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QOL Requests: New for 2024

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15 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

None of those you bring up are pve exclusive rewards tho, since Anet implement the spvp/wvw reward tracks at the same time as the pve maps.

Its a thow away gesture just to give something to those otherwise neglected modes mate.

Dungeon armor was originally exclusive to PvE.  The only way to get it was to play dungeons.  The WvW reward track was added later.  It's always been my understanding that the reward tracks were added because WvW players wanted PvE rewards without having to go to PvE to get them.   Pact Crowbars can only be used in PvE.  They have no use at all in WvW.

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There's a movement to extend this law to the whole EU, so maybe in a few years it's going to be a bigger problem to the Anet (if GW2 is still kicking in the near future). I still have a few dozens of statuettes I can't spend on anything worthy, but I'm not against the idea to put a few statuettes into the WV.

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10 minutes ago, bq pd.2148 said:

wouldnt it make more sense to offer black lion statuettes on the gem store for slightly less than keys? or would that still be an issue in belgium because you can buy keys from the statuettes?

I’m no expert on the law but as long as Astral Acclaim stays as an in-game currency I don’t see why it would be an issue to be able to ‘buy’ keys with statuettes for Belgium. Offering BLS’ on the gem store would be a great alternative but you can use real money to convert to gems, thus being a workaround to get keys. This way it probably isn’t legal under the anti-lootbox law. You cannot however exchange real currency for Astral Acclaim so the vault seems like a great way of offering BLS’ to people in these regions. The way for us obtaining these is already very scarce and there are some pretty nice cosmetics and QOL items locked behind them.

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18 hours ago, jokke.6239 said:

I already said I don't have a problem with farming it in WvW, so I don't know why you keep assuming I do

I don't care if it will or wont be

Good day 

Well, my dear friend it's because you continue to use language that implies that you're barred from going into WvW for whatever reason outside of your control.  Using words like 'gatekeeping' (or any variation of), for instance implies that the barring is wholly out of your control.

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On 4/24/2024 at 7:08 PM, Linken.6345 said:

Yes ofcourse and since they have not changed it the previous 12 years dont get the hope up that they will do.

If they do then wvw have died completely and this change is made so people can get it at all.

They have changed it several times actually. At one time you could buy a GOB with badges of honor, few enough that the badges from  AP reward chests were enough.

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I feel like if anything, griffon is now bottom of the list for upgrades since it already got ley-line and updraft use from SotO like skyscale did. The other mounts are far more in need of improvements to make them more broadly useful and appealing.

It could possibly share some more benefits from other enhanced mastery tracks, like increasing its height cap if skimmer or turtle got a mastery that increased theirs or getting an extra wing flap when taking off if springer got a double jump mastery or something, but it already beats skyscale in all the ways that matter and rewards people who take the time to really master it.

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7 hours ago, Scratchpaw.1069 said:

Mind elaborating?

The point of statuettes is to take some of the sting out of a series of bad rolls from BL chests. By ensuring that you will eventually be able to get the specific item you want BLK become a more desirable, or at least a less undesirable, purchase.

Allowing one to gain the benefits of having purchased keys without engaging with the real money purchase (or exchange in the case of gold to gems conversion-which still fuels real money purchases) undermines the value of keys, making them a less desirable purchase. 

If the options to get what one wants from the statuette merchant are:

1) Spend real money

2) Do dailies

Even a small percentage of people choosing 2 instead of 1 could be a significant impace on the reason for keys to exist...revenue for the company. Then consider it isnt a binary matter of buy keys vs not buying keys. People buying fewer keys than they otherwise would because of a WV option would also reduce revenue for the game.


Edit: I am not defending loot boxes or even arguing that I wouldnt want statuettes available in the WV, merely explaining how such would undermine the point of the key/chest/statuette system as it exists to generate revenue now.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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7 hours ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

So far this sounds reasonable to me, unless Ashen can elaborate, giving a better reason why this would not be a good change.

Statuettes are meant as a "safety" mechanism for people using keys. You get statuettes for using keys. Anet wants you to buy keys to get that particular loot. Since it's rng, adding the "even if you don't get the time limited item you wanted, this key didn't entirely go to waste" mechanism increases the initiative for people to actually buy and use keys. Including easly accessible statuettes in wv plays against the reason the specials -and statuettes- are included in the chests, so doubt it will happen since money.

No, it doesn't mean it can't happen, but it's doubtful it will, especially in the emount OP wants to see it in.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Manpag.6421 said:

I feel like if anything, griffon is now bottom of the list for upgrades since it already got ley-line and updraft use from SotO like skyscale did. The other mounts are far more in need of improvements to make them more broadly useful and appealing.

It could possibly share some more benefits from other enhanced mastery tracks, like increasing its height cap if skimmer or turtle got a mastery that increased theirs or getting an extra wing flap when taking off if springer got a double jump mastery or something, but it already beats skyscale in all the ways that matter and rewards people who take the time to really master it.

Cooldowns and strength of effect play an important role. All of which can be controlled for to not make any other mounts irrelevant.

