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World Restructuring

Gaile Gray.6029

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@Baldrick.8967 said:

@"Absuuurrd.1850" said:If the devs are looking for more metrics to measure player skill, look at rank by time played, a high rank with low playtime can be perceived as "skilled" where a long playtime with low rank can be perceived as "low skill".

Granted this doesn't factor in aspects like a bad server composition where this "low skilled" player probably ran solo often against a zerg. But it could give a good indication of a players skill, just not a complete representation of their skill.

Another thing to look at is pips/tiers earned to the passive WXP earned by playing. If this is factored out you can then tell a player's "true rank". Which is an alternative to the above.

Both metrics offer a valuable bit of information with an acceptable margin of assumption, as long as the negatives are known such as the previously stated.

Utter garbage.

High rank with low playtime= zerg player on a high pop server.

Low rank with long playtime= scout, roamer, defender or player on a low population world.

Pips/tiers are based on rank, so that's also a useless metric. A zerg spam 1111 player would earn more wexp than a scout or roamer...

If anything, you could use high rank/low play time as 'zerg 1111 spammer, low skill, can only follow tag or sits in base waiting for a zerg to follow' and low rank with long playtime= 'more likely to be skilled and useful to the side as a whole'.

I suspect both your method and my method are equally unreliable.

A lot of my ranks come from boosters. I still got like 12 birthday ones and the candy corn thing for more skills I guess.

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@"Loosmaster.8263" said:Are we going to get to test this before implementation?

Test... what? What sort of meaningful testing do you imagine there would be that doesn't involve, oh all of WvW for 8 weeks? If only 10% of people join the test and some people are still playing live, then it's not a valid test of the system, which depends on everyone playing as they normally do (some full time, some sporadically, some bingers, some burn outs, etc).

The only "real" test is going to be the first Season.

So instead, I'd ask,

  • Generally, for the first few months after launch, are you prepared to make frequent changes to the formula breakpoints, ratios, and even variables used?
  • If the numbers are wildly off from predicted, are you prepared to end Season 1 early and start S2 with appropriate adjustments?
  • What sort of metrics will you be able to share with us post-launch to help us see whether it's going well and/or better than the current status quo? Or is the only metric how many (or how few) people complain about weak match-ups and/or overpowered sides?
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@Tolmos.8395 said:

@"Sojourner.4621" said:

As a bonus to non-RPers, if the checkbox is the TOP shard sorting priority, with all others being below it... it could actually keep some non-RPers from having to see Emotes all over the place with their awful long range.

I actually don't think making it top priority is the best idea. If we get this checkbox I'm checking it and leaving it on forever. But I still want to do non-RP PVE, and I feel that if I've joined a party, squad, or guild, or put someone on my friends list, then those are the people I want to default join in maps. It's a much smaller pool for me than thousands of RPers out there. If I've gone to the trouble of marking someone as being of particular relevance to me, however transitorily in the case of parties and squads, then the game should try to load me into the same maps as them. (Caveat: to prevent stalking, friend weighting should only occur for players who have friended each other).

Once my list of named people has been checked through for map joining, THEN toss me in with others who have flagged as RP. The "join in" map feature is handy but it's much better to just start out sharing the map.

I would imagine it would be a top priority, primarily because the logical flow for things like this is conscious decision first, followed by passive decisions next.

Checking a checkbox whose sole purpose is to change your server channel is the highest level conscious decision you can make about where to end up. After that, passive things like friends list and guild, etc etc.

If friends list overrode the checkbox, then folks would have to sanitize their friends list to make the box work. I doubt that would pass Anets QA to get released

I see your point. It's certainly an arguable one (lawyer speak for it has a solid basis). I think I'm coming from a slightly different angle, though. To me, actively selecting a person to friend, guild, party, or squad with is a conscious decision and moment-to-moment choice. Whereas flagging for RP is a one time choice that then becomes a passive factor. "Please put me in maps with random people who also say they RP" vs "Please put me in the same DS map as the squad I joined, oh and if there are non-squad RP people porting to DS hey, if enough of the squad has flagged RP odds are the loners will be with us too." Could help that my friends list is very short and with one exception contains people I'm always happy to see, that exception being a proven scam beggar who always needs just 3 more of x valuable mat, in map after map, day after day, and I want to know it's that same jerk if I see the begging.

