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New CORE WEAPONS is one of the easiest form of new content that can add hundreds of gameplay-hours

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Increasing Core weapons favors classes with weapon swap. Of course, Elite Spec weapons also both favors classes with weapon swap and classes with greater weapon variety (more combinations for potential builds). A Mastery that gives new weapons or even just Elite Spec Weapons to the Core classes would also favor classes with weapon swap.

So I have questions:Should Core Engineer get even more kits and a better way to swap kits (that doesn't use precious utility slots), or should Core Engineer get weapon swap? Elite Spec kits instead of (or in addition to) Elite Spec Weapons?

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@Cyninja.2954 said:Not balance wise. Not future balance wise. But w/e, you are free to ask for whatever you want. It's not going to happen since the developers are actually the ones who need to put in the work, and they have their hands full.

Balance is an ongoing requirement that is constantly being worked on anyway, hence we have balance patches pretty often these days, and since when do you speak for the devs? you have no idea what they are doing right now or what they will do in the future.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:I dont know why you dont see this, but new Core Weapons, (not to confuse with Elite Specs) can add lots of potential replay value back into the game , especially during long droughts in content.

New Core Weapons provide new ways to play current classes, and most of the code is already in the game. Way easier than making a brand new map, or adding brand new features like Mounts in PoF. I am sure those were far harder to do, and took up more resources than giving new weapon choices to the current classes.

Elite Specs take up more work as well, since they have their own Specialization and brand new weapons.

But for just New Core Weapons, you only have new weapon choices for class, which would need some animations for skills.

You can even add Sea Weapons to Land and give them new skills for land for all the classes. Something like that would be big and keep people busy learning the new skills and mastering the weapons.

I play Revenant mostly. We dont have a lot of customization options. I am getting tired of using same few weapons and legends. But a Brand new 2hander Melee Spear or a 2hander Ranged Support weapon would be a huge thing in terms of gameplay and builds.

These small things add many hours of replay value back into the game.

Living World is your bread and butter, but how about adding a new Mastery that unlocks brand new Core Weapons, such as the suggested Sea Weapons to Land conversion. Or just brand new Core Weapons in general.

Please consider it.

Would go even another step, make them into quest lines to work towards.

Another idea would be to create a set of opposite dps element weapons for each existing one. Example, if for a class the sword is normally a power weapon, create a secondary one that is for condition builds. These could do the same secondary effects or have different ones. This would apply to both core and elite, and could still be a collection style to unlock.

Changes like these give people more build diversity and can freshen up game modes even with older content since there are new ways to complete objectives.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:I dont know what the OP is thinking, but new core weapons is absolutely no new content for long. Just yawn and move on. Look at when the Revenant got the trident as a new core weapon. Did it add hundreds of hours? absolutely not. Its especs and only especs that does.

no one plays underwater, if it was like dagger, oh god how many possabilities, new builds for all gamemodes

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@"LucianDK.8615" said:I dont know what the OP is thinking, but new core weapons is absolutely no new content for long. Just yawn and move on. Look at when the Revenant got the trident as a new core weapon. Did it add hundreds of hours? absolutely not. Its especs and only especs that does.

If they had made it a land weapon though? Aqua Man here we come. Seriously anet has a wonderful imagine and having new core weapons available would invigorate the older core classes(Most of which require elite specs, and im hoping anet keeps working on the "Elite specs are a trade off, not an upgrade" concept). Id love to have say for example a spear on an ele/ranger, a harpoon gun on thief would be hilarious(GET OVER HERE). Hopefully anet has something planned that adds either a new elite spec, or something that evolves the classes in some way.

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It is content to those of you saying it isn't. They amount of gameplay it would add will vary by person. It would add next to no gameplay for someone who doesn't like the weapon chosen while it could completely change the way someone plays that does. It isn't the type of content many people on these forums are yelling for but it is content. I am not sure if I would like a new core weapon over a new espec weapon. It depends on the implementation. I would be surprised if they deviated from especs at this point in the game's life. As always, we'll wait and see.

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@"LucianDK.8615" said:new core weapons would have to be balanced, since the skills would prompt new gameplay changes.Imagine if Revenant didnt have hammer and got it. Look at how many times coalescence of ruin have been nerfed.

So? Is "it would need balancing" ever a good reason to not do something? No.

I agree fully with the OP.

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Think deeply about what you are saying, if you add a new weapon for core. If its too good, everyone will be using it, neglecting any others. an underwater weapon was a safe pick, given how little that takes place underwater. Its just like mounts, at one point you just cant add more or they make older mounts irrelevant.Also, new core items needs to have a role. If they do not, then what is the point of adding them?

espec weapons works because you are making a choice about it.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Think deeply about what you are saying, if you add a new weapon for core. If its too good, everyone will be using it, neglecting any others. an underwater weapon was a safe pick, given how little that takes place underwater. Its just like mounts, at one point you just cant add more or they make older mounts irrelevant.Also, new core items needs to have a role. If they do not, then what is the point of adding them?

espec weapons works because you are making a choice about it.

It goes without saying it would have to be balanced ... and there isn't any reason to think this is a barrier to a core weapon introduction either.

