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Hardcore or more Casual

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@mikeeens.3542 said:Im new in this game so there will be sometimes dumb questions from me about something... (So sorry already)Your gameplay style? And does that effects your in-game progression?And ofc question for casual 80lvl players... how much gold you get dailie? :dizzy:

What is your definition of 'hardcore'; of 'casual'?What is your definition of 'in-game progression'?It's difficult to answer your question until those terms are defined by you. (My definition of 'hardcore' may be quite different than yours.)

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@mikeeens.3542 said:Im new in this game so there will be sometimes dumb questions from me about something... (So sorry already)Your gameplay style? And does that effects your in-game progression?And ofc question for casual 80lvl players... how much gold you get dailie? :dizzy:

What is
definition of 'hardcore'; of 'casual'?What is your definition of 'in-game progression'?It's difficult to answer
question until those terms are defined by
. (My definition of 'hardcore' may be quite different than yours.)

For me Hardcore players are - who rush to get faster 80lvl, players who are doing end game content (hardmode dungeons that casual player would not do) and making the best gear possible to be the best. Players who farm materials, gold many, many, many hrs per day... etc...Casual players for me would be - players who like to explore GW2 world... who would spend about 3-4hrs per day max... player who dont rush to get best gear or be the best...

something like that.

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I'm a hardcore casual. Which may sound like a flippant answer, but it's true. I play a lot, for hours at a time -- but not with the express intent of getting good at any particular aspect of the game.

Things I mostly don't do: dungeons, fractals, spvp, wvw, raids, farming, flipping, crafting high level gear, legendary stuff, jumping puzzles (although I've done them all at least once without the help of a mesmer except for that one in karkaland, and two of the three in wvw that are evidently identical in all but name).

Things I often do do: hero point challenges to unlock elites, mastery points (mostly on my oft-neglected alt account these days), new living story chapters, events happening where I happen to be, and the occasional daily. I'm currently running my alt account rev through PoF.

My main account has a little over 100 gold. I think. I had enough to get the griffon when it came along. My alt account currently has less than 20 gold.

So, there ya go. Hardcore casual.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@mikeeens.3542 said:Im new in this game so there will be sometimes dumb questions from me about something... (So sorry already)Your gameplay style? And does that effects your in-game progression?And ofc question for casual 80lvl players... how much gold you get dailie? :dizzy:

What is
definition of 'hardcore'; of 'casual'?What is your definition of 'in-game progression'?It's difficult to answer
question until those terms are defined by
. (My definition of 'hardcore' may be quite different than yours.)

Pretty much this. What makes a player hardcore? Hours played total, hours played per day, achievement points, wealth, number of legendary, number of alts, it seem to really depends who you ask.

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Casual and hardcore in GW2 isn't about howmuch you play. It's about the attitude they have towards the game.

There's plenty of "hardcore" casuals who play thousands of hours yet are still "casual". There's plenty of veteran gamers who play fairly limited, sometimes only a few hours a week, but still end up doing the "hardcore" content.

Casual and hardcore in GW2 has nothing to do with the amount you play. It has to do with your attitude and mindset towards gaming. I'd say most casual players are more interested in immersion and storytelling, and most hardcore players are more interested in challenges and the limits of GW2 action combat.

Both casuals and hardcore players can get best in slot gear, be level 80 and participate in the endgame content.

I consider myself more hardcore oriented. I spend most of my time ingame excluding casuals from any content I do :trollface:

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I play a lot, but I'm more casual in my style, I guess?

I don't raid. I've maybe been to almost every dungeon once, in story mode (or maybe missing one there), and have only done a few non-story paths in a few dungeons over the years, but that's it there (side note: really enjoying WPs LP as he's including dungeons and it's interesting to see how much story is in there - he needs to stop messing around and get back to it!). While I used to do a little more WvW (before HoT), I participate now mostly to just get 1 or 2 dailies done. I avoid fights, and will /sleep or /sit if attacked 'unless' there's someone else around, and then I do my absolute best to fight with them and hopefully not let them down. I don't PvP.

