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Whisper in the Dark trailer is my personal favorite one - great job Anet


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This is a great trailer. It set the tone, it gave a tease and wonder what the hell happened there, it showcased content to play or acquire.

And also, since a long time ago I wanted GW2 to have a darker tone, and at times it was just too silly and childish for my taste, but with this, I am actually really looking forward to the next chapter. We need it more serious and dangerous at times so that those fun times can be even more meaningful. I mean, we are fighting dragons, the most powerful beings out there, we should be scared so we can feel heroic and like we really are a part of an epic adventure. Great job again, amazing trailer!

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It's pretty well put together. The story isn't always my cup of tea, and I may not be a fan of a number of characters, but the trailers have usually been fairly good. The prowling Boneskinner peering at the camera was a nice touch.

This one still has it beat for sound though, and the abrupt switch from campy to creepy puts it at the top for me.

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Not terribly entused by this one. Felt rather lacking in interesting highlights. Pretty much only the masteries seemed promising. Elsewise the rest of it was fairly forgettable. Past trailers for ls4 beats this one by miles. Far more highlights of interesting stuff to build excitement, almost nothing of the sort here.

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love it so far, it has a creepy vibe I love, (and I wish we had more creepy things ingame)what I could see of the map itself looked like pretty much any of the other ice mountain maps, but we'll have to see it more in detail, we barely got a glimpse of it.cant wait for the 19th!

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i hope the map will look awesome, i can't help they dropped the ball on that a bit on the last map, for the prologue. it's pretty bland to me, compared to what they have done in the past, like HoT maps, they looked incredible. prologue map has a pretty bland sky graphic (all blue) with some poor low res clouds. even just bettering that could have had a much better look on the whole map. and the rest... looks kind of bland. not terrible either, but they can difeinitely do better.So I hope they'll put their hearts into it :)

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@"Ayakaru.6583" said:While we'll see in a week, i have to say there's zero hinting at the next mastery.I can only make its a guess of sorts, like a passive ability that lets you see or interact with the environment.But that's only a guess at best.Right now, all the raven does is 'SHIIIINYYY'

New Mastery: Raven Attunement

! Bond with swift and clever Raven, a Spirit of the Wild, and use his blessing to open locks, pass through gates, and shield yourself with his light.!New Mastery: Essence Manipulation! Learn to collect the essences of resilience, valor, and vigilance, then target enemies’ weaknesses and hit them where it hurts.!Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/november-19-2019/

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Cant wait for more story.

The question is how much story can we expect now since this a Saga and not a Living World season ;)Im still curious as to what the real differences are going to be between the living world and the main thin I wanna know is whether or not I can expect more or less story than I usually got within the living world.The Prologue had us doing a lot of running around stuff.. busy work really but otherwise it was good.Now that we're on the first official episode of the Saga.. It's fair to expect a little bit more from the amount of story content we got in the prologue.

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They really need to think about the words that are put into the character's mouths. It's just so... Unbelievably bad. "What? No! ... We have to fix this!". Who wrote that rubbish? There are dead bodies littered on the ground and Braham talks about "fixing" that. What are they going to do, give the corpses a wee tune up? Good as new!

The entire trailer had really dire voice acting and dialogue seemingly written by children brought up watching nothing but endless Hollywood blockbuster trailers. I've been playing PoF and it's almost heart breaking to watch such amazing environment and creature design get so completely and utterly squandered by the poor voice acting and writing.

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Yep ,another LW with the same old so-called 'new contents' like map, armour set, masteries, legendary weapon, blah blah, blah.

Player expectations have dropped to this low level since beginning of the year. Everyone is so happy and grateful when ANet throws some leftover crumbs to them every few months. They happily forgot about expanson, missing promised changes and all those unnecessary and unforgiving nerfs.

I am happy for them.

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