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What do you do for keybinding?

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I've been messing around with keybinding, and I think all the different ways you can set up your key binds is really interesting.So, what have you changed from the default key binds?-----I usually leave my raptor on x to mount, and I bound my other mounts to shift+(a,s,d,x) (for springer, skimmer, jackal, and griffon, respectively.)-I added target nearest enemy to c.-I've found that, in general, it's easiest for me to have combat skills on the left side of my keyboard and menu skills (inventory, trading post, scoreboard, etc) on the right side.-I usually use a gaming mouse with buttons for my profession skills, but I also stuck them on the arrow keys for the heck of it (left for f1, right for f2, up for f3, and down for f4)

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I guess it's the same with other MMO's, but it's always been on of my biggest struggles trying to find that perfect keybind setup for ease of play.

What I've come up with so far:Movement and camera controlled with WASD and right mouse button.Skills 1 - 5 grouped on 5 closest side buttons on my mouseAbilities 1 - 5 now occupy numbers 1 - 5 on the keyboardMiddle mouse button for dodge (annoying to share it with the zoom function, but nothing I can do there)Q for special action and E for autoloot on the run.Profession skill mapped to V (for easy legend change on my Rev). I'll change some of these around depending on the class I'm using.Mount mappings are the same, though I mapped Raptor through to Griffon on numbers 6 - 0. Allows for easier switching while still controlling my character.

The goal was to do as much combat-oriented actions as possible while moving my hands as little as possible.

Haven't played around much with the other "non-essential" keybinds, but then I gotta figure out how to implement those as well.

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My keybindings are a constant work in progress and after 5.5 years there's not much resemblance to the defaults.

I moved all my skills to the number pad - weapon skills on 1-5, heal on the 0 key because it's big and hard to miss, utilities on 6-8 and the elite on 9. The decimal key is next enemy, enter is take target and + is weapon swap. The 4 across the top are the profession skills. I'm left-handed so my right hand is on the keyboard and I use my thumb on the arrow keys to move in combat. Right control is jump.

The 5th profession skill is on page down, and the special action key is page up, home is toggle pet to passive, end is mount.

My menu keys are along the numbers, in the same order they appear at the top of the screen, and then 8 to = are the mounts.

WASD is still the same and I use it out of combat, but A and D are side-step and Q & E are turn. R is auto-run and F is still the default. T and G are the mount 1 and 2 skills only used for the griffon. Then along the bottom row \ is jump (again, I'm left-handed so this is much more comfortable to reach with my middle finger on W than the space bar) Z is about-face, X is dodge, C is stow/draw weapon and V is walk.

My mouse has 3 extra buttons down the middle and I use those for action-camera, F and auto-run, and 2 extras on the side which I use for dodge and mount.

It probably sounds really confusing, but it makes sense to me.

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I have an “mmo gaming mouse” (has 12 buttons on the side and a few on the top) and I bind nearly everything I can to it. Abilities/skills are just bound 1-10. Shift 1-4 is For swapping abilities (such as on ele to go from fire—> whatever). Mounts are bound to ctrl 1-5.

I use the top mouse buttons to bind auto run and interact. I still have the traditional wasd for movement but most of the time I use my mouse to move (auto run + move camera).

I played Wow for years and SWTOR for a lesser period of time and switched to this gaming mouse 3 or so years ago and found it has made a huge difference in comfort. (I’ve only been playing gw2 for about 6 months).

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I am left handed (right hand on keyboard) so i changed it alot

Weapon skills areR f v t gUltilityQ alt+f e alr+r alt+tSpecial action: shift wMount: Shift sTurn around: alt+qF1-F5: MB4 MB5 alt+e alt+y 3Stow weapon: xDodge: cInteract 2

Movement is still wasd (no turning, just running to the side)

Autorun ; (bellow escape)Next target is tab.

