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Necromancer Pets

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@Tzarakiel.7490 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:...But considering no minions bar the flesh golem is used in raids or fractals...

No minions? Really? Good thing I do not do fractals or raids (or even know what they are, really).

As for the minions, I have always rather liked the way they look. Kind of dead looking skeletal critters. I like em. I play mostly necro/minions. By far my favorite avatar, because of the minions. :)

Minions aren't used in fractals and dungeons because they mess with boss AI and can make encounters take 10 times longer in the worst case scenario. Basically, using minions in instanced content can be considered griefing.

I don't think this is the case. We took a new player from our guild into raiding on their minion master necro (literally every minion) and we were killing things fine without the AI going weird, I'm pretty sure they were even the tank at one point. Note: no, it was not meta, it was pretty low DPS and I don't recommend anyone trying to pug raids with it, we just really wanted to clear the bosses for her.

It was also meta to take Rune of the Lich on Scourge for a long time and the minions spawned by the rune were not bugging out AI. The only place in raids where I can think of it bugging is on Bandit Trio when you're trying to stack at the gate to pull the snipers down, but perhaps I'm forgetting something.

Also, I am pretty sure nobody cares if you are bringing your minions into dungeons. The same for lower level fractals. Honestly, play what you want there and ignore people like this - as long as you are joining an LFG reflective of that, or start your own LFG with "anyone welcome".

Edit: I forgot the point of this thread when I started replying, sorry! I think it could be cool to skin the minions but I don't know how it could be integrated. It could be interesting to have each race have its own different minion skin!

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@Lottie.5370 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:...But considering no minions bar the flesh golem is used in raids or fractals...

No minions? Really? Good thing I do not do fractals or raids (or even know what they are, really).

As for the minions, I have always rather liked the way they look. Kind of dead looking skeletal critters. I like em. I play mostly necro/minions. By far my favorite avatar, because of the minions. :)

Minions aren't used in fractals and dungeons because they mess with boss AI and can make encounters take 10 times longer in the worst case scenario. Basically, using minions in instanced content can be considered griefing.

I don't think this is the case. We took a new player from our guild into raiding on their minion master necro (literally every minion) and we were killing things fine without the AI going weird, I'm pretty sure they were even the tank at one point. Note: no, it was not meta, it was pretty low DPS and I don't recommend anyone trying to pug raids with it, we just really wanted to clear the bosses for her.

It was also meta to take Rune of the Lich on Scourge for a long time and the minions spawned by the rune were not bugging out AI. The only place in raids where I can think of it bugging is on Bandit Trio when you're trying to stack at the gate to pull the snipers down, but perhaps I'm forgetting something.

Also, I am pretty sure nobody cares if you are bringing your minions into dungeons. The same for lower level fractals. Honestly, play what you want there and ignore people like this -
as long as you are joining an LFG reflective of that, or start your own LFG with "anyone welcome".

Edit: I forgot the point of this thread when I started replying, sorry! I think it could be cool to skin the minions but I don't know how it could be integrated. It could be interesting to have each race have its own different minion skin!

Just because the issues don't happen every time doesn't mean they don't happen. I suffered through an absolute awful fractal boss 2 weeks ago where it took us 25 min to kill the Dredge mining suit because the pets kept stalling the boss so it started regenerating or stopping the boss before it reached the molten metal.

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@Josiah.2967 said:I would totally pay for Skin Packs.

I can just imagine holiday theme skin packs.1.) Ginger Bread Men2.) Toys3.) Robots (Azura Necromancer Tech?)4.) SkyScales (using the different baby stages would be so cute)5.) Zombies6.) Plants (got to have Zombies vs Plants)6.) Skeletons

We really need cuter alternatives for a contrast. They have to sell.

Hard pass on that. Necromancer minions are made from the remains of dead animals and people, basically constructs. Some of the suggestions you make (gingerbread man being the most obvious) are frankly ridiculous as Necromancer minions. There is no way to make a construct of dead and rotting body parts look cute, and they're not supposed to. There's nothing necromantic about the gingerbread man, or skyscales, or toys for that matter. In my opinion it would be nothing more than a cheap gimmick and a slap in the face of necromancy.

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@TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

@Josiah.2967 said:I would totally pay for Skin Packs.

