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Should Guild Wars 1 go free to play?

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@Mikali.9651 said:GW still has the potential of having a better life, but not with the current business model.

The current business model being 10-15 bucks for the entire series, which is basically nothing.

You are making a very far fetched assumption here: going free to play with GW1 would draw enough players which will in some way generate revenue for Arenanet (the same players who were unwilling to fund a copy for 10-15 € mind you). That is very unlikely to say the least.

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A free to play game is monetized via microtransactions requiring continuous addition of new options to a cash shop. I am not sure how much benefit this would provide in a game that receives neither new playable content nor new cash shop additions. Even if more were added to the cash shop, how much (or how often) would people be willing to spend money on a game that is no longer receiving content updates?

I would love to see the population of gw1 increase, but not sure about ftp.

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What I do not understand is Guildwars needing to go free to play when technically it's already free to play just like Guildwars 2You only have to purchase the game and the campaigns for Guildwars and play as much as you want for no charge each month Same with Guildwars 2 but with Guildwars 2 they use the expansions not stand alone separate, but connectable games. The reason Guildwars 2 core game became free to try was so they could get more people to buy the expansions. Just buy the entire set of the original Guildwars they are selling it for $39.99 for all 3 campaigns and the eye of the north expansion. After that play it all you want no extra charges

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  • 5 months later...

I would pay real money to unlock the Hall of Monuments so I don't have to play GW1. I came into this game universe with GW2, and GW1 feels like primitive garbage in comparison. I don't care if they make it free to play or not; I don't want to spend what should be GW2 time and money on GW1, period. And honestly, I think the constant complaints by GW1 players about GW2 are one of GW2's biggest drawbacks, creating a toxic environment that affects the views of new players and developers alike.

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I have to pay good money to play "retro" games for my original nintendo lol. If anything they should market it more and create additional incentive for current GW2 players to buy it. I want them to be a good business a gain more revenue to reinvest into further development. There is no reason they should give out assets for free unless it generates revenue elsewhere for them.

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I have to pay good money to play "retro" games for my original nintendo lol. If anything they should market it more and create additional incentive for current GW2 players to buy it. I want them to be a good business a gain more revenue to reinvest into further development. There is no reason they should give out assets for free unless it generates revenue elsewhere for them.

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No!At most, just pre searing ascalon.After that you have to buy the game, and expantions.If all the players that have it, bought it , why should now a handful of people have it free?What do all of us who paid for it, gain in return?Probably botters in jade quary.Spamadam is already bad as it is.No thanks.

Guild Wars 1 is worth every penny.Pay for it!

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I'm also against GW1 going free to play. Going f2p would surely help someone like me (I started with GW2 and have long considered shelling out some more cash to get into GW1 as well), but I'm a big believer in not messing with seems to be working. That becomes even more important when the thing in question is something older and less likely able to survive large changes unscathed.

@Cyninja.2954 said:You are making a very far fetched assumption here: going free to play with GW1 would draw enough players which will in some way generate revenue for Arenanet (the same players who were unwilling to fund a copy for 10-15 € mind you). That is very unlikely to say the least.

I agree with this, and people seem to miss this idea in a wide range of discussions. While some people can argue that microtransactions specifically excel at drawing revenue out of players who balk at the idea of paying up front for a buy-to-play or subscription model, I just don't see that working out for an older niche title like GW1.

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While I am someone who paid for GW1 and its associated campaigns/EotN, I think it's an experience worth its price. I don't really see why it should go free, for new players? I'm afraid the ship has sailed for GW1, although I am currently replaying it w/gw2 guildies which is refreshing, surprisingly. One of my guildies got it on sale and saved a few bucks and they're enjoying it very much with me.

A part of me wishes for it to make a comeback because it really is a very well built game with a distinct feel/story, yet another part of me must also acknowledge that making it free would be pretty useless at this juncture.

