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Gw2 Classic


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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Why not just make it possible to visit old lions arch and maybe replay LS1 for those of us that missed it?

Ls1 isn’t replayable for so many reasons - unique format, old dead code and tech for example.

There was virtually no story either just set pieces and festivals. To return ls1 requires almost starting from scratch.

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The idea that GW2 was in any sort of a better position in any game mode at launch is absurd, and I'm not saying that because I camp a cheese build in WvW or PvP. The traits were spread out and many did not serve in any capacity, they got redone later and once again before Heart of Thorns into Specializations. Frankly, just from that singular point, it's not even worth entertaining the idea. What is absolutely necessary is a heavy nerf to most boon applications in the game. It's fairly easy to maintain 25 stacks of might, and some can do it without breaking a sweat.

WoW is so much of a different animal than GW2 that comparing the two by this "Classic" phenomenon is just... c'mon, it's a bit silly.

Came back after a few days thinking:

Imagine what the game would be like pre-Expansions, even if certain updates remained the same. Core Tyria is a small place with even fewer things to do. I can't in good conscience suggest going back... for anything really. I quit the game for a year after launch simply because it was a PvE endgame barren wasteland. Only after things picked up in 2013-14 did I come back and recommit. I haven't strayed since, but man... It's been a journey.

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@Ultramex.1506 said:Weren't t Legendary weapons soul-bound before? If so then no, no gw2 classic.

Sort of, but there was a work around. Legendary weapons were exotics (ascended weapons weren't added until much later) and like almost all exotics they were soulbound on use. But the wardrobe didn't exist back then, instead you used a transmutation stone to combine two items, choosing the stats from one and the skin from another and that created a new item which was account bound at least until used. If I remember correctly whether it would soulbind on use depended on the item the stats came from.

Incidentally it was pretty standard to transmute legendaries back then because they didn't have selectable stats either, and if I remember correctly they all had soldier's stats so most people would transmute the skin onto another exotic weapon to get the stats they wanted. But it still meant you had to have a spare transmutation stone and exotic weapon with the right stats to transfer a legendary to another character. Or, if you'd previously transmuted it you could use a transmutation splitter from the gem store to get back the two original items.

(Also this transmutation system had several other downsides - for a start if you wanted to hold onto a skin you had to keep an item with it on in your inventory or bank. Also on more than one occasion someone lost a legendary because they transmuted it once to change the stats then, forgetting they'd done that, would put a different skin on it, and then when they used a splitter they got back the two weapons the skin and current stats came from and no legendary.)

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@DeceiverX.8361 said:

@Hesacon.8735 said:Because of how horizontal progression works in GW2, you can pretty much play it in its launch condition if you want to.

Unfortunately, you cannot force others into doing so.

There's absolutely no denying the expansions fundamentally broke this game's PvP formats.

Yes you can. Find enough people who agree with how you want to do and run a private match.

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@thepenmonster.3621 said:

@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Why not just make it possible to visit old lions arch and maybe replay LS1 for those of us that missed it?

Reintegrating S1 should be more of a priority for them IMO. Even as a series of instances.

I disagree. This is back-ward thinking. The game needs to move forward to survive, not harken back to old content that has a limited appeal.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Ultramex.1506 said:Weren't t Legendary weapons soul-bound before? If so then no, no gw2 classic.

Sort of, but there was a work around. Legendary weapons were exotics (ascended weapons weren't added until much later) and like almost all exotics they were soulbound on use. But the wardrobe didn't exist back then, instead you used a transmutation stone to combine two items, choosing the stats from one and the skin from another and that created a new item which was account bound at least until used. If I remember correctly whether it would soulbind on use depended on the item the stats came from.

Incidentally it was pretty standard to transmute legendaries back then because they didn't have selectable stats either, and if I remember correctly they all had soldier's stats so most people would transmute the skin onto another exotic weapon to get the stats they wanted. But it still meant you had to have a spare transmutation stone and exotic weapon with the right stats to transfer a legendary to another character. Or, if you'd previously transmuted it you could use a transmutation splitter from the gem store to get back the two original items.

