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Pistol whip spam thieves


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@Odik.4587 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Something is somewhat effective on thief resulting in some players dieing to a thief therefore resulting in nerf whines lolI really hope the balance dev's start to finally notice that listening to its community will literally just end up with thief being completely useless as that's the only way this community would stop crying about thief lol it's sad.

The problem doesn't come from effectiveness, but from how easy it is to spamm it. I rather have 1 super effective skill that can be used each 30-35 secs that a mediocre one which can be spamm while dazing and giving evades frames.

Its us such a easy skill to counter,its dps is no where near op and due to thief mechanics ALL its skill would have to be useless and ineffective or actually have more than one or two useful skills per weapon(as it is now) so spamming the few useful skills aren't required. Thief spams a skill or 2 at most each weapon set because they've all been nerfed from the whine's of this games ridiculously bias and sad community lolHonestly between the community and the devs lol this game sure is in great hands lol rogue's always get the most salt in mmo's but this community is something else, it's literally anything that somewhat works on thief must get nerfed in the communities eyes and the dev's are something else and actually listen lol

@Jasonbdj.4021 said:24k from rapid fire alone here on a nerco.... guess i'll continue to keep away from pvp trash mode till the next balance as it still dumb face roll gameplay

Necro to this day remains one of the most unfun classes to go against..especially core necro, being constantly loaded with disabiliting conditions on top of dmg ones...it's not fun and equally dumb. PvP has been trash mode since Dec 2014 with the Dhuum patch, ofc I don't expect a necro main to recognize that, no class is fun to fight in GW2...they all have highly unskilled mechanics...at least I can see past my own bias

This^Gw2 is all unskilled cheese builds these days and pvp is literally about out cheesing ur opponent. All the classes need massive reworks which wont happen anytime soon so enjoy lol. One mistake the devs made which the shoulda known better was to create counters than create counters to counters and so on lolSuch a mess.

Better try to lvl up your character in Blade and Soul , rather than wasting your time here :P

Oh I am lol got to lv 40 last night :)

GzNow because Blade and Soul its a 1v1 game , with its arenas , you should give your opinions there :PAnd not waste time here :P

Bdo not blade and soul lol plus I've been playing gw2 for half a decade and just started playing bdo so not really comfortable adding suggestions in their forums :)Plus still play a couple games each night or so for kicks.

You will do fine , in their forumsJust do the same as here , with bypolar answers :P

You should focus , on bdo much more to improve your skills

Well if ur having issues with pistol whip u as well definitely need to improve ur skills-in gw2 and a start would be practicing ur skills in gw2 instead of spending time whining or adding to the whining of every little skill that's annoying for u to face :)

Or Thief attracts casual players like you , that just spamms 1-2 skills , and think they are pro .Then Whine about Rifles Warrior hitting too hard , or Enginers stealth too much , or Mesmers should burst 25% of your HP from stealth , or blame the Devs for this mess powercreepTakes your main account with you too , and play some bdo :P

@"saerni.2584" said:Anet should make a true OP thief build.

Steal oneshots you and takes 10 copper from your wallet.

Cleansing conditions applied by the thief apply additional condi instead.

Striking a thief has a base 25% chance for evade because we are just that agile.

PW thief OP? Erhm...can I suggest not standing in one spot with only one hand on your controls?

This! LolU forum whiners wanna talk about balance. Hit a scrapper 50 times and get him to 1/4 health, drops a turret and full heals and stuns u with hammer and downs thief in two hits while thief is stunned- balance! Let's whine about thief lmao

Its your problem , if you cannot simply dodge''V''Or use evade -mobility skills

2 of the attacks does the damage om the hammer > 1 has huge leap/followup animations > then they have to wait for long cd afterwards...unlikly thiefs

What ?Are you going to say that they does aoe + offer evades frames + daze?Guess what Pistowhip does too ?:PIn matter of fact, guess from which class we got the HoT evasive Ele + PoF evasive Mesmer spec from :PAnd many ..many will come :P

Pfff ...

Lol oh no u called me a casual. I played this game and thief for minimum of an hr or so each night for like 4 yrs strait so at this point I could care less what garbage u sling at me cuz now I'm a casual who doesn't play that much anymore lol. I dont play anymore cuz players like u who cant even deal with mediocre builds whine about every build that's a challenge or annoys u and runs to the forum to cry. PW has been around how long? Lmao now it's a problem cuz sind started playing it and some other thieves picked it up? So if sind played d/d next and other thieves started playing we'd see oh pls anet nerf d/d thief whaaaaaaaaa a few killed me so its OP whaaaaaaaaa the audacity of a thief who beats me in a fight whaaaaaaa op,op so OP.I swear u lemming are deserving of this garbage pile of a game lol doesnt even matter if a builds op on thief,along as thieves play it and a few people say it's good u guys flock to the forums to say how OP it is lmao.Hopefully sind makes another mediocre meme build and as thieves start playing it we will again see u whiners flock like lemmings duhhhh the builds op whaaaaaaa :)

Which is most casual ?When ones whinning about a spec that pressing 1-2 buttons , has Evasive + does aoe damage + Condition Removal while evadingOr some1 else who is whinning about Rifles F1 Warriors or too much Stealth Enginner ? IN A CONQUESTT !!!!!!The answer is the secondYou !I wonder why you spend your time on him?For someone who "quit" and spends 90% of his life on this forum actively spamming thief defense posts/whines... its too much, dont you think?

