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About THAT plot point *Major Spoilers*


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So Almorra kinda went out like a chump

I'd been expecting her to die for a while now and, especially with the most recent trailer, I'd guessed it was going to be happening this patch. Now I get the idea that her not going out in a blaze of glory and instead dying alone is meant to be part of the tragedy, and I respect that, but she could at least have gone out with a shred of dignity. Show that she put up a fight, that she was defiant until the very end, even have her die to protect her soldiers. Instead she apparently just curled up in a cave and gave up, then someone came along and piled some rocks on her. It's a limp end to such an important character in Tyria's recent history

The rest of the cast don't seem too phased by it either, mostly giving a vibe of "Well that sucks" before moving back to whatever they'd been arguing about before. The only person who seemed to really care was Jhavi, the character we've only just met, who has some nice dialogue lamenting the fact that Almorra was the only one who saw her for herself and not her ancestry

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I think she went out with plenty of dignity. Sacrificed herself to try and help Jhavi get away, DEFINITELY fought back, but--as the PC discovered--she was totally outmatched and covered in lacerations. Plus she was outside in killing temperatures. Plus she was an elderly woman. Bleeding/freezing to death alone may not be "dignified" in the Cool-Badkitten-Military-Leader sense, but c'mon--she's still an old woman who got ambushed, severely beat up, and lost in a blizzard.

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I kind of have to agree with Weindrasi there. Glorified, heroic deaths have their time and their place, but I think this one really fit the episode's oppressing and dark theme.

And besides, we might not be done with the subject yet. The way the entire thing was sort of forgotten and everyone moved on so quickly, makes me think there might be more to it than 'an old lady just happening to die in a random ambush'. I think her death had a very good reason, and we'll hopefully learn more as the season progresses.

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I wasn't as simpathetic to a character as I am to Almorra right now. I hope the commander's make a slaughter as revenge act, is the least she deserves, a river of blood to colour these pale mountains. I liked how shes call the PC still as "Pact Commander", i dont care of this shit of "dragon watch", lets get Pact on trails again.

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I wasn't surprised when we discovered her body, because the moment we were contacted by "her" via the comm, it was clear (at least to me) that it wasn't her and that she was probably no longer alive. Not every death has to be executed in a hyper-dramatic way - the way that she died, saving someone else, was good enough for me to mourn her loss. She might not have been the most interesting character (due to a rather boring execution of her actually interesting storyline), but she was one I enjoyed running into during my characters' journeys.

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She has fulfilled her purpose of killing Kralkatorrik with us, since then she's kind of been a candle that was about to burn out. It may be considered a little tacky even to finish off a character that has outlived their original purpose, but it's not that big of a sin in writing imo.RIP

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@"Weindrasi.3805" said:I think she went out with plenty of dignity. Sacrificed herself to try and help Jhavi get away, DEFINITELY fought back, but--as the PC discovered--she was totally outmatched and covered in lacerations. Plus she was outside in killing temperatures. Plus she was an elderly woman. Bleeding/freezing to death alone may not be "dignified" in the Cool-Badkitten-Military-Leader sense, but c'mon--she's still an old woman who got ambushed, severely beat up, and lost in a blizzard.

Well if you follow the story its actualy Jhavi that distract ( putting up the sacrifice) the svanir so Almorra can get away and get help.

So kinda odd that you see it the other way around just becouse she failed to do what she were supposed to do.

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While it's a shame to lose Almorra, I'm hopeful that they'll tackle the fallout in an interesting way. Supposedly Laranthir of the Wild is supposed to take over the position of leading the Vigil in the case of her death, and I'm curious how that will go when he's been MIA since the end of HoT. Is he still around? Will there be butting of heads between him and Jhavi since, despite him being the one who is supposed to take over, she's the one most-involved here, with a personal stake to boot.

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As I understood it, Almorra wanted to save Jhavi but she reminded Almorra of her duties with the Vigil. So Almorra tried to get help instead of Jhavi. But the Svanir caught her, brought her in one of the prisoner camps, she escaped, left a note for Jhavi and put up a fight but lost and died in that cave. I liked it bc it fits the overall depressing theme and it's believable considering their allies turned against them. And someone - Bangar? - piling up stones to bury her gave her the dignity and worship she deserved.

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@"mbhalo.1547" said:Killing off Almorra in such pathetic way for no apparent reason felt really cheap.

You watch way too many cheap Hollywood productions, I guess. Death is like that. It's not how you go that gives your life a meaning but the pains you inflicted and the joys you gave during your life. The expectation that there must be a special moment when the reaper swings the scythe is really a Hollywood cliché. I find it refreshing that ANet chose not to follow such a script. Came as quite a "What the heck ..." moment ...

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If I were in charge of the narrative, next update I'd temporarily call off the "chasing Bangar" arc, and have the player given the choice to hold the burial and ceremony at either Grothmar (surrounded by Blood) or at the Vigil Keep. (These would probably function best as shared instances rather than open world.) An extra option if you are Vigil, you decide it's held at the Keep for the sake of duty regardless of your opinion. I also have a small idea for a mini event where rifle wielding characters Engi, Deadeye, and Warrior, or all players by virtue of bundle items, participate in a 21-gun salute. Could function similar to the training heart rifle portion in south Queensdale.

Returning to Bjora, you wander off on your own with Raven's help to get a more clear cut vision of Almorra's last stand. Make this one an instance where you control her directly much like we controlled Caithe way back whenever. Lw2?

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@DebraKadabra.5278 said:

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:I mean... Eir kinda got the same treatment in HoT

I'm still plenty salty about that 4 years later, too. I mean... it's war and people die. I just grew to really love Almorra and I literally yelled "F*&%!" when I uncovered her body. RIP, General Soulkeeper.

I kinda got sad, because of how much time we spent and how she finally got revenge for her fallen warband. But maybe thats why they did it; Not only to showcase our new adversary is just as tenacious, cunning and powerful as us. But also that anyone can be a target~ that and her story is complete, Id rather them kill her off than be a token character with no real weight. (Logan.)

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Yes, Almorra is dead, and it's upsetting. But death isn't always pretty, or nice, or fair. Not even for someone like her.

And yet... I can't help but remember that we're a bit short on Gods of War at the moment. We need a replacement... I wonder if Aurene knows of someone that's passed into the mists recently that might be good for the job?

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