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Legendary Gear

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So... All you about to read here is from a PvP hater perspective. All comments, suggestions and requests are not intended to offend or diminish in any aspect this type of game.

I recently completed one whole year in 2 of my toons. Played learned a lot and yes, enjoying the game much more than I expected. I came from 2 different MMOs that had some sort of forced pvp wich I hated, not a single chance to avoid confrontation, to stay on your own corner minding your own business. Then I've found GW2, that was perfect, lots of content, story telling in every single corner, with pvp but, in it's sepparated area for those who enjoy the type of game, no open world bullies.Also recently I have reached some level of my very first legendary weapon, that would be "Sunrise". I was able to get to "Dawn" just to realise that I would never be able to complete the sword, because devs decided to put one of the final material in some sort of PvP game that is WvW. After reading, researching everything that is avaiable on the matter and the only way tho get the "Gift Of Battle", is through WvW reward track. So I did the math, if I want to get one full set weapon + secondary weapon + 6 pieces of gear = countless hours of boredoooommm on a type of game I really can't stress this out, I don't want have nothing to do. That's the one and only reason that I bought HoT and PoF, to have a game that I don't have to deal with pvp. On the character sellection screen where it says WvW invader 1, I wish it was 0. Anyway...Heading to the point of interest, me and other players that don't like / care for any sort of pvp / competition game would really appreciate if it was possible for us to have our legendary gear without setting foot on pvp maps. I have few suggestions for that:-make the item sellable from / to players-make the item craftable-we all fight huge bosses, make the item dropable, since is also a battle-make the item an npc item so it can be bought without any pvp currency, doesn't matter as long is a pve currency.

Thanks for reading.

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Whether I agree or disagree, it doesn't matter. The acquisition I feel safe in saying, is never going to change. That would have happened when they changed the wvw currency method used to buy it a few years ago.

Plenty of people hate it, but at the end of the day, this was a deliberate design decision to incorporate all areas of the game into making a legendary.

You are welcome to feed back of course as it is your right, but do not expect a change on this one.

If it is of consolation, it doesn't take too long with boosters. Im not much of a wvwer, but at a peak, I gained 2 in a single week.

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Here's a thread with lots of advice on getting the Gift of Battle, including (in the 4th post down) ways you can get it without actually playing any PvP: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25167/guide-to-getting-the-gift-of-battle-for-wvw-newbies

None of those are quick but they are easy (mostly it consists of completing daily achievements which don't require you to fight other players) and it's something you can do a bit at a time while working on all the other stuff required for a legendary.

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Don't like it? Don't play it. But then stop complaining. The devs are not gonna change anything just because one guy can't be asked to put a little effort into legendary crafting. If you're that much of a PvEr you can get the required Gift of Battle in less than 6 hours just by flipping camps or sentries to maintain T6 participation, while having all the reward track progress buffs on you (aka xp booster + black lion booster + celebration booster + guild buff + enrichment; gives you a 100% bonus to the rate at which you acquire reward track loot). You're even gonna make some progress towards your Warbringer that way!

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PvPers have to bare with huge loads of PvE to get their legendary stuff and you don't wanna do one single reward track. Not even proper PvP where you have no option but to fight people, but WvW which you can just stick to a commander and 15 other people and finish the track in one day if you work hard for it.

Honestly, if it were up to me, legendary content would require 1/3 of it's obtainability in each of the game modes, PvP, WvW and PvE.

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Some other people mentioned it, but it is possible to get it while avoiding most of the PvP aspect. If you check the dailies for it every day and look for things like Veteran Slayer, Mists Guard Slayer, Caravan Disruptor, Big Spender (if you have the currency for it), and even ones where you just need to like...capture a sentry or something, you can slowly get progress on the reward track each day until you eventually get the Gift of Battle. The other PvP related currencies are tradeable so you can buy them on the TP.Also, there are a few ways you can get Boxes of WvW Supplies, including from the Guild Commendations trader person in the Guild Hall and the Ley Energy Matter Converter. You can stockpile those until you have a good amount and use them to get free WvW rank exp if you're sitting in a WvW map, which can help get the World Ranker daily, without having to actually go do anything PvP.

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I just don't understand this need to force people into situations that they're not confortable with. Are devs or pvp players afraid that if they don't get a forced reason those maps get deserted? Because back in the days of Ragnarok that was what happened, on pvp maps there were the same 10-12 all day, then all of a sudden devs felt this need to force people on this. These changes are not game breaking, there will always have people interested on this style of gameplay, regardless beeing easy or not to get the item as most said, the slight possibility of pvp prevents me to even entering the map if there are safe zones. I even created my own guild just to stop beeing invited to guilds that do that type of content.And to the guy that said I don't want to put effort, well I can proudly say I reached "Dawn" with 100% gathered materials and events without recurring to trade post. Is not an effort thing is sort of way of life, or like asking a skeptic to believe in god or a religious person to deny it, don't get things wrong, I don't want you to change your gameplay / style / daily routine, I just want to have some sort of equality on my own "efforts" without relying on types of game I don't like.

