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5 soulbeast vs 20 players is that working as intended?


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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Lol no ones talking about soulbeast being strong after its considerable nerfs until anet brings up the nerf to autos lmao. The players of this game are so predictable it's sad. So cuz anet brought up nerfing something in their pre notes alot of slb is broken or op post will surface lol maybe soon itl get nerfed to druid state and basically unused, than we can jump to another spec and another spec until all classes but a few are viable and then we can all complain about a stale meta always including the same classes lmao. No wonder games dying, anet gets some decent help with its players who dont want to bother to learn to play. Yeah there is some overturned specs in this game but at this point soulbeast definitely isnt one of them. When's last time it was frequently picked for wvw meta or even high level conquest? Lol yeah soulbeast is a nightmare for people who stand there and eat all hits from rapid fire,those definitely are the people we should be balancing towards right? Lol ok. So this OP has issues with soulbeast but does he see issues with fb,scourge and rev etc? Maybe we should try opting for changes to the modes by changing actual specs that are dominant in each mode so we can get a change in meta and maybe get rid of this pirate ship kitten. If anet keeps focusing on nerfs specs that are anoying to bad players and not the fotm specs that are actually op (that most the complainers are usually playing) than this games pvp just gonna sink deeper and deeper. Its probably already sank to far anyway. And lastly there is no spec in this game that's so op or broken 2 or at most 3 people can't kill that one spec unless the person is a far far better player than the other 2 or 3 players,like way better lol. The problem lies in the group of 20 if they couldn't take down a group of 5 of any class or spec that's without a doubt.

we found a soulbeast guys!!im talking about wvw, at spvp they are very balanced to me, i just wanted to know how they did that and sorry but killing everyone in 2 skills and taking 200 dmg is not about a l2p issue, its about balance issues

Lol I will not lie I love me some slb but I've wrecked a many while playing thief and have been destroyed by many but such as it goes lol. I definitely wouldn't consider slb one of the OP specs when considering what's floating around in game these days.

im not talking about every soulbeast im talking about that group in particular

Oh lol my bad,dry I miss understood. Yeah I've seen alot of shady stuff over the yrs, perms swiftness, what looks like crazy dps reduction permanently, macro's etc etc

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Is this another God damn cry about how "Rangers are overpowered..." the builds you described are NOT well received, or used by the majority of the community. I'm going against Warriors with extended invulns and counting up to 12-14 seconds of INVULNERABILITY AGAINST those same warriors. I'm going against Engineers with perma knockdowns, and then a nuclear blast , where you can't even get on your damn feet for less than one second after you use an escape skill. I don't even want to HEAR about how ranger's are overpowered. Firebrand/Scourge salt of the earth Field BURN?! I'm at a loss of why you all believe that RANGERS are overpowered. I DO NOT SEE IT. The damn server commanders in NA do NOT see it! Seriously!? If your solo, uplevel, or just started playing wvw...I have only one piece of Jade Quarry advice for you. NEVER HUNT ALONE!

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the story how I see after read all discussion:"

  • In one perfect day we make squad and go hit npc and afk players on wvw .. we was 20. On one moment we meet not afk 5 players, they a soulbeast ... We lose. Soulbest so cool, we should do something whit that...
  • What players was in yours squad ?
  • we have 4 soulbeast, 4 necro, 4 fb, and 4 warrios and other useless clases ... Please, fix other soulbeasts!!"
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@SeikeNz.3526 said:Sounds like a cry but i wanna know and learn that, how they are just tanking and killing everyone at the enemy keep with only 5 people? they can simple tank everyone and dont receive any dmg at all, l i was receiving 4k dmg+ with 3800 of toughness, even the sieges can't dmg them at all, how they can tank and hit like that? if for some reason you really outnumber them they can just run like they are out of combat with a mount, is this class just broken at wvw?if someone make tank build they are supposed to hit like that?they aren't even dodging they can just tank receiving like 200 dmg from everyone, first i thought that was my fb hitting too low, then i changed to my deadeye full zerk and they received like 500 dmg from him kitten

2 Good necros could have wrecked them.But I guess it's easier to nerfbait on the forums than l2p

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@SeikeNz.3526 said:Sounds like a cry but i wanna know and learn that, how they are just tanking and killing everyone at the enemy keep with only 5 people? they can simple tank everyone and dont receive any dmg at all, l i was receiving 4k dmg+ with 3800 of toughness, even the sieges can't dmg them at all, how they can tank and hit like that? if for some reason you really outnumber them they can just run like they are out of combat with a mount, is this class just broken at wvw?if someone make tank build they are supposed to hit like that?they aren't even dodging they can just tank receiving like 200 dmg from everyone, first i thought that was my fb hitting too low, then i changed to my deadeye full zerk and they received like 500 dmg from him kitten

2 Good necros could have wrecked them.But I guess it's easier to nerfbait on the forums than l2p

wich makes me wonder what kinda of classes the supoised 20 players had :\ wvw is full of scourges and firebrands....