This way i can have hand on w key almost all the time. (Dont know how can anyone use 1-5 or F skills, too far away for me) i cast most of my spells with little finger but if there is some multi spell combo i use ring finger or !point? Finger on half spells of the combo so i an Faster (alt e, alt y, e, 3, alt q, q...)

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I've developed keybind habits from previous games, so I tend to try to map to those as best I can. Let's see, what do I customize in GW2 ... some of these may be default, I don't remember any more:

UI Toggle - F11Auto Run - - (key just right of the 0 ).Walk/Run - =Weapon Sheathe Toggle - U (for Use)(defunct setting - aoe loot - J - no longer needed thanks to mastery)Special Action - Q (to be very near the weapon skills)Strafe Left/Right/Back - left arrow/right arrow/down arrow (I don't use the keys, I have them mapped to my Naga HEX so I thumb move, go forward with LMB/RMB)Options - LReply - RDodge - BPvP Scoreboard (for Activities) - NMounts: X Raptor (default, is on toggle), Shift+S Springer +D DogJackal +Z Zkimmer +A AllmountGriffon

I use the default F and number skills. Couldn't do that if I had to keyboard move -- Butcher, I don't know how anyone does so many combo keys! I'm mostly one key at a time other than for mounts and for setting a target. Comes from being super right handed, while I can touch type with both hands at a decent speed that is due to training since I was young. I can't even manage console controllers, they require too much ambidexterity.

Oh, I don't know how much this has helped me, but I have a Razer keyboard I can choose each key's color on and customize per game. I've got a rainbow going for GW2 with coded hues for type of key (eg WASD is in gold iirc, right alt for push-to-talk in Discord is red, etc). I'm not usually looking at the keys during play, still, the colors in my peripheral vision may be aiding my striking the right ones.

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@Donari.5237 said:Oh, I don't know how much this has helped me, but I have a Razer keyboard I can choose each key's color on and customize per game. I've got a rainbow going for GW2 with coded hues for type of key (eg WASD is in gold iirc, right alt for push-to-talk in Discord is red, etc). I'm not usually looking at the keys during play, still, the colors in my peripheral vision may be aiding my striking the right ones.

I really want one of those keyboards, because I think I'd find it really useful. I don't look at the keyboard a lot while I'm playing but I think when I do need to check where something is having it colour-coded would help. Especially if I get one where I can customise the colours exactly - so for example have slightly different shades of the same colour for each mount. I tend to colour-code everything (if only in my head) anyway so I think it would be easy for me to remember what the colours mean and it would be almost like having the keys labelled by function. It would definitely make planning new keybindings easier, because I could easily tell which ones are in use and which are available and work out the best place for a new binding.

Unfortunately I have a keyboard which works perfectly well except for lacking that feature and I'm the kind of person who can't bring myself to buy a new one just for one thing I don't strictly need (especially since they start at about £70), but when this one dies I'm definitely getting a colour changing one.

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Mounts are on my number pad, I use 1 through 0 for skills, dodge I use v, front and back I use the up and down arrows and srafe q and e. Most others are default keybinds. I have tiny hands so everything has to be on a single key. I can't combine shift and hit any other key accurately with the same hand. I don't move with my mouse. It is just for camera adjustments and clicking on stray things. But, I am using a basic logitech keyboard. It is waterproof, so I can clean spills off of it. :) I have a corsair mouse that my husband didn't like, but I don't use it any differently than a regular mouse. Totally wasted tech.

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Mine is basic. Might change my control and alt around though cause I keep accidentally hitting the windows button.

Basic 1-5 skillsAlt+ 1-5 elite skillsF1-f5 are the other special skills. Stealing, pet swap etc.~ for that special 6th skill. Don’t know the name.Capslock is switch weapon.Shift is dodge.Space bar is jump.Tab is targeting the monster closest towards me.

Control+ 1-5 are Mounts.X is if you already have set mount and hop on and off.Z is walk.W forward.S is back.A is strife left.D is strife right.