Because he quit too .But with his posts , he is continuing to hurt the pvp scene .I am RPing in real life , by casting ''cure'' spells and try to pre-heal with HoT for the incoming damage :P

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Something is somewhat effective on thief resulting in some players dieing to a thief therefore resulting in nerf whines lolI really hope the balance dev's start to finally notice that listening to its community will literally just end up with thief being completely useless as that's the only way this community would stop crying about thief lol it's sad.

The problem doesn't come from effectiveness, but from how easy it is to spamm it. I rather have 1 super effective skill that can be used each 30-35 secs that a mediocre one which can be spamm while dazing and giving evades frames.

Its us such a easy skill to counter,its dps is no where near op and due to thief mechanics ALL its skill would have to be useless and ineffective or actually have more than one or two useful skills per weapon(as it is now) so spamming the few useful skills aren't required. Thief spams a skill or 2 at most each weapon set because they've all been nerfed from the whine's of this games ridiculously bias and sad community lolHonestly between the community and the devs lol this game sure is in great hands lol rogue's always get the most salt in mmo's but this community is something else, it's literally anything that somewhat works on thief must get nerfed in the communities eyes and the dev's are something else and actually listen lol

@Jasonbdj.4021 said:24k from rapid fire alone here on a nerco.... guess i'll continue to keep away from pvp trash mode till the next balance as it still dumb face roll gameplay

Necro to this day remains one of the most unfun classes to go against..especially core necro, being constantly loaded with disabiliting conditions on top of dmg ones...it's not fun and equally dumb. PvP has been trash mode since Dec 2014 with the Dhuum patch, ofc I don't expect a necro main to recognize that, no class is fun to fight in GW2...they all have highly unskilled mechanics...at least I can see past my own bias

This^Gw2 is all unskilled cheese builds these days and pvp is literally about out cheesing ur opponent. All the classes need massive reworks which wont happen anytime soon so enjoy lol. One mistake the devs made which the shoulda known better was to create counters than create counters to counters and so on lolSuch a mess.

Better try to lvl up your character in Blade and Soul , rather than wasting your time here :P

Oh I am lol got to lv 40 last night :)

GzNow because Blade and Soul its a 1v1 game , with its arenas , you should give your opinions there :PAnd not waste time here :P

Bdo not blade and soul lol plus I've been playing gw2 for half a decade and just started playing bdo so not really comfortable adding suggestions in their forums :)Plus still play a couple games each night or so for kicks.

You will do fine , in their forumsJust do the same as here , with bypolar answers :P

You should focus , on bdo much more to improve your skills

Well if ur having issues with pistol whip u as well definitely need to improve ur skills-in gw2 and a start would be practicing ur skills in gw2 instead of spending time whining or adding to the whining of every little skill that's annoying for u to face :)

Or Thief attracts casual players like you , that just spamms 1-2 skills , and think they are pro .Then Whine about Rifles Warrior hitting too hard , or Enginers stealth too much , or Mesmers should burst 25% of your HP from stealth , or blame the Devs for this mess powercreepTakes your main account with you too , and play some bdo :P

@"saerni.2584" said:Anet should make a true OP thief build.

Steal oneshots you and takes 10 copper from your wallet.

Cleansing conditions applied by the thief apply additional condi instead.

Striking a thief has a base 25% chance for evade because we are just that agile.

PW thief OP? Erhm...can I suggest not standing in one spot with only one hand on your controls?

This! LolU forum whiners wanna talk about balance. Hit a scrapper 50 times and get him to 1/4 health, drops a turret and full heals and stuns u with hammer and downs thief in two hits while thief is stunned- balance! Let's whine about thief lmao

Its your problem , if you cannot simply dodge''V''Or use evade -mobility skills

2 of the attacks does the damage om the hammer > 1 has huge leap/followup animations > then they have to wait for long cd afterwards...unlikly thiefs

What ?Are you going to say that they does aoe + offer evades frames + daze?Guess what Pistowhip does too ?:PIn matter of fact, guess from which class we got the HoT evasive Ele + PoF evasive Mesmer spec from :PAnd many ..many will come :P

Pfff ...

Lol oh no u called me a casual. I played this game and thief for minimum of an hr or so each night for like 4 yrs strait so at this point I could care less what garbage u sling at me cuz now I'm a casual who doesn't play that much anymore lol. I dont play anymore cuz players like u who cant even deal with mediocre builds whine about every build that's a challenge or annoys u and runs to the forum to cry. PW has been around how long? Lmao now it's a problem cuz sind started playing it and some other thieves picked it up? So if sind played d/d next and other thieves started playing we'd see oh pls anet nerf d/d thief whaaaaaaaaa a few killed me so its OP whaaaaaaaaa the audacity of a thief who beats me in a fight whaaaaaaa op,op so OP.I swear u lemming are deserving of this garbage pile of a game lol doesnt even matter if a builds op on thief,along as thieves play it and a few people say it's good u guys flock to the forums to say how OP it is lmao.Hopefully sind makes another mediocre meme build and as thieves start playing it we will again see u whiners flock like lemmings duhhhh the builds op whaaaaaaa :)

Which is most casual ?When ones whinning about a spec that pressing 1-2 buttons , has Evasive + does aoe damage + Condition Removal while evadingOr some1 else who is whinning about Rifles F1 Warriors or too much Stealth Enginner ? IN A CONQUESTT !!!!!!The answer is the secondYou !I wonder why you spend your time on him?For someone who "quit" and spends 90% of his life on this forum actively spamming thief defense posts/whines... its too much, dont you think?