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@SeikeNz.3526 said:Sounds like a cry but i wanna know and learn that, how they are just tanking and killing everyone at the enemy keep with only 5 people? they can simple tank everyone and dont receive any dmg at all, l i was receiving 4k dmg+ with 3800 of toughness, even the sieges can't dmg them at all, how they can tank and hit like that? if for some reason you really outnumber them they can just run like they are out of combat with a mount, is this class just broken at wvw?if someone make tank build they are supposed to hit like that?they aren't even dodging they can just tank receiving like 200 dmg from everyone, first i thought that was my fb hitting too low, then i changed to my deadeye full zerk and they received like 500 dmg from him kitten

2 Good necros could have wrecked them.But I guess it's easier to nerfbait on the forums than l2p

wich makes me wonder what kinda of classes the supoised 20 players had :\ wvw is full of scourges and firebrands....

The fact the OP was concentrating on hitting with his Firebrand, or flexing about a full zerk deadeye tells you much of what you need to know about this post.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@SeikeNz.3526 said:Sounds like a cry but i wanna know and learn that, how they are just tanking and killing everyone at the enemy keep with only 5 people? they can simple tank everyone and dont receive any dmg at all, l i was receiving 4k dmg+ with 3800 of toughness, even the sieges can't dmg them at all, how they can tank and hit like that? if for some reason you really outnumber them they can just run like they are out of combat with a mount, is this class just broken at wvw?if someone make tank build they are supposed to hit like that?they aren't even dodging they can just tank receiving like 200 dmg from everyone, first i thought that was my fb hitting too low, then i changed to my deadeye full zerk and they received like 500 dmg from him kitten

2 Good necros could have wrecked them.But I guess it's easier to nerfbait on the forums than l2p

wich makes me wonder what kinda of classes the supoised 20 players had :\ wvw is full of scourges and firebrands....

The fact the OP was concentrating on
with his Firebrand, or flexing about a full zerk deadeye tells you much of what you need to know about this post.

not sure if serious or just troll, im talking about soulbeasts with high dmg and high defense at same time, they could hit my fb with 3800 toughness and kill me in like 1 second and could tank my deadeye rifle full zerk like he was nothing i was doing like 500-700 dmg per hit, do you even know much dmg a deadeye full zerk can hit other classes?

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

@SeikeNz.3526 said:Sounds like a cry but i wanna know and learn that, how they are just tanking and killing everyone at the enemy keep with only 5 people? they can simple tank everyone and dont receive any dmg at all, l i was receiving 4k dmg+ with 3800 of toughness, even the sieges can't dmg them at all, how they can tank and hit like that? if for some reason you really outnumber them they can just run like they are out of combat with a mount, is this class just broken at wvw?if someone make tank build they are supposed to hit like that?they aren't even dodging they can just tank receiving like 200 dmg from everyone, first i thought that was my fb hitting too low, then i changed to my deadeye full zerk and they received like 500 dmg from him kitten

2 Good necros could have wrecked them.But I guess it's easier to nerfbait on the forums than l2p

wich makes me wonder what kinda of classes the supoised 20 players had :\ wvw is full of scourges and firebrands....

The fact the OP was concentrating on
with his Firebrand, or flexing about a full zerk deadeye tells you much of what you need to know about this post.

not sure if serious or just troll, im talking about soulbeasts with high dmg and high defense at same time, they could hit my fb with 3800 toughness and kill me in like 1 second and could tank my deadeye rifle full zerk like he was nothing i was doing like 500-700 dmg per hit, do you even know much dmg a deadeye full zerk can hit other classes?

So, based on this and one of your earlier posts it would appear (though I am inferring here) that you believe something nefarious was going on. NOT that soulbeast is overtuned, but that these five maybe were doing something that would skirt the rules?

If that is the case, come out and say it please. You haven’t named names nor should you, but the bulk of the responses are being aimed at you as if you feel Soulbeast is overtuned.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@SeikeNz.3526 said:Sounds like a cry but i wanna know and learn that, how they are just tanking and killing everyone at the enemy keep with only 5 people? they can simple tank everyone and dont receive any dmg at all, l i was receiving 4k dmg+ with 3800 of toughness, even the sieges can't dmg them at all, how they can tank and hit like that? if for some reason you really outnumber them they can just run like they are out of combat with a mount, is this class just broken at wvw?if someone make tank build they are supposed to hit like that?they aren't even dodging they can just tank receiving like 200 dmg from everyone, first i thought that was my fb hitting too low, then i changed to my deadeye full zerk and they received like 500 dmg from him kitten

2 Good necros could have wrecked them.But I guess it's easier to nerfbait on the forums than l2p

wich makes me wonder what kinda of classes the supoised 20 players had :\ wvw is full of scourges and firebrands....

