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Today is being a sad day. Tomorrow will be even sadder .


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I mean, rangers don't really need to offer much to their party per se. With the barrage buffs they can offer a similar but different function to a weaver. Quick Draw barrage is a decent addition to an AoE spike and with quickness isn't any worse than revs casting phase smash, and correct targeting with just longbow autos extends the threat distance of your zerg and acts as a great counter to banners and those one off players that like to harass zergs from max range. The issue is most rangers don't want to perform any helpful function in the zerg they just want to take the boons and heals and safety zone and then go off and do their own thing. So commanders just brush them off because why put up with that when you can take a player that actually wants to help.

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@"SWI.4127" said:If you can't swap to a more useful class and be more of a "team player" why shouldn't they kick you? What is it about "Ranger mains" that makes them so resistant to playing other classes? It's not personal, it's not an insult, they just want a better group composition. If you refuse, then they are well within their rights to kick you.

I main soulbeast. I run in squads regularly and am welcome. I use ARCDPS and can see that typically I am in the top 5 of DPS damage pretty much all the time. I kill a crapload of enemy and down a lot after the initial push and so on.

Bottom line is that if it’s played well it’s beneficial. Having said that I know there are times when they probably wish I would switch to something else... but I don’t play or enjoy anything else near as well.

As a ranger I’m typically out in my own little group with no support classes and that’s fine with me. I’ve learned how to use the tag and other support classes without having to be in the same group etc.

Soulbeast is great if you play it well and if the commander actually understands this and knows how to make use of them.

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@"SWI.4127" said:If you can't swap to a more useful class and be more of a "team player" why shouldn't they kick you? What is it about "Ranger mains" that makes them so resistant to playing other classes? It's not personal, it's not an insult, they just want a better group composition. If you refuse, then they are well within their rights to kick you.

I main soulbeast. I run in squads regularly and am welcome. I use ARCDPS and can see that typically I am in the top 5 of DPS damage pretty much all the time. I kill a crapload of enemy and down a lot after the initial push and so on.

Bottom line is that if it’s played well it’s beneficial. Having said that I know there are times when they probably wish I would switch to something else... but I don’t play or enjoy anything else near as well.

As a ranger I’m typically out in my own little group with no support classes and that’s fine with me. I’ve learned how to use the tag and other support classes without having to be in the same group etc.

Soulbeast is great if you play it well and if the commander actually understands this and knows how to make use of them.

I guess you're the rare Ranger main who knows how to play in a zerg setting then. I can count the amount of good DPS soulbeasts I've seen on one hand just in my personal experience. Even if you are bringing the DPS, those other scourges around the top are also corrupting hundreds of boons during fights. It is almost always the more effective option to just bring scourges. I guess the point of this topic is that the meta is very restrictive, so I guess I can get on board with that.

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@SWI.4127 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

@SWI.4127 said:If you can't swap to a more useful class and be more of a "team player" why shouldn't they kick you? What is it about "Ranger mains" that makes them so resistant to playing other classes? It's not personal, it's not an insult, they just want a better group composition. If you refuse, then they are well within their rights to kick you.

I main soulbeast. I run in squads regularly and am welcome. I use ARCDPS and can see that typically I am in the top 5 of DPS damage pretty much all the time. I kill a crapload of enemy and down a lot after the initial push and so on.

Bottom line is that if it’s played well it’s beneficial. Having said that I know there are times when they probably wish I would switch to something else... but I don’t play or enjoy anything else near as well.

As a ranger I’m typically out in my own little group with no support classes and that’s fine with me. I’ve learned how to use the tag and other support classes without having to be in the same group etc.

Soulbeast is great if you play it well and if the commander actually understands this and knows how to make use of them.

I guess you're the rare Ranger main who knows how to play in a zerg setting then. I can count the amount of good DPS soulbeasts I've seen on one hand just in my personal experience. Even if you are bringing the DPS, those other scourges around the top are also corrupting hundreds of boons during fights. It is almost always the more effective option to just bring scourges. I guess the point of this topic is that the meta is very restrictive, so I guess I can get on board with that.

