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Do you actively use the Build-Templates feature?

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@TwoGhosts.6790 said:

@Knighthonor.4061 said:wow I am amazed by the results of the poll

So am I. I am surprised so many people use it.

And this poll so far is only a small sampling of a small portion of the player base that comes to the forums. Imagine the data that Anet must have?

Yeah, but imagine how many players are now using Anet's garbage simply because it exists in game, but have never used Arc Templates before and so have no frame of reference or experience of what a well-designed templates solution was like. Very sad.

I never looked for any 3rd party software (never heard of it in GW2) because I never felt the need for it. I never switch builds around anyway. What we have now allows me to play around with 3 builds on each character (you do not even have to use a slot to save them. That is more than I will likely ever need.As I said I am not the target demographic :)

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I use it in every possible way and use it several times in hour. First, I missed a feature to swap armor + build templates with a single button. But my opinion changed when I started combining some templates in WvW. :)

I know that many are angry because they had almost infinite builds with Arc. However, it also had a timeout system. Switching builds wasn't possible everywhere and often it took 100 years to change. Don't get me wrong, it was a necessary feature to keep the fairness to the normal players without addon. But hell, it was just annoying. :/

In contrast, Anet's templates doesn't require a timeout system because no one is excluded from the templates. No matter where, and when, when I'm out of combat, armor + build changes in milliseconds. I enjoy that the most, as well as the new free spaces in the inventory. <3

However, I have to agree with the critics on one point and that would be one of the first things I would change. The limit of a maximum of 6 templates is simply not enough. In my opinion, the limit should be much higher. Even 12 templates would not be enough for all. They should consider adding another type of armor template that stores only the stats ​​themselves, including type of weapons, runes, and sigills. If you use one of these templates, it will be searched for all requirements in storage and inventory to equip what is available. The cool thing is that you could share these armor templates in chat and legendary equipment would be much more valuable. Please Anet, make it real. <3

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Only two of my characters are currently using the templates feature.

  • My Deadeye, for easy switching between pistol and rifle builds.
  • My ranger, for switching between PVE and WvW builds.

I should probably add one to my warrior for switching between open world solo and group banner builds.

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I use it.However i never would even consider buying more slots of build or equipment templates.When I can buy a new character slot for 800 gems which comes with 2 gear template slots and 3 build template slot (and new inventory slots), why would i spent 1900 instead (gear template 500 x 2, build template 300 x 3)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@c space cowboy.2764 said:Voted no because it made me quit the game until it's not wildly monetized and they fix legendary gear.

fix the auto-eject of upgrades and stat reset, as far as I can tell. Then again, I did not try too much as I have everything set for now and don't want to mess something up again. Perhaps you can try?

Nope, still happening, just tested it when I saw someone mention this.

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Attempted to use it and would love to use it, IF IT WORKED with legendary/account bound gear, but it doesn't. Swapping legendaries (or any stat swappable gear) between characters deletes the equipment builds. If it was a real "template" it would be awesome, unfortunately loadouts don't handle legendary gear between toons.

Post-update, I'm running a zerker daredevil for everything except wvw, whereas I used to swap between classes and between 20+ toons to best suit group/content needs. I don't buy soulbound items, so unless it becomes a real "template", or goes account bound, I won't be using equipment slots except for FashionWarz.

The build-only part is awesome, as I keep a text file of build codes, and could preload my top 3. But due to the equipment issues, and having to manually swap between every game mode, these have become 'lazy' multipurpose builds . So in practice, this devolved into just zombie-mode dps everything, avoiding PvP, and not really swapping builds at all.

On the upside, I've abandoned finishing my other legendary equipment, and have lots more free time for working on my PhD and candidacy exams. I prefer to stay positive, rather than feel depressed over being punished for investing in endgame content. There's plenty of enjoyable things outside of GW2.

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I absolutely use them and love them. I use it mostly for my Engi, switch between three different open world builds (Barrier Bruiser, Iron Blooded Juggernaut and Automative Gadgeteer) for soloing champs, mostly bandit champs, and it's beautiful. Being able to switch between two builds right out of combat before starting an executioner instantly is amazing. I also use it for other toons, but mostly my Engi. Even bought her a new gear slot, using gold. Worth it.

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I used them a lot and feels vital for my gameplay.

I am veteran casual player since GW1 Nightfall (shame I did't join before) and always brought all my builds, hundreds of them, in a Pen Drive back then even to School/University, just in case lol. Not only for me but also for my heroes. So much fun with abusive teams like 7 Searing flames Elementalist+Minion Master, Full interrupt Mesmer team or the invinbile Necro-Way with more than 20 minions following my brother and me.

I left GW2 prior Hots release and just came back 1 month ago and bought PoF with my brother. Really worthy. So much changes from core Game I like, others than feels lackluster (PvP specially feels the very same as before, just with less people to play against).

Never played a single game mode but alternate between all of them ("Hard Coops, Dungeons, Fissure-Underworld-Mallyx for GW1" & "WvW, PvP, Open World, Fractals & Dungeons" for GW2, with Raids on my need-to-do list). Being able to switch and create hundreds of builds in GW1 easily was one if not the best thing about gameplay for me. Therefore, only 3 builds feels reaaaaally poor now and buying more cost too much for a casual like me.

My main character is elementalist, Elayne Thrakand (100% map), and mainly used templates for: PvP-WvW Cantrip Weaver / PvE Stances Weaver / PvE-WvW healer Tempest, with equipment template for damage dealer and more healer focused items. The thing is I have several damage set parts to have survival (WvW), base dmg, or condition damage, and so do with weapons. Only 2 equipment builds and 3 for skills feels really poor, specially for people who play all game modes. This restriction made me create more "in all situation" builds for each game mode, and to adjust certain enemies, or just for fun, I must create a build everytime. BTW, weaver is the most fun class I've seen in any RPG. Need to try it with scpeter yet, I never liked the core one.

My other characters can survive since I don't play them that much compared to Elayne, at least now that I only have one Elite specialization with each of them.Ranger (my main in Ranked PvP with 2 condition damage builds and 1 for longbow/x), Warrior, Thief in order of hours played (around 30% map competion each, but no living story or expansions, and also use them in PvP and WvW back when it was fun), and I recently created Mesmer and Revenant lv80 with boosters, but need to practice with them (1% map completion both xD).

Once I start playing raids and if I ever come back to play WvW more often (right now is "follow commander to take defenseless tower" most of the time, booooring) and use more my other characters, I might think about buying more templates if they bring down prices.

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@HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:It has been a few weeks, since the built-templates were released. I have seen the complaints on this board, but aside from that no information how the new feature actually performs.

Thank you for participation and sharing your experience!

I used them to test out the feature, and then do some different build testing (which now, is probably all I'm ever going to use it for.) I casual play open world PVE 99% of the time on one character these days. Once I have my build dialed in, I never used the feature again. If I cross platform via WvWvW, or PvP, I could see the benefit. Or if I was doing raids, etc. I like that it's there...I just don't have a use for it. Back in the day when I would change up characters for dungeons, content, www/pvp, etc. it would really come in handy, because I wouldn't have to have some manner of notepad sitting by with several builds on it, so I could make the changes, and then keep playing. Now, it's down to a single button. Pretty nice.

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I've seen so many horror stories about lost/cloned gear, infusions, and upgrades that I'm waiting for the company to release a fix patch for their system before I really get into it. I also haven't done any PvP or WvW since the change, now that the builds I had for those modes have been erased and need to be rebuilt and manually switched to each time I change game mode maps.

Too broken for me right now.

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