Since I’m lefty, right click and main. But you can switch.

H character.M map., mail.B wvw.Control+f is lfgF interact.Control+p pvp menu.I inventoryG guild

Enter is chat./ reveal/conceal chat

Targeting controls I don’t really give a dang about so haven’t really thought that far. But these buttons matter the most to me.

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I made 1-5 on the numeric keypad my mount keys.I made J my 'swim down' key, since there is not a default key, and I prefer to control my movement via the keyboard. It's still awkward if I am on the surface, have to use the mouse/camera control to get underwater to where I can use the J. There ought to be a key that can change you from surface mode to underwater mode.

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I keep the numbers and f-keys the same. My custom keybinds are as follows:

Q: Turn leftA: Walk LeftZ: Heal SkillX: About FaceE: Turn RightD: Walk RightC: Special ActionR: Utility skill 1T: Utility skill 2Y: Utility skill 3F: interactG: Weapon skill 1V: DodgeB: Elite skillN: enable walkM: MapH: Sheath weapon

Nearly all skills are within reach of my left hand. More importantly, I can keep moving while using any of the skills. There are a few DPS rotations that cause me to float my hands, though, but considering every key west of "J" is fully occupied I don't have much I can do about it.

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Haven't updated my setup in 3+ years so could probably use a change, but:

Q: HealMousebutton 4 (by the thumb): DodgeE-R-T: Ulitiy 1-2-3Y: Elite skill§: Weapon swapÄ: toggle WalkÖ: sheath weapon

Everything else is deafult that I can remember, though I should probably keybind the invidual mounts at some point.

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Fortunately, GW2 restricts the number of abilities you can have on your bar. It isn't like WoW, where you might end up with 30-40 keybinds!

Your best setup would be a gaming mouse: All skills on mouse buttons, left hand almost strictly for movement. This is just the best setup for ease of use as skill use will never hinder your movement.

Next best setup would be to remap your keybindings around your movement keys. A lot of players who do this will shift their movement keys over from the WASD default to ESDF in order to free up a couple of keys on the left for keybindings.

I don't recommend keeping the default keybinds (6-0 just aren't in a good spot!) or clicking your skills. This is guaranteed to hinder your movement in combat and slow down your reaction time.

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I use a MMO mouse, 12 Buttons on the side and I can place two commands on each of them because of a shift function. I have all skills(1-0, F1-F5, Mount skills), weapon swap, jump, mount/dimount, interact, the inventory-, guild- and contacts-UI, the map and a windows button mapped to my mouse. Only things remaining on my keyboard are WASD, the special action key, chat channels, ctrl(which let's me see objects to interact with(chests, nodes etc.) and shift which I use in combination with buttons on my mouse to acces the mounts indivually.

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I found the best keybinding for me is to have everything mapped out around my WASD keys.

So Q, X and E are my 3 utilitiesZ is heal1-5 weapon skillsC is eliteV is draw/sheath.And CTRL is dodge.F1 etc standard.

I main thief so usually just need F1 and F2 anyways.

Like this my left hand doesn't need to move much and every keybind is comfortably close to my movement keys.

I roam/duel/1vX a lot in wvw so I need as quick reaction time as possible.

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I'm used to touch typing, so I moved the movement keys from WASD to ESDF. That change requires to rebind almost every other key as well. I tried to move all keys I use in combat to the left hand of the keyboard, and additionally to the mouse buttons if they help during combat. So skills 6..0 must move to the left hand of the keyboard, for example.