Besides, think of the pool sizes. What are the odds that a dozen or two on your friends list will all simultaneously decide to join the same zone as you? Whereas out of thousands of RPers, given a goal of just randomly getting mixed with them, the odds are much higher.

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Very excited for this update! Hope I get to actually play with my guilds, this is a restructuring that WvW desperately needs and I can see WvW being healthy for awhile because of this.

I hope it gets separate balance, however, being the only PvP area that allows player equips kinda skews balance, not to mention having much bigger maps to endlessly kite that favor sustain and ranged classes. I wish rewards were better too, comparable to sPvP Ranked, then I would play this game mode far more.

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Came back to world vs world after close to 3 & 1/2 years away from the format. I'm still getting my head around the current changes lol. Anyhow, as long as I can join a casual guild, under the new format, I'll be happy. Hopefully by doing this, no one will try and dictate which class or build, myself or others in a casual guild run.

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i will be of the Other ppl.I do not like the change and i do not thing it will be good.Why for a start try to balance the current state and then do changes.i can give example kill light armor class with 1 hit or 2 like the thieves and the revenants hammers.or stacking 8 conditions on someone and then remove and restack them again taking seconds to kill because no armor was calculated.or buffing all damages instead armor classes or health span.

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I'm just being honest but I really felt like Anet abandoned WvW the past 5 years (No Offense and I might not just be the only one) but this has got me shook and I'm looking forward to this overhaul. How will discords and teamspeaks work and have to be reset every 8 weeks then? How will this work out?

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Would be possible to keep the list of the servers we already have only for PvE, and then a add the new world system only for WvW? It would be like being part of 2 different servers at the same time but they split depends if you are in WvW or PvE in that moment. Keeping the old server system for PvE and the new world system only for WvW.

When you first start in the game you would have to choose a PvE server (e.g: Desolation, same method we already have) so when you are on cities, open world, etc you would be in that -base- PvE server. If you move to a WvW map you automatically join your current WvW server with the new system and when you leave WvW, you go back to your PvE server.

PvE/RP players wouldn't be affected, as in PvE/open world they would still have their server like always and WvW would have a separate system.

I like to play WvW but it's not really fair for PvE players to get their servers removed, there are communities... people feel "good" being part of somewhere even if there are megaservers. Most of the players would be happy because we would be able to keep our PvE and WvW communities. So the best thing would be to split the systems, but I don't know if that would be possible.

Edit: Also not everybody talk English in EU, you should keep a German, French, Spanish and an Internacional PvE/WvW server at least. I feel like all those new changes are only thinking on NA.

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This plan for WvW sounds pretty amazing and ambitious. Thumbs up for attempting it. Eight weeks is.. kinda a weird number, but I guess its based on a 2 year cycle? Anyways... the real question.

How will this affect the reset on Friday nights NA in week eight? Let me try to explain.

Right now, the top, mid and low worlds know which tier they will go into based on how they score each week. So basically, when the matches close, everyone is kicked and you know you are going to down a tier to tier 3 because your world lost vs the other worlds in T2. Your world will start that T3 contest within a few minutes of close of the last week. That system will still continue in weeks 1-7. However, on week 8, the calculations need to be done for participation an a granular player level, creation of new world and pairings.

Will those calculations be done based on participation figures from weeks 1-7, or will they use the information for week 8 also? (This would prevent the need for the servers to calculate everything in the time between closing the current matches and creating the new worlds/matches. It would have a whole week to crunch the numbers and create the match ups.)Will the current week 8 competitions need to be closed earlier, to allow the final calculations, or will the reset and new world composition and competition take place later on week 8, pushing back reset time? (I would guess you guys know Friday night, reset time, is a big deal for a lot of WvW guilds.)

Thanks for transparency.

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Aside from the pride taken in defending your home world and the resentment build-up against rival worlds which contributed a lot to WvW beeing worthwhile playing, I'm concerned about the language barrier management which is getting extremly one-sided. Not all of Europe favors exclusively English to be the common tongue, in fact it will no longer be considered an official European language in the near future. You see it already in pve teamplay where you start using English as default only to realize at 50% through the dungeon/raid/event that the group members had their mothertongue in common, generally when one of them starts swearing. WvW was the one place where you could make a choice beforehand. Even better, each language specific world had developped its own WvW terminology for quick command and actions. While many european players have multilingual means to communicate, it is still a bother to be forced to switch to one option only in a game environnement where you login for leisure purposes and unwinding from a hard day's work. I don't see any care for non-English native speakers if the only remaining options throughout the game are NA and EU, much the same as it is already in the rest of the game and on the official forums ....