Totally agree with you there. It frustrates me that I see many rangers out there simply NOT positioned or playing as they could to support the group. ah well

Edit: I have meta of every class. I’ve tried scourge and others. I simply don’t survive long enough on other classes to be useful. I do ok on herald and spellbreaker but truly produce a lot more downs with my sbeast. As well, of course, I can take out siege behind the wall or high up siege better than any other class. 1500 range ftw. .

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@kraai.7265 said:

@"SWI.4127" said:If you can't swap to a more useful class and be more of a "team player" why shouldn't they kick you? What is it about "Ranger mains" that makes them so resistant to playing other classes? It's not personal, it's not an insult, they just want a better group composition. If you refuse, then they are well within their rights to kick you.

oh right because it's tons of fun to leave your main and most used class, you know the one you actually enjoy the most, to grab one of the stupid meta classes that are either so easy to play it gets boring, or so difficult you feel you are doing nothing for your team at all or just pressing random buttons

plus it's really fun to go farm a full set of gear that everyone else is using, same stats and traits, same skills in the same rotation and just be another copy pasted player following the trend, a set of gear you won't use again in any other game mode, or even in the same game mode with no zerg around

Also the game has become really fun, with groups fighting against groups with the exactly same composition and builds, because every other playstyle is useless or anet destroys it even before it can become a thing

So freaking fun to see the same scourge+fb meta for the last 2 years, or to see how every zerg runs from each other spamming trash skills on the floor looking at who is so stupid to engage first, or repeating the same stupid and predictable smoke field blasts over and over again

im not a ranger main, i don't even play ranger but i can feel for this guy, class variation is non existant, fights had become so predictable they all look the same, huge groups avoiding each other until one pushes so the other can fill the map with red marks, the biggest zerg will always win because team comp is exactly the same, even the recicled tactics suck, like for example the smoke field blast versus the old mesmer double veil, they take no skill whatsoever now a days.

Fights were much much better when team comp was wider, with tons of classes and jobs for those classes to do, when you didn't need a mandatory fb or necro, because some other class could do the job too, when we had no kitten dedicated healer and support class that overshines every other one, when guilds got their own playstyle with trademarks and unexpected tactics, now this game feels like an android mmo, and wvw feels more repetitive than it ever was, add to that how they killed roaming and boom, suddenly this game sucks

It pains me to see post like this. It is the current sad state of the game and you will have players here that will swear on their deity that “build diversity is just fine, L2p.”

it’s this mindset that pushes Build diversity to the back row that is keeping the game in the state of decline.

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It's interesting to see people complain that a game designed in a way that results in meta builds ... has meta builds. And some of you think that when the game naturally leads to that result because of it's fundamental design ... Anet is going to forcefully change things like class skills so it doesn't? That these kind of changes will make classes immune to the meta-foundation designs?

Do yourself a favour ... if you don't like meta builds so much that it makes you hate the game ... you should honestly re-evaluate your activity ingame. The game can not be changed so meta builds aren't relevant anymore. Classes can't get changes to skills or traits so that everyone plays on the same level. There isn't a way to force all players to accept you if you don't want to play meta builds. Stop pretending like this game is something it's not.

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@"Obtena.7952" said:It's interesting to see people complain that a game designed in a way that results in meta builds ... has meta builds. And some of you think that when the game naturally leads to that result because of it's fundamental design ... Anet is going to forcefully change things like class skills so it doesn't? That these kind of changes will make classes immune to the meta-foundation designs?Do yourself a favour ... if you don't like meta builds so much that it makes you hate the game ... you should honestly re-evaluate your activity ingame.

Here's the thing... a lot of people don't actually know what they are complaining about. Most take their personal view or some kind of rough approximation based on their experiences and use that as a standpoint for their views on a certain issue they might have with the game. A lot of people complain about the meta game, but that's not REALLY what they are complaining about, that's what they think they are complaining about.

What people really have an issue with here, is that there is only a single metagame, and that this metagame doesn't have any competition or diversity.

I don't like to use gw1 as an example, but if you take a look at how meta compositions back then had many competitive, and highly variant meta compositions that kept each other in check, and new ones sprouting about all the time, then even though it's a game with meta builds, this is a healthy design of how metagames should always have competition. Gw2 in contrast only has a single metagame, that has existed for nearly 2 years now...and it's this contrast that the OP is really having frustration with because this singular metagame excludes his class.