This is my current binding:

ESDF: movement (S is strafe left instead of rotating, and f is strafe right instead of rotating)1..5: skills 1..5RTGB: skills 6, 7, 8, 9 (1..2..3..4..5..R..T..G..B is an arc around the left hand and all skills are reached conveniently)Mouse button 3 (click mouse wheel): skill 0 (elite)4 Mouse thumb buttons from G600 gaming mouse: F1..F4Custom Mouse button 1 on top of the G600 gaming mouse: F5Custom Mouse button 3 on top of the G600 gaming mouse: special action key (very important)Mouse buttons with SHIFT: mounts 1..5Q: runW: select called targetV: interactX: dodgeC: select nearest targetTAB: select next target^: open chattilt mouse wheel right: weapon change (one of my most important binds: "push weapon away")tilt mouse wheel left: mount default mount (one of my most important binds: "pull/take the reins")A: highlight friendly characters

The functions that are not covered above were moved to the right half of the keyboard: guild and such.

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I control my movement direction with WASD and the right mouse-button, with the left mouse button I turn the camera without changing my movement directions.So, instead of turn left/right I use strafe left/right (and use my mouse). The keys 6-0 I have reassigned the QERFV around the WASD for better access.Because keys 6-0 were unused, I have assigned the mount/dismount keys to them which makes mounting/dismounting fast. The Special Action key that is needed a lot is now on X (and interact is V).

So all important skills that I need in combat are easy and fast accessible from my left hand without looking on the keyboard.

One problem remains for me: F1-F5 are not very easy accessible and are "far away" for my fingers and for example with Scourge, that uses a lot F1-F5,I am not as fast as with the other keys and sometimes press the wrong buttons. But I guess that is still a "learn to play" thingy. :)

Here are my most important keybinds:

Move Forward: WMove Backward: SStrafe Left: AStrafe Right: DDodge: Mouse 3 (Scrollwheel Middle Mouse Button)Autorun: YSwap Weapons: ^Weapon Skill 1: 1Weapon Skill 2: 2Weapon Skill 3: 3Weapon Skill 4: 4Weapon Skill 5: 5Healing Skill: QUtility Skill 1: EUtility Skill 2: RUtility Skill 3: FElite Skill: VSpecial Action: XInteract: CRaptor Mount/Dismount: 6Springer Mount/Dismount: 7Skimmer Mount/Dismount: 8Jackal Mount/Dismount: 9Griffon Mount/Dismount: 0

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I'm right-handed but I started mousing left-handed years ago after a wrist injury and never went back. Although I mouse right-handed at work because that's where mouses (mice?) commonly are at most workstations.

My right hand rests on 1234 etc. with my thumb on the left-ctrl key. For weapon/heal skills I use 1-6 then ctrl-1, ctrl-2, etc. for utility/elite skills. For mounts I use shift-1, shift-2, etc. Jumping is a bit awkward because I have to tuck my thumb under my hand to reach the space bar but it's not usually a problem.

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I use a razer orbweaver keyboard for all skills (including F1 to F5), up arrow key and spacebar set on the side thumb buttons. I use mouse left side buttons for weapon swapping, auto-run, dodging and the wheel click for action key. Then on my keyboard, I have 5 G keys left side. The 4 lowest are for raptor, springer, skimmer and jackal. I put the Griffon on the farthest top one, because I rarely use it so it is no problem that the key is a bit "far" from the rest.

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@Dreamy Lu.3865 said:... and the wheel click for action key.I considered this as well, but it doesn't work well together with the many ground-target functions of the special action key if you use the traditional 2-click handling of ground-targeting. It only works well if you either use the quick ground target option (immediately on the mouse position) or the target-based ground target option (immediately on the current target). If you use this with the traditional ground target option, and you use the index finger for both the left mouse button as well as the wheel, you lose all precision for positioning the ground target, since you have to move your index finger from the wheel to the left mouse button.

Even with the quick ground target option, it lacks precision, since I (at least) may move away the mouse a few pixels while clicking the mouse wheel.

These customized settings are all very individualized to each personal needs and capabilities. There are probably no 2 persons who use all these resources in the exact same manner with the exact same requirements. So I wonder why so many people never customize their keyboard bindings - I assume they all play less comfortable than they could with customizing.

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