Because he quit too .But with his posts , he is continuing to hurt the pvp scene .I am RPing in real life , by casting ''cure'' spells and try to pre-heal with HoT for the incoming damage :PBut I was talking about him entirely :P. I see (I'm just super bored, 2 days left until my current game get an update, its been a long time without content xD)
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You fight a thief who doesnt stow a single pistolwhip to bait ur dodges ? congrats looool


@bluri.2653 said:Its a mediocre build, cant even dodge biggest tell in the game?? Its rated gold only leauge on metabattle

So, you're sending some mixed signals. In your opinion, is pistol whip easy to fight against or not?

"PW thief is bad""LOL you didn't even fight against a good one"

?? I'm on your side here.

Yes, he could've cancelled PW but the skill can be avoided even without dodges.

I'm not sending any signals, I have no issues landing pistol whips as it is, feel free to watch my streams/youtube and see if it performs badly. I like this build its 10 times more enjoyable than playing core S/D. If i could i would play dp but its not on par with either build right now.

But you try showing some educational video of a absolute terrible thief and you get decapped even to some extent hella pressured, imagine fighting someone decent lol.

you can spin the camera/about face until the actual stun is done so you trying to sidestep/go behind does not work either and as i said you can stow as well - all about mindgames, and a good one would pistolwhip you while you are about to do a skill so you have no avoidance, does it mean you will land every PW? no of course not.

fyi this comment: Its a mediocre build, cant even dodge biggest tell in the game?? Its rated gold only leauge on metabattle is a full meme lmaobut as i have mentioned this build for me personally performs better both in AT's and ranked as it is for me, the only time i can feel useless as PW is if we fight a firebrand heavy comp but since I don't run firebrands myself S/D wouldn't perform better since we would straight out lose that anyway so PW does feel better, I can 2v2/3v3 better than I can with S/D cus of not needing as much CDS as i do with S/D, I can stay longer in fights due to the heavy evade frames from PW and let CD's recycle. oh and not to mention it allows me to 1v1 against pretty much anything but symbolbrands "kinda" i can still stalemate a weaver until i get +1'd

You can basically zone someone into pistolwhips when you fight for the node as well, move towards and pw/stow if needed to bait a dodge and then hit them with another pw, if you get good enough controlling camera/stowing you can pretty easily hit pw's

Do i think its bad? noDo i think its op compared to other builds? no

But yeah, I just find it incredibly funny to see how split the community is :) Some people say its trash and some say its OP.

I'm not saying it's trash but it's definitely not the strongest thief build. Anyways, I'm not trying to spend time arguing this. :)

Whats the strongest thief build according to you?

i have a question, did Anet 'nerf' this build?(notice the quote above)

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Btw, if we speak about broken stuff,Compare acro Pwhip to Core ranger with gazelle:

Mobility, stealth, invulnerability, blocks, oneshots, set of hard CC, built-in evade frames, AI, protection, stability, 1500 range, superspeed+condicleanse — YAY, good design.

Just give it teleport already, so it can have everything.

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Something is somewhat effective on thief resulting in some players dieing to a thief therefore resulting in nerf whines lolI really hope the balance dev's start to finally notice that listening to its community will literally just end up with thief being completely useless as that's the only way this community would stop crying about thief lol it's sad.

The problem doesn't come from effectiveness, but from how easy it is to spamm it. I rather have 1 super effective skill that can be used each 30-35 secs that a mediocre one which can be spamm while dazing and giving evades frames.

Its us such a easy skill to counter,its dps is no where near op and due to thief mechanics ALL its skill would have to be useless and ineffective or actually have more than one or two useful skills per weapon(as it is now) so spamming the few useful skills aren't required. Thief spams a skill or 2 at most each weapon set because they've all been nerfed from the whine's of this games ridiculously bias and sad community lolHonestly between the community and the devs lol this game sure is in great hands lol rogue's always get the most salt in mmo's but this community is something else, it's literally anything that somewhat works on thief must get nerfed in the communities eyes and the dev's are something else and actually listen lol

@Jasonbdj.4021 said:24k from rapid fire alone here on a nerco.... guess i'll continue to keep away from pvp trash mode till the next balance as it still dumb face roll gameplay

Necro to this day remains one of the most unfun classes to go against..especially core necro, being constantly loaded with disabiliting conditions on top of dmg ones...it's not fun and equally dumb. PvP has been trash mode since Dec 2014 with the Dhuum patch, ofc I don't expect a necro main to recognize that, no class is fun to fight in GW2...they all have highly unskilled mechanics...at least I can see past my own bias

This^Gw2 is all unskilled cheese builds these days and pvp is literally about out cheesing ur opponent. All the classes need massive reworks which wont happen anytime soon so enjoy lol. One mistake the devs made which the shoulda known better was to create counters than create counters to counters and so on lolSuch a mess.

Better try to lvl up your character in Blade and Soul , rather than wasting your time here :P

Oh I am lol got to lv 40 last night :)

GzNow because Blade and Soul its a 1v1 game , with its arenas , you should give your opinions there :PAnd not waste time here :P

Bdo not blade and soul lol plus I've been playing gw2 for half a decade and just started playing bdo so not really comfortable adding suggestions in their forums :)Plus still play a couple games each night or so for kicks.

