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What is your favorite Mount/Mount skin and why? How can they improve?

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I know this has already been discussed, but new skins have released and I'm sure there are many newer players that would like to share their opinion and criticism. What's your favorite Mount and why? How can Mounts improve, whether that be in animation or graphical detail? What is your favorite skin so far? I love hearing other opinions, don't be shy to share honestly or to provide a screenshot of your favorite mount! ❀

(I am aware there is a new WarClaw mount, but I absentmindedly forgot to add the option. If this is your favorite, provide your reply in a comment or select an already existing vote option!)

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I love both the hammerhead and orca skimmer skins. The only complaint I have about mount skins is that the newer ones are so much nicer than the older ones that I feel like a bit of a sucker for buying some of those old ones, which I'll now never use again. Onwards and upwards.

Still waiting for a giant bat skin for my griffon. Next year's Hallowe'en event would be a perfect time for it.

Oh, and how about a pinwheel pattern for beetle?

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Jackal is the most versatile one, so I prefer that mount before others. The Roller Beetle is most fun, the Griffon at full speed feels fantastic to fly.

As for favorite skins: Shrine Guardian, Dune Mastiff, Northern Feather Wing, Kourna Jackrabbit, Sun Temple Gecko (except for the silly headgear).

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@Biff.5312 said:I love both the hammerhead and orca skimmer skins. The only complaint I have about mount skins is that the newer ones are so much nicer than the older ones that I feel like a bit of a sucker for buying some of those old ones, which I'll now never use again. Onwards and upwards.

Still waiting for a giant bat skin for my griffon. Next year's Hallowe'en event would be a perfect time for it.

Oh, and how about a pinwheel pattern for beetle?

I agree with newer skins versus older. They should revise some of the first ones!

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That cute manta-ray needs some love! Don't care how slow it is, I still love it. Primus Beta dyed in Black White could be easily confounded with the rays in Code Lyoko. Too sad, a skin I will never have since it's RNG...Concerning which skin I love, it's another story; I love Shrine Guardian, that ninetales is awesome, I like foxes, I love foxes, I want foxes everywhere.

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I voted Raptor as always, but over time I am using the Griffon more and more, it's so handy for rough terrain!

As for a favorite skin, it is hard to pick among all the sweet things out there, but I think I will say the Trailblazer beetle skin. I feel like a rebel drag racer whenever I'm on it.

I like the newer feathery-winged griffons much better than the ones that seem to have a sort of bat-like membrane over the wings. And I know the Jackals are supposed to be some bad magic constructs, but it would be nice to have some more naturalistic ones. (Heck, I will just come out and say I want a giant wolf to ride!) A plant-themed mount pack is also way overdue. As an asura, I would also love to see a golem or watchwork mount theme.

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I'm having a hard time picking out a favorite skin for each mount, let alone a favorite mount overall. So, I'll just have to give my best for each category.

First up, is The Gecc


It's the Auric Salamander. I gave it the colors of the Gila Monster. Black and Orange make a nice combination. Good contrast, very striking, signals "danger!" to anyone who sees it. Being a third generation mount, it's quite rare to see one of these. The raptor's have some stiff competition, with most of my toons having really good ones. However, this Auric Salamander is the only one that I've given a name.

Next up is a tie. First, the cool one:


Green is an underrated color. It is usually the color of camouflage, since everything is green, but there are some solid, bright green colors that can still stand out. This is the Primal Hare, dyed with cool colors to contrast the fact that it is always on fire. It almost looks alien. Now, this would be my favorite hair, but there's another one worth mentioning:


THIS THING IS SO CUTE IT MAKES ME WANT TO MURDER SQUIRRELS!!! I don't even know how that works. Sometimes simplicity is the way to go, and having a pink, floppy eared Krytan Lop will make you an instant chick magnet. There's a lot of subtly into how I chose the colors. I did it specifically to emulate the gradient of real life animals, which are darker on top and lighter colored on the bottom.

Now the Skimmer.


It's an Oceanic Ray. I had to take the picture from an odd angle, since the real show is the flowing bubble pattern on its back. I tried to make all of the skins on my necromancer ominous looking, but using the skeleton pattern on everything gets boring pretty quick. The black and purple combined with this skin almost make it hard to look at, giving both the illusion of being shiny as well as making it hard to read its depth.

