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Quoting GW2 Dialogue IRL

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My spouse and I both play GW2, and some dialogue pieces have become permanent fixtures in our household.

  • When I'm feeding the cats, sometimes I'll say, "Alright you lot! Let's pick up those scraps and kill their lord!" (A mis-quoting of the opening dialogue from the Stronghold PvP mode.)
  • When things don't go according to plan, I might say, "Wintersday went splat. Giant clanker lied to us." (Skritt dialogue from Tixx's Infinarium) or "Oh. Oh no. Why can't things ever run smoothly, just for a little while?" (Pipeline Inspector Zaina's dialogue I can hear from the TP/Bank area in Lily of the Elon).
  • When I'm interacting with something fun but unfamiliar, sometimes I'll say, "Stand back. Watch me push a button. Oooh, maybe I'll flip a lever." (Agent Spire's comment from the Crucible of Eternity dungeon.)
  • When I find random spare change around the house (like while folding laundry), I might say, "I'm rich, you know." (Not technically dialogue, but the title you can get from purchasing a patronage contract.)

And sometimes, for no reason at all, I'll say, "Cores installed. Charging the laser." (From the Skyhammer PvP map.)

Does anyone else ever quote bits and pieces of GW2 dialogue outside of the game?

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You missed an important one!

When struggling with something: "Just give me, uhh, give me a moment. (mumble)" from Molten Furnace Fractal

Source: Am the spouse.

Edit: Also "Warn...the tribune...." from CoF, just because it's stuck in our heads from farming it so heavily way back when it was the go-to gold farm.

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If Mordremoth can use stilted dialogue against the Mother Tree in the Grove, we can repeat that dialogue anywhere.

That said, I have never complimented someone on their "quality armor." When cycling a new route, I never shout, "New Land!" When the game director doesn't respond to posts here asking for a roadmap for GW2, I do not post, "no no no, Zadorojny is likely to be on Reddit." When I'm helping my siblings' kids with their teenage anxieties, I do not point to their cheek and say, "wow, I didn't think it was going to pop like that."

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"I promise a painful end!"- To random ne'er-do-wellers"Oh no..."- when watching a movie I've seen a hundred times and it still gets me. (not a movie, but I'm looking at you Stargate: Atlantis. =glare=)"Praise Joko!"- to a bunch of fanatics being all fanatical.

Edit: Don't mind the fern puppy behind the computer, she needs sleep.

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I've taken to whisper-yelling SHIIIIIIINYYYYYYYY at a number of things in real life...usually where no one can hear me and think I've lost what few brain cells I have left.

And while not a quote, per se, in times of stress I tend to start singing (or just thinking) "Fear Not This Night." I really can't sing (voice sounds like a bullfrog on helium), but the lyrics are still a comfort. :)

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I don't really have things I say at set times but my friends and I will often just start quoting random things the PC says."Accelerating!""I can't wait to tell my warband about this.""I can outrun a centaur!""Statistically speaking, this is rather rare.""Achieving, the life for me.""Better than moot loot."

And random skritt quotes"You ran from skritt!""Skritt! I'm hit!" (We use this when playing other games when we get hurt)"Oooh Shiny!"

In DnD we have a homebrew harpy race and so that often leads to harpy quotes"Flock to me!""Matriarch take you!""Die groundlings!"

And anytime someone says "Maybe" and doesn't follow it up with anything someone else will say "Maybe we fight" because of the dialog at firthside vigil while waiting for triple trouble to happen: "Like being alive more than hate undead, but maybe, maybe we fight."

And if I am in a call while playing the game I will often repeat whatever dialog I just heard to them, sometimes mockingly like "wE hAvE dEfEnDeD TaRiR fOr OvEr a CeNtUrY, iT WiLL nOt fAll ThIs DaY."

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"Everything in moderation, including moderation" is a quote useful for both when you are binging on dessert or complaining about overzealously overreaching oversight.

And when you nail that dish when cooking, you gotta go "I'm the Master of Life!" because "I achieve things. I'm an achiever. " but "That's how you do it." gotta be the one you use the most.

And for some reason I keep saying in my head "Eat mite dust!" even though I know it's actually "Eat my dust!".

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@"MithranArkanere.8957" said:"Everything in moderation, including moderation" is a quote useful for both when you are binging on dessert or complaining about overzealously overreaching oversight.

I love it when NPC quotes end up being surprisingly insightful.

I played Tera long ago in Beta and at launch, just before GW2 came out, and there was an NPC that would say "Be a scholar, but don't just be a scholar." I still love that quote, but last time I checked that game, the NPC didn't seem to use that dialogue anymore, sadly.

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I don't really speak it out loud but I must admit my thought voice goes "WELL DONE" at the wierdest things. Finished drawing? WELL DONE. Ate some dinner? WELL DONE. Saw a cute cat? WELL DONE. I gotta admit, it's been doing great things for my self esteem and confidence XD

Also have "DIE BY MY HAND" whenever I see somethig either minorly inconvinient or a creature I despise (roaches and spiders).Playing as a Sylvari main/lover with 3 Sylvari right now and more on the way, I've kind of memorized Trahearne's short lines in the span I've been playing.

Besides that, the Skritt screeching "Shines!!" is always a comment whenever I see something I like, even if it's not particularly shiny.

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