I can just imagine holiday theme skin packs.1.) Ginger Bread Men2.) Toys3.) Robots (Azura Necromancer Tech?)4.) SkyScales (using the different baby stages would be so cute)5.) Zombies6.) Plants (got to have Zombies vs Plants)6.) Skeletons

We really need cuter alternatives for a contrast. They have to sell.

Hard pass on that. Necromancer minions are made from the remains of dead animals and people, basically constructs. Some of the suggestions you make (gingerbread man being the most obvious) are frankly ridiculous as Necromancer minions. There is no way to make a construct of dead and rotting body parts look cute, and they're not supposed to. There's nothing necromantic about the gingerbread man, or skyscales, or toys for that matter. In my opinion it would be nothing more than a cheap gimmick and a slap in the face of necromancy.

The story has:1.) Syvarie being sacrificed to power golems2.) Scruffy or robots (which toys could be robots) animated

I consider the current restrictions a slap in the face. I think Necromancers should be able to animate more than a few exact combinations that can never change. They get the parts out of nowhere, so that's not the problem. I want to animated something different.

Look at Sylvari. There creations make no sense for the race. There minions should be plant based.

We can have different opinions. I am willing to pay $$$ for what I want. Listen to the whale.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@Gryphon.2875 said:They're like that because of the way they looked in GW1, but yes I'd love to have some proper zombies for a change.

actually, GW1 is worse... especially the fried battered shrimp :lol:

? I prefer the way they look now, but they are still in the GW1 style. But, having a Risen style zombie or an Awakened mummy would be an awesome option.

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@Josiah.2967 said:

@Josiah.2967 said:I would totally pay for Skin Packs.

I can just imagine holiday theme skin packs.1.) Ginger Bread Men2.) Toys3.) Robots (Azura Necromancer Tech?)4.) SkyScales (using the different baby stages would be so cute)5.) Zombies6.) Plants (got to have Zombies vs Plants)6.) Skeletons

We really need cuter alternatives for a contrast. They have to sell.

Hard pass on that. Necromancer minions are made from the remains of dead animals and people, basically constructs. Some of the suggestions you make (gingerbread man being the most obvious) are frankly ridiculous as Necromancer minions. There is no way to make a construct of dead and rotting body parts look cute, and they're not supposed to. There's nothing necromantic about the gingerbread man, or skyscales, or toys for that matter. In my opinion it would be nothing more than a cheap gimmick and a slap in the face of necromancy.

The story has:1.) Syvarie being sacrificed to power golems2.) Scruffy or robots (which toys could be robots) animated

I consider the current restrictions a slap in the face. I think Necromancers should be able to animate more than a few exact combinations that can never change. They get the parts out of nowhere, so that's not the problem. I want to animated something different.

Look at Sylvari. There creations make no sense for the race. There minions should be plant based.

We can have different opinions. I am willing to pay $$$ for what I want. Listen to the whale.

The operative word is necromancy. Explain to me how animating food and toys constitutes being necromancy. They reanimate dead things. That goes for Sylvari necromancers as well. Just because Sylvari are plant-based, doesn't mean their minions have to be, or that the whole nature of necromancy changes. Comparing golems/robots to undead minions is like comparing apples and oranges. It just doesn't work. Yes, we can have different opinions. But necromancy is necromancy, regardless of anyone's opinion.

And I am a whale too. I would not spend a single dime on skins that spit in the face of necromancy. If you want cute and cuddly minions, play Pokémon.

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@TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

@Josiah.2967 said:I would totally pay for Skin Packs.

I can just imagine holiday theme skin packs.1.) Ginger Bread Men2.) Toys3.) Robots (Azura Necromancer Tech?)4.) SkyScales (using the different baby stages would be so cute)5.) Zombies6.) Plants (got to have Zombies vs Plants)6.) Skeletons

We really need cuter alternatives for a contrast. They have to sell.

Hard pass on that. Necromancer minions are made from the remains of dead animals and people, basically constructs. Some of the suggestions you make (gingerbread man being the most obvious) are frankly ridiculous as Necromancer minions. There is no way to make a construct of dead and rotting body parts look cute, and they're not supposed to. There's nothing necromantic about the gingerbread man, or skyscales, or toys for that matter. In my opinion it would be nothing more than a cheap gimmick and a slap in the face of necromancy.

The story has:1.) Syvarie being sacrificed to power golems2.) Scruffy or robots (which toys could be robots) animated

I consider the current restrictions a slap in the face. I think Necromancers should be able to animate more than a few exact combinations that can never change. They get the parts out of nowhere, so that's not the problem. I want to animated something different.