(Also this transmutation system had several other downsides - for a start if you wanted to hold onto a skin you had to keep an item with it on in your inventory or bank. Also on more than one occasion someone lost a legendary because they transmuted it once to change the stats then, forgetting they'd done that, would put a different skin on it, and then when they used a splitter they got back the two weapons the skin and current stats came from and no legendary.)

Oh wow, all that for stats and skin swap? Glad to see things have changed.

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They have already said that re-doing S1 would be a complete re-write. I, and many others I'm sure, would prefer that development time to be spent on new content rather than something that has already been done. Sure, it is unfortunate that some players missed out on it when it was live, but to go back now would be a waste of time and resources to placate a very small minority.

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Nostalgic wow players have been playing on illegal classic servers for years. Some of them had huge player bases. Either Blizz stepped up and provided an official classic service or other companies would fill that illegally. They finally stepped up.

Does anet have the same problem? Illegal gw2 classic servers with huge player bases?

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:a lot of people dont understand how bad elite specs are for pvp and wvw. They were designed only with pve in mind and cause unfixable balance issues, along with power creep.No they weren't, a lot of them were designed explicitly with PVP in mind. Scrapper, scourge, and spellbreaker are all blatantly PVP/WvW specs (designed for point holding and in the case of the latter two, countering the boon-heavy meta of the PVP modes), for example.

@Ultramex.1506 said:Oh wow, all that for stats and skin swap? Glad to see things have changed.Yeah, people forget because it's been years, but things were dire pre-wardrobe. There's a lot of stuff like that, like what an utter trash fire the old trait system (and even moreso the traits themselves) were.

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@Hyper Cutter.9376 said:

@"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:a lot of people dont understand how bad elite specs are for pvp and wvw. They were designed only with pve in mind and cause unfixable balance issues, along with power creep.No they weren't, a lot of them were designed explicitly with PVP in mind. Scrapper, scourge, and spellbreaker are all blatantly PVP/WvW specs (designed for point holding and in the case of the latter two, countering the boon-heavy meta of the PVP modes), for example.

I suppose I could have said "they were poorly designed for pvp, and remained imbalanced due to the games focus on pve."

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My understanding is that WoW classic was well-loved and that big changed were made to the game that people didn't like that much. My view is that GW2 vanilla was the worst iteration of GW2 so going back to GW2 classic will bring the game back to an iteration that's extremely boring. Don't forget that there were no Fractals, no raids which will be problematic for a number of players. Not me personally but I can see that being problematic and to be blunt, leveling is boring to me in GW2. And it was worse in vanilla because I also don't like the vanilla story at all.

As far as PvP is concerned, I much prefer the PvP set up of GW1. I still don't understand why they didn't build on that because it was rather more succesful and GW1 was known for that.

I'm sure some people will love the idea of a GW2 Classic, I just think there are too many people who will not.

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@NaconFour.2705 said:More a question. Can I as a Guild Wars 2 user purchase from the Gem Store access keys for a friend's use? The friend would not be sharing the keys with anyone else.

You can not purchase a Serial Key in the Gem Store for someone else, as purchasing in-game adds Serial Keys automatically to your account.You can, however, purchase from the web-site, and forward the Serial Key sent to you to a friend.

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@Gehenna.3625 said:My understanding is that WoW classic was well-loved and that big changed were made to the game that people didn't like that much. My view is that GW2 vanilla was the worst iteration of GW2 so going back to GW2 classic will bring the game back to an iteration that's extremely boring. Don't forget that there were no Fractals, no raids which will be problematic for a number of players. Not me personally but I can see that being problematic and to be blunt, leveling is boring to me in GW2. And it was worse in vanilla because I also don't like the vanilla story at all.

As far as PvP is concerned, I much prefer the PvP set up of GW1. I still don't understand why they didn't build on that because it was rather more succesful and GW1 was known for that.

