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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

..yes? It would not be the first (or likely last) time either. They do like to channel players towards niche content and do it on constant basis. It rarely brings the results net expected, of course, but for some reason it doesn't stop them from trying.

Doubt. What other "niche content" has been prevalent in the majority of legendaries like the Gift of Battle is? You don't see them putting spvp requirements in most for good reason.

We've had multiple opportunities to not include the Gift of Battle in the newer generations, but it just hasn't happened.

3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Nah. It's not like the case of legendary armor originally. It's small enough time investment that a lot of players will still be doing it, even though they do not like the content.

So, basically, it's a non-issue then.

And that's why it's been that way.

Not to mention WvW doesn't really have to be pvp content. Many people do it without actually haven't to fight another player, compared to something like spvp at least.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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#1 - Transmutation charges NEED TO GO - Outdated and completely redundant. Both for those that have tons and those that use many.

2 - Lower in-combat duration/radius - In every mode it's WAYYY too much and way too long.

3 - Give a self-defeat option when downed -  Sitting there in limbo basically dead already, takes too long to revive, long recharge on skills you haven't even used yet, and when you know you will be destroyed whether you try to revive or not it's just a waste of time.

4 - Stop designing new features or QoL changes with issues that you already know will be an issue... and that you know you will inevitably change soon after (siege turtle mount acquisition, legendary relic acquisition process for those that did collection prior, mount ley-line gliding, no option to turn off cosmetic inspection, balancing to a golem, ect)

5 - Make sure all tooltips and info is accurate. Too many tooltips give inaccurate or false info.

6 - Give option to skip dialogue in all new cut scenes and non-cut scene dialogue moments. Cannot have another 10-minute Kormir scene... Ridiculous.

7 - Stop turning every character into an overly-emotional crybaby. Look what you did to Zojja... You don't have to infuse every story with excessive melodrama and overly-somber scenes ALL THE TIME.

8 - Give more equipment tab slots and lower their gem store price. WAYY too dm high.

9 - Give other ways to get charged quartz.

10 - Add class NPCs to the Special Forces Training Arena - Profession NPCs as an option alongside the golems so we can privately test builds and playstyles on targets that can move independently, fight back, use abilities, able to be CC'd around, ect all in an adjustable, private instance.

11 - Overall just give more option and choice where it should be like you did with the Wiz Vault objectives, turtle mount acquisition, mount ley line gliding, skyscale retreat option, WvW exotic armor, ect.)

Edited by Ryn.3690
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Confirmation before someone can be added as a friend in "Contacts and LFG"

If someone is now added as a "friend", they cannot reject the friend request. The person automatically becomes a follower and can see their online status and location.

It should be the case, as is usual everywhere else, that if you receive a friend request, you can then reject or confirm it. And only if you confirm this, both players become each other's friends/followers.


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I’ve made a thread in the past about the availability of Black Lion Statuettes (BLS) for players located in anti-lootbox countries saying that there is almost no surefire way for people to get these. I live in Belgium and unfortunately, yet understandably, we cannot buy Black Lion Keys so the only way for players in our region to get BLS’ is to either:

- Do weekly keyfarm lvl10 or 40.

- Map Completion and hope for random Black Lion Key drop

- Birthday presents from characters that are at least 6 years

Considering the amount of BLS’ needed for certain items or cosmetics, I find myself often farming for MONTHS on end to accumulate 60 BLS’ for a certain skin I’d like to buy. Now that we have the Wizard’s Vault, it’s perfect to add BLS’ as a reward for Astral Acclaim so that people in these anti-lootbox regions have a fair and consistent way to get more of them.

Thoughts on adding Black Lion Statuettes to the Wizard’s Vault as a reward?

Edit: Perhaps a limited amount of 60 BLS’ per Vault reset. With a cost of 30-50 AA per BLS or something along those lines.


Edited by Scratchpaw.1069
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Just now, willow.8209 said:

I'd be in favor. There would need to be a reasonable limit of course, but yea this should be a thing. 

Sure, I don’t mind a limit of 60 or so at a price of 30-50 AA/each so we can atleast buy one 60 BLS cosmetic with every reset..