This is why your response is like a cruel joke, as it's exactly what i said someone would say in my previous post, about players that say "Build Diversity is fine L2P."

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Fights were much much better when team comp was wider, with tons of classes and jobs for those classes to do, when you didn't need a mandatory fb or necro, because some other class could do the job too, when we had no kitten dedicated healer and support class that overshines every other one, when guilds got their own playstyle with trademarks and unexpected tactics, now this game feels like an android mmo, and wvw feels more repetitive than it ever was, add to that how they killed roaming and boom, suddenly this game sucks

What in gods kitten name game have you been playing that guardians and necros were not mandatory in WvW? That has literally been the case since the games inception.

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@"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:What people really have an issue with here, is that there is only a single metagame, and that this metagame doesn't have any competition or diversity.

I don't like to use gw1 as an example, but if you take a look at how meta compositions back then had many competitive, and highly variant meta compositions that kept each other in check, and new ones sprouting about all the time, then even though it's a game with meta builds, this is a healthy design of how metagames should always have competition. Gw2 in contrast only has a single metagame, that has existed for nearly 2 years now...and it's this contrast that the OP is really having frustration with because this singular metagame excludes his class.

This is why your response is like a cruel joke, as it's exactly what i said someone would say in my previous post, about players that say "Build Diversity is fine L2P."

I'm not saying it's fine (it is what it is) ... but I am saying it's not going to get better because the game isn't designed to give what people think of as build diversity. Honestly, the meta does change, but be assured, it's not too often and rather sporadic in significance. There will always be a meta; that fact alone is a sign of the game lacking equivalence over numerous builds (that's how I interpret what people mean by diversity). It's not a cruel joke, it's just the way the game works. NOthing can change that except with a completely new combat system ... NOT likely at this point.

What DOES save this (and any other multi class MMO) is that players can choose performance over personal style/preference IF they choose.

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Some classes are just more self sufficient than others. Classes like guardian, necro, rev, ele are best seen as jigsaw pieces that need each other to complete the whole picture, where classes like thief and ranger are photographs, complete in their own right. You wouldn't expect a small photo to work well as a jigsaw piece, so why would a self sufficient class work any better in a group setting?

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Considering that the OP decided to necro his own thread here:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/66413/is-there-a-server-that-likes-rangers#latestYou can read quite alot of the responses to your question and/or plight there.

The way you should approach the ranger is the same as always. They are generally not played in squads because they don't need the squad and the squad does not need them. Rangers are best played in a highly coordinated party. The reason as to why they are rare is quite simply down to knowledge and skill. Most players do not know how to play the class properly, most players do not know how to organize the parties for them properly - that also means that the commander may not know how to use the class properly or that the commander simply can not- or do not want to micro-manage your party for you as that is supposed to be your job.

Playing Ranger requires a certain level of self-reliance and leadership that most players today sadly lack in the mode.

If you have those things you would also know that there are a couple of different roles that a Ranger can fill in WvW even if we limit things to large-scale open-field fights. It can be used as both "setup" for a havoc party and as a damage dealer in a havoc party. Rangers play best with things like other Rangers, Elementalists and Revenants. They do not synergize very well with things like Firebrands or Scourges and as such they are not prioritized in those parties.

If you, as a Ranger, are looking for a typical short- to midrange supported party in a squad you are looking to play your class wrong.

Can your party be in a squad? Sure, but what's the point? You have to coordinate with your party and are not supposed to follow the tag anyway. It is irrelevant for you if your party is in the squad or not if you play your Ranger right.

That also means that those other mentioned classes (eg., Elementalists and Revenants) that are more accepted in the "meta" do not have to be in the squad either. Elementalists often make their own parties too whereas long range Revenants are usually not in the squad because they need the squad and rather because the squad needs them to feed boons and effects to the other players in the squad or squad-typical parties that follow the tag to every position.

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@"Asenath.8694" said:I am brand new to this game, having played WoW since 2008. I just bought PoF, a sparkly raptor skin, and the Extra Life pet and title, thinking that I'd found a place where people were grown ups. Nobody stands on the Black Lion guy on a big mount. Map chat is generally civilized. I haven't seen a single person dancing in their underwear. I was genuinely impressed. I drug my husband in too, and one of my friends.