Use your imagination!

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Most people are farming black lion chest keys through alts all day anyway.
A rational amount and pricing for these stattues would go a great way for many of us that just won't bother with either, doing the alt thing or actually buying them.

If anything, i say placing a few of them at the Vault would be a nice hook for many to actually purchase a few more after finishing their weekly allowance, or maybe make it seasonal, but  anyway, great idea.

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1 hour ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Most people are farming black lion chest keys through alts all day anyway.

In that case, OP has no point to make for this request because he can keep dong the same? If you think that's the target for statuettes then OP is already included.
Except OP based his request on not being able to buy keys, because... that's the actual target for fast keys/statuettes acquisition here.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Nah. If anything Griffon and Bettle are OP fun.

And Skyscales are like Sunday on the road when all the old retired people come alive, drive 20 km/h in first gear and clogg everything.

We only need an option to hide all the flappy birds so we can swoosh around clear skyes without looking at those clumsy chickens trying to flap over small gaps before falling to the ground.

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1 hour ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Most people are farming black lion chest keys through alts all day anyway.
A rational amount and pricing for these stattues would go a great way for many of us that just won't bother with either, doing the alt thing or actually buying them.

If anything, i say placing a few of them at the Vault would be a nice hook for many to actually purchase a few more after finishing their weekly allowance, or maybe make it seasonal, but  anyway, great idea.

That is entirely not the point. I, and I believe many more with me, would never vote to include statuettes in the WV for this reason. You can get them the same way everybody else can. You just don't want to. OP, however, is severely limited in this regard because they can't buy keys in the gemstore. All they have is the limited amount you can get for doing weekly key runs (takes a lot more time than buying keys in the store) or the RNG of map completion (which also takes considerably more time than buying keys in the store and doesn't even guarantee you get a key).

I sincerely hope it is technically possible to implement a workaround for people whose governments have banned lootboxes by law, only in those countries. Others should not be able to take advantage of this, certainly not for the above reason of simply being unwilling. That's a personal choice. The consequences are for the one making the choice and they should not be rewarded with an alternate means of obtaining the items. Banning lootboxes by law was not a personal choice of any GW2 player, so an alternate means of obtaining the items for them only (guaranteed, because they are also guaranteed in BL chests) is no more than fair, if within the realm of possibilities. This would not be a loss of revenue for ANet because they don't get revenue from BL keys in those countries anyway.

Edited by TheNecrosanct.4028
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Griffon is already well attuned in terms of flight.  I would like it to have a fireball though, just for funsies. It's flight capabilities otherwise far outstretch the skyscale in some respects except from a standing start and its necessary for it to have a drawback. I will advocate for more updraft points in other areas though - perhaps only visible for those with SoTo to avoid confusion


Just In case you arent aware of its capabilities, see this magnificent SoTo video trailer from one of the leading Griffon flyers inthe community. Her guild has many more such skilled vids. You can clearly see how good the griffon can be with practice. It has a high skill ceiling, but can do so much more than is credited with



Edited by Randulf.7614
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26 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Anet has offered them for free through the gemstone before, so the code to have them in the gemshop exists. So, I can see Anet offering them by stacks of 5, 10, and 25 for 150, 220, and 700 gem amounts. Would be a good way for them to monetize in anti loot box countries.

I'm not looking into exact pricing, but overally that probably would be the way.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 hours ago, Blackmoon.6837 said:

Cooldowns and strength of effect play an important role. All of which can be controlled for to not make any other mounts irrelevant.

Use your imagination!

I mean, you come up with the idea to "upgrade it", so maybe you could use your imagination to make an actual proposal in line with what you're describing in this post. As it is now, I don't think it needs a buff. If it has a way to go vertically by itself, it becomes better -faster- skycale.

6 hours ago, Blackmoon.6837 said:

longer flight time (...)

Just let the Griffon fly better!

Griffon can already fly basically infinitely.

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1 hour ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

I sincerely hope it is technically possible to implement a workaround for people whose governments have banned lootboxes by law, only in those countries.

No country banned lootboxes in any way. The ban comes completely from Anet's side.

Hint: what happened is that some countries decided lootboxes are a gambling mechanic and asked Anet to follow gambling regulations. Anet could do that, but that would mean admitting lootboxes are gambling, and they weren't ready to do so (out of fear for impact it might have elsewhere). So instead of doing that they've decided to sidestep the issue by removing contentious items from the store in those countries.

Notice, that it means Anet's not going to do any workarounds for those countries, as it would bring attention to this specific case and attention is exactly what they want to avoid.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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I think I posted this on the last one, but I'll suggest it again in this new thread.

Can we have an option between showing names or not, I was thinking something like what WvW has where hostile forces have a colored triangle above their heads. When there are tightly packed group of enemies it can be it hurts the games' readability to show names cause they all just get stacked on top of each other. I'd like the accessibility of names to determine hostile/docile mobs with out the visual clutter of all the names stacked.

To go with this you could maybe use some colored boarders around the icons to signify if the mob is vet/elite/champ/leg

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