You will do fine , in their forumsJust do the same as here , with bypolar answers :P

You should focus , on bdo much more to improve your skills

Well if ur having issues with pistol whip u as well definitely need to improve ur skills-in gw2 and a start would be practicing ur skills in gw2 instead of spending time whining or adding to the whining of every little skill that's annoying for u to face :)

Or Thief attracts casual players like you , that just spamms 1-2 skills , and think they are pro .Then Whine about Rifles Warrior hitting too hard , or Enginers stealth too much , or Mesmers should burst 25% of your HP from stealth , or blame the Devs for this mess powercreepTakes your main account with you too , and play some bdo :P

@saerni.2584 said:Anet should make a true OP thief build.

Steal oneshots you and takes 10 copper from your wallet.

Cleansing conditions applied by the thief apply additional condi instead.

Striking a thief has a base 25% chance for evade because we are just that agile.

PW thief OP? Erhm...can I suggest not standing in one spot with only one hand on your controls?

This! LolU forum whiners wanna talk about balance. Hit a scrapper 50 times and get him to 1/4 health, drops a turret and full heals and stuns u with hammer and downs thief in two hits while thief is stunned- balance! Let's whine about thief lmao

Its your problem , if you cannot simply dodge''V''Or use evade -mobility skills

2 of the attacks does the damage om the hammer > 1 has huge leap/followup animations > then they have to wait for long cd afterwards...unlikly thiefs

What ?Are you going to say that they does aoe + offer evades frames + daze?Guess what Pistowhip does too ?:PIn matter of fact, guess from which class we got the HoT evasive Ele + PoF evasive Mesmer spec from :PAnd many ..many will come :P

Pfff ...

Lol oh no u called me a casual. I played this game and thief for minimum of an hr or so each night for like 4 yrs strait so at this point I could care less what garbage u sling at me cuz now I'm a casual who doesn't play that much anymore lol. I dont play anymore cuz players like u who cant even deal with mediocre builds whine about every build that's a challenge or annoys u and runs to the forum to cry. PW has been around how long? Lmao now it's a problem cuz sind started playing it and some other thieves picked it up? So if sind played d/d next and other thieves started playing we'd see oh pls anet nerf d/d thief whaaaaaaaaa a few killed me so its OP whaaaaaaaaa the audacity of a thief who beats me in a fight whaaaaaaa op,op so OP.I swear u lemming are deserving of this garbage pile of a game lol doesnt even matter if a builds op on thief,along as thieves play it and a few people say it's good u guys flock to the forums to say how OP it is lmao.Hopefully sind makes another mediocre meme build and as thieves start playing it we will again see u whiners flock like lemmings duhhhh the builds op whaaaaaaa :)

Which is most casual ?When ones whinning about a spec that pressing 1-2 buttons , has Evasive + does aoe damage + Condition Removal while evadingOr some1 else who is whinning about Rifles F1 Warriors or too much Stealth Enginner ? IN A CONQUESTT !!!!!!The answer is the secondYou !

This is why after christmass , we must analyze your point of view :)

Calling PW aoe is a gross compliment, lmao. And the condition removal is (lol) conditional . No serious player is complaining about rifle warriors. Engineer's stealth gets complaints (and rightfully so) due to its low cooldown and duration combined with their stealth denial and DPS-sustain that allows them to pick and reset their fights too easily.

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Lmao so now its s/pThis community is a joke omg

Erm, no lol. Go watch sind streams. Supposvly he is facing people his rating and It's disgusting how simple yet effective s/p is (it always was but s/p is like the only real thing left in power builds since s/d is boring as kitten).

Ummm yeah so what ur saying is a build that's been around with zero complaints of being op for how long is now being played by sind due to being bored of s/d and because he's finding some success with it other players to are trying the build that now its OP and bothersome? LolSo any somewhat viable build that people play on thief will result in exactly this, so basically thief isnt allowed any ok builds or nerf cry's insue lol

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Lmao so now its s/pThis community is a joke omg

Erm, no lol. Go watch sind streams. Supposvly he is facing people his rating and It's disgusting how simple yet effective s/p is (it always was but s/p is like the only real thing left in power builds since s/d is boring as kitten).

Ummm yeah so what ur saying is a build that's been around with zero complaints of being op for how long is now being played by sind due to being bored of s/d and because he's finding some success with it other players to are trying the build that now its OP and bothersome? LolSo any somewhat viable build that people play on thief will result in exactly this, so basically thief isnt allowed any ok builds or nerf cry's insue lol

Nah, people did complain about it in the past and it did get nerfed a few years back.

Ofc people will complain about it, it can 1v1/team fight and still decap/hold nodes, look what happened to d/p and it couldn't really do ALL of the above but still got nerfed out of the meta.

S/p is a very simple build/weapon set to use but quite often the simplest of things is also the strongest.

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Sighs in constant nerf suggestions

@"ZDragon.3046" said:Going to refrain from saying too much and just use my brain on this post, as a mostly a necro player i feel i have the right to say "it feels bad man"That said, what ever anet chooses to do with this will be left as "it is what it is"

I wont make suggestions.

h e l p

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Lmao so now its s/pThis community is a joke omg

Erm, no lol. Go watch sind streams. Supposvly he is facing people his rating and It's disgusting how simple yet effective s/p is (it always was but s/p is like the only real thing left in power builds since s/d is boring as kitten).

