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Concerns about Elementalist


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@Zeesh.7286 said:Watch Anet release a new Ele spec for Cantha expansion that reduces core ele, weaver and tempest to nothing but hot flaming garbage (not that they're stellar classes as it is). Then watch Anet nerf the new spec into the same pile of steaming garbage in 2 months time. Why? Because 1 out of the top 10 spvp players uses the new Ele build (other 9 will be Revs and Holos as usual) and 1 out of the 100 twitch streamers uses the new Ele build in raids and fractals once.

I'd say make a bet, but I don't think your chances of being wrong are fair enough for those who would bet against it lol

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@zaekeon.5128 said:I don’t like that the new fire trait changes punish solo play.

-Pyromancer Puissance is really good better than previous version-Persisting flames is...rather pve based ( only in pve enemies will ball that long in your fields) and
staff weaver
with lava font and pyroclastic blast

Overall I give a 4/10 to this patch:

-Obsidian flesh is a ridiculous change-Scepter ele is still dead and buried-Arcana GM are rather bad...you can play around them but nothing build defining, attunement CD and elemental attunements are the reason for me to go arcane-Staff ele ......too much after cast, gameplay requires future reading for maximum results

The situation is not good.....and WvW with its stats customization is the only reason why I still give a kitten about this game playing elementalist

Im saying when you play solo it’s not exactly cool that you lose 10 might when leaving fire. This is ok for groups but punishes solo players. The burst damage from the effect feels super weak.

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@zaekeon.5128 said:

@zaekeon.5128 said:I don’t like that the new fire trait changes punish solo play.

-Pyromancer Puissance is really good better than previous version-Persisting flames is...rather pve based ( only in pve enemies will ball that long in your fields) and
staff weaver
with lava font and pyroclastic blast

Overall I give a 4/10 to this patch:

-Obsidian flesh is a ridiculous change-Scepter ele is still dead and buried-Arcana GM are rather bad...you can play around them but nothing build defining, attunement CD and elemental attunements are the reason for me to go arcane-Staff ele ......too much after cast, gameplay requires future reading for maximum results

The situation is not good.....and WvW with its stats customization is the only reason why I still give a kitten about this game playing elementalist

Im saying when you play solo it’s not exactly cool that you lose 10 might when leaving fire. This is ok for groups but punishes solo players. The burst damage from the effect feels super weak.

Seems like Anet doesn't want core ele benefiting from fire grand Masters unless you're getting blinds on burn which is defensive.

Tempest only shines with might stacking. And weaver won't use any of them unless it's in pve/wvw.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Being a jack of all trades master of none is Elementalist issue.Crank its health to 15kShared cooldown on all attunements (so you can't just swap to water, use the big skills, then leave to an other element because other skills are garbage)Make each element a self contained effective weapon skill kit. Every element should be able to ditch damage.

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@Kulvar.1239 said:Being a jack of all trades master of none is Elementalist issue.Crank its health to 15kShared cooldown on all attunements (so you can't just swap to water, use the big skills, then leave to an other element because other skills are garbage)Make each element a self contained effective weapon skill kit. Every element should be able to ditch damage.

I feel that way too, each attunement should be an effective weapon skill kit. Versatility comes at the cost of efficiency here, and since we can't weapon swap to deal with range, mobility is important.

  1. aa
  2. movement skill / medium damage
  3. utility
  4. cc/utility
  5. big hit skill

something like that for most attunements.

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:

@Kulvar.1239 said:Being a jack of all trades master of none is Elementalist issue.Crank its health to 15kShared cooldown on all attunements (so you can't just swap to water, use the big skills, then leave to an other element because other skills are garbage)Make each element a self contained effective weapon skill kit. Every element should be able to ditch damage.

I feel that way too, each attunement should be an effective weapon skill kit. Versatility comes at the cost of efficiency here, and since we can't weapon swap to deal with range, mobility is important.
  1. aa
  2. movement skill / medium damage
  3. utility
  4. cc/utility
  5. big hit skill

something like that for most attunements.

