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An open letter to PvE players

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I play wvw whenever I'm tired with pve. It's actually pretty refreshing and even better if you join a wvw guild, roaming or zerging depending on your preference. Apart from the fun, wvw legendary armor is so easy to get. It's a little bit time-consuming but it requires almost zero effort.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@"SinisterSlay.6973" said:As a PvE only player. I tried WvW during the warclaw thing. Hated every minute of it.
The balance and logistics is just so terrible.

Just because your openworld build was dying to things that could actually fight back, doesn't mean the balance is terrible. WvW is the only game mode with even a remote sense of balance left in it. Its simple Rock Paper Scissors..

Paper beats Rock, Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happen to beat Rock. That is until Rock gets its Espec- at which point it becomes an unstoppable killing machine; that also beats Paper. And would beat Scissors. But it can't find Scissors, cuz Scissors be invisible.

And thats called "Balance".

PS: Revenants are Mushrooms.

Well I guess it is just easier to balance 1 or 2 classes that everyone wants these days in WvW.. other than that it's just a screen full of overlapping circles and mass skill lag, on the one possibly 2 nights its genuinely kinda fun.. but then again that's in the lap of the matchup gods of course.

Yeah sorry when I try wvw. I don't feel any sense that I am helping. Your right, my open world build is probably the problem. But then this thread seems to be trying to say that open world builds should be used for wvw.

The primary reason I don't raid or wvw is because you have to follow a meta, and I find that boring. I much prefer to make my own build using my own research and accounting for my own abilities. I find pvp decently fun, even if I am not great at it.

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a lot of things needs to be changed to WvW to entice the PvErs

  1. the rewards, majority of PvErs only care about how much gold they can make so they can buy shinies

  2. power creep, class balancing, and blobs, trust me, as long as they can get killed in within 2secs, PvErs will not bother

  3. content too dependent on players, if there is little activity happening then you are pretty much just running yaks to maintain that T6, and if there are activities it is very much dependent on the strength of the squad; you could be having your body trampled over and over again for hours if your squad commander is so hard headed to keep on taking on a stronger squad, or they keep on chase you down even when chaning map

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:

@SinisterSlay.6973 said:As a PvE only player. I tried WvW during the warclaw thing. Hated every minute of it.
The balance and logistics is just so terrible.

Just because your openworld build was dying to things that could actually fight back, doesn't mean the balance is terrible. WvW is the only game mode with even a remote sense of balance left in it. Its simple Rock Paper Scissors..

Paper beats Rock, Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happen to beat Rock. That is until Rock gets its Espec- at which point it becomes an unstoppable killing machine; that also beats Paper. And would beat Scissors. But it can't find Scissors, cuz Scissors be invisible.

And thats called "Balance".

PS: Revenants are Mushrooms.

Well I guess it is just easier to balance 1 or 2 classes that everyone wants these days in WvW.. other than that it's just a screen full of overlapping circles and mass skill lag, on the one possibly 2 nights its genuinely kinda fun.. but then again that's in the lap of the matchup gods of course.

Yeah sorry when I try wvw. I don't feel any sense that I am helping. Your right, my open world build is probably the problem. But then this thread seems to be trying to say that open world builds should be used for wvw.

The primary reason I don't raid or wvw is because you have to follow a meta, and I find that boring. I much prefer to make my own build using my own research and accounting for my own abilities. I find pvp decently fun, even if I am not great at it.

And to be honest that is the way it should be.. but over the years WvW has become pretty unforgiving of certain classes/builds and that comes down to a lack of genuine attention on the gamemode and the balancing within it, which is one of the reasons I don't think Alliances (soon) will do much for the mode either.

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I'm playing GW1 currently. Taking a huge amount of time to finish HoM and other stuff. Then I have to catch up everything from 2014-2019 from PvE GW2. Will take a long time until I do WvW again. I just check in every now and then if the main dailies in PvE are bad and I don't want to do them there and need at least 1 more from WvW.

Back then in 2013 I liked it. Seems to still be huge zerging and not much communication thouh - at least on the server I play. (Chat dead or only on one map - BG or home borderlands - populated.) I'd rather try PvP again ... (but there seem to be balancing issues).

