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Are ToT opening drop rates reduced?

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I'm not a big ToT bag opener, but I always open a few stacks every year just for fun. In the past I'd usually open 5 or so stacks and get mostly garbage, but occasionally get something mildly interesting like a weapon or mini. This year I opened about 12 stacks that I had saved in my inventory from last year. I've been selling off bags gradually throughout the year and have been losing my interest so I thought I'd just open what I have. As I expected, I got mostly garbage, but only 5 items (3 dog minis, 1 charged quartz, and a cat mini) were from the "rare" section of the drop table. No T6 mats, no recipes, or anything else. I wasn't expecting to get rich or get any sort of infusion, but based upon my previous years, I was expecting more items from the rare drop table that that. I know it's RNG, but I wonder if the drop rates are down from previous years.

So, I asked in guild and for the past few days my other guildies have had about the same experience, although one did get the destroyer infusion. I noticed a few posts on reddit also kind of confirming lask luster drop rates. So I'm curious if the community has noticed it. I haven't seen anything mentioned officially, so I'm just kind of curious know at this point. I know this how RNG works, and I know these discussions always get brought up for events like this because if just "feels" like things have changed because of my bad luck.

Puts on tinfoil hat ... But what if this is their new game direction. Maybe they feel with a dwindling population they'll get us to grind more because those drops are rarer and harder to find. I kind of feel this is supported because of their trend of achievements among other things. For example, Grothmar requires something like 54 achievements for an emote. The emote is cool and all, but usually we get the reward for half of those achievements. Of course though, if I really wanted that emote, I'd be willing to grind out all those achievements, and maybe that's what they were going for. Reducing drop rates of any sought after item like ToT bags could have the same affect too, so maybe that's their plan going forward?

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Absolutely noticed it.

I opened well over 20000 bags because lol i hate myself, and out of those i got 2 infusions(one grey and one red). 5 necklaces of various colours, total of 12 minis across various types, 15 weapons(all sorts), 10 exotic and 22 rare recipes(mostly the same ones). 1 gift of the moon..and pluthera of lackluster drops.

Last year i got 8 infusions, from less than 10000 bags, and way more weapons, gifts necklaces, and the lackluster drops.

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@Dante.1763 said:Absolutely noticed it.

I opened well over 20000 bags because lol i hate myself, and out of those i got 2 infusions(one grey and one red). 5 necklaces of various colours, total of 12 minis across various types, 15 weapons(all sorts), 10 exotic and 22 rare recipes(mostly the same ones). 1 gift of the moon..and pluthera of lackluster drops.

Last year i got 8 infusions, from less than 10000 bags, and way more weapons, gifts necklaces, and the lackluster drops.

I think RNG should be part of the reason, as well. That being said, the difference in drops is interesting...

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@"Kythan Myr.4719" said:I'm not a big ToT bag opener, but I always open a few stacks every year just for fun. In the past I'd usually open 5 or so stacks and get mostly garbage, but occasionally get something mildly interesting like a weapon or mini. This year I opened about 12 stacks that I had saved in my inventory from last year. I've been selling off bags gradually throughout the year and have been losing my interest so I thought I'd just open what I have. As I expected, I got mostly garbage, but only 5 items (3 dog minis, 1 charged quartz, and a cat mini) were from the "rare" section of the drop table. No T6 mats, no recipes, or anything else. I wasn't expecting to get rich or get any sort of infusion, but based upon my previous years, I was expecting more items from the rare drop table that that. I know it's RNG, but I wonder if the drop rates are down from previous years.

So, I asked in guild and for the past few days my other guildies have had about the same experience, although one did get the destroyer infusion. I noticed a few posts on reddit also kind of confirming lask luster drop rates. So I'm curious if the community has noticed it. I haven't seen anything mentioned officially, so I'm just kind of curious know at this point. I know this how RNG works, and I know these discussions always get brought up for events like this because if just "feels" like things have changed because of my bad luck.

Puts on tinfoil hat ... But what if this is their new game direction. Maybe they feel with a dwindling population they'll get us to grind more because those drops are rarer and harder to find. I kind of feel this is supported because of their trend of achievements among other things. For example, Grothmar requires something like 54 achievements for an emote. The emote is cool and all, but usually we get the reward for half of those achievements. Of course though, if I really wanted that emote, I'd be willing to grind out all those achievements, and maybe that's what they were going for. Reducing drop rates of any sought after item like ToT bags could have the same affect too, so maybe that's their plan going forward?


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I can't confirm this. On the opposite: I would rarely get anything of value out of them in the past, but this year - so far - I have already had:

  • 1 x Polysaturating Reverberating Infusion (Gray)
  • 2 x Polysaturating Reverberating Infusion (Red)
  • 2 x Polysaturating Reverberating Infusion (Purple) - those two were in the same stack, by the way :)

And yes, I am talking about the expensive +5/+9 ones.

Hence, it is all sheer luck and you seem to have less of it this year. ;)

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last year i got infusion worth 400 gold and 2x touch of madness, and i got every 4 months a precursor from forge but this year my luck is gone. how much i put in forge or opening bags everything is trash. i want some easy gold. this is not much motivating. if they think i have to give up other prioritys and farm 24/7 for some gold its a no go. with all those cheap items on tp farming is not a very good idea. only income i have is the trading post.

i dont understant why they dont realise that a game has to be fun and rewarding. same for key run every week, its every week a big dissapointment. if you want something you are forced to spend real money because opening chests 1 by 1 every week feels like if rng is way more trash.

compared with the division 2, in that game you get much more rewarded for loot.i quit wow in 2015 because of rng, i didnt get a mount drop for 6 months so i said to myself no mount is bliz no money.after 3 years all mmo's feel the same, its no more about fun or pleasure its only about money.that feeling is bad for me, i feel i am forced to pay more and more but i dont do it.its this way: getting rewarded with loot > is thinking positive > want to support > spend money on gems.and not this way: dont get rewarded enough > buys gems because i cant make enough gold.

i dont want to be negative but how many hours i spend i only read others who get many nice things like khan head skin box or mounts from bl chests or infusions..maybe i am at the limit what an account can loot of nice items, i dont know.

its my opinion, it can change (better expensive loot) i also want spooky halloween wolf. 110 globs pff crazy prices (forced to spend real money) so no mini for me.

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I am one of those that seems to rarely drop anything valuable, and I don't remember ever getting anything of value from the ToT bags. Most of the halloween minis and weapon skins that I have have been gifts from guildies during the previous years.

This year is different though, out of about three stacks of bags I have opened so far I already got a grey infusion and a touch of madness.

random is random

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