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ARENANET Please, said when, 6 weeks, month's or years.

Your post makes WvW die in most servers, becouse players think that's in next relink this will be working in production.

My sugestions to makes WvW grow:

A.) Servers Link (change ever week or each 2 weeks)B.) Better drops in WvW and exclusive drops in WvW like in PVP have exclusive itens.C.) WvW Border points influencing PVE drop and World Boss DropD.) Link servers thats have all time zones people.E.) Kill low population servers and merge with others.F.) Modify all maps to be like RED border ou change RED BORDER. I prefer all like RED border.G) TREB distance reduce (its insane, HILLS treb REDWATER and Red don't treb hills)

SAID WHEN ARENANET THINK THATS WILL STAY IN PRODUCTUIN, i don't believe in development time less than 6 month at 1 year, but its arenanet maybe 2 years kkk

@Gaile Gray.6029 said:A message from McKenna Berdrow:

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I do have a question on the RP stuff, are you RP'ing in WvW? Or simply just wanting it to try to make sure you end up on the same PvE instance? If its so you can try to end up on the same PvE instance I have a thought they could do something similar like giving a guild a check box to say we're a RP guild (I haven't seen too terribly many RP'ers that didn't have some sort of RP guild they belong to) so that the game trys to put them in the same instance as other guilds that have the RP check box checked. Then they can just switch it off by changing guild rep. Although if you didn't want to tie it to guild then you could put it somewhere in the hero panel. If it's so you can RP in WvW then you should just have to belong to a guild/alliance like everybody else.

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@Red Haired Savage.5430 said:I do have a question on the RP stuff, are you RP'ing in WvW? Or simply just wanting it to try to make sure you end up on the same PvE instance? If its so you can try to end up on the same PvE instance I have a thought they could do something similar like giving a guild a check box to say we're a RP guild (I haven't seen too terribly many RP'ers that didn't have some sort of RP guild they belong to) so that the game trys to put them in the same instance as other guilds that have the RP check box checked. Then they can just switch it off by changing guild rep. Although if you didn't want to tie it to guild then you could put it somewhere in the hero panel. If it's so you can RP in WvW then you should just have to belong to a guild/alliance like everybody else.Or just make an alliance with rpers.

I really dont see why people are crying about them now, proper rping died with megaservers. And if rpers say it didnt die well then the alliances isnt gonna kill it either.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Loosmaster.8263" said:Are we going to get to test this before implementation?

Test... what? What sort of meaningful testing do you imagine there would be that doesn't involve, oh all of WvW for 8 weeks? If only 10% of people join the test and some people are still playing live, then it's not a valid test of the system, which depends on everyone playing as they normally do (some full time, some sporadically, some bingers, some burn outs, etc).

The only "real" test is going to be the first Season.

So instead, I'd ask,
  • Generally, for the first few months after launch, are you prepared to make frequent changes to the formula breakpoints, ratios, and even variables used?
  • If the numbers are wildly off from predicted, are you prepared to end Season 1 early and start S2 with appropriate adjustments?
  • What sort of metrics will you be able to share with us post-launch to help us see whether it's going well and/or better than the current status quo? Or is the only metric how many (or how few) people complain about weak match-ups and/or overpowered sides?

When it gets close enough to be able to test, announce it. Shut down WvW say for 1-2 weeks. Patch the game to allow us to make the required selections, i.e. guild/alliance and let us see how things play out.

Balance is not an issue as we know until things are adjusted. I think waiting 8 weeks for that is too long.

I mostly want to see how the pooling of players will be.

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@Xillllix.3485 said:This is all great but what about EotM?It's a beautiful map that needs a place in all of this. That map needs a second chance.Why don't you add it above EBG on the WvW world map? Make it contribute to the score for those that enjoy that map...Integrate it into the new system.

I wouldn't mind it taking the place of the 2nd AB map. Tweak it a bit, put up some invisible walls to help with falling/getting knocked off.

