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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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it would also be nice if we could get some actual information as to what is possible with the limits of the programming in the short term. My personal suggestion is to have a bit of transparency discuss limitations and what Anet is willing to compromise on

oh and I love the fact that this is no longer an announcement and does not go back to the top of the stack. very telling

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@Ashantara.8731 said:The secrecy is truly disappointing, to say the least. I don't know what the problem is with sharing future plans, of there are any.

Because if there are “no future plans” I would assume they think it looks worse than just being hush hush about it. Both of these outcomes though are extremely disappointing to me and has made me lose faith

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@Stephane Lo Presti.7258 said:We want to acknowledge that we are reading the feedback expressed in this thread and the other forums threads about the Build and Equipment Templates. We are discussing this feedback internally to determine how we can address it.

Is this discussion still ongoing or have you determined not to address the feedback at all? Not sure, if you really want players to come back for next episode and realize the state of build templates. I sure hope you guys are not throwing the balance patch on top of it.

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Bump, because let us never forget how bad the misnamed build templates are.

Just let us continue to use Arc templates. What could it hurt? I mean, those of us who were using it won't spend a dime on your new garbage anyway, and those that didn't use Arc, well, I guess some of them might waste their money on your stuff.

But really, it's hard to put into words just how terrible your system is compared to Arc; and I'm not even referring to the obscene money grab.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:The secrecy is truly disappointing, to say the least. I don't know what the problem is with sharing future plans, if there are any.

Because if there are “no future plans” I would assume they think it looks worse than just being hush hush about it.

I doubt there aren't any, because the stream clearly mentioned "Not yet" in regard of certain aspects of the template feature. So I assume they are planning on adding stuff.

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@Ok I Did It.2854 said:Are we to take it that now that thee mods have unsticked this topic they are done with it, and we are not going to get any official feedback on this issues raised in this topic??????

What more, really, can be said at this point? People continue to complain about the same thing. The feedback has been given; there is no longer a reason to keep the thread stickied.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Ok I Did It.2854 said:Are we to take it that now that thee mods have unsticked this topic they are done with it, and we are not going to get any official feedback on this issues raised in this topic??????

What more, really, can be said at this point? People continue to complain about the same thing. The feedback has been given; there is no longer a reason to keep the thread stickied.

People are looking for ArenaNet to say something but as usual this is one way traffic so that is increasingly unlikely.

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:"Once you’ve trained an essence, you’ll have some fun decisions to make about how you build your character and play in the map. [...] With Build and Equipment Templates, this exploration and experimentation is easier." (Source)

They really want to encourage us to buying more loadout slots. ;)

That was my I reaction. I am already using my three templates for what I was before anet regifted them to me. One for wvw, one for pvp, and one for pve. I won't be buying more to experiment with this annoying sounding mechanic.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Ok I Did It.2854 said:Are we to take it that now that thee mods have unsticked this topic they are done with it, and we are not going to get any official feedback on this issues raised in this topic??????

What more, really, can be said at this point? People continue to complain about the same thing. The feedback has been given; there is no longer a reason to keep the thread stickied.

I get what you are trying to say but these are people not complaining but asking for answers and communication as well as continued suggestions and doing thier best to keep this thread alive. please offer constructive feedback for the topic or please stop complaining about people.

I would suggest that we discuss the limitations of what can and cannot be done in the near future

1 make the slots account wide2 make a save button so they are templates and not loadouts3 get rid of build storage as there is no need for it4 link build and equipment and once linked offer a reasonable price in the gemshop5 please communicate with us.

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@Balthzar.3807 said:

@Ok I Did It.2854 said:Are we to take it that now that thee mods have unsticked this topic they are done with it, and we are not going to get any official feedback on this issues raised in this topic??????

What more, really, can be said at this point? People continue to complain about the same thing. The feedback has been given; there is no longer a reason to keep the thread stickied.

I get what you are trying to say but these are people not complaining but asking for answers and communication as well as continued suggestions and doing thier best to keep this thread alive. please offer constructive feedback for the topic or please stop complaining about people.

I would suggest that we discuss the limitations of what can and cannot be done in the near future

1 make the slots account wide2 make a save button so they are templates and not loadouts3 get rid of build storage as there is no need for it4 link build and equipment and once linked offer a reasonable price in the gemshop5 please communicate with us.Sorry you took it as a complaint. I was trying to present a case for why the thread became un-stuck. While I agree that the requests for answers and communication is valid, it is the same questions and same calls for communication that are repeated throughout the thread. There hasn't been anything substantially different or unique for several pages for the developers to focus on.

I do like your list of suggestions. They seem to summarize the thread pretty well.

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So...What is your official stance Anet?You said you were reading our feedback and internalising it, but that was some time ago.An official response to said feedback would be appreciated before the next episode goes life.Else you might create the impression that you created this thread solely to keep all feedback into a single place while simply staying silent and waiting for the community's anger to blow over.A 'we are listening, but not really' sort of situation.I think thats not in the best interest of Anet, the players, or the game.So any ETA on when we can expect an official response?

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Don't be EA, Blizzard or Bethesda please. Those are the kinds of companies we love to hate.Be like CD Project Red.Be transparent, be non-scummy.Then people won't love to hate you, but will love to love you instead.As for the link equipment suggestion, not bad. Would be nice to be able to select builds and equipment for being the main set for a certain game mode too.But that all of course depends on templates being made consumer friendly first.

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