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@"Murkalael.6713" said:I just don't understand this need to force people into situations that they're not confortable with. Are devs or pvp players afraid that if they don't get a forced reason those maps get deserted? Because back in the days of Ragnarok that was what happened, on pvp maps there were the same 10-12 all day, then all of a sudden devs felt this need to force people on this. These changes are not game breaking, there will always have people interested on this style of gameplay, regardless beeing easy or not to get the item as most said, the slight possibility of pvp prevents me to even entering the map if there are safe zones. I even created my own guild just to stop beeing invited to guilds that do that type of content.And to the guy that said I don't want to put effort, well I can proudly say I reached "Dawn" with 100% gathered materials and events without recurring to trade post. Is not an effort thing is sort of way of life, or like asking a skeptic to believe in god or a religious person to deny it, don't get things wrong, I don't want you to change your gameplay / style / daily routine, I just want to have some sort of equality on my own "efforts" without relying on types of game I don't like.

Now sell that dawn and keep gathering materials to sell untill you can buy sunrise from the trading post and poff you done it without having to pvp or wvw for it.

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There's an easy way to get it over the long term without ever stepping foot into WvW.

First, do your achivements so that you can get a few reward chests, these will give you WvW Badges of Honor. Then, every time the daily "WvW Big Spender" comes up, go the Guild Hall and purchase the item from the War Room NPC, this will complete the daily. The daily will award you with a Potion of WvW Rewards that you can use to slowly progress a reward track very slowly (think 3-6 months for one Gift of Battle).

There are also WvW dailies you can do without ever encountering other players, especially if you have a stealth class.

Btw, you don't need legendary gear. It is not BiS (Best In Slot), it is merely aesthetic and offers a few very slight advantages like stat changing, but it does not offer a player any advantage in combat and thus its designed mostly just for questing or for rich people. There is a rarity in the game called Ascended that has the exact same stats, and in most cases is just as prestigious to obtain, via fractals or similar.

Would you rather work to obtain one legendary weapon or an entire set of BiS equipment?

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well, OP, you should be glad that you are doing it now, because prior to the participation change in WvW, GoB basically takes like 8-9 hours of sitting in front of your PC without taking toilet breaks, and if your internet happened to drop out and there's a queue on the server, you'd be in the state of wanting to rage uninstall GW2, because you will need to rebuild your participation from T1 back to T6 every time you go back into WvW

these days because your WvW participation no longer deteriorate outside WvW, so you can enter WvW with T6 participation, and you can take a break whenever you want, it was a massive QoL update to WvWer to ensure people do not get burnt out, and you don't feel forced to sit in front your PC to maintain that T6

because there is no ramp up time to T6 (if you are on an empty server, this process may take up to 2 hours), thus only takes slightly over 4 hours with full booster on

you can totally avoid PvP with people, by camp capping, escort yaks, basically, anything that helps you maintain that T6; it takes a good ~15min (assume deteriorate timer starts at max 10min) for a full T6 bar to deteriorate to T5 if you go idle; or find a friend / guildie on your opposing server, who would let you kill him every 10min to refill that countdown

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What no one has pointed out, is that they really wanted a "Legendary" weapon to require participation in MANY areas of the game. You'll notice fractals are required for the collections, dungeons for the Gifts, map completion, world versus world, pvp tokens, farming. Some of them can be sneakily bypassed(dungeon tokens through black lion chests, wvw through just doing big spender, pvp tokens can be bought) but most you just plain have to do.

At least you don't hate fractals but want Ad Infinitum.

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I am a hater of pvp as well and I have a workaround for you to get the gift of battle, granted it will take way longer than what would be acceptable because it's RNG buthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karmic_Converterspecifically the possibility of getting this itemhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Box_of_WvW_Supplies.I've been grabbing it whenever it's popped up because yeah don't want to do pvp and am almost halfway through the track after a few months. I know it will take longer than just doing pvp but it helps me avoid the frustration and not make me hate the game for forcing me to pvp.

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@Etria.3642 said:At least you don't hate fractals but want Ad Infinitum.

yeah, some of that collection was a pain and you really had to up your gameplay to get it

at least The Ascension wasn't so terrible, just need the time and the luck of the draw, the League Dominators will definitely take hours, especially the 4th one that you had to get 6 wins in a day

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I would suggest to join a WvW zerg and follow them until you get the GoB. Most of the time it will not be different from a PvE zerg. You’ll be running from one camp/keep/supply depot to another, fighting NPCs, and building siege weapons. At least, this was my experience.

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@"miraude.2107" said:I am a hater of pvp as well and I have a workaround for you to get the gift of battle, granted it will take way longer than what would be acceptable because it's RNG buthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karmic_Converterspecifically the possibility of getting this itemhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Box_of_WvW_Supplies.I've been grabbing it whenever it's popped up because yeah don't want to do pvp and am almost halfway through the track after a few months. I know it will take longer than just doing pvp but it helps me avoid the frustration and not make me hate the game for forcing me to pvp.