I get a lot done. I made one legendary - Bifrost (pre-HoT). It was a bit busy for my taste, especially running, so I re-skinned it. :) Haven't made another one.

I do AB 2-3 times a week. I like to do many of the original world bosses. I do my dailies. I farm my home. I have a character that's usually in the latest zone collecting minis and currency mining tools for a few characters that use them and a little currency each day. My main does all the achievements, and I always try to get the meta reward for each zone (so far so good).

I will push in the first week when the locusts show up to get as much done as possible. Love 'em or hate 'em, they make it go a lot easier and quicker! And then after they go within the first week, hopefully the easier stuff is left.

My main has ascended armor, but all my characters (9 in total, mostly, one for each class) have ascended weapons and ascended accessories and such. They seem to do just fine in their exotic armor.

I don't change my builds much. My main usually tries out the next specialization at some point. Like, I'm a weaver now, and was a tempest before that. But, only if I can find a build that works well (enough) with my staff, because while I've tried other weapons, I just don't like them as much. I'd say I'm half-n-half with my other characters. Half have moved into trying new builds, and of those, most are still using the HoT spec. I think besides my Weaver the only other character that has tried a PoF spec is my Revenant.

I have like 5k gold, and another few hundred in the TP I haven't bothered to pick up. I could probably blow it all on bigger bags, but other than the few 32s my main has, most everyone else just has a bunch of 20s, with maybe 2/3 of my characters with 2 extra bag spaces, and the remainder just have 1.

My collections are mostly all full, so I sell all my mats, with some small exceptions. Still haven't quite topped off my T6 mats (like claws, totems, etc), so I still do material promotion from T5 to T6 when they cap. I upgraded to 1,000 mat capacity.

I do like the collections, and will work on those from time to time, but if I hit a wall with something that is stressful for me, like a fractal, then I stop pursuing that collection and move on to something else.

So I don't know what that makes me. I think of myself as casual because I don't raid or pvp and I'm not much of a min/max from a combat perspective. I'm probably someone no one wants in their super-fun-time-l33t-d00dz-kek-pew-halo-fortnite-uh...pubg(sp?)-hipster runs, and that's fine. Don't have any friends, but pretty happy being 'people adjacent' when I play. :3

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@"mikeeens.3542" said:Im new in this game so there will be sometimes dumb questions from me about something... (So sorry already)Your gameplay style? And does that effects your in-game progression?And ofc question for casual 80lvl players... how much gold you get dailie? :dizzy:

According to your definition I'm definitely a casual player - 3 hours a day is about my maximum, and not every day. It does affect my progression, measured in days/weeks it takes me longer to get things done, although I think it takes the same number of hours actually playing. For example I don't have the beetle mount unlocked yet - I've just started the 3rd collection. But the upside is I never run out of things to do in the game.

I don't think it stops me doing things either. I've got 6 level 80 characters (4 leveled 'manually') and 5 others below 80, I've made 3 legendaries and could have full ascended on at least 1 character if I bothered to finish it. Raiding is tricky but that's because the rest of my life is unpredictable: it's very hard for me to commit to being online at a certain time every week, not simply because I play less in total.

Asking how much gold I get a day is like the old question "how long is a piece of string?" Some days it's nothing because I don't log in. Sometimes less than 1g because I skip the dailies and do things which don't earn much. But it's because I choose to do that, not because I don't know how to earn gold so if I choose to make an effort I can get 20g a day or more. And again it just means things take me longer, not that I can't do them. I've made 3 legendaries (kept 2, sold 1) got the griffon and I've got literally hundreds of minis worth at least a few hundred gold.

To me gold is a means to an end, not a goal. If I want something which costs gold then I'll earn the gold to buy it but my priority is to have fun playing so I'd rather spend my time on things I enjoy than making sure I always make a certain amount of gold per day. Sooner or later I'll have enough for the next thing on my mental shopping list, even if I don't make an effort to farm it.