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Scaleable ui icons(boons/effects/etc..) and more clearly readable ui font's and colors. Please no more white font on white background icons with pale purple/blue/oranges. Let me have bold, black fonts so i can clearly read stuff like stacks and durations without having to strain my eyes.

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37 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

This would undermine the point of statuettes as well as keys.


34 minutes ago, Scratchpaw.1069 said:

Mind elaborating?

So far this sounds reasonable to me, unless Ashen can elaborate, giving a better reason why this would not be a good change.

Edited by Chichimec.9364
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It must have been suggested already in the past, and ppl probably stopped suggesting bc there was an add on that took care of it.

different keybinds per charachter.

Every profession in the game plays different, thats the whole idea.
Some professions only need f1 and/or f2.
others need more than double.

Why is this not in the game an option to use binds per charachter (not even profession, I have a ranger only for untamed, and I would like to bind keys different from my main ranger)
It used to be in Arcdps an option to checkmark and that solved my issue.
I could start playing other classes and change the binds so you can actually play them. But it got removed.

Now I'm stuck again on Ranger (which I like) but i also want to play other characters.

Did some digging


ppl keep asuming things about they can maybe not do it or whatever..
We don't know.
anet should communicate about this.
They did not add the inspect option for 10 years, and now they did.
So anything is possible.

Edited by Patsoor.6425
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I have a quality of life suggestion. I play on steam deck and therefore use the action camera. I would absolutely love an option that would allow me to lock the camera to my current target. Almost all modern action games already have this.

I'm pvp it can be pretty hard to keep a target in view when using the action camera mode, putting me at a pretty severe disadvantage. But if I could lock the camera on them it would really help to level the playing field.


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Instead of waiting for this topic to reach 10,000 replies, maybe do this type of consolidation/refresh annually? When you create the new one you can provide a recap of the previous year's suggestions that got implemented or are actively being worked on. It would be a good demonstration of active engagement between ArenaNet and its customers. That original monster of a topic really did give me the impression that it was just a blackhole where ideas go to die. This recent refresh put me at ease.  Just a thought.

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I think it's a good idea. Like everything in the Wizard's Vault (except gold) it would be limited so I doubt it would invalidate keys for those who have the option to buy them, they could still get more by buying keys than you could get from the Vault, but it would be a good alternative for those who can't buy them.

I think it's worth considering there are several gem store items on there already, like black lion salvage kits, transmutation charges and revive orbs. I think it's safe to assume Anet don't think allowing players to get a limited number of things for free prevents anyone from buying them.

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Please remove all Day-/Nightime Fishes from Dusk/Dawn Cycle. The Time is too short with 5 Minutes to Catch anything from the Dusk/Dawn Cycle without fishing for Days.(except Night and Day Fish you only get these)

Or move Dusk/Dawn fish to Night or Day. Or remove it. 

I love Fishing in Games, but this is driving me insane. 

Edited by freakbird.2704
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30 minutes ago, Jin.8501 said:

I would assume the main point of buying bl keys is to get those lion statues. Would be nice to see them in the vault but I very much doubt Anet agrees 

There are other items in the Vault that were previously only available by spending gems so I don’t think ‘people need to spend gems on this item’ is too good of an argument.

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8 minutes ago, Scratchpaw.1069 said:

There are other items in the Vault that were previously only available by spending gems so I don’t think ‘people need to spend gems on this item’ is too good of an argument.

Unless you have an exact break down of what the revenue streams behind those other items were compared to keys, you can not know how good or bad the argument is.

Name a  few items which were previously not available before the Wizard Vault. Then consider how much those items usually might be in relation to the revenue stream for Arenanet. Now consider what Black Lion Keys are for the revenue stream. Obviously important enough that the developers decided to limited key farming way way back.

If you want to have something implemented which REDUCES the revenue for the studio, your best (and almost only) bet that the idea gets taken seriously is to offer some trade in return. Either explain how this change benefits the developers, or give ideas how it can be implemented in a way that there is an incentive for the change.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Here are some features that have annoyed me for most of my time playing guild wars 2 and I hope that, if not requiring something like a total rework of the system, could be fixed/updated.