Next up, is Eustice. Yes, I named this one, too.


This thing is the biggest, stupidest, friendliest Dune Mastiff to ever walk the Earth. Again, I tried to give it a somewhat realistic color set, but I went with black lines on the runes because anything bright or shiny just added unnecessary noise to the image. Sometimes a pupper just needs to be a pupper, and nothing more.

Then comes Strawberry Banana.


I have an icecream based theme for my Elementalist. All of the mounts are colored after different flavors of Icecream. The odd thing is, I can never settle on a good design for Gryphons. There's always something off about them. Anyway, I picked a puffy bird Snow Stalker.

And finally, the destroyer of worlds.


This Primeval is the vengeful spirit of every single insect you've ever stepped on, sprayed, or burned with a magnifying glass. It's hungry for souls. I break my two-tone convention to go for a three-color theme on this one.

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For some reason I like the skimmer. Maybe because of how smooth and soothing (to me) it's movement is.As for skins... The "husky" jackal, because I've had sled-dogs for years (althoug a samoyed would be better, hehe). Other than that, I hope for something plant-ish to catch my heart :)

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@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:I'm having a hard time picking out a favorite skin for each mount, let alone a favorite mount overall. So, I'll just have to give my best for each category.

First up, is The Gecc


It's the Auric Salamander. I gave it the colors of the Gila Monster. Black and Orange make a nice combination. Good contrast, very striking, signals "danger!" to anyone who sees it. Being a third generation mount, it's quite rare to see one of these. The raptor's have some stiff competition, with most of my toons having really good ones. However, this Auric Salamander is the only one that I've given a name.

Next up is a tie. First, the cool one:


Green is an underrated color. It is usually the color of camouflage, since everything is green, but there are some solid, bright green colors that can still stand out. This is the Primal Hare, dyed with cool colors to contrast the fact that it is always on fire. It almost looks alien. Now, this would be my favorite hair, but there's another one worth mentioning:


THIS THING IS SO CUTE IT MAKES ME WANT TO MURDER SQUIRRELS!!! I don't even know how that works. Sometimes simplicity is the way to go, and having a pink, floppy eared Krytan Lop will make you an instant chick magnet. There's a lot of subtly into how I chose the colors. I did it specifically to emulate the gradient of real life animals, which are darker on top and lighter colored on the bottom.

Now the Skimmer.


It's an Oceanic Ray. I had to take the picture from an odd angle, since the real show is the flowing bubble pattern on its back. I tried to make all of the skins on my necromancer ominous looking, but using the skeleton pattern on everything gets boring pretty quick. The black and purple combined with this skin almost make it hard to look at, giving both the illusion of being shiny as well as making it hard to read its depth.

Next up, is Eustice. Yes, I named this one, too.


This thing is the biggest, stupidest, friendliest Dune Mastiff to ever walk the Earth. Again, I tried to give it a somewhat realistic color set, but I went with black lines on the runes because anything bright or shiny just added unnecessary noise to the image. Sometimes a pupper just needs to be a pupper, and nothing more.

Then comes Strawberry Banana.


I have an icecream based theme for my Elementalist. All of the mounts are colored after different flavors of Icecream. The odd thing is, I can never settle on a good design for Gryphons. There's always something off about them. Anyway, I picked a puffy bird Snow Stalker.

And finally, the destroyer of worlds.


This Primeval is the vengeful spirit of every single insect you've ever stepped on, sprayed, or burned with a magnifying glass. It's hungry for souls. I break my two-tone convention to go for a three-color theme on this one.

Thank you for all those pictures! Very fun to see how you customize your mounts. All of the themes are amazing. Nice! :-D

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I have a really hard time choosing. I like all of them, except maybe the beetle which I still have a really hard time controlling and so rarely use outside of races. The raptor is probably the one I use most for practical purposes, when I just want to get where I'm going quickly. But a lot of the time I prefer the jackals slower speed because it gives me a chance to look around more, and I like the run animation more.