I'm sure some people will love the idea of a GW2 Classic, I just think there are too many people who will not.

I think someone mentioned this earlier but I would be interested in a wvw server with classic features. Core only. Not as a replacement but as an option.

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@Acheron.4731 said:

@Gehenna.3625 said:My understanding is that WoW classic was well-loved and that big changed were made to the game that people didn't like that much. My view is that GW2 vanilla was the worst iteration of GW2 so going back to GW2 classic will bring the game back to an iteration that's extremely boring. Don't forget that there were no Fractals, no raids which will be problematic for a number of players. Not me personally but I can see that being problematic and to be blunt, leveling is boring to me in GW2. And it was worse in vanilla because I also don't like the vanilla story at all.

As far as PvP is concerned, I much prefer the PvP set up of GW1. I still don't understand why they didn't build on that because it was rather more succesful and GW1 was known for that.

I'm sure some people will love the idea of a GW2 Classic, I just think there are too many people who will not.

I think someone mentioned this earlier but I would be interested in a wvw server with classic features. Core only. Not as a replacement but as an option.

That's nice but I think that for ArenaNet the question is if it's a correct use of resources. People always want all kinds of stuff. I do too. But at some point they have to look at the resources they have and how to spend or use them. If they bring in a feature or indeed a GW2 classic game, they will have to look not only at how many people would play it but also how it would negatively affect the current game.

Let's say they add Classic WvW as an option. And let's say 20% of WvW'ers go there. That means it may be a lot of resources for a limited amount of people (compared to the entire game population) but also it takes a good chunk of players away from the normal WvW which might kill WvW on both sides because it splits the WvW community. That's the sort of consequences ArenaNet also has to weigh.

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@Gehenna.3625 said:

@Gehenna.3625 said:My understanding is that WoW classic was well-loved and that big changed were made to the game that people didn't like that much. My view is that GW2 vanilla was the worst iteration of GW2 so going back to GW2 classic will bring the game back to an iteration that's extremely boring. Don't forget that there were no Fractals, no raids which will be problematic for a number of players. Not me personally but I can see that being problematic and to be blunt, leveling is boring to me in GW2. And it was worse in vanilla because I also don't like the vanilla story at all.

As far as PvP is concerned, I much prefer the PvP set up of GW1. I still don't understand why they didn't build on that because it was rather more succesful and GW1 was known for that.

I'm sure some people will love the idea of a GW2 Classic, I just think there are too many people who will not.

I think someone mentioned this earlier but I would be interested in a wvw server with classic features. Core only. Not as a replacement but as an option.

That's nice but I think that for ArenaNet the question is if it's a correct use of resources. People always want all kinds of stuff. I do too. But at some point they have to look at the resources they have and how to spend or use them. If they bring in a feature or indeed a GW2 classic game, they will have to look not only at how many people would play it but also how it would negatively affect the current game.

Let's say they add Classic WvW as an option. And let's say 20% of WvW'ers go there. That means it may be a lot of resources for a limited amount of people (compared to the entire game population) but also it takes a good chunk of players away from the normal WvW which might kill WvW on both sides because it splits the WvW community. That's the sort of consequences ArenaNet also has to weigh.

Very true. I am just at the point (and I think wvw is too) where any change seems good.The population is dwindling regardless it seems and there is little on the way that is going to change that. Even alliances at this time is a sore subject and people will not return for just another link system.

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Exactly this ^^ wow butchered itself in a number of ways:

  • Cataclysm wrecked the old quests and zones.
  • Vertical progression, once you went past 61 the zones were useless.
  • Blizzard wrecked the skill trees in a in a futile attempt to balance alongside vertical progression.
  • Same for professions
  • in a game obsessed with vertical progression, blizzard increased the cadance of gear power ups. In vanilla you got to enjoy your rewards for a significant amount of time, in retail you do not.
  • in vanilla reputation mattered, and there was a lot of friction points, gear drops, tagging mobs etc. Wow retail has partially learned and copied from gw2.

None of this thankfully applies to gw2.

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