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@"Etheri.5406" said:Casual and hardcore in GW2 isn't about howmuch you play. It's about the attitude they have towards the game.

There's plenty of "hardcore" casuals who play thousands of hours yet are still "casual". There's plenty of veteran gamers who play fairly limited, sometimes only a few hours a week, but still end up doing the "hardcore" content.

Casual and hardcore in GW2 has nothing to do with the amount you play. It has to do with your attitude and mindset towards gaming. I'd say most casual players are more interested in immersion and storytelling, and most hardcore players are more interested in challenges and the limits of GW2 action combat.

Both casuals and hardcore players can get best in slot gear, be level 80 and participate in the endgame content.

I consider myself more hardcore oriented. I spend most of my time ingame excluding casuals from any content I do :trollface:

Then my question would be... for casual player like myself... would be hard or easy to get endgame gear? Seems likes thats not hard.

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I play a lot, but am not very focused, and consider myself casual. Last night I completed 7 dailies (7 accounts) so earned 14g + whatever along the way. Feeling in need of a change, I recently switched my main from Dragon Hunter to Renegade, so am slowly exploring and capping points to max the elite spec. Since Dreamer is the only Legendary short bow precursor I can buy, I bought Lover yesterday so will begin the process of making the legendary. I've played since early GW1 with some breaks and have ~2500g in my bank.

I hop into WvW to finish dailies and sometimes tag along with a group. No PvP, raids, fractals, dungeons. Not an AP chaser, currently at ~12,200.

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@mikeeens.3542 said:

@"Etheri.5406" said:Casual and hardcore in GW2 isn't about howmuch you play. It's about the attitude they have towards the game.

There's plenty of "hardcore" casuals who play thousands of hours yet are still "casual". There's plenty of veteran gamers who play fairly limited, sometimes only a few hours a week, but still end up doing the "hardcore" content.

Casual and hardcore in GW2 has nothing to do with the amount you play. It has to do with your attitude and mindset towards gaming. I'd say most casual players are more interested in immersion and storytelling, and most hardcore players are more interested in challenges and the limits of GW2 action combat.

Both casuals and hardcore players can get best in slot gear, be level 80 and participate in the endgame content.

I consider myself more hardcore oriented. I spend most of my time ingame excluding casuals from any content I do :trollface:

Then my question would be... for casual player like myself... would be hard or easy to get endgame gear? Seems likes thats not hard.

Yes that's very easy.

If you're not doing Raids and Fractals you don't need ascended gear, you can stick with exotics. And level 80 exotics can be bought from the trading post (cheaply if you use the advanced search functions rather than typing 'exotic beserkers' or whatever into the search box) or bought from the Temples in Orr with karma, crafted, bought with dungeon tokens, sometimes you'll get them as drops and achievement rewards and there's probably others I'm forgetting.

And if you do want ascended equipment you can craft it. It takes a lot of materials so it's not cheap and some of the materials can only be crafted once per day, but that's generally less of an issue for casual players who aren't in a rush and will need time to gather the materials anyway.

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@mikeeens.3542 said:

@"Etheri.5406" said:Casual and hardcore in GW2 isn't about howmuch you play. It's about the attitude they have towards the game.

There's plenty of "hardcore" casuals who play thousands of hours yet are still "casual". There's plenty of veteran gamers who play fairly limited, sometimes only a few hours a week, but still end up doing the "hardcore" content.

Casual and hardcore in GW2 has nothing to do with the amount you play. It has to do with your attitude and mindset towards gaming. I'd say most casual players are more interested in immersion and storytelling, and most hardcore players are more interested in challenges and the limits of GW2 action combat.

Both casuals and hardcore players can get best in slot gear, be level 80 and participate in the endgame content.

I consider myself more hardcore oriented. I spend most of my time ingame excluding casuals from any content I do :trollface:

Then my question would be... for casual player like myself... would be hard or easy to get endgame gear? Seems likes thats not hard.