Guess what I've mained, for eleven years? Despite the disparaging remarks, it's my money, I play to have fun and relax, and I love the hunter. I am not a "hunt***". So of course I get in GW2, and make a couple rangers. It lacks the utility of the WoW version, (no camo, no traps that you can throw, no aspect of turtle), but it's similar enough that I feel comfortable.

I'm 46. I take anxiety medication. Keybinds and knowing the ins and outs of ONE class is the best that I can do. I don't like PVP, because I don't think that fast, and that's just a medical reality over which I have no control; but I can do it because I have every button memorized. I could play my hunter without the UI.

When I first got the game, I saw the $5 mount skins, and assumed that they were like WoW mounts. (Yea, yeah, assuming is bad.) So I bought one, and of course it gives me a cat. Which I now have to do a bunch of WvW to unlock.

It's extremely disappointing to know that while I'm out there, trying to get the achievements to be able to use a mount, I'll be getting the same kind of verbal abuse that I took for over a decade in WoW, too.

I get that teams want the best comp. But there's no need to insult somebody for the way they play a game in the process.

Edit: The language filter certainly is aggressive here.

I wish you hadn’t been on a server where that was a thing.

If your only interest is the mount, I might suggest that you use the search function as there are multiple ways to get the mount with very little dependence on a Zerg or commander.

Like any ‘end game content’ there are meta builds. Some commanders are much less interested in someone who is not on one of those builds.

But there are ways to access the mount via little PvP interaction.

In fact @"Danikat.8537" created this thread


And many of the replies in there can assist you in the process. Some can be earned in EoTM as well.

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@"Asenath.8694" said:I am brand new to this game, having played WoW since 2008. I just bought PoF, a sparkly raptor skin, and the Extra Life pet and title, thinking that I'd found a place where people were grown ups. Nobody stands on the Black Lion guy on a big mount. Map chat is generally civilized. I haven't seen a single person dancing in their underwear. I was genuinely impressed. I drug my husband in too, and one of my friends.

Guess what I've mained, for eleven years? Despite the disparaging remarks, it's my money, I play to have fun and relax, and I love the hunter. I am not a "hunt***". So of course I get in GW2, and make a couple rangers. It lacks the utility of the WoW version, (no camo, no traps that you can throw, no aspect of turtle), but it's similar enough that I feel comfortable.

I'm 46. I take anxiety medication. Keybinds and knowing the ins and outs of ONE class is the best that I can do. I don't like PVP, because I don't think that fast, and that's just a medical reality over which I have no control; but I can do it because I have every button memorized. I could play my hunter without the UI.

When I first got the game, I saw the $5 mount skins, and assumed that they were like WoW mounts. (Yea, yeah, assuming is bad.) So I bought one, and of course it gives me a cat. Which I now have to do a bunch of WvW to unlock.

It's extremely disappointing to know that while I'm out there, trying to get the achievements to be able to use a mount, I'll be getting the same kind of verbal abuse that I took for over a decade in WoW, too.

I get that teams want the best comp. But there's no need to insult somebody for the way they play a game in the process.

Edit: The language filter certainly is aggressive here.

Pending on your server, I know a few people...including myself that can help you get the Warclaw.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:I disagree. At least theyre communicating the upcoming changes, at least theyre trying to address the main problems. That means more classes in the zerg, in the future, maybe.

Ah ah ah! No you don't. Let's fix that, shall we?

@Voltekka.2375 said:I disagree. At least theyre communicating the upcoming changes, at least theyre TALKING ABOUT trying to address the main problems. That means NOTHING, YET.

There we go. Talk is cheap, we all know this. Let's not forget it.

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@"Asenath.8694" said:I am brand new to this game, having played WoW since 2008. I just bought PoF, a sparkly raptor skin, and the Extra Life pet and title, thinking that I'd found a place where people were grown ups. Nobody stands on the Black Lion guy on a big mount. Map chat is generally civilized. I haven't seen a single person dancing in their underwear. I was genuinely impressed. I drug my husband in too, and one of my friends.

