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Would you like to have the option to mount even when in combat?

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Short: I think it would be fine for PvE. Is all part of ANet's design to force players to fight mobs. I really don't understand why they think this is a good thing. It feels like a chore to me.

Long: Players should not be forced to do anything they don't want to do. PoF completely destroyed the exploration aspect of the game for me. I cannot even stand still for a second to look around unless I get to an unreachable area first. That is probably the real reason for this post. Players are being forced to fight mobs when they just want to go somewhere or find something or just look around. It is just an easy and cheap way of "challenging" players. Anyway, as it is now, having the option to mount during combat may not be a big improvement because your mount is probably going to die before you can escape anyway. I would rather replace all these cheap generic mobs for a few well designed and challenging enemies or events. Take defending Nebo terrace as an example. It is challenging, there are no real rewards, and I still play it often. Just because it is fun for me. And the best part is I am not forced to play it when I don't want to.

Live and let live.

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Only if "in combat" doesn't really mean in the middle of a fight.

What I would like to see instead is a revision of the "in combat" status. Currently, it lasts too long/is too sensitive. You often find yourself miles away from the enemy, they are not engaging you, yet still have you focused - which keeps you "in combat", even when you aren't really. Also, conditions should not keep you "in combat", either.

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I am thinking the results of this poll so far are incredibly biased because most people vote from their PvP mindset. Helped by the fact that the 3rd poll option is also working towards that bias (calling it an exploit).

So my answer is No for PvP, yes for PvE.

Who the hell cares in PvE if I decide to NOT fight the mobs that constantly aggro me? I bet many PvE people like me simply start to run away and lose aggro at some point, after which they will mount up again. A chore for sure. Off course often the (newer) maps are so densely packed with long-range aggro mobs that this will not even work and you have to completely clear the area before you can mount up.

How is this fun for me, or making the game better for you, the bystander? There is no danger in this World anyway, with Waypoints everywhere and zero penalty to dying, so that can't be the argument.

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No, because of Warclaw stomp this would eliminate all remaining tactics in WvW fights. You could just instantly summon your Warclaw and stomp downed players left and right, effectively rendering downstate, rallies, and ressing obsolete.

The game mode is already death-based enough as it is. Let people live a little, and I don't mean by running away..

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@Tyncale.1629 said:I am thinking the results of this poll so far are incredibly biased because most people vote from their PvP mindset. Helped by the fact that the 3rd poll option is also working towards that bias (calling it an exploit).

So my answer is No for PvP, yes for PvE.

Who the hell cares in PvE if I decide to NOT fight the mobs that constantly aggro me? I bet many PvE people like me simply start to run away and lose aggro at some point, after which they will mount up again. A chore for sure. Off course often the (newer) maps are so densely packed with long-range aggro mobs that this will not even work and you have to completely clear the area before you can mount up.

How is this fun for me, or making the game better for you, the bystander? There is no danger in this World anyway, with Waypoints everywhere and zero penalty to dying, so that can't be the argument.

I think you are too quick to assume that anyone who didn't vote with you must only be thinking about WvW

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A way to avoid exploits to kill npc's with constant remounting/skill1 is to add a timer for when you mount up while in combat. You mount up in Combat, timer starts to run for 30 seconds or longer; while the timer runs you can dismount but not mount up again while you have aggro, untill the timer runs out OR you have lost all aggro. Giving you a one time chance to mount up during aggro would probably satisfy most people.

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Mounts create a lot of lag so being able to spam them would make large events unplayable.The mount attacks are some of the strongest attacks in the game and would invalidate many if not most player skills and and traits.It would be even harder to catch up to the group during meta events.Mount gameplay would be less exciting since there would be no way to fail a dangerous action.Swiftness and superspeed would lose all value.WvW would become enourmously frustrating to play and would lose most of its current playerbase.The mount would cushion players against enemy attacks and if players could mount up repeatedly they'd be nearly unkillable.

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reg my pve position, i want an auto-override that allows you to remount after ~30s of your being entered into combat - i.e. you did not start a fresh combat, but was either forcibly dismounted, or had cleared whatever you were attacking, only to be attacked by another mob which you did not retaliate against.

if you started the combat with the mob aggroing on you, and there is a valid path to target, you can't remount, or can only remount after, say, 2min of your inaction.

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@Tyncale.1629 said:I am thinking the results of this poll so far are incredibly biased because most people vote from their PvP mindset. Helped by the fact that the 3rd poll option is also working towards that bias (calling it an exploit).