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@Xillllix.3485 said:This is all great but what about EotM?It's a beautiful map that needs a place in all of this. That map needs a second chance.Why don't you add it above EBG on the WvW world map? Make it contribute to the score for those that enjoy that map...Integrate it into the new system.

Agree. Open this up as a fifth map if need be. That allows that many more people in and if the balance side coding works then there shouldn't be a need for the overflow. Lets stop with the whole, it's not really WvW since it doesn't add to the warscore. The other thing that made EoTM different is the red/blue/green sides which this is pretty the same concept just in 8 week intervals versus weekly. Time to bring this map in line.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Xillllix.3485 said:This is all great but what about EotM?It's a beautiful map that needs a place in all of this. That map needs a second chance.Why don't you add it above EBG on the WvW world map? Make it contribute to the score for those that enjoy that map...Integrate it into the new system.

Agree. Open this up as a fifth map if need be. That allows that many more people in and if the balance side coding works then there shouldn't be a need for the overflow. Lets stop with the whole, it's not really WvW since it doesn't add to the warscore. The other thing that made EoTM different is the red/blue/green sides which this is pretty the same concept just in 8 week intervals versus weekly. Time to bring this map in line.

I don't think this is a good ideea. I won't even log in on the week when EoTM map is in use, that map makes me dizzy after a few mins. But if there is demand, go ahead, those who don't like it, can do something else.Already is a huge imbalance with the Desert borderland, many/most players just avoid it (I don't have the numbers), including me, I just port there if already in squad and I regret being in a squad in that case. I don't mind if others enjoy it though, just let me stay away from those 2 maps.

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@Tiawal.2351 said:

@Xillllix.3485 said:This is all great but what about EotM?It's a beautiful map that needs a place in all of this. That map needs a second chance.Why don't you add it above EBG on the WvW world map? Make it contribute to the score for those that enjoy that map...Integrate it into the new system.

Agree. Open this up as a fifth map if need be. That allows that many more people in and if the balance side coding works then there shouldn't be a need for the overflow. Lets stop with the whole, it's not really WvW since it doesn't add to the warscore. The other thing that made EoTM different is the red/blue/green sides which this is pretty the same concept just in 8 week intervals versus weekly. Time to bring this map in line.

I don't think this is a good ideea. I won't even log in on the week when EoTM map is in use, that map makes me dizzy after a few mins. But if there is demand, go ahead, those who don't like it, can do something else.Already is a huge imbalance with the Desert borderland, many/most players just avoid it (I don't have the numbers), including me, I just port there if already in squad and I regret being in a squad in that case. I don't mind if others enjoy it though, just let me stay away from those 2 maps.

One concern I have is that when you have matches with equal coverage, some guilds could be forced to play on DBL, a map they don't like. I can see infighting in worlds over who gets stuck playing on DBL and if you're stuck on DBL for 8 weeks it might make you uninstall the game.

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@Swamurabi.7890 said:

@Xillllix.3485 said:This is all great but what about EotM?It's a beautiful map that needs a place in all of this. That map needs a second chance.Why don't you add it above EBG on the WvW world map? Make it contribute to the score for those that enjoy that map...Integrate it into the new system.

Agree. Open this up as a fifth map if need be. That allows that many more people in and if the balance side coding works then there shouldn't be a need for the overflow. Lets stop with the whole, it's not really WvW since it doesn't add to the warscore. The other thing that made EoTM different is the red/blue/green sides which this is pretty the same concept just in 8 week intervals versus weekly. Time to bring this map in line.

I don't think this is a good ideea. I won't even log in on the week when EoTM map is in use, that map makes me dizzy after a few mins. But if there is demand, go ahead, those who don't like it, can do something else.Already is a huge imbalance with the Desert borderland, many/most players just avoid it (I don't have the numbers), including me, I just port there if already in squad and I regret being in a squad in that case. I don't mind if others enjoy it though, just let me stay away from those 2 maps.

One concern I have is that when you have matches with equal coverage, some guilds could be forced to play on DBL, a map they don't like. I can see infighting in worlds over who gets stuck playing on DBL and if you're stuck on DBL for 8 weeks it might make you uninstall the game.

That's why more maps in play, more likely people will move to maps they enjoy. I understand your point, see the opposite quite often, EB and DBL in play and no one working ABL so forced to go there. Hence more options better and also say leave 2 ABL and make it 5 maps now versus 4.

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