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@whoeverxwins.1279 said:I'd like to give it a try, but I'm not so sure about spending my limited money on this older game. Maybe the base game free, like GW2 did, and pay for expansions. That is what sucked me into GW2 after all. I didn't know the game existed before it went f2p and HoT released. Which I bought after only 2 weeks.

Seeing things from that angle.They could do Prophecies free.Then you'd have to pay for factions, or even as a bonus when you buy nightfall or eye of the north together.

Using the same bundle as GW2.So.

● Prophecies (Free)● Factions (Paid on its own)or Bonus when buying...● Nightfall (Paid) and,● Eye of the North (Paid)

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@Aeolus.3615 said:I would not mind to become free, a lot of players would love to try, i would go directly to pre searing to see people reaction ._.

So players would play GW1 instead of GW2? How would this help ANet's bottom line? I would think that ANet would prefer players to leave GW1 and play GW2 because GW2 is where they make their money. It would be folly for them to encourage players to return to GW1.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Aeolus.3615 said:I would not mind to become free, a lot of players would love to try, i would go directly to pre searing to see people reaction ._.

So players would play GW1 instead of GW2? How would this help ANet's bottom line? I would think that ANet would prefer players to leave GW1 and play GW2 because GW2 is where they make their money. It would be folly for them to encourage players to return to GW1.

Debatable Kahrmin.It could go either way.It could also draw in new players.I occasionally play GW1, doesn't mean I'm leaving GW2.I will still spend money in GW2, if I so feel inclined to do so.Besides, if players that own both games, obviously already got it, why would they go back permanently to GW1, just because prophecies might go free?

The only reason would be to help a friend for a few hours, but soon be back in GW2.Plus, the new players will most likely buy GW2 in the future... cause legacy items and all.That's one of the main reasons that I migrated from GW1 to 2.Sweet sweet legacy loot.

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What? Why? The game has a very low population and there's little reason to tap into buying from the online store for extra in-game features, so ANet would make no money if the game was F2P.

The only thing making the game free would do is convince the finance department that the cost of keeping the GW1 servers running isn't financially viable and kill it off.

I swear, kids these days think games are all magical things that spring up out of thin air and don't cost money to be developed/maintained.

P.s. Get off my lawn and bah humbug! =P

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@Dahkeus.8243 said:What? Why? The game has a very low population and there's little reason to tap into buying from the online store for extra in-game features, so ANet would make no money if the game was F2P.

The only thing making the game free would do is convince the finance department that the cost of keeping the GW1 servers running isn't financially viable and kill it off.

I swear, kids these days think games are all magical things that spring up out of thin air and don't cost money to be developed/maintained.

P.s. Get off my lawn and bah humbug! =P

I also initially disagreed.But I don't think that making core campaign free, and then new players would still have to buy the following campaigns and eotn expansion would hurt their wallet much.People would have to buy all the other stuff to get all the features, such as heroes, and the Hall of monuments.

But we are all merely speculating here.The idea is to bring new players into GW world.If in the long run, would be beneficial to ANet, then why not?

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No, I'd like it to remain pay and for the profits to be used to make a remastered version like Bliz is doing with their games. ArenaNet could backport some of the GW2 assets to make it easier, and do a major QoL update on the game if they still have the source code.

But more than likely, this would never happen, so otherwise it should probably go F2P, yeah.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:No, I'd like it to remain pay and for the profits to be used to make a remastered version like Bliz is doing with their games. ArenaNet could backport some of the GW2 assets to make it easier, and do a major QoL update on the game if they still have the source code.

But more than likely, this would never happen, so otherwise it should probably go F2P, yeah.

From what I read in other forums, most of the original GW1 staff are no longer with ANet, and the source code was lost, somehow.Hence they stated that there aren't going to be anymore major updates, except the occasional graphics and things of that nature.

I'm sure if they had full interest in making major updates, a good coder would be able to recover it.After all, it's all in the server really.

Which features would you like ported to gw1?

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