The fact the OP was concentrating on
with his Firebrand, or flexing about a full zerk deadeye tells you much of what you need to know about this post.

not sure if serious or just troll, im talking about soulbeasts with high dmg and high defense at same time, they could hit my fb with 3800 toughness and kill me in like 1 second and could tank my deadeye rifle full zerk like he was nothing i was doing like 500-700 dmg per hit, do you even know much dmg a deadeye full zerk can hit other classes?

So, based on this and one of your earlier posts it would appear (though I am inferring here) that you believe something nefarious was going on. NOT that soulbeast is overtuned, but that these five maybe were doing something that would skirt the rules?

If that is the case, come out and say it please. You haven’t named names nor should you, but the bulk of the responses are being aimed at you as if you feel Soulbeast is overtuned.

not really, they probably discovered a build to synergy high defense with high dmg and shared to each other, so they could camp the respawn and kill everyone, but if a build like that exists they should be nerfed, i just saw one of them afk at the guards(keep) and was receiving no dmg at all from them, im not talking about every soulbeast, im talking about that mysterious setup, i know that i could have used shields and i used it so they just changed to gs and leap killed everyone, im not talking about 1v1 here though, it was a 5v20+ and when everyone zerged them they just runned away on foot like a mount even with slows and cc

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:if someone make tank build they are supposed to hit like that?Alot of classes can do that, including yours. Guardians are also a good boon-globe class on a whole swath of different stats. It also has the ability to run a number of other builds which they can achieve similar things with if you group up and coordinate with some other players who are able to tie their own shoelaces. Five boon-Guards can smash things, five burn-Guards can smash things and five burst-Guards can smash things. It's all about a little know-how.

The problem with the game/mode these days is that the players with a little know-how are getting exceedingly rare and very drowned out on these forums.

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I assume this is IE and it is because I wasn't there... they know... they know. [said in my best fat Thor voice]

Seriously though, get a couple deadeyes running Binding Shadow targeting the same player (typically the ax variant they run). Watch IE get wrecked before they can jump in the water and abuse yet another broken skill set (which has been broken since release).

Their entire shtick is to run tanky versions as bait with their long range pew pew dropping players that get injured. Jump in water if a fight turns south.

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@Abyssisis.3971 said:Pretty sure no 20+ people ever got beaten by 5 longbow rangers... ever. There just too much projectile hate, gap closers and stealth in the game for it to really happen as OP states. Would be good to see a video of this happening tho.

If they are used...

Put a clothespin on your nose and go do some world Meta in PvE and watch them not have a clue about how to CC something..

There was a thread in the PvE section by someone asking ‘what good is Taunt’..

I have no doubt that a group of 20 people that don’t know how to organize in ANY way got farmed by a coordinated group that called targets and slowly whittled people down.

There is a growing subset of WvW players that both have no clue, and have no interest in finding a clue...

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@sneakytails.5629 said:You break that SB group like you do any coordinated 5 man group. You time your corrupts and cc, then nuke one at a time with coordinated bursts.

Rangers are weak to CC punish them for it.

This. I run a lot of toons, but Slb ranger is one and have run a havoc of them at times. When you are calling targets and sharing stances you can drop targets fast. But they only have so much stab so pull one out, CC it and kill it, then next. As far as balanced, still ask yourself, why are they not wanted in zergs...so you know they are off balance when you see squads calling out they need more rangers. But that's not today, else we wouldn't have a necro problem since they are close to a hard block to necros. Or at least that's what I have my rangers focus down first.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Abyssisis.3971 said:Pretty sure no 20+ people ever got beaten by 5 longbow rangers... ever. There just too much
projectile hate, gap closers and stealth
in the game for it to really happen as OP states. Would be good to see a video of this happening tho.

If they are used...

Put a clothespin on your nose and go do some world Meta in PvE and watch them not have a clue about how to CC something..

There was a thread in the PvE section by someone asking ‘what good is Taunt’..

I have no doubt that a group of 20 people that don’t know how to organize in ANY way got farmed by a coordinated group that called targets and slowly whittled people down.

There is a growing subset of WvW players that both have no clue, and have no interest in finding a clue...

Now about Col Soulbeast, in the borderland, with a longbow. Too true.

Agree in anycase a well organised long range group will have a significant edge over a pug group. A group of deadeyes all running vemonshares could probably do the same and have better options of falling back.

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