I kinda like the idea of not just switching to Water for heals or some cc, and nothing else.

Changes to Pyromancer's Puissance definitely feel like they even encourage you to try and stay in one element longer than you normally would; just with the usual low damage and gutting of your own personal power. I mean, why else would they want us to camp Fire for boons to burn on allies?

If they made staying in one element an option; it would definitely change things up a lot; though I do hope we don't just have a problem of homogenization. Like what utility/boons/cc you get for each element should definitely still be unique to said element. I do feel like some of the traits should allow for you to essentially fully dedicate to a single element though, at some trade-off. Like, we could make a full support healer/buffer Water, or a full tank Earth.

While I love Weavers needing to swap elements constantly for the theming and the like; it definitely feels like the punishment for failing is so high, and the reward feels almost not as worth it for what you put in; at least in comparison to easier professions that get a hell of a lot more utility from one or two weapons. I wonder what a change like this could do for the specialization; as I already hover over mostly 2 attunements most of the time anyway lol

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WOW people still think that someone from lovely ANET reading this forum. :))))Soo .... no, they don't.I played today my beloved ele...first time after patch..sorry balance patch. And my experience was... horrible. I had duels vs necro and mesmer - that was beautiful experience. I'm soo great-full for that pleasure - playing ele. I hope - who knows...who knows... someday meet someone from ANET team playing as elemenatlists in pvp.Hope they will share my joy.Thank you. :) sweetheartsPS. Time to change profession for a while. CHEERS :#

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I tried my first ele recently (newish player here), I only do PvE, prefer solo, but low-skill-level groups also (so far T1's, dungeons). I like ranged pet builds, and am limited to pwr (as I don't do ascended or anything grindy, griffin bordered on feeling too much like work FYI). With the new normal of shelter in place, this game as the most casual friendly mmorpg has a lot of potential to gain here in ways you didn't in the past - and I am only semi-casual). So I did staff + elementals, the thing I noticed most is elementals don't hold aggro anywhere near as well as my necro or ranger pets, even my mesmer does better there. Mounting killing the pets was also a big pain, and no pets underwater (seriously)??? I love the long-range nuking with pets tanking - my main reason for playing the class - lots of fun to be had there. I am one of your older players (meaning slower on the keys), high speed rotations with my face kissing the mob isn't really my thing, playing a warrior for long periods is simply exhausting to me, FYI.

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New ? 2 years I think.

Yes, you have tempest earth/water to tank a bit and spread protection, fire/water to cleanse, or air/water to dps and spread schoking aura. Tempest is dominant over Weaver these days.Warhorn is good for aoe blindness, nice dps, some cc. Dagger, you don't have better choice, still you have weakness and a projectil block.

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@Axl.8924 said:Hi guys is dagger warhorn in pvp viable? saw someone today pvping on twitch with dagger warhorn build. I don't remember fire shields removing condis either is that new or old change?

The person was vallun or vallum or whatever.

I'm not sure what build he was playing there is the support Tempest build that is meta. He could've been playing some variation of that swapping focus for warhorn.

Vallun has a YouTube channel with many different builds, probably playing one of them, he has builds for a lot of classes including a couple recent builds for tempest outside the standard metabattle builds. It's worth checking out. I really like his Rogue Sorc tempest sc/wh, from a couple months ago.

Whether it's viable or not depends on what you consider viable to mean. It's a fun build, of course you'll likely have to out play some of your opponents playing meta builds but you can certainly do well with well played and thought out builds that might not be considered meta if you know your role and rotations.

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@Vrath.1754 said:

@Axl.8924 said:Hi guys is dagger warhorn in pvp viable? saw someone today pvping on twitch with dagger warhorn build. I don't remember fire shields removing condis either is that new or old change?

The person was vallun or vallum or whatever.