The springer, skimmer and griffon are more 'novelty' mounts for me. For someone who spends far too much time climbing the scenery just to see if I can and what's at the top the springer is a gods send, and I love that once I get as high as possible I can get on my griffon and glide across the map - it's literally giving me a new perspective on the old maps. I especially love it when I can get high enough that at first I can't even see the ground, and then it slowly appears through the haze. And the skimmer is the same kind of thing, just over water. I love zooming across the surface, spotting something cool and dropping off to investigate, then getting back on when I'm done.

It's the same with skins, it's really hard for me to choose favourites because I like a lot of them for different reasons. One thing I really wanted was skins that look like the original mounts but with 4 dye channels, and since I refuse to buy the original RNG-only licences that proved easier said than done, but I've got nearly a full set now: Striped Jarin raptor, Issnur Longhair springer (slightly different, but not much), Banded Wave Fin skimmer, Liminal Moorhound jackal (also slightly different) and Istani Bald griffon. Next time the desert racer pack goes on sale I'll get the Funerary Scarab too.

For 'novelty' skins my favourites are either the primeval skins (especially the jackal - great for norn characters) or the branded mounts which I think are beautiful and seem to look good with almost any dye. Especially my griffon, Willow, who is currently Aurene 'themed' as a tribute:jbbAKO7h.jpglUL5iLSh.jpg

I think for me the only things I'd like to see as an improvement are:

  • Jackal skin which looks like the base model, available by direct sale - currently the only one is the Banded Mystic.
  • Primeval raptor, skimmer and griffon to match the springer, jackal and beetle (oh, and primeval warclaw too).
  • a dragon mount, which I know is never going to happen, but it doesn't stop me wanting one.
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I like most mounts equally, but I dislike the springer a bit.It's a too silly looking mount. I only ever use it when I need it, and never more.That said, since I got the gekko-springer I've liked it a bit more.

I also dislike the too dog-like looking jackal mounts, like the st.bernard and corgi looking one.

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I don't really have a favorite skin but for the most part I like to theme my mounts around the character that rides them.

For example.. the Mad Kings Mounts we got last Haloween were awesome for a Necromancer.. meanwhile the primevil ghostly skins are great for Revenants.Simple is often best though and while there are a lot of cool and flashy skins.. I usually go with simple ones and attempt to dye them to match my characters colour scheme.Like so.. :)HeHjRM2.jpgTrnTJ6E.jpgT06dSht.jpgSkT9cXO.jpgsaqROOo.jpgWgfl9NY.jpgn0OuUrV.jpgV6mgAPR.jpg

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I love the topic!

I have all the mount skins that are currently available and will likely continue acquiring them.

My favourite mounts are jackal and the soon-to-come Warclaw aesthetics wise, but the others are lovely as well. Beetle and springer are my least favourite. I have many ideas for mount skins I'd like in the future but I have already posted them in gemstore requests. Since you asked for favourite skins, though, here we go, in not necessarily the right order but you know. Feel free to ask why I like a specific skin - each one has a different reason!


  1. Dreadnought
  2. Starscale
  3. Luminous Prowler
  4. Resplendent Avialan
  5. Flamelander
  6. Lahtenda Bog Hunter
  7. Striped Jarin
  8. Mad Realm
  9. Branded
  10. Exo-Suit


  1. Sun Temple Gecko
  2. Summit Wildhorn
  3. Arctic Jerboa
  4. Primal Hare
  5. Branded


  1. Umbral Demon
  2. Umbral Demon
  3. Umbral Demon

I love Umbral Demon.


  1. Shrine Guardian
  2. Crowned Ancient
  3. Liminal Moorhound
  4. Exalted Ley Hunter
  5. Primeval
  6. Ceylon Cut
  7. Mirror Masked
  8. Pyroclast
  9. Mad Realm
  10. Stardust

Roller Beetle

  1. Trailblazer
  2. Jagged Kournan


  1. Grand Lion
  2. Sand Souled
  3. Fire Pinion
  4. Snow Stalker
  5. Exalted Sky Sentry
  6. Starbound
  7. Stormchaser
  8. Shiverpeaks Pileated
  9. Awakened
  10. Exo-Suit
  11. Branded
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