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Mist stranger outfit


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Thanks a lot for that outfit sincerely, I can now cosplay as a mechanicus adept from warhammer 40k. Nice job here, insta bought it. But I have something to ask, can we have an option to disable that flare/fog emaning from the head/shoulder I can't even see my right arm! :p Just that. The rest is just perfect for me.

EDIT: Remove flare/fog effect from head when the helmet isn't shown (un-ticked in equipments) it's stupid, you have fog coming out of your mouth.


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@phs.6089 said:oh gosh, Anet seriously stop adding that steaming effect to anything you make.

Exactly that, they already added it in the past on several armors, requiem..... kinda mistshards too... if at least we had an option to disable it.. I've noticed when using photon forge that the fog isn't part of the shoulder or helmet sadly like outside of armor or additionnal armor. Plz anet, mark that fog as shoulders, that way can be un-tick.

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@"phs.6089" said:oh gosh, Anet seriously stop adding that steaming effect to anything you make.

I call it the "Fumes of Bad Odor." ;) In most cases, it really looks like the character needed a bath. :p In other cases, it is just an unnecessary addition and often ruins the item (be it armor, an outfit, or an infusion).

It's as annoying as having piles of crystals added to an otherwise pretty piece. Or cat ears and swan heels. Or cheesy dragonfly wings to a cool dragon mount. Or god knows what else that would otherwise be a perfectly designed piece. It's like it always has to be "over the top." :(

@"zealex.9410" said:I guess it makes sense since its "mist" stranger?

I agree that, in this case, it makes sense.

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