Exotic lies within 5% of "best in slot" and is generally quite easy to obtain (for MMO standards).

Ascended is "best in slot" and is still quite easy to obtain, even for casuals. Crafting, pvp, wvw all give access to ascended regardless of skill level. Several world bosses can drop ascended. Fractals are easy and give good amounts of ascended but require you to have 1 set already. Raids aren't that trivial, but honestly they're not that hard. With some commitment they are very doable even for casuals. The hardest step for raids however is the entry barrier; and how most casual players (by MY definition; being players who do not enjoy looking up builds, guides, ...) struggle to find appropriate groups. There aren't many groups who will jump into a raid and let you... learn and experience the fight from scratch. They'll be stuck for hours while you're goofing around. For many casuals, this alone makes raids not fun and unplayable. Truth is that raids can be cleared fairly easily even if you're not super skilled by doing some research and putting in some effort.

Obviously the more casually you play, the longer it will take to get your gear fully finished. I'd say ascended is reasonable to expect within 6 months playing CASUALLY and ONLY what you enjoy - not actively working towards the gear at all. If you actively work towards the gear, 1-3 months is doable. Hardcore working towards the gear takes 1-3 weeks if you can grind or raid.

The game is very casual friendly; for hardcore players like me the goal isn't to "gear" anything. Personally I can run ANY build in the game on ANY spec / class in the build whenever I want; because I have the gear for it. Casual players need to make choices and gear 1-2 characters first.

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@Etheri.5406 said:Obviously the more casually you play, the longer it will take to get your gear fully finished. I'd say ascended is reasonable to expect within 6 months playing CASUALLY and ONLY what you enjoy - not actively working towards the gear at all. If you actively work towards the gear, 1-3 months is doable. Hardcore working towards the gear takes 1-3 weeks if you can grind or raid.

Minor correction: That really depends on what you enjoy. My favourite things to do are map completion and the story, and spending all my gold on mini pets. So if I stuck to what I enjoy most I'd probably never get a full set of ascended gear. I could get trinkets with laurels and ectoplasm (if I was willing to give up selling the ecto to buy minis) and I might get some other pieces from story achievements. If I was really lucky I might get some from Tequatl and the Triple Wurm on the rare occasions I happen to be on the map while they're going on and choose to join in. But it's unlikely I'd ever have much.

Even with the way I actually play - which includes some WvW and Fractals - I think I've gotten maybe 5 ascended drops in total. The vast majority of what I have came from crafting it or buying it from vendors, both of which I'd count as actively working towards it (especially since I had to farm a lot of LS3 map currency to buy ascended trinkets when I decided I wanted HoT stats on one character).

It's still entirely possible for a casual player to get a full set of ascended equipment without too much trouble (unless you're one of the people who refuses point blank to craft or do anything which requires grouping with other players, but I think that's a separate classification of players to casual/hardcore) but I think it's slightly misleading to say it will just happen without you having to put any effort into it.

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@"Ayakaru.6583" said:99% of the game is casual, like cellphone game difficulty.The last bit of difficulty is T4 fractals and Raids, and the people want a casual mode for that, too


Dark days are ahead. Patch days are long and dark, and full of terror

Considering both 5he expansions up the dificulty compaired to core which is the definition of casual. Id say more than 1% of the game is "less casual".

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Hardcore or Casual no such thing in game for gold. Most of the gold farm comes from 2 maps Silverwastes and Istan (braindead farm, juts couple of mech to know).

@Etheri.5406 said:

Obviously the more casually you play, the longer it will take to get your gear fully finished. I'd say ascended is reasonable to expect within 6 months playing CASUALLY and ONLY what you enjoy - not actively working towards the gear at all. If you actively work towards the gear, 1-3 months is doable. Hardcore working towards the gear takes 1-3 weeks if you can grind or raid.

Farm Istan or SW for 4-5 hours per day and you will get full ascended ( end-game gear) in a week time.

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