And core weapons don't really need a role, just like many existing core weapons don't. The point to add them is options ... and this game is full of them just for that sake.

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They've already gone in and gutted the 1-hand sword, so it appears ArenaNet is completely open to tweaking and changing core weapons in the game to the point where someone decided to give it priority in the midst of the 'saga' they're working on.

Putting aside the question of 'will they, won't they', what sort of weapons would you like added and how would they function in combat to compliment the stuff we already have?

Personally, I've wanted a 1-hand whip for years to act as a ranged weapon with the ability to CC-pull enemies to me so I can continue my assault with an offhand melee weapon. Gimme whip. Want whip. Can please I have whip. Give to me.

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:They've already gone in and gutted the 1-hand sword, so it appears ArenaNet is completely open to tweaking and changing core weapons in the game to the point where someone decided to give it priority in the midst of the 'saga' they're working on.

Putting aside the question of 'will they, won't they', what sort of weapons would you like added and how would they function in combat to compliment the stuff we already have?

Personally, I've wanted a 1-hand whip for years to act as a ranged weapon with the ability to CC-pull enemies to me so I can continue my assault with an offhand melee weapon. Gimme whip. Want whip. Can please I have whip. Give to me.

what classes 1h sword are you talking about we got alot of em

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@"Linken.6345" said:what classes 1h sword are you talking about we got alot of em

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/88470/upcoming-balance-notes-10-1-2019/p1If you scroll down to Ranger, you'll see this:

In this update, we're making a major change to sword skills in order to better improve their flow during combat. Monarch's Leap, Hornet Sting, and Serpent's Strike are all shuffling around into new slots, which should make the weapon a little easier to understand.They broke certain moves apart and changed their order on the bar (to mixed reception from players) instead of simply changing the duration of skills or effects (which is what we usually get). That's a major change for a core weapon which shows that core weapons are apparently worth ArenaNet's time as of this month.

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@IndigoSundown.5419 said:I think new weapons (or even just adding existing weapons to professions that don't currently use them) is unlikely. That said, I would like more choices than just Scepter/Dagger plus Staff for condition Necromancer, a ranged option for condition Rev when not in Renegade, etc.

True necros really lack a melee condi weapon.

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@Dante.1508 said:I agree op but the whole WvW and pvpers go nuts everytime something new pops into existence.. Those two modes really limit the games creativity.

That's actually where I want to play new weapons at. For example I like Support gameplay in WvW. So brand new Support weapon for classes without good support options would add a lot of new gameplay for me since I would play classes I normally wouldn't play.

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Elementalist absolutely needs an alternative weapon set or boosting pet or something before elite skills kick in ( and not even automatically) after level 80 when the get to use a sword. If you can get them a great dagger set you sometimes have a fighting chance when alone. New weapons and combos add a great deal to a game and game character and can be very satisfying when the right combination is found.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@Vavume.8065 said:I propose unlocking current elite spec weapons to be available to it's core profession without taking the elite spec trait line, to be clear, lets say you allow revenant the ability to use shields without needing to spec into herald. This would open up a lot of new builds and theory crafting, and freshen up the game a bit, and also would probably be very easy to implement.

I do not feel that elite specs are or should be defined by a weapon. So I would like to see this gating removed, and going forward new weapons could be added to the core profession, and elite specs would just be a traitline.

Yes. Imagine mirage with a shield. So much fun to fight against. Yay.

It has to be limited to PvE only.

Honestly, I think the easiest addition would be cross class. Like elites, you can take a full line from another class, instead of elite, with some skills. And to be limited only to open world PvE, then eventually available in entire PvE (never to come to PvP).

In any case devs are too lazy. All they can do is one map and 1 hours story every 2-3 month. This is why I have not spent a cent since after PoF release and probably never will.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Vavume.8065 said:I propose unlocking current elite spec weapons to be available to it's core profession without taking the elite spec trait line, to be clear, lets say you allow revenant the ability to use shields without needing to spec into herald. This would open up a lot of new builds and theory crafting, and freshen up the game a bit, and also would probably be very easy to implement.

I do not feel that elite specs are or should be defined by a weapon. So I would like to see this gating removed, and going forward new weapons could be added to the core profession, and elite specs would just be a traitline.

Yes. Imagine mirage with a shield. So much fun to fight against. Yay.

It has to be limited to PvE only.

Honestly, I think the easiest addition would be cross class. Like elites, you can take a full line from another class, instead of elite, with some skills. And to be limited only to open world PvE, then eventually available in entire PvE (never to come to PvP).

In any case devs are too lazy. All they can do is one map and 1 hours story every 2-3 month. This is why I have not spent a cent since after PoF release and probably never will.

We already had dual class in gw1, it proved too hard for the devs to balance and we never saw it in gw2 as well.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:Living World is your bread and butter, but how about adding a new Mastery that unlocks brand new Core Weapons, such as the suggested Sea Weapons to Land conversion. Or just brand new Core Weapons in general.

New Weapons are better added with elite specs to add trait, theme and mechanic support while that new mastery you are talking about is a new elite specialization. Elite specs are the complete package and offer actual content for players (unlocking them) but adding new core weapons serves little to no purpose. Not to mention one new core weapon means one less elite spec weapon

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