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Let's talk about the new Black Lion Trading Company Icon.......

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When I get a flat tire on my car the first thing I do is whip out the tire polish and make that flat tire shine. Once again, like the falling skill mechanics being worked on...All the things wrong/broken in the game and all things that could be improved right now. I really don't care about the icon change it just seems like a wasteful use of time and resources.

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The old icon was so much better.The new one looks cartoonish and childish and simply does not fit.It bothers me a lot when I look up there.One starts to appreciate what was when it's gone, I guess.Change it back, please.

P.S.: Why do you guys at Anet change things nobody ever asked to be changed? Stop wasting resources.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:I am glad we have this thread as proof this forum will complain about everything regardless how little impact it has.

First of all this thread is not only a complain, as you might not have noticed I also state that changing the icon location to the right side is great. Take this thread as a sort of feedback, with a bit of sarcasm. And yes small details in all things make the difference to me, i care about details. And as a frequent player I notice these kind of things. And altho I know it's really a minor thing that doesn't impact in the game duh, it is still is a change that They decided to make and in my opinion and for many others aswell apparently ( not only here but many people noticed it and wrote in chat yesterday ) the old icon was more cool and fitted better the game style. This is very plushy, and wierd xD I'm happy if they even proprose a new one but changing the style, and as other people also pointed out, they only changed this icon, leaving all the other black lion symbols the same as before.. for me it doesn't make sense honestly. Then if you say then this has a small impact, then why should have they even spent their time in doing this change when they could have used that time for doing something else certainly more usefull. And I am always happy for changes as long as they are well made and have a point.

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@"Zephyra.4709" said:People are actually complaining about this? Now I've seen it all.

Did you fully read the thread? Because I do complain about the icon itself, as for me the icon itself now is really wierd, ok some people might say cute, but mostly does not fit the game style. But I also like the new position of it saying that it's great. Why only see the complain? First point. Then If they make a change it's fair that players give their opinion about it. Big or small that is, after all we play the game. Then none asked for this change for example, I suppose, but at Anet they decided to spent their time on it, so perhaps they think it's somehow relevant, and I decided to spend a little of my time saying what I think about it. So perhaps would have made more sense if you said "did they really have to make this change" ? Not complaining about people complaining about a change that anet made. ( And again it's not only a complain. )

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I find it funny that no one is talking about the fact that everything the players are asking for, Anet is doing with the gemstore only.

  • Back-end updates to make the gemstore smoother/faster/quicker to access and use
  • "Reorganizing" - I.e., moving it to the right to make it more accessible again...for whatever reason (4 places to the left was too much)
  • They actually redid the iconic lion to make a smiling bear? Lol?
  • It is flowing with updates every week - without fail EVERY week there is an update to the gemstore, whether it's new or returning items, blog posts from the devs about the new items/returning items...
  • It's almost updated too often

These are literally things that players are asking for...but for every other aspect of the game and yet Anet is only consistently doing it for the gemstore. If you still don't see where their priorities are after this...then I don't know what to say.

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@"Tuck.4095" said:I haven't noticed any UI changes, I have been using "hotkeys" the past 7 years D:


And then the picture above that someone posted...

@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@"Mewcifer.5198" said:The new icon looks like a cartoon. It immediately threw me off so I went and looked at some old screencaps and, sure enough, they changed the UI.


For reference, old:

I believe they getting ready to release a big new feature in the Gem Store. hopefully an expansion or Elite Specs

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I like things that are cute but not the new TP Lion. If they have to move the icon to the position that is more in my face, at least use the cooler one that is more eye-pleasing to look at.

The old one is good drawing, gives the feel of a successful corporation that has been around for a long time that can be trusted.The new one is like -----> "?????????????????", like a store that suddenly popped up randomly that sell flimsy toys and will be closed down in 2 years.

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Wish they'd work on letting us customise the UI completely while they're at it...

I'm not fussed about either icon - more so that if this was done purely out of wanting to make it more visible in the hope of enticing more people to the gemstore, then I hope it was nothing more than a 5 minute job.

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@"Zephyra.4709" said:People are actually complaining about this? Now I've seen it all.

Well, I'm not "complaining", but I must admit I've always used hotkeys instead of clicking all of those icons, except the PvP, so conveniently the rightmost one. Now I have to aim more carefully to click it.So yes, it's minor, but I actually didn't like this change.

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