Oh I forgot about the Boxes of wvw supplies. They can also appear from the Ley converter and the Guild trader. When they are in the guild trader you can buy 3 of them.

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@"Murkalael.6713" said:I just don't understand this need to force people into situations that they're not confortable with. Are devs or pvp players afraid that if they don't get a forced reason those maps get deserted? Because back in the days of Ragnarok that was what happened, on pvp maps there were the same 10-12 all day, then all of a sudden devs felt this need to force people on this. These changes are not game breaking, there will always have people interested on this style of gameplay, regardless beeing easy or not to get the item as most said, the slight possibility of pvp prevents me to even entering the map if there are safe zones. I even created my own guild just to stop beeing invited to guilds that do that type of content.And to the guy that said I don't want to put effort, well I can proudly say I reached "Dawn" with 100% gathered materials and events without recurring to trade post. Is not an effort thing is sort of way of life, or like asking a skeptic to believe in god or a religious person to deny it, don't get things wrong, I don't want you to change your gameplay / style / daily routine, I just want to have some sort of equality on my own "efforts" without relying on types of game I don't like.

Of multiple minds here. Ran into similar with doing my 3nd legendary but it was in the fact that I had to do so much PvE content again. I appreciated that you had to do multiple game modes on the first two, it was a legendary weapon after all and you should be verse in multiple game modes, but to have to rinse and repeat. So I understand where you come from. That said after doing it once I could see Anet adding ways for people to trade forms of currency from on to another, but it would need to work both ways and be more costly to do this exchange. So for example allow players to trade for 4 x zone currency and in game coin one to another so that players could buy gifts of battle but also allow WvW/PvP players to trade their currency and coin for things like heart unlocks. Map completion as far as vistas and points of interest would still be required but eliminating some tedium of the hearts would be worth the extra material sync. On the other hand but just making legendaries into material syncs they lose some of the feeling of journey so there is a fine line to it.

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This may not be the answer you seek, but try to find a middle ground. Specifically, try to find people who you can do those parts of the game you don't enjoy with them. This has a handful of benefits:

  1. You have a team that can supplement your goal acquisition.
  2. Via that team, your chances of success increase substantially. While this is less impactful in WvW settings where numbers can quickly become disproportionate, it can help immensely in sPvP. Plus, you are still far more likely to run into smaller groups of players in WvW than big zergs, though that depends largely on which servers your server is currently engaged.
  3. Generally speaking, it's easier on you psychologically if you have people around.
  4. Sometimes, by playing with them you may actually grow to like those modes more.

At the very end of the day, you may find that none of this helps you too much for whatever reason. But just remember that this aspect of GW2 only comes around when you're building the legendary and will be gone as quickly as it came.

Just some thoughts of mine.

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I hateeeee wvw, however, half a day spent there isnt a game destroyer for me if i get the skin i want(Unless im against a certain server.)

You dont have to have them unless you want the skin, and at that point...if you dont wanna do it, sell all your mats until you can afford.

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I think it's around 11 months if you do 3 full SPVP seasons. Legendary armor is actually very accessible and works out considerably cheaper than crafting multiple ascendancy armor.

You can accumulate the required amount of tickets from repeating the final chest over 3 seasons - unless this has been changed. So basically nearly a year. The good part is, you don't need any high rating, you can win 50/50 at low rating and still get the chests.

Gift of the battle can be done in one weekend, so there's really no excuse.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@"Murkalael.6713" said:I just don't understand this need to force people into situations that they're not confortable with.If you
to make the weapon, you are not
to do anything required to complete it. It's all predicated on the initial choice.

The fact you don't understand this renders your entire post meaningless.

"Everything you do is your personal free decision. If you do not want to do it, just do not do it."

It is an answer, but a quite ignorant one. It neglects a lot of details and side factors, breaks down every problem to a yes or no answer. As a machine, 0 and 1. Last time I checked, I was not a machine. As a human you can and always should ask questions, doubt and be curious. The 0/1 philosophy is about as smart as hiding under a rock for the rest of your life, because you do not get harmed down there. True, but pointless.

The GoB situation was discussed a lot of times in the past and it will be discussed in the future. I am not very happy with the situation myself, I do feel forced to play WvW as well. Same as the OP I can access 12/13 ingredients of the recipe without much trouble, but the final ingredient is locked behind a game-mode that got rarely updated over the past years. WvW uses a lot of outdated mechanics, the maps are buggy and even game-breaking exploits are fixed soon . As a PvE player, you are limited to the dailies and capturing camps/sentries, until you meet another player. Then you either PvP or try again from the Waypoint. If you need Skirmish Claim Tickets like me, you have to watch a 5:00 minute timer to go to 0 over and over. Sorting sand grains by size is more challenging and exciting than this.

I play WvW, because of the items locked behind it, not because I enjoy the game-mode or like to play it. Every profession that creates something, no matter what, I consider an Artificer. An Artificer lives to see people enjoying his work, not using it because of the lack of alternatives.

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