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Official capes discussion thread

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Considering the capes attach to the back of your armour it's not a big deal.

They don't wrap around the neck or attach to a chestplate that would allow them to cover the shoulders and wrap around the character covering the gap while being a clipping nightmare.

Personally im fine with them as they are, I just hope that going forward more capes will be added but as earnable rewards in Strike Missions, Raids, PvP and WvW.More so I hope that an upgraded Guild Cape is added as well (much like the ornate guild armour) and this upgraded cape ties into your PvP/WvW tournament success gaining unique and prestigious trims much like you cape did in Gw1.

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@Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:

@Udolpho.1209 said:...So, not only CAPES, but DYEABLE backpieces too? WHAT IS HAPPENING!

You're in a coma. I'm a figment of your imagination which you created to explain this to you. Also, you can now fly because it's a dream and all. ;)

Excellent. I thought I'd died. A coma is much better, I'll take it.

And that was my very next thought: when are we getting the cape glider + dyeable backpack combo that lets you fly like superman? This has to be next! Right? Flying capes, yes? I can fly now, yes? Regular gliding, one arm out, one arm at side, one knee bent; lean gliding, two arms out, legs straight; also a knee bent upright pose when you drop out of gliding or lean back...

No, you're right, I think I might still be dreaming...

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:If any dev reads this: Please, give us a hooded cloak! <3 :) It would probably be best to combine a cloak-y cape with a complementary head piece to give us two variants: one with the hood on and one with the hood off. Also different designs for either rangers or mages (that would also mean more money via the Gem Store ;) ).

Something cool like this (right-click to enlarge):


Medium armor can already have that. Theres a hood head piece and wear the cape and dye them so they look the same color.

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@Teratus.2859 said:Considering the capes attach to the back of your armour it's not a big deal.

They don't wrap around the neck or attach to a chestplate that would allow them to cover the shoulders and wrap around the character covering the gap while being a clipping nightmare.

Personally im fine with them as they are, I just hope that going forward more capes will be added but as earnable rewards in Strike Missions, Raids, PvP and WvW.More so I hope that an upgraded Guild Cape is added as well (much like the ornate guild armour) and this upgraded cape ties into your PvP/WvW tournament success gaining unique and prestigious trims much like you cape did in Gw1.

I suspect that capes will be the new glider (literally in many cases) and the vast, vast, vast majority will be in the gemstore with only a tiny handful being added in game.

Anyway, I'll probably pick up one of the next few capes if they move them further up your character's back or otherwise rework them so they don't clip through your armor.

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@Weindrasi.3805 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:Then don’t buy it. Simple. Let people enjoy things kittenr

Yes, because
I'm here to shame people for liking things. That's, like, totally logical and sane. I'm definitely NOT here to express criticism for something I find poorly designed, and it's definitely NOT my right as a consumer to give feedback.

Ooooh, they got you there, @GummyBearSummoner.7941 . . .

I mean, if a person can't offer their opinions in a public forum without any risk of receiving any contrary feedback or opinion from other posters what is even the point . . ? ;)

Contrary feedback is fine (and expected, considering the capes have gotten more hype than anything Anet has released in months, and I'm essentially pissing on the capes lol)--but the argument that I'm just here to shame people for liking a thing gets under my skin.

Slightly off-topic, but I'm always amazed that 'pissing' doesn't get censored by the kitten filter. Is it less offensive in the US than in the UK?

@"Danikat.8537" said:I suspect this is why Anet spent years telling us capes wouldn't work with the physics in GW2. It worked in GW1 (sort of) because the physics and graphics were much more basic so it didn't matter of it looked like a sheet of card stuck to your back.

But it seems like Anet are looking for some "quick wins" at the moment, or maybe all the constant requests and claims that it doesn't matter if it clips or floats or looks terrible convinced them that...Well, it wouldn't matter and players would be happy with what they could do even if it's not up to their usual standard.

I'm not convinced that this is a "quick win", since the capes are dyeable, and we were always told (in any threads anyone made about it) that making dyeable back items would be a huge undertaking. That said, I can't remember if we were ever told that by anyone who actually worked for ANet! (Although the forum poster I remember making that claim - who doesn't post anymore - I always strongly suspected was an ANet employee anyway.)

@Tukaram.8256 said:My only issue with them is they are too short. They should be the same length as our long coats. What good is a cape that does not cover your clothes?

All my capes are ankle length. But the Philippines is so freaking hot I only get to wear a cape during typhoon season ha ha :)

I honestly can't tell if you're being facetious, but I suppose I should agree since all my capes reach down to the centre of the Earth...

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I mean, in the first place - I never wanted capes.

But I knew that capes are a really popular request around here so I'm not surprised. It's not a big deal to me, I'd rather have people be able to customize their characters as they see fit.