Look at Sylvari. There creations make no sense for the race. There minions should be plant based.

We can have different opinions. I am willing to pay $$$ for what I want. Listen to the whale.

The operative word is necromancy. Explain to me how animating food and toys constitutes being necromancy. They reanimate dead things. That goes for Sylvari necromancers as well. Just because Sylvari are plant-based, doesn't mean their minions have to be, or that the whole nature of necromancy changes. Comparing golems/robots to undead minions is like comparing apples and oranges. It just doesn't work. Yes, we can have different opinions. But necromancy is necromancy, regardless of anyone's opinion.

And I am a whale too. I would not spend a single dime on skins that spit in the face of necromancy. If you want cute and cuddly minions, play Pokémon.

This is a paradox. The exact same argument can be applied on the flip side. There is no reason a necromancer can't use Silvari parts to make a minion. This is not Guild Wars 1 where you can only play humans. In that game, I would accept your argument... This is a fantasy game with more races. We already have living robots and plant people... Welcome to Guild Wars 2.

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@Josiah.2967 said:

@Josiah.2967 said:I would totally pay for Skin Packs.

I can just imagine holiday theme skin packs.1.) Ginger Bread Men2.) Toys3.) Robots (Azura Necromancer Tech?)4.) SkyScales (using the different baby stages would be so cute)5.) Zombies6.) Plants (got to have Zombies vs Plants)6.) Skeletons

We really need cuter alternatives for a contrast. They have to sell.

Hard pass on that. Necromancer minions are made from the remains of dead animals and people, basically constructs. Some of the suggestions you make (gingerbread man being the most obvious) are frankly ridiculous as Necromancer minions. There is no way to make a construct of dead and rotting body parts look cute, and they're not supposed to. There's nothing necromantic about the gingerbread man, or skyscales, or toys for that matter. In my opinion it would be nothing more than a cheap gimmick and a slap in the face of necromancy.

The story has:1.) Syvarie being sacrificed to power golems2.) Scruffy or robots (which toys could be robots) animated

I consider the current restrictions a slap in the face. I think Necromancers should be able to animate more than a few exact combinations that can never change. They get the parts out of nowhere, so that's not the problem. I want to animated something different.

Look at Sylvari. There creations make no sense for the race. There minions should be plant based.

We can have different opinions. I am willing to pay $$$ for what I want. Listen to the whale.

The operative word is necromancy. Explain to me how animating food and toys constitutes being necromancy. They reanimate dead things. That goes for Sylvari necromancers as well. Just because Sylvari are plant-based, doesn't mean their minions have to be, or that the whole nature of necromancy changes. Comparing golems/robots to undead minions is like comparing apples and oranges. It just doesn't work. Yes, we can have different opinions. But necromancy is necromancy, regardless of anyone's opinion.

And I am a whale too. I would not spend a single dime on skins that spit in the face of necromancy. If you want cute and cuddly minions, play Pokémon.

This is a paradox. The exact same argument can be applied on the flip side. There is no reason a necromancer can't use Silvari parts to make a minion. This is not Guild Wars 1 where you can only play humans. In that game, I would accept your argument... This is a fantasy game with more races. We already have living robots and plant people... Welcome to Guild Wars 2.

All I can say then is that you don't understand what necromancy is.

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I love my necros, and I've been saying this for ages. the pets need an appearance upgrade. I have to agree with the hard pass on the warm and fuzzy versions of necro "pets".. they should be gruesome and undead looking (gingerbread man? Seriously???) BUT..... I do agree they need a major appearance overhaul. The graphics look like something from the 90's. Give them more texture, and a more "fleshy" appearance. The ranger pets aren't much better. I'm all for even tossing gems into "skin packs" to update the current look if that's what needs to be.Shut up and take my money... and give me pets that look as real in appearance as my character does.

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@"Nepeta Cataria.1860" said:I love my necros, and I've been saying this for ages. the pets need an appearance upgrade. I have to agree with the hard pass on the warm and fuzzy versions of necro "pets".. they should be gruesome and undead looking (gingerbread man? Seriously???) BUT..... I do agree they need a major appearance overhaul. The graphics look like something from the 90's. Give them more texture, and a more "fleshy" appearance. The ranger pets aren't much better. I'm all for even tossing gems into "skin packs" to update the current look if that's what needs to be.Shut up and take my money... and give me pets that look as real in appearance as my character does.