  • The first and probably most difficult to change (depending on how they've programmed it) is unique glider skins per equipment loadout. So often I've set and dyed my glider to match the current equipment loadout, and then I swap to another loadout and it doesn't fit at all. This would be a nice QoL.
  • Armor toggles being unique per equipment loadout. Toggling off a backpack or armor piece may fit one loadout's look but most likely it's not what you want for the remaining loadouts. Would be nice to have the toggle be unique to each loadout.

In general these two probably affect people like me who do raiding, fractals, or have equipment templates for certain open world circumstances more than your average casual player... but they'd be nice to have even still.

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17 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Unless you have an exact break down of what the revenue streams behind those other items were compared to keys, you can not know how good or bad the argument is.

Name a  few items which were previously not available before the Wizard Vault. Then consider how much those items usually might be in relation to the revenue stream for Arenanet. Now consider what Black Lion Keys are for the revenue stream. Obviously important enough that the developers decided to limited key farming way way back.

If you want to have something implemented which REDUCES the revenue for the studio, your best (and almost only) bet that the idea gets taken seriously is to offer some trade in return. Either explain how this change benefits the developers, or give ideas how it can be implemented in a way that there is an incentive for the change.

The incentive would be that some countries legally forbid lootboxes in games. For people living in these countries it takes a long time and serious commitment to gather up statuettes to buy something from the vendor. I know ANet doesn't have influence on laws in countries around the world. But it would be nice if they could offer a workaround for people living in those countries so they can obtain the same items the rest of the world can, without it taking exorbitantly more time and effort. The ideal option would be that this alternate way of obtaining statuettes is only available in those countries and not those that still allow lootboxes in games. But I have no idea if that is technically possible to do.

But I do agree with OP that it would be nice if ANet could find a way for people in countries where lootboxes are illegal to obtain these statuettes, especially since some items the vendor offers were only available based on RNG from those same lootboxes in the first place, meaning it's very difficult and/or time-consuming to get those items if you're Belgian, for instance.

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24 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Unless you have an exact break down of what the revenue streams behind those other items were compared to keys, you can not know how good or bad the argument is.

Name a  few items which were previously not available before the Wizard Vault. Then consider how much those items usually might be in relation to the revenue stream for Arenanet. Now consider what Black Lion Keys are for the revenue stream. Obviously important enough that the developers decided to limited key farming way way back.

If you want to have something implemented which REDUCES the revenue for the studio, your best (and almost only) bet that the idea gets taken seriously is to offer some trade in return. Either explain how this change benefits the developers, or give ideas how it can be implemented in a way that there is an incentive for the change.

Perhaps make them only available in the Vault of people located in these anti-lootbox regions? I mean, we can’t buy keys either way, so no loss of revenue. It sucks that obtaining Black Lion Statuettes are mostly bound to keys as we have no reliable way of getting these in our region.

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I believe it's time to give Griffon some upgrades to make it a little more comparable to the Skyscale.

You wouldn't need to undermine or take away from the Skyscale.

Simply allow a little better uplift, longer flight times and perhaps some other different things would be nice. No need to copy the static vertical rising, stationary or wall clinging the Skyscale has.

Just let the Griffon fly better! Let us Griffon lovers the chance to fly from low areas to high areas with our Skyscale allies!

Creating a whole new achievement track, which requires time and effort (like the Skyscale), would make total sense as well.

I appreciate your time, Anet. Thank you for all that you do!

- Rexi



Edited by Blackmoon.6837
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Some of my suggestions for Quality of Life:

  1. weapon and back item dyeing
  2. turning off infusions effects
  3. places of power can use Quartz Crystals from the material storage, not just from the inventory
  4. the ability to manually set the order of characters on the character selection screen
  5. adding a panel with a list of maps and their percentage of completion (in groups divided into expansions and LWS)
  6. rebuilt the LFG and achievements panel to be more readable
  7. giving the necromancer the ability to summon minions to himself or completely dismiss them
  8. giving the option to choose whether you want to use Bandage or Rescue Protocol in Downed mode
  9. changing the display of Boons/Condition to two rows and, additionally, when we enter a fight, all possible ones are always displayed in the same order, but if we don't have it, it is grayed out (I hope it's understandable without the image :D)
Edited by Fang.2137
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