Ummm yeah so what ur saying is a build that's been around with zero complaints of being op for how long is now being played by sind due to being bored of s/d and because he's finding some success with it other players to are trying the build that now its OP and bothersome? LolSo any somewhat viable build that people play on thief will result in exactly this, so basically thief isnt allowed any ok builds or nerf cry's insue lol

It's all due to initiative mechanic and the way anet keeps designing skills for thieves, they tend to create overstacked abilities that always do dmg and stun/daze or another unnecessary defensive mechanism, it's always a single skill doing all the work leaving the thief with ample space for other defensive tactics . Thief players tend to repeat the same sequence over and over again till they win...if anything fail they can always safely bail out of any situation unless being chased by another thief.

Thieves and mesmers will be always complained about, too many inbuilt defensive mechanisms and too much dmg leave very small windows of opportunities to retaliate.

Things like infiltrator's return - distortion makes seemingly impossible to punish thieves and mesmers unless they're the ones doing the mistake

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Lmao so now its s/pThis community is a joke omg

Erm, no lol. Go watch sind streams. Supposvly he is facing people his rating and It's disgusting how simple yet effective s/p is (it always was but s/p is like the only real thing left in power builds since s/d is boring as kitten).

Ummm yeah so what ur saying is a build that's been around with zero complaints of being op for how long is now being played by sind due to being bored of s/d and because he's finding some success with it other players to are trying the build that now its OP and bothersome? LolSo any somewhat viable build that people play on thief will result in exactly this, so basically thief isnt allowed any ok builds or nerf cry's insue lol

Nah, people did complain about it in the past and it did get nerfed a few years back.

Ofc people will complain about it, it can 1v1/team fight and still decap/hold nodes, look what happened to d/p and it couldn't really do ALL of the above but still got nerfed out of the meta.

S/p is a very simple build/weapon set to use but quite often the simplest of things is also the strongest.

Sp is a lot of work for slightly less reward you can team fight and try to decap or push far very ezily. But is it inherently effective at either of these 2 roles? Absolutely not even close, because it’s damage is very low though spammable and it’s no where even close to an effective duelist. It’s just that you can do a lot of everything rotating from node to node and fight to fight very quickly.It’s a low risk-low reward high effort build that can only carry with huge amounts of effort, which imo is only truly effective in situations like ranked or in lower elo matches where players are uncoordinated and don’t understand how much effort players put in just to annoy you, hence why players lose team fights and get decapped just because they decided to target this very low priority thief spec that is moving around spamming the same thing over and over again

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It's a meme build. Well against a Dagger Weaver, which isn't even meta. It's just annoying when a team fight starts and 3 of your teammates die to thief's burst. Right at the start!

S/P is a simple stun and burst build. Countless builds and countless other mmo's use the same tactic. If you can't handle that type of play, then don't play full burst. Gw2 had plenty of bruiser builds as well.

But don't beg Anet to nerf simple builds. It'll just force the Meta into even worst cheese.

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I wouldn't call it op just spammy. Sure wish the evade frames were shorter and more at the front of the animation. Thief has unintuitive evade frames on a lot of skills where the trend tends to be vulnerable at the apex of the animation rather than the end. Take vault for example. You can be hit while you're yoda flipping through the air but you're evading when you've slammed your staff down. There's a couple things like that.

Make P/W have evade frames on the windup and make them vulnerable during the slashing animation. Rewards reactive gameplay like a parry move and takes away the over the top evade window.

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@Tycura.1982 said:I wouldn't call it op just spammy. Sure wish the evade frames were shorter and more at the front of the animation. Thief has unintuitive evade frames on a lot of skills where the trend tends to be vulnerable at the apex of the animation rather than the end. Take vault for example. You can be hit while you're yoda flipping through the air but you're evading when you've slammed your staff down. There's a couple things like that.

Make P/W have evade frames on the windup and make them vulnerable during the slashing animation. Rewards reactive gameplay like a parry move and takes away the over the top evade window.

I’m not sure if the evade frames are too bad becuz it takes a while to cast say if they wanna stow or start casting this is a super simple time to hit them and I can land a steal then or even at the very end of pistol whip, which isn’t much worse than a full counter. Actually if they add an evade frame to the start say that it’ll evade even if you stow it or make the evade faster at the start it would be abusable like the old bunker staff and I think more people will complain about it being OP.I actually don’t think there should be an evade on PW tbh because no where on the skills tooltip does it ever say this skill provides an evade, maybe that’s why it is the way it is though

@"shadowpass.4236" said:

As shadowpass presented the skill is incredibly ez to dodge the way it is even if your not a thief with high evades and I’ll tell u if you dodge this skill correctly the build is essentially useless. Depending on what thief build I’m playing say core s/d I will basically automatically win that 1v1 75-95% of the time again depends on what build I’m on some better than others. PW is so counterable rn that I honestly wouldn’t recommend any changes except you could just just get rid of the dodge completely cuz tooltip doesn’t mention one, but then this build would be so absolutely unviable that probably not 1 person would play it

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It does it perform well in 1V1 or 1VX because of the high evade uptime but I think the real issues come when you fight this build in teamfights. The number of lock down is quite high meaning anything else targeting you will probably get free damage on you.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Yes initiative is a stupid mechanic that should not exist in a game, Revenant is what developers wanted thief to be.I also think the same. Thief is clearly breaking a lot of the game rules when it comes to PvP.Side note : I think ele is also an outlier and would have been beetter if choosing only a few elements but that is a different story.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:I wouldn't call it op just spammy. Sure wish the evade frames were shorter and more at the front of the animation. Thief has unintuitive evade frames on a lot of skills where the trend tends to be vulnerable at the apex of the animation rather than the end. Take vault for example. You can be hit while you're yoda flipping through the air but you're evading when you've slammed your staff down. There's a couple things like that.