Guess what I've mained, for eleven years? Despite the disparaging remarks, it's my money, I play to have fun and relax, and I love the hunter. I am not a "hunt***". So of course I get in GW2, and make a couple rangers. It lacks the utility of the WoW version, (no camo, no traps that you can throw, no aspect of turtle), but it's similar enough that I feel comfortable.

I'm 46. I take anxiety medication. Keybinds and knowing the ins and outs of ONE class is the best that I can do. I don't like PVP, because I don't think that fast, and that's just a medical reality over which I have no control; but I can do it because I have every button memorized. I could play my hunter without the UI.

When I first got the game, I saw the $5 mount skins, and assumed that they were like WoW mounts. (Yea, yeah, assuming is bad.) So I bought one, and of course it gives me a cat. Which I now have to do a bunch of WvW to unlock.

It's extremely disappointing to know that while I'm out there, trying to get the achievements to be able to use a mount, I'll be getting the same kind of verbal abuse that I took for over a decade in WoW, too.

I get that teams want the best comp. But there's no need to insult somebody for the way they play a game in the process.

Edit: The language filter certainly is aggressive here.

Umm, getting the mount is a solo effort bar the griffon, so why you get verbal abuse is beyond me, what do you do, swear at random people? Also what game mode are you trying to play? Raid? Fractals? WvW? Though doubt if you can't do pvp you could catch up with raids. Anyway get into a guild, play solo and play open world pve I suppose, apart from competitive modes (which you tell us you can't play) there should be no reason why you would get verbally abused. Remember it's multi loot system here, everyone gets their own loot.... Negative mentality to have before you play GW2.

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"Umm, getting the mount is a solo effort bar the griffon, so why you get verbal abuse is beyond me, what do you do, swear at random people? "

I said: I'll be getting the same kind of verbal abuse that I took for over a decade in WoW, too.Not that I'd gotten it already. I'm predicting it, based on this thread, and comments like yours.

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@"SWI.4127" said:If you can't swap to a more useful class and be more of a "team player" why shouldn't they kick you? What is it about "Ranger mains" that makes them so resistant to playing other classes? It's not personal, it's not an insult, they just want a better group composition. If you refuse, then they are well within their rights to kick you.

But for the overall health of the game and in the interest of keeping people actively interested in WvW, kicking people from a group because it's within their right is extremely poor and bad behavior. Why don't people swap to a more useful class? Perhaps because people (most people I gather) rather play range than up close.

The better question is, why is the mode so heavily reliant on 2 classes but completely excludes others in the process? What might group composition look like if all classes lost their ability to reflect projectiles, and all the projectile hate ended up in the Ranger's arsenal? What happened if all the retaliation vanished from all the classes and it exclusively ended up in the warrior's arsenal? Imagine if all the party healing ended up in the ele's playbook, and the rest of the classes lost the ability to heal other party members? How about resistance? Give that exclusively to the Rev, but take it completely away from every other class.

Group comps would look completely different and so would the meta. I mean isn't this what people want? Completely different group comps and a more diverse meta with more classes being brought to the table? I mean the changes are pretty simple, pluck away at the many things the Guardian does and give them to other classes.

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Either prove yourself so exceptional that the commanders notice that YOUR individual contribution is worth keeping you on your class in squad as I've done before


Stop complaining and accept some classes/builds, such as ranger/thief are not competitive for blob fighting in the current state of the game and look to find the causes for why that is.

If someone is playing a selfish build that can't playmake on its own to bring huge benefit to its main force, why would I want it for a team endeavor?If you refuse to play into a class's strengths by not fighting on the fringes, why don't you play something that matches your desired play style?

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Just don't expect the majority of players to have a handfull of builds that are optimized for each situation in WvW. They are bad for the team when they occassionally switch to zerg-only meta builds that they don't play ofthen enough and thus can't handle. SlB is prolly the overall No. 1 Meta build for WvW (I don't play one) for the "I-play-from-time-to-time"-majority of the players. Great for roaming and random small / midi scale, and still ok'ish in a zerg setup.

If ppl just want to play with ppl that optimize their builds and playstyle to a niche activity in WvW (playtime-wise), that's understandable . . . and an open-world WvW is dead as it is.

EDIT: > @"Asenath.8694" said: "Keybinds and knowing the ins and outs of ONE class is the best that I can do."This.

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