I'd prefer medium sized PvP maps. (Something in between PvP and WvW - with PvP rules/gear. Teams with 10-20 vs 10-20 others playing instead of only 5 vs 5. For more strategy needed instead fo circling and killing.)

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I voted Others but basically I am a PVE player who does a little bit of WVW every day.

I usually do a couple of dailies and try and quickly assess whether there is enough going on to justify sticking around and getting more involved. Sometimes, if a commander Tally Hos past, I'll join in and yomp off to whatever it is they are planning to destroy/capture/whatever. Sometimes, I end up following them to the next objective too. So, sometimes, I don't get to PVE at all.

It can be good fun.

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As a PvE player I'm not interested in running after the tag just to get smashed by other team. WvW is super boring for me.Typical wvw:

  • Get one shoted by mesmer from literally nowhere.
  • Get destroyed by soulbeast becasue noobs can't melee, better shot 15 arrows from 2k range. What's the point of playing melee class in WvW? Just pew-pew people, it's easier. At least you will kill something and survive longer.
  • Run after the tag + you won't get in because of you class. And there are no other tags.
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I gave WvW a new try a couple of months ago, but I do not have motivation at the moment to continue. There are a couple of reasons:

  1. I main Scrapper and I like to roam. The community requested nerf was a success.
  2. My motivation to play WvW were the tickets I needed to craft legendary armor. Thanks to 1. I do no longer need medium armor with stat-selection. Most of my builds do no longer work and the few that still work use the same stats.
  3. How enjoyable the game-mode is, depends on who we are teamed up against. I know that we are not allowed to talk about that topic in detail. So let us just say some servers have an interesting idea of doing WvW. There is one server in particular, when we are teamed up with them, I do not even try my dailies. On our server we have a few commanders who often switch maps, when they notice there is an imbalance (= we are too strong). But certain people enjoy to camp the enemy starting point for a long time. There are luckily not many of those geniuses out there, but when I have them in the competition, I do not even bother trying.
  4. Thanks to 1. I can no longer claim camps higher than T2 within reasonable time. So if I try alone, I get caught off guard 9/10 tries. Getting beaten up by an NPC, while the developers call you a tank is quite demotivating.
  5. Certain daily tasks summon trolls into WvW. My favorite example was the daily camp capturer, where people decided to keep small squads in each camp and arm them with anti-player-siege (= arrowcarts & ballistas). That is one good way to keep PvE players away. I also remember a daily veteran slayer, where people of all three servers camped a spawn and did not kill each other at all, even after the vet was dead. That said, jerks are just a few, as always. But they ruin the fun for a lot of people.
  6. After two weeks, I know every catapult spot that is used. There is 0 strategy with siege. To make the gates vulnerable to the Warclaw, the gates were weakened. Last time I tested, you could tear down a gate with players and ignore the flame-rams completely. By the time the Flame Rams were built, the gates were down.
  7. Glitch/Exploit abuse like the dune-buggy and the trebbing of the tower from hills (alpine). Why should I bother taking those objects?
  8. Scourge AoE laggfest. The mechanic is cheap but effective. However if such a wave of death moves towards me, I am dead. Cannot move due to massive lagg they cause. I would rather do roaming than this madness.
  9. Shadowsteps which are considered exploits in PvE and lead to fast fixes are part of the thief game-mechanic in WvW. I tried to reason a few times with them, result is always the same: That is how the shadow-step is intended to work. On top of obstacles, through roofs - pretty much everything that is fixed/blocked in PvE XD. Catching thief is not impossible, but a lot more difficult than it should be. Classes which do not own a shadowstep skill are screwed.
  10. Less free time. I do enjoy PVE almost as much as in my first week. So I rather spend most of my time there than in a game-mode I do not really enjoy.

I would like to give WvW a new try, but in the current state it is just a waste of time for me. And with the further delays of the world restructuring. We always wanted to play with guildmates, but the guild is a few years old now and the feature is still far away. Even if they would release it tomorrow with the LS, I doubt I could gather enough people to even fill a party anymore :S.

