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What did you think of the meta-event rush?

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PoF-Metas were fine, Gerent is normal daily stuff.But Orr, ffs, why didnt they buff the mobs or limit players. Only chance to get loot is to use traps an hope for the best. Alle the other classes are f***. Juut to fill some old Maps.The Boss Rush few weeks ago was better , cause everyone had the chance to get his loot.

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Honestly I preferred the world bosses because there was a bit more variety. Or at least felt like it?

Only 6 events were on the standard rotation timer and really only found myself doing Tangled depths and Desolation. (I would have done doppleganger but I just didn't sync with the time, and I'm a bit burnt out of DS for how much I've done it in the past, I LOVE the final fight but I get bored pushing the lanes.)

I didn't do much off the timer other than 1 round of temple of balth, simply because it was the first location linked when you click the "show me" button when the event first started and didn't sit on the screen long enough to let it show me anywhere else.

All in all I really like these events though, with more favoritism towards bosses. (other than the lag during boss rush being so bad specifically vs Svanir Shaman Chief, that if I go melee I literally can't do anything except enjoy delays for days.)I've found it gets people to talk and chill more so than most parts of the game, and it's kinda nice.

Rewards are always crap for me RNGsus hates me, but economically bringing down prices to make things more affordable is good.I suggest to A-net in the future if we are to see similar events on LS maps, to maybe give increased map currency with no daily limit, so players who don't get rare drops still get something that leads to decent rewards beyond the RNG drops.

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The fact that it was only for a limited time affected my perspective. I enjoyed it and found myself doing metas I hadn't done in a while. It was great to see the crowds. The rewards were good/appreciated. I thought initially that I would feel pressure to do them non-stop. But, once I got into them, I just did the ones I wanted to and didn't worry about missing things or even running off and doing other stuff in the game. All in all, I really appreciate the experience and hope that we see similar things in the future.

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Would of done more as bonus rewards for content I mostly enjoy and occasionally farm for gold anyway is always nice. However, timing is off. The skyscale has ruined these kind of events for at least another month, not because I'm trying to get it, but because the community at large seems to be. LFG is just a skyscale groups, and has "stolen" large portions of players from other content.

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I selected option no. 1, though it is not quite accurate. My correct response would have been:

I liked it, I did all the meta events I felt like doing and had fun doing them. I did not feel pressured.

@"Taygus.4571" said:Participated in a couple and never got any boxes, so after that, I stopped caring about it.

You must have done the wrong metas: Meta-Event Rush

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event is cool, rewards yet again crap

opened 1.3k bonus boxes of goods got 1 infusion worth 55gold

10/10 would waste my time again, atleast i'm now stacked on t3 and t4 mats for leggy crafting. mats i probably could (and should) have bought with the money i make from fractal farming

tldr. drop rates are still as bad as ever

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I've been avoiding meta-events. This has been going on for a long time, and has not changed due to the event. The particle spam in large events and my inability to mitigate it to where I can enjoy the content makes these events massively unappealing. Tying extra rewards to content that makes me ill if I participate in more than one or two without a long break did nothing for me. That said, I have no rancor about it, nor would I want others to do without because I choose to. I do regret that ANet didn't think an effects slider would be an important feature back when they were designing the game, though.

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I think it was good but timing it was abit over the top. Most people still had Skyscale, then they drop Vision and Rush, It was too much for me. I hardly managed to go to Orr as I missed those events, then rushed metas in PoF a single time. That was it, wish it was back in the days when we wait for episode and there is nothing to do. But hey, I could see lots of people running on maps, chatting, having good time. Keep it up Arena.

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I liked it, gave me an excuse to do maw to finish shadow of a shadow and the casino coin thing in amnoon for some of those rewards I never got the first time around. But once Friday rolled around and it was time to wvw and then keyrun again, I was surprised how quickly I abandoned the bonus event . . .

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Its nice that all they had to do was essentially add an Amalgamated Gemstone to a meta to get people going there again. I'm certain people will still do metas even if the Meta Rush boxes go away.

The biggest reason I like this is that I'm actually progressing the Realm Portal Spiker Achievement. The ONLY one in all of PoF I wasn't willing to do because Maw was dead. Couldn't even get to 5 of the 100 needed to finish it.

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