However, it does bother me that it seems that the capes attach directly to the back when they should be attached to something around the neck or shoulders instead ( which is standard for most capes.)

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Unpopular opinion: Wings look terrible and cringey on everyone. and should have never been added. Yet, there they are.

Complaining about the first capes designs? cmon don't insult your intelligence, do you remember the first wings?Went from small with annoying animations, to large and stiff and now they have a fluid animation based on character movement and actions.

These capes are the baseline for a knight theme character, more and better will come for all tastes. and yes mainly for the gem store like always, no surprises and that's were I hope to see them in their vast majority. a company doesn´t prosper through charity.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:I think they added weapon hiding precisely because they're unwilling to fix or even mitigate the clipping issues..

You are probably right.I knew reporting this was a long shot and that probably nothing will come of it, but I had to at least try.

I figured if I can fix this issue then surely the devs can.

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@Tommo Chocolate.5870 said:

@"Danikat.8537" said:I suspect this is why Anet spent years telling us capes wouldn't work with the physics in GW2. It worked in GW1 (sort of) because the physics and graphics were much more basic so it didn't matter of it looked like a sheet of card stuck to your back.

But it seems like Anet are looking for some "quick wins" at the moment, or maybe all the constant requests and claims that it doesn't matter if it clips or floats or looks terrible convinced them that...Well, it wouldn't matter and players would be happy with what they could do even if it's not up to their usual standard.

I'm not convinced that this is a "quick win", since the capes are dyeable, and we were always told (in any threads anyone made about it) that making dyeable back items would be a huge undertaking. That said, I can't remember if we were ever told that by anyone who actually worked for ANet! (Although the forum poster I remember making that claim - who doesn't post anymore - I always strongly suspected was an ANet employee anyway.)

If I remember correctly what they said is that making existing back items dyable would be a huge amount of work because they weren't originally designed that way and to change it they'd have to re-create each one in a different way, which is nearly as much work as making a new one, and there's loads of back items (probably over 100). I'm not sure if it was a deliberate decision to make them undyable or if it just wasn't thought about because before launch there were very few back items with skins.

I'm not sure why it's taken until now to get some dyable ones though, maybe they just thought it was more important to be consistent so having made dozens of undyable back items they should keep them that way?

This is pure speculation but we've also been told capes are not easy to make, so maybe they decided it's better to put a bit of extra effort into the ones they are making and make fewer overall, rather than having to make lots of different capes with different colour schemes to suit different characters?

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Not to rain on OP's parade, but, I'm not sure capes have been an amazing success. I just checked the gw2efficiency stats. 2823 players - of the 239564 with gw2efficiency accounts have unlocked the Basic Guild Cape and just 2286 of those 239564 have unlocked the Emblazoned Cape. That's 1.178% and 0.954% respectively. While I realize the 239564 gw2efficiency accounts are not the entire GW2 player population, it is a non-trivial sample size from which to draw conclusions.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:Considering the capes attach to the back of your armour it's not a big deal.

They don't wrap around the neck or attach to a chestplate that would allow them to cover the shoulders and wrap around the character covering the gap while being a clipping nightmare.

Personally im fine with them as they are, I just hope that going forward more capes will be added but as earnable rewards in Strike Missions, Raids, PvP and WvW.More so I hope that an upgraded Guild Cape is added as well (much like the ornate guild armour) and this upgraded cape ties into your PvP/WvW tournament success gaining unique and prestigious trims much like you cape did in Gw1.

I suspect that capes will be the new glider (literally in many cases) and the vast, vast, vast majority will be in the gemstore with only a tiny handful being added in game.

Anyway, I'll probably pick up one of the next few capes if they move them further up your character's back or otherwise rework them so they don't clip through your armor.

No doubt they'll monitize them as well but I'd like to think reward capes will be a thing considering they did go down that road with chairs too.

The cash shop is the trade off for the lack of subfee so game has to make money and i'm personally fine with that.I don't mind buying gemstore stuff on occasion and it's certainly better than any subfee model garbage that other MMOS use, MMO's that often have a cash shop on top of that with even more extortionate prices, sometimes even blatant pay to win as well not to mention the company straight up seizes your account and everything on it should you decide not to pay the subfee..Subfees are pretty much no different to ransomware.. if anything they're worse since subfees demand regular monthly fees to access your account and your stuff and theres no way around it outside of quitting.

Cash shop even allows full gold to gem conversion too so you never actually need to spend a dime on the game outside of expansions..I've played many MMO's and in this area Gw2 utterly wipes the floor with most if not all others imo.. so i'll happily buy stuff on there from time to time.Bugs me a bit how much hate the store gets though.. I understand the reward thing and I agree we need more gemstore like rewards in the game to earn but I'll never understand people who would rather have a subfee on this game.. it wouldn't change the cash shop in any way nor would it benefit the game in any way other than give most of it's core player base a reason to walk away and never touch the franchise again.

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