So my answer is No for PvP, yes for PvE.

Who the hell cares in PvE if I decide to NOT fight the mobs that constantly aggro me? I bet many PvE people like me simply start to run away and lose aggro at some point, after which they will mount up again. A chore for sure. Off course often the (newer) maps are so densely packed with long-range aggro mobs that this will not even work and you have to completely clear the area before you can mount up.

How is this fun for me, or making the game better for you, the bystander? There is no danger in this World anyway, with Waypoints everywhere and zero penalty to dying, so that can't be the argument.

I care when you aggro mobs and drag them over to me as you gleefully mount and flit along to your next goal. If you avoid doing that, fine. Otherwise kill what you aggro.

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I could definitely see this being abused. I admit, it would be nice to be able to have a "get out of dodge" card to play, but I think it's important to NOT have that card in your back pocket, because then it forces you to put a little bit of thought into whether you can pull it off, whatever you're trying to do. There has to be the chance that you might die, otherwise you'll just go in thinking "if things get tough, I'll just pull out," and then there's no commitment by the player to really give it everything they've got.

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Things never get tough in PvE, they only get annoying when it comes to aggro. There is no death penalty, and you can still simply run away from a fight, it just takes forever to lose aggro sometimes or you run into more aggro because that is the way lots of new maps are. Having to lose aggro by killing everything in sight is not difficult or dangerous, it is annoying. In the rare case that you took on too many mobs and would actually die to PvE, the once-off mounting would probably not save you since Mounts are wet paper bags anyway. Though I guess by using the Raptor jump combined with Bond of Life you may be able to jump out of the mayhem. Which would be perfectly fine with me.

The " do not pull aggro over to me" is a nonsense argument. You can do that anyway by running away from a fight, with a much bigger chance to involve other people since it takes so long to lose aggro. When fleeing with a mount, mobs give up much quicker since you cover so much distance in a few seconds.

Off course there are those people that find it convenient when other people have the aggro so they can quickly harvest that node without being bothered by mobs around it. Always funny to see those folks flitting by. I will say though that at least 50% or so help kill the annoying adds so I guess there is that.

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Wish they added more mount utility skills to fit that bar before they moved on. Would have been great to call in your mount to do a quick engage attack even in combat. Give it a high cooldown.

As for being able to get on your mount in combat, that should never happen. If anything getting out of combat when everything is dead should be smoother. 30 second crippling makes me want to log off sometimes.

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What I would like to see is:

  • Players having more ability to exit combat and avoid combat, like a WoW rogue's "Vanish" ability and REAL stealth, rather than having to fight to the death and then wait for over a kitten minute of Cripple to wear off so we can resume playing normally. The fact that this game has WAY too high density of trash mobs is a related problem.

  • GET RID OF SLOWER MOVEMENT IN COMBAT! There is absolutely no rational reason why "combat" movement should be slower than "normal" movement.

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@Darkwolf.6837 said:Letting people with mounts skip even more content is the wrong way to go.

True, however, sometimes the system keeps people in combat for long periods of time for no reason. I was in combat for 17 min for no real reason (after a boss fight wherever else left). There is a problem when it's quicker to log out and in just to regain control of your character to be able to mount or waypoint. So in the end it's likely a better idea to allow players to at least mount when their in combat.

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@DeadlySynz.3471 said:

@Darkwolf.6837 said:Letting people with mounts skip even more content is the wrong way to go.

True, however, sometimes the system keeps people in combat for long periods of time for no reason. I was in combat for 17 min for no real reason (after a boss fight wherever else left). There is a problem when it's quicker to log out and in just to regain control of your character to be able to mount or waypoint. So in the end it's likely a better idea to allow players to at least mount when their in combat.

I would like a MAJOR revamp of in-combat detection.For example to only way to be tagged as in combat would be to have either dealt damage to an enemy or received damage within a certain time frame (for example the last 20 seconds).Conditions should not tag players as in combat and should even disappear quicker when out of combat.

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:Only if "in combat" doesn't really mean in the middle of a fight.

What I would like to see instead is a revision of the "in combat" status. Currently, it lasts too long/is too sensitive. You often find yourself miles away from the enemy, they are not engaging you, yet still have you focused - which keeps you "in combat", even when you aren't really. Also, conditions should not keep you "in combat", either.

This. Though I would vote yes only for when I play my minion master because well... you know. You all know.

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