Make P/W have evade frames on the windup and make them vulnerable during the slashing animation. Rewards reactive gameplay like a parry move and takes away the over the top evade window.

I’m not sure if the evade frames are too bad becuz it takes a while to cast say if they wanna stow or start casting this is a super simple time to hit them and I can land a steal then or even at the very end of pistol whip, which isn’t much worse than a full counter. Actually if they add an evade frame to the start say that it’ll evade even if you stow it or make the evade faster at the start it would be abusable like the old bunker staff and I think more people will complain about it being OP.I actually don’t think there should be an evade on PW tbh because no where on the skills tooltip does it ever say this skill provides an evade, maybe that’s why it is the way it is though

@"shadowpass.4236" said:

As shadowpass presented the skill is incredibly ez to dodge the way it is even if your not a thief with high evades and I’ll tell u if you dodge this skill correctly the build is essentially useless. Depending on what thief build I’m playing say core s/d I will basically automatically win that 1v1 75-95% of the time again depends on what build I’m on some better than others. PW is so counterable rn that I honestly wouldn’t recommend any changes except you could just just get rid of the dodge completely cuz tooltip doesn’t mention one, but then this build would be so absolutely unviable that probably not 1 person would play it

Lmao pw losing to sd? Rofllll

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:I wouldn't call it op just spammy. Sure wish the evade frames were shorter and more at the front of the animation. Thief has unintuitive evade frames on a lot of skills where the trend tends to be vulnerable at the apex of the animation rather than the end. Take vault for example. You can be hit while you're yoda flipping through the air but you're evading when you've slammed your staff down. There's a couple things like that.

Make P/W have evade frames on the windup and make them vulnerable during the slashing animation. Rewards reactive gameplay like a parry move and takes away the over the top evade window.

I’m not sure if the evade frames are too bad becuz it takes a while to cast say if they wanna stow or start casting this is a super simple time to hit them and I can land a steal then or even at the very end of pistol whip, which isn’t much worse than a full counter. Actually if they add an evade frame to the start say that it’ll evade even if you stow it or make the evade faster at the start it would be abusable like the old bunker staff and I think more people will complain about it being OP.I actually don’t think there should be an evade on PW tbh because no where on the skills tooltip does it ever say this skill provides an evade, maybe that’s why it is the way it is though

@"shadowpass.4236" said:

As shadowpass presented the skill is incredibly ez to dodge the way it is even if your not a thief with high evades and I’ll tell u if you dodge this skill correctly the build is essentially useless. Depending on what thief build I’m playing say core s/d I will basically automatically win that 1v1 75-95% of the time again depends on what build I’m on some better than others. PW is so counterable rn that I honestly wouldn’t recommend any changes except you could just just get rid of the dodge completely cuz tooltip doesn’t mention one, but then this build would be so absolutely unviable that probably not 1 person would play it

Lmao pw losing to sd? Rofllll

Quick question, if someone dodges your sword 2 immobilizes and kites out of range of your PW stun (because you're immobile while casting), what would you do to land it asides from setting it up with an instant teleport like Steal/Shadowstep/Infiltrator's Signet? From my experience playing with/against it, someone who can abuse movement through super speed/even swiftness will never get hit by it unless you TP right before the stun hits. The only time you should be able to land it consistently (even if you cancel so you don't waste ini on misses/if you don't need the evade) is if the enemy CHOOSES to stay close to you in melee range.

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@aymnad.9023 said:It does it perform well in 1V1 or 1VX because of the high evade uptime but I think the real issues come when you fight this build in teamfights. The number of lock down is quite high meaning anything else targeting you will probably get free damage on you.

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Yes initiative is a stupid mechanic that should not exist in a game, Revenant is what developers wanted thief to be.I also think the same. Thief is clearly breaking a lot of the game rules when it comes to PvP.Side note : I think ele is also an outlier and would have been beetter if choosing only a few elements but that is a different story.

It just shits on mesmers and necros that dont have pocket firebrand that can hold their hand with aegis, blind and stab vomit.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:I wouldn't call it op just spammy. Sure wish the evade frames were shorter and more at the front of the animation. Thief has unintuitive evade frames on a lot of skills where the trend tends to be vulnerable at the apex of the animation rather than the end. Take vault for example. You can be hit while you're yoda flipping through the air but you're evading when you've slammed your staff down. There's a couple things like that.

Make P/W have evade frames on the windup and make them vulnerable during the slashing animation. Rewards reactive gameplay like a parry move and takes away the over the top evade window.