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@Arzurag.7506 said:Catmander on duty, I already play wvw and have rightfully earned warbringer, to charge into battle with flame and glory.

Well earning in WvW.. Follow Dorrito until your ears bleed and your eyes glaze over.. attack all doors, swipe at all empty space inside towers and keeps, harvest nodes.. rinse repeat. On occasion the zerg is required to turn, charge and hope numbers win the day if not then swap maps rinse repeat, but if the bad people come again and zerg wipes then blame commander, blame being on a dead server then rage quit and try repeating tomorrow.WvW lost it's way a year after launch.. I still remember being on Underworld in the good days until it was found the active Comm was paying other server Comms for the pleasure of being allowed to karma train and boost notoriety.. until one interesting night in server TS channel when all became clear - after that things were never quite the same :)

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@"starlinvf.1358" said:Paper beats Rock, Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happen to beat Rock. That is until Rock gets its Espec- at which point it becomes an unstoppable killing machine; that also beats Paper. And would beat Scissors. But it can't find Scissors, cuz Scissors be invisible.

And thats called "Balance".

PS: Revenants are Mushrooms.

Kudos for making me laugh out loud.Now I have to clean the coffee off of my monitor.

I can't take credit for creating that. It comes from a WoW video not much older then the game itself (the map was released in 2005). The whole Rougecraft series is hilarious if you know some common MMO class tropes.... but its even funnier if you've played WoW and know what the players were like back then.



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About a week after the warclaw was introduced I dipped a toe into the WvW realms to see what that game mode is all about. Been a casual wvw player ever since as I find it to be casual, enjoyable fun. Usually I'll spend 15 - 90 minutes a night solo roaming, doing whichever dailies I can handle alone as well as doing some leveling. On weekend afternoons if I'm in the mood, I'll look for some zergs to run around with. This past Saturday and Sunday I zerged a lot, happily helping to capture a variety of targets as well as smashing smaller zergs while being smashed by larger ones in turn. Great fun!

The rewards are equally nice. Ascended armor is easy to get. I'm currently working on my first piece of legendary armor and should have it in a week or two. Getting a full legendary set is definitely a long range goal but as I enjoy the game mode, I don't mind that at all. Heck, even the WvW titles are fun. I'm diligently working on Yakslapper. I really, really want Leader of the Yak but just don't have the required patience to go plodding along behind 2,500 slowly lumbering pack beasts. =)

One thing I should note is that as an old, slow player, I die a lot more often than I mange to kill other players. (Though I can usually handle npcs just fine.) That did take a bit of attitude adjustment. As the only real consequence to WvW death are the ego stings, I find that learning to take dying in stride without letting my vanity scream and cry keeps the game much more relaxed and enjoyable.

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First of all, the absolute "If you're not class, no squad space" is horrendous. They have 50 spots and have hovered around 20-some, even counting scouters getting participation shared.Second of all, "Get on TS" is very non-inclusive.Possibly the most important however, is that the gamemode currently seems to be better played by not actually doing much more than running around and flipping objectives. Get a keep, a tower, even a castle and nothing seems to actually change. You just take and retake.

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I am agreeing with the poster above me. Getting kicked out of a squad for being a Ranger is annoying, I do not like to be on teamspeak (I did it though when I joined Triple Trouble squads) and it all seems so pointless. I am sure that for the seasoned observer/connoisseur there is some (or lots?) of strategy going on with all the flipping but I do not see it.

I do WvW dailies to get my GoBs and sometimes join a zerg if they let me, but overall the gameplay is just too samish, while stressfull and hurried at the same time. All the running, omg the RUNNING! Not my cup of tea.

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I pop in there occasionally, for the most part I just don't find WvW all that fun.

It's more fun since the addition of the Warclaw though, far less tedious and boring imo.Still needs a lot of work though, but i'm looking forward to the restructuring and alliance update.Just being able to play WvW with my friends or guild will be a massive improvement to being forced to running around alone or chase a squad everywhere.

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