What do you think about Awakened and Risen skin packs?

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@Gryphon.2875 said:

@"Nepeta Cataria.1860" said:I love my necros, and I've been saying this for ages. the pets need an appearance upgrade. I have to agree with the hard pass on the warm and fuzzy versions of necro "pets".. they should be gruesome and undead looking (gingerbread man? Seriously???) BUT..... I do agree they need a major appearance overhaul. The graphics look like something from the 90's. Give them more texture, and a more "fleshy" appearance. The ranger pets aren't much better. I'm all for even tossing gems into "skin packs" to update the current look if that's what needs to be.Shut up and take my money... and give me pets that look as real in appearance as my character does.

What do you think about Awakened and Risen skin packs?

Lore-wise incredibly problematic.Awakened? This is special magic that is known only by Palawa Joko and select servants. Even imagining our characters somehow learning it, it is also clearly an involved ritual and not something done on the fly.Risen? Straight up dragon magic, increadibly corrupting! (Yes, I strongly disagree with using the Risen Shark model for underwater Flesh Golem)

Also - both of these tend to make minions of individuals which is completely unacceptable to tyrian society at large (with the exception of those who have lived under Joko, of course). Player Character necromancers pull together the random ambient dead flesh, turning it into amalgamations. There are definitely both Risen and Awakened amalgamation constructs, using parts from multiple corpses (interestingly this fits mobs called Abominations in both groups, despite it being closer to "accepted" reanimation).

I can see alternate looks, like making the minions purely skeletal unstead of the fairly fleshy looks they currently get. I do however see less room for variation than in some other areas such as turrets.

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@"FWSergik.8516" said:

Hi, there is an extremely important question for me, are the Necromancer Pets frankly they are terrible and ugly, I haven’t met such ugly ones in any mmo, and then I was visited by the thought, what if I add a change in the appearance of the Pets to the sale?

They aren't "pets", they are undead minions, and as such are not supposed to look cuddly and cute. They have been designed to look ugly for a reason, and they have looked that way since GW1 for a reason. Pets <> undead minions raised from rotten corpses. ;)

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@"Nepeta Cataria.1860" said:I love my necros, and I've been saying this for ages. the pets need an appearance upgrade. I have to agree with the hard pass on the warm and fuzzy versions of necro "pets".. they should be gruesome and undead looking (gingerbread man? Seriously???) BUT..... I do agree they need a major appearance overhaul. The graphics look like something from the 90's. Give them more texture, and a more "fleshy" appearance. The ranger pets aren't much better. I'm all for even tossing gems into "skin packs" to update the current look if that's what needs to be.Shut up and take my money... and give me pets that look as real in appearance as my character does.

What do you think about Awakened and Risen skin packs?

Lore-wise incredibly problematic.Awakened? This is special magic that is known only by Palawa Joko and select servants. Even imagining our characters somehow learning it, it is also clearly an involved ritual and not something done on the fly.Risen? Straight up
dragon magic
, increadibly corrupting! (Yes, I
disagree with using the Risen Shark model for underwater Flesh Golem)

Also - both of these tend to make minions of
which is completely unacceptable to tyrian society at large (with the exception of those who have lived under Joko, of course). Player Character necromancers pull together the random ambient dead flesh, turning it into amalgamations. There are definitely both Risen and Awakened amalgamation constructs, using parts from multiple corpses (interestingly this fits mobs called Abominations in both groups, despite it being closer to "accepted" reanimation).

I can see alternate looks, like making the minions purely skeletal unstead of the fairly fleshy looks they currently get. I do however see less room for variation than in some other areas such as turrets.

They're not all amalgamations, though. The healer minion is obviously an undead breeze rider, and the ranged minion is an undead devourer.But yes, skeletons would be awesome.

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@Gryphon.2875 said:They're not all amalgamations, though. The healer minion is obviously an undead breeze rider, and the ranged minion is an undead devourer.But yes, skeletons would be awesome.

They may have similar shapes, but looking closely, you would see this is not remotely true. Blood Fiend has visible organs in locations that breeze riders definitely do not, not to mention fewer extremeties. Bone Fiend takes a similar shape to devourerers, but they are clearly amalgamations of bone and flesh, having definitively boney interior skeletons while Devourers have chitinous exoskeletons.

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