I’m not sure if the evade frames are too bad becuz it takes a while to cast say if they wanna stow or start casting this is a super simple time to hit them and I can land a steal then or even at the very end of pistol whip, which isn’t much worse than a full counter. Actually if they add an evade frame to the start say that it’ll evade even if you stow it or make the evade faster at the start it would be abusable like the old bunker staff and I think more people will complain about it being OP.I actually don’t think there should be an evade on PW tbh because no where on the skills tooltip does it ever say this skill provides an evade, maybe that’s why it is the way it is though

As shadowpass presented the skill is incredibly ez to dodge the way it is even if your not a thief with high evades and I’ll tell u if you dodge this skill correctly the build is essentially useless. Depending on what thief build I’m playing say core s/d I will basically automatically win that 1v1 75-95% of the time again depends on what build I’m on some better than others. PW is so counterable rn that I honestly wouldn’t recommend any changes except you could just just get rid of the dodge completely cuz tooltip doesn’t mention one, but then this build would be so absolutely unviable that probably not 1 person would play it

Lmao pw losing to sd? Rofllll

Quick question, if someone dodges your sword 2 immobilizes and kites out of range of your PW stun (because you're immobile while casting), what would you do to land it asides from setting it up with an instant teleport like Steal/Shadowstep/Infiltrator's Signet? From my experience playing with/against it, someone who can abuse movement through super speed/even swiftness will never get hit by it unless you TP right before the stun hits. The only time you should be able to land it consistently (even if you cancel so you don't waste ini on misses/if you don't need the evade) is if the enemy CHOOSES to stay close to you in melee range.

You s2 back???????????????Im done jfc xd

You are immobile when the slashes start, the whole part with stun thats the cast u can move and turn camera freely and stow it.

I will showcase for you someday at weekend

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:I wouldn't call it op just spammy. Sure wish the evade frames were shorter and more at the front of the animation. Thief has unintuitive evade frames on a lot of skills where the trend tends to be vulnerable at the apex of the animation rather than the end. Take vault for example. You can be hit while you're yoda flipping through the air but you're evading when you've slammed your staff down. There's a couple things like that.

Make P/W have evade frames on the windup and make them vulnerable during the slashing animation. Rewards reactive gameplay like a parry move and takes away the over the top evade window.

I’m not sure if the evade frames are too bad becuz it takes a while to cast say if they wanna stow or start casting this is a super simple time to hit them and I can land a steal then or even at the very end of pistol whip, which isn’t much worse than a full counter. Actually if they add an evade frame to the start say that it’ll evade even if you stow it or make the evade faster at the start it would be abusable like the old bunker staff and I think more people will complain about it being OP.I actually don’t think there should be an evade on PW tbh because no where on the skills tooltip does it ever say this skill provides an evade, maybe that’s why it is the way it is though

@"shadowpass.4236" said:

As shadowpass presented the skill is incredibly ez to dodge the way it is even if your not a thief with high evades and I’ll tell u if you dodge this skill correctly the build is essentially useless. Depending on what thief build I’m playing say core s/d I will basically automatically win that 1v1 75-95% of the time again depends on what build I’m on some better than others. PW is so counterable rn that I honestly wouldn’t recommend any changes except you could just just get rid of the dodge completely cuz tooltip doesn’t mention one, but then this build would be so absolutely unviable that probably not 1 person would play it

Lmao pw losing to sd? Rofllll

In my experience pistol whip build can 1v1 s/d, condi or staff which I play against full bunker comps but pretty much only in a burst situation. All other times in an equal 1v1 it’s auto lose. I’ve tested this out a lot and as I’ve seen in match against other thief’s- I usually mention Zenyus as I think he’s an excellent thief who mains this build- I have always seen this to be the case

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:I wouldn't call it op just spammy. Sure wish the evade frames were shorter and more at the front of the animation. Thief has unintuitive evade frames on a lot of skills where the trend tends to be vulnerable at the apex of the animation rather than the end. Take vault for example. You can be hit while you're yoda flipping through the air but you're evading when you've slammed your staff down. There's a couple things like that.

Make P/W have evade frames on the windup and make them vulnerable during the slashing animation. Rewards reactive gameplay like a parry move and takes away the over the top evade window.

I’m not sure if the evade frames are too bad becuz it takes a while to cast say if they wanna stow or start casting this is a super simple time to hit them and I can land a steal then or even at the very end of pistol whip, which isn’t much worse than a full counter. Actually if they add an evade frame to the start say that it’ll evade even if you stow it or make the evade faster at the start it would be abusable like the old bunker staff and I think more people will complain about it being OP.I actually don’t think there should be an evade on PW tbh because no where on the skills tooltip does it ever say this skill provides an evade, maybe that’s why it is the way it is though

As shadowpass presented the skill is incredibly ez to dodge the way it is even if your not a thief with high evades and I’ll tell u if you dodge this skill correctly the build is essentially useless. Depending on what thief build I’m playing say core s/d I will basically automatically win that 1v1 75-95% of the time again depends on what build I’m on some better than others. PW is so counterable rn that I honestly wouldn’t recommend any changes except you could just just get rid of the dodge completely cuz tooltip doesn’t mention one, but then this build would be so absolutely unviable that probably not 1 person would play it

Lmao pw losing to sd? Rofllll

Quick question, if someone dodges your sword 2 immobilizes and kites out of range of your PW stun (because you're immobile while casting), what would you do to land it asides from setting it up with an instant teleport like Steal/Shadowstep/Infiltrator's Signet? From my experience playing with/against it, someone who can abuse movement through super speed/even swiftness will never get hit by it unless you TP right before the stun hits. The only time you should be able to land it consistently (even if you cancel so you don't waste ini on misses/if you don't need the evade) is if the enemy CHOOSES to stay close to you in melee range.