I'm not sure what build he was playing there is the support Tempest build that is meta. He could've been playing some variation of that swapping focus for warhorn.

Vallun has a YouTube channel with many different builds, probably playing one of them, he has builds for a lot of classes including a couple recent builds for tempest outside the standard metabattle builds. It's worth checking out. I really like his Rogue Sorc tempest sc/wh, from a couple months ago.

Whether it's viable or not depends on what you consider viable to mean. It's a fun build, of course you'll likely have to out play some of your opponents playing meta builds but you can certainly do well with well played and thought out builds that might not be considered meta if you know your role and rotations.

He was a tempest with dagger warhorn using all sorts of aoes bouncing around n dpsing and getting angry at holosmith who blew him up ultra fast wow.

might have been somewhat support actually.

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@kurth.3175 said:So I read up on aggro, earth pets tank much better than fire pets, thank you. :-) The switch cooldown makes it painful to spam pets in earth, and spam fire for attack though.

Oh yea bro just use that as a staple in rpgs as a whole, usually earth provides more defenives and tanking capability, especially on pets, I remember it was the same with the magician in everquest 1 the earth pet was the tank.

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@Milosz.5938 said:WOW people still think that someone from lovely ANET reading this forum. :))))Soo .... no, they don't.I played today my beloved ele...first time after patch..sorry balance patch. And my experience was... horrible. I had duels vs necro and mesmer - that was beautiful experience. I'm soo great-full for that pleasure - playing ele. I hope - who knows...who knows... someday meet someone from ANET team playing as elemenatlists in pvp.Hope they will share my joy.Thank you. :) sweetheartsPS. Time to change profession for a while. CHEERS :#

From my experience, Elementalist mains are masochists.

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Lack of consideration for older traits working in a more modern era.

Earth's Embrace, Rock Solid, Cleansing Wave (Trait), Final Shielding, Bountiful Power, etc.

These are traits I'd like to see looked at for possible revamping or getting piggy-backed onto other traits.

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I posted this on the current livestream for WvW with the Devs, but it didn't get read:I feel like Elementalist is the class they give things to then take them away later. Like the focus leap distance nerf, and changing obsidian flesh to a channel (making you unable to use other skills) to stay alive other than lightning flash. I'm sure there are many other changes, but those definitely were an unwelcomed change.The aura share tempest is designed to be tanky/support, but it still doesn't have any access to resitence from skills. Even if we got 1s of resistence on application of an aura would be a massive change to the spec.When I play ele I feel like I should be staff weaver to be useful (best mobility), but even as full zerker, the damage feels way slower than other classes.

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i am not that knowledgeable in the elementalist. only played sceptre/focus fresh air berserker and D/D condi/power/vitality builds.what i can say tho is that cataclyst is straight superior to core elem as it has access to very usefull breakstun giving the cataclyst more room for other skills.auras synergize well with fire archetype and its condi removal, regen on aura and its water archetype cleanse on regen or the protection on earth archetype aura.i wonder if reducing the overcharged attenuement channeling time would help giving it a superior edge in fights.as for core elem, it needs something that other spec don't have and not just one more archetype from core spec..

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I think ele just needs permanent pet/ summon.. especially skills with staff takes a long time to trigger damage. I don’t think elementalist should be face tanking mobs... it’s a mage class why can’t ANet make it strong enough that can kill monster before it reaches their face. If you make the damage not so strong then at least give elementalist a permanent pet to tank for them while they channel and cast whatever skill at back line.

In GW1 you can play elementalist casting at back line without worries because you can always put a tank in your team to tank for you.. GW2 nope.. nothing tanking for elementalist so staff is literally useless if you solo. And they try to fix this problem by introducing the sword so elementalist can get even closer to mobs and melee lol.

Please rework the staff to instant cast and instant damage if you don’t wanna give elementalist a permanent tank.I really want to enjoy elementalist with staff and have been waiting for years for ANet to do something about staff and pet..but guess it’s never gonna happen...

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