and the edit.

People are just correcting you OP on assumption that GW3 is "known" thing in development. Which it isn't. One exec on one investor meeting when pressured about quality of leadership of NCSoft West, started spewing things to upsell situation and promote the idea of "super competitive" ArenaNet. In later interview same exec already went into damage control mode, that GW3 is not past concept reviews stage.

Coupling that with comment from AN it would seem that someone at AN was reviewing the idea of if GW3 were to be made how it would have to look like to sell. The point of going for legendaries is that you do not know that GW3 is a thing, or will be anytime soon.

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9 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

I'm trying to have a reason to return to the game, but, knowing that Gw3 is in development, why someone would spend time farming legendary gear and end game stuff if everything will be left behind after some years?

Thanks for your time.


Edit: Why are people so salty on this question?

Even if GW3 was something beyond someone just talking about it, Legendary gear due to the Legendary Armory is by far the biggest increase in QoL that you can ever get.

Due to the Legendary Armory every character on the account can use the item if it's available to them. Since everyone can use the accessories if Character A creates a Legendary backpack then Character B can also use that backpack once they reach LVL 80.

It also makes Gear Templates valuable since when you switch to a different Gear Template it automatically becomes the Affix chosen for it if it has one.

Edited by Malus.2184
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10 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

I'm trying to have a reason to return to the game, but, knowing that Gw3 is in development, why someone would spend time farming legendary gear and end game stuff if everything will be left behind after some years?

Thanks for your time.

If GW3 was officially announced and would come out within the next year or less then it would be pointless perhaps. Considering it's just being talked about and not actually in production yet, so it'll be at least 5 more years before it's out (if it comes out at all). So why not create a legendary to make life easier in the meantime? Nothing's gonna last forever, so what's the point in playing GW2 if you know it'll eventually end?

10 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

Edit: Why are people so salty on this question?

Because this is FAR from the first time somebody makes a thread about "what's the point of x, if GW3 is coming out?". And to be honest this type of topic has been discussed ad nauseam already. 

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If you are really looking for an answer to such a silly question, it's: QoL for the years to come until GW3 releases.

Because, in all seriousness, I am currently collecting ascended gear on my alt account and am very aware of the fact how good I have it on my fully legendary main account. 😉 

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10 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

why someone would spend time farming legendary gear

You'd farm Legendary gear if you stat swap often, maybe even before each encounter as you maximise your build for the fight ahead, min maxing different armor pieces with different stats.

I wouldn't advise any of my friends to get legendaries "just because" which is what a lot of people do before they set it all to Berzerker or Viper and get on full copium how much quality of life they just got because if they hypothetical in the future need to do this or that and other they're set already.

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18 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Can you cite your claim that Guild Wars 2 has only 5000 players? Because I'm pretty sure it has more.

It definitely has more. According to stats Anet revealed recently, over 60 thousand players bought the cat chair from vault, for example.

...unless of course GW2 players have at least 12 paid accounts on average.

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12 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

You'd farm Legendary gear if you stat swap often, maybe even before each encounter as you maximise your build for the fight ahead, min maxing different armor pieces with different stats.

That's not the only reason why you might want legendary gear though. There's a lot more QoL that appeals to altoholics and fashionistas like you can equip legendary gear on all your alts (as long as their class allows it), so you don't have to go through the process of gearing all your alts; and there's free reskins on legendary items so you can redo your looks at your heart's content. Things never look like they do in the preview window after all. 

12 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

I wouldn't advise any of my friends to get legendaries "just because" which is what a lot of people do before they set it all to Berzerker or Viper and get on full copium how much quality of life they just got because if they hypothetical in the future need to do this or that and other they're set already.

Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't advise new(er) players to go get legendaries, but if they really want to for whichever reason I won't try to convince them otherwise either. I'd just warn them on the lenghty and costly road they've set themselves on.

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10 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

I'm trying to have a reason to return to the game, but, knowing that Gw3 is in development, why someone would spend time farming legendary gear and end game stuff if everything will be left behind after some years?

I'm having trouble understanding your perspective here.

First of all, "reason to return" implies that you're not currently engaging with the game's content anyway, so the very first phrase makes your entire post a hypothetical at best, simple trolling at worst.

Second, we don't know any such thing about any alleged GW3 so that's off the table. What we do know about it is that they're kinda sorta maybe talking about it and assessing the possibility internally as a potential future product offering, after they finish squeezing what they can out of the current product model. That hardly qualifies as "in development."

Third, thermodynamics is a lousy excuse for giving up on anything. You'll have to do better than "why bother, if it will end at some unspecified time in the future?"

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So, what's the premise here?  You're only motivated to play a game if you can fool yourself into believing that you get to keep everything you've earned in the game forever?  Years isn't enough time for a game to be worth playing?

I guess I don't understand that logic.  I enjoy GW2, so I'm excited at the prospect of GW3.  There's no guarantee it'll be a game I want to play, but I figure it has a better chance than most of attracting my attention because I liked GW2 enough to play it for many years.  If that happens, I won't have any trouble giving up GW2 for the new game and starting fresh.  Earning new stuff is part of the fun and keeps me motivated to continue playing.

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11 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

I'm trying to have a reason to return to the game, but, knowing that Gw3 is in development, why someone would spend time farming legendary gear and end game stuff if everything will be left behind after some years?

Thanks for your time.


Edit: Why are people so salty on this question?

Every game has a life span and nothing lasts forever.  By that logic, no one should ever farm for anything because it'll eventually go away.

Besides, even when GW3 eventually comes out, it doesn't mean GW2 will discontinue.

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11 hours ago, Peter.3901 said:

I'm trying to have a reason to return to the game, but, knowing that Gw3 is in development, why someone would spend time farming legendary gear and end game stuff if everything will be left behind after some years?

I don't quite understand your logic. There are practically always games in development, including MMOs. According to your logic, you would then practically not play any games, but always wait for the next one to come out at some point? Because then the current game would be outdated?

Everything that you can earn/work for in a game doesn't really exist, none of it lasts forever. It's all just virtual. A game account can be blocked at any time (for whatever reason) and then you no longer have access to what you have earned. The only real thing is the fun you have in a game (or not).

If GW2 *and* GW3 existed and you asked which of the two games you should farm a legendary in *now*, I would probably tell you GW3. But that's not a decision you can make. Because there is no GW3 and whether and when it will be is completely open. So your decision is: play GW2 or not.

If you don't get any use out of Legendary gear now... just leave it and do the things you enjoy more.

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