You s2 back???????????????Im done jfc xd

You are immobile when the slashes start, the whole part with stun thats the cast u can move and turn camera freely and stow it.

I will showcase for you someday at weekend

Tbh I’ve played a heck of a lot of PW thief and I’m also pretty dang competent in thief 1v1s. The ability to move PW a little with the camera and what ur suggesting helps a little bit, but for real 1v1s against actually good players especially thief is no where near as strong situationally and flanking strike. If u didn’t know flanking strike is abusable as heck in 1v1s as u can detarget for a dodge and if u retarget it usually sends u behind a target. So using this alone I can dodge almost any pistol whip and if I want to do damage at the end I’ll be behind you, which as I said this alone makes it a super ez 1v1 pistol whip just wins when u burst which against a thief that can 1v1 like me is not gonna happen a lot especially with the damage on this new acro build cuz it take many hits to actually down me

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:I wouldn't call it op just spammy. Sure wish the evade frames were shorter and more at the front of the animation. Thief has unintuitive evade frames on a lot of skills where the trend tends to be vulnerable at the apex of the animation rather than the end. Take vault for example. You can be hit while you're yoda flipping through the air but you're evading when you've slammed your staff down. There's a couple things like that.

Make P/W have evade frames on the windup and make them vulnerable during the slashing animation. Rewards reactive gameplay like a parry move and takes away the over the top evade window.

I’m not sure if the evade frames are too bad becuz it takes a while to cast say if they wanna stow or start casting this is a super simple time to hit them and I can land a steal then or even at the very end of pistol whip, which isn’t much worse than a full counter. Actually if they add an evade frame to the start say that it’ll evade even if you stow it or make the evade faster at the start it would be abusable like the old bunker staff and I think more people will complain about it being OP.I actually don’t think there should be an evade on PW tbh because no where on the skills tooltip does it ever say this skill provides an evade, maybe that’s why it is the way it is though

As shadowpass presented the skill is incredibly ez to dodge the way it is even if your not a thief with high evades and I’ll tell u if you dodge this skill correctly the build is essentially useless. Depending on what thief build I’m playing say core s/d I will basically automatically win that 1v1 75-95% of the time again depends on what build I’m on some better than others. PW is so counterable rn that I honestly wouldn’t recommend any changes except you could just just get rid of the dodge completely cuz tooltip doesn’t mention one, but then this build would be so absolutely unviable that probably not 1 person would play it

Lmao pw losing to sd? Rofllll

Quick question, if someone dodges your sword 2 immobilizes and kites out of range of your PW stun (because you're immobile while casting), what would you do to land it asides from setting it up with an instant teleport like Steal/Shadowstep/Infiltrator's Signet? From my experience playing with/against it, someone who can abuse movement through super speed/even swiftness will never get hit by it unless you TP right before the stun hits. The only time you should be able to land it consistently (even if you cancel so you don't waste ini on misses/if you don't need the evade) is if the enemy CHOOSES to stay close to you in melee range.

You s2 back???????????????Im done jfc xd

You are immobile when the slashes start, the whole part with stun thats the cast u can move and turn camera freely and stow it.

I will showcase for you someday at weekend

Tbh I’ve played a heck of a lot of PW thief and I’m also pretty dang competent in thief 1v1s. The ability to move PW a little with the camera and what ur suggesting helps a little bit, but for real 1v1s against actually good players especially thief is no where near as strong situationally and flanking strike. If u didn’t know flanking strike is abusable as heck in 1v1s as u can detarget for a dodge and if u retarget it usually sends u behind a target. So using this alone I can dodge almost any pistol whip and if I want to do damage at the end I’ll be behind you, which as I said this alone makes it a super ez 1v1 pistol whip just wins when u burst which against a thief that can 1v1 like me is not gonna happen a lot especially with the damage on this new acro build cuz it take many hits to actually down me

I know you get memed a lot and I will probably get shit for this but if you're the thief named Hitzer's Apprentice I actually thought you were Hitzer's alt cause you're actually pretty decent at thief.

I will say from the few times I've come across you, you did fine. And, I agree with you for the most part regarding s/d vs. s/p thief. Even when I watch Sind's streams, the only times he lands PWs without teleporting first are when:

  1. The enemies he's fighting literally stay next to him and when they do kite away, they don't bait out Headshot(s).
  2. They don't dodge the immob from S2 (also a teleport).
  3. They don't dodge the windup stun animation (granted, this can be cancelled, but a lot of the time Sind doesn't actually need to).

Also, the massively reduced Steal cooldown from Swindler's Equilibrium is a very fun trait and I enjoy the mechanic. However, it's another reason why PWs land more frequently as the trait not only decreases the cooldown of a teleport, but enables Sind (and any other DD PW thief) to land it through blocks when coupled with Swipe.

Just gonna say one more thing... I think Swindler's Equilibrium is perfectly fine and the PW build as a whole is not an issue. Even though it relies mainly on a single button for it's damage (+ autos), it's definitely possible for people to fight against it/counter the build as well as for the